112 research outputs found

    Penerapan Self Assessment untuk Mengukur Keterampilan Generik Sains Siswa melalui Praktikum Larutan Asam Basa (Penelitiaan Kelas XI IPA MA Al-Ihsan Baleendah Bandung)

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    Larutan asam-basa merupakan konsep abstrak contoh konkrit yang memerlukan pemahaman baik dari segi makroskopik, mikroskopik dan simbolik. Berdasarkan studi pendahuluan, guru cenderung memfokuskan pada aspek perhitungan, dan jarang dilakukan praktikum. Self assessment diterapkan dalam mengembangkan keterampilan generik sains untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang terjadi dalam mempelajari larutan asam basa. Metode deskriptif digunakan untuk membuat deskriptif gambaran secara sistematis dan akurat mengenai fakta dan fenomena yang diselidiki. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis keterampilan generik sains siswa dengan penerapan self assessment dan menganalisis kinerja siswa dalam praktikum larutan asam basa. Subjek penelitian ini terdiri dari 25 orang siswa kelas XI IPA MA Al-Ihsan Baleendah Bandung. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian meliputi Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS), lembar self assessment, dan rubrik penilaian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan keterampilan generik sains siswa dengan penerapan self assessment pada praktikum larutan asam basa sudah tergolong sangat baik dengan nilai rata-rata persentase secara keseluruhan sebesar 89,6% dan kinerja siswa dalam pengembangan keterampilan generik sains secara keseluruhan memperoleh hasil yang sangat baik dengan nilai 88,1%. Untuk penelitian selanjutnya, diharapkan self assessment ini dapat diterapkan untuk mengembangkan keterampilan berpikir yang lain pada materi kimia yang lain


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    Sulawesi Tengah memiliki banyak peninggalan sejarah berupa situs megalit sebagai bukti peradaban masa lalu. Situs megalit ini dapat dijumpai di beberapa tempat, seperti: Lebah Napu, Lembah Besoa, dan Lembah Palu. Keberadaan situs megalit tersebut adalah sumber sejarah yang dapat dijadikan sebagai media pembelajaran sejarah, utamanya di SMA. Tujuan penelitian ini, mendeskripsikan situs megalit dan pemanfaatannya sebagai media pembelajaran sejarah di SMA Negeri 3 Palu. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif melalui obsevasi, dokumentasi, dan wawancara terkait situs megalit di Lembah Palu. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan dua hal, yakni: (1) Sulawesi Tengah memiliki situs-situs megalit yang tersebar di beberapa wilayah, salah satunya di Lembah Palu. Situs ini tersebar di empat tempat, antara lain: Vatunonju, Oloboju, Bangga, dan Tulo. (2) Situs megalit adalah sumber sejarah yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai media pembelajaran sejarah di SMA Negeri 3 Palu, utamanya pada materi Sejarah Indonesia masa pra aksara

    Pengaruh motivasi, kepuasan kerja, dan kepemimpinan terhadap kinerja karyawan pada PT. XYZ

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    This study aims to determine whether there is influence between motivation, job satisfaction, and leadership on employee performance of PT XYZ. This research uses a quantitative approach by distributing questionnaires to 45 employees of PT XYZ. The result shows that motivation and leadership have a significant effect on employee performanc, but job satisfaction variable has no significant effect. The implication of this finding is that increasing leadership capacity and motivation simultaneously can be determinants of employee performance


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    The purpose of this research is to explain the influence of nonfinancial compensation, motivation and job satisfaction on employee performance of PT Bakrie Pipe Industries Bekasi partially and simultaneously. The research this use  quantitative approach by using interview and questionnaire. The samples using purposive sampling technique with Slovin formula resulted 217 respondent samples. Data analysis used validity test, reliability test, multiple linear regression test. The result of the research found that: (1) Nonfinancial compensation has no significant effect on employee performance; (2) Motivation have significant effect on employee performance; (3) Job satisfaction have significant effect on employee performance; and (4) Nonfinancial compensation, motivation, and job satisfaction have significant effect on employee performance. Keywords: Nonfinancial Compensation, Motivation, Job Satisfaction, Employee Performanc


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    FACIAL EXPRESSIONS AND GESTURES OF BODY LANGUAGE ANALYSIS OF THE MALE MAIN CHARACTER JACK MCCALL IN A THOUSAND WORDS FILM 2012 Rahma Rizkiya Windayanti English Literature, Languages and Arts Falculty, State University of Surabaya [email protected] Drs. Suwono, Ph.D. English Literature, Languages and Arts Faculty, State University of Surabaya [email protected] Abstrak Studi ini mengacu pada studi komunikasi nonverbal, khususnya studi bahasa tubuh. Studi ini fokus pada analisis ekspresi wajah dan gerak isyarat tubuh dari bahasa tubuh oleh pemeran laki-laki utama Jack McCall di film A Thousand Words. Lagi pula, masyarakat mengekspresikan ekspresi wajah dan gerak isyarat tubuh guna mendukung komunikasi secara verbal. Melalui film A Thousand Words, studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui makna dibalik ekspresi wajah dan gerak isyarat tubuh oleh pemeran laki-laki utama Jack McCall sebagai penggambaran dari ekspresi wajah dan gerak isyarat tubuh yang diekspresikan oleh masyarakat di seluruh dunia. Ada tiga tujuan dalam analysis studi ini. Yang pertama, studi ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi macam-macam ekspresi wajah dan gerak isyarat tubuh dari bahasa tubuh yang diekspresikan oleh pemeran laki-laki utama Jack McCall. Yang kedua, studi ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi makna dari ekspresi wajah dan gerak isyarat tubuh dari bahasa tubuh yang diekspresikan oleh pemeran laki-laki utama Jack McCall. Dan yang terakhir, studi ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana ekspresi wajah dan gerak isyarat tubuh dari bahasa tubuh bekerja dalam interaksi antara pemeran laki-laki utama Jack McCall dan para pemeran lainnya. Beberapa teori dari sumber yang berbeda-beda digunakan untuk membuat studi ini lebih akurat. Teori-teori tersebut digunakan untuk mendukung proses analisis studi ini. Kualitatif deskriptif adalah sebuah metode yang digunakan untuk menjawab permasalahan-permasalahan dalam studi ini. Datanya adalah sebuah film yang berjudul A Thousand Words. Film ini dipublikasikan pada tahun 2012. Data ini dideskripsikan dalam bentuk gambar-gambar dan kata-kata. Berdasarkan dari studi ini, ditemukannya macam-macam ekspresi wajah dan gerak isyarat tubuh dari bahasa tubuh yang diekspresikan oleh pemeran laki-laki utama Jack McCall, seperti simple smile, upper smile, broad smile, eyes raise, eyes stare, eyes weep, forefinger point, forefinger raise, hand shake, arms behind, the nose touch, the mouth cover, chin stroking, boredom gesture, hands clenched together, legs cross knee-knee, and legs cross ankle-knee. Juga ditemukannya makna dari ekspresi wajah dan gerak isyarat tubuh dari bahasa tubuh untuk mengungkapkan perasaan jujur oleh pemeran laki-laki utama Jack McCall. Dan yang terakhir, ditemukannya bagaimana ekspresi wajah dan gerak isyarat tubuh dari bahasa tubuh bekerja dengan baik atau tidak dalam berinteraksi antara pemeran laki-laki utama Jack McCall dan para pemeran lainnya. Untuk memahami permasalahan-permasalahan ini, harus dilihatnya penggunaan ekspresi wajah dan gerak isyarat tubuh dari bahasa tubuh melalui konteks sosial, seperti subyek, waktu, tempat, topik pembicaraan, atau situasi. Di akhir analysis, studi ini diharapkan memperluas pengetahuan dan pandangan terhadap fenomena ekspresi wajah dan gerak isyarat tubuh dari bahasa tubuh yang digunakan untuk mengekspresikan perasaan yang sebenarnya.   Kata Kunci: Komunikasi Nonverbal, Bahasa Tubuh, Ekspresi Wajah, Gerak Isyarat Tubuh, dan konteks.   Abstract This study refers to the nonverbal communication study, especially body language study. This study focuses on the analyzing of facial expressions and gestures of body language of the male main character Jack McCall in A Thousand Words film. Moreover, people express facial expressions and gestures in order to support communicating verbally. Through A Thousand Words film, this study is used to know the meaning behind facial expressions and gestures of the male main character Jack McCall as a representation of them which are expressed by people around the world. There are three purposes of analyzing this study. First, it is used to identify the kinds of facial expressions and gestures of body language which are expressed by the male main character Jack McCall. Second, it is used to identify the meaning of facial expressions and gestures of body language which are expressed by the male main character Jack McCall. And the last, it is used to describe how facial expressions and gestures of body language work in the interaction between the male main character Jack McCall and other characters. Several theories from different sources are used to make this study more valid. These several theories are used to support the process of analyzing this study. Descriptive qualitative is a method that is used to answer the problems in this study. The data is a film entitled A Thousand Words. This film was published in 2012. This data is described in the form of images and words. From this study, it can be found the kinds of facial expressions and gestures of body language which are expressed by the male main character Jack McCall, such as simple smile, upper smile, broad smile, eyes raise, eyes stare, eyes weep, forefinger point, forefinger raise, hand shake, arms behind, the nose touch, the mouth cover, chin stroking, boredom gesture, hands clenched together, legs cross knee-knee, and legs cross ankle-knee. It can also be found the meaning of facial expressions and gestures of body language to reveal the true feeling of the male main character Jack McCall. And the last, it can be found how facial expressions and gestures of body language successfully work or not in the interaction between the male main character Jack McCall and other characters. To understand these problems, it must be looked at the using of facial expressions and gestures of body language from the social context, such as subject, time, place, topic of conversation, or situation. In the end, this study is hoped enlarge the knowledge and our view on the phenomenon of facial expressions and gestures of body language which are used to express the true feeling.   Key Words: Nonverbal Communication, Body Language, Facial Expressions, Gestures, and Context.       BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY  Communication is important for everybody because they need to communicate to one another. According to Everett M. Rogers and D. Lawrence Kincaid (in Cangara, 2009: 20), komunikasi adalah suatu proses dimana dua orang atau lebih membentuk atau melakukan pertukaran informasi antara satu sama lain yang pada gilirannya terjadi saling pengertian yang mendalam (Communication is a process of two people or more which is formatting or exchanging information one another, it will occur a deep mutual understanding). The process of communication is divided by two, verbal communication is a medium for communication that entails talking using the spoken word, such as talking face-to-face, on a telephone, or as a speech, while nonverbal communication is a medium for communication that entails using cues via body language to convey message content.(1) Communication verbally means speaking. Everybody will speak when communicating to one another. However, communicating verbally is not the only way to communicate. Henry H. Calero states that humans have capability of receiving information besides what is written or spoken (2005: 1). So, humans have capability for communicating using their body movements as a symbol or a signal while speaking. Body language is a universal language which is expressed by people around the world. Nonverbal communication has been used as a primary communication tool since thousands years ago. Henry H. Calero explains that for thousands of years, mankind has used wordless messages to communicate, thoughts, attitudes, ideas, and emotions, by using gesture, posture, facial expressions, sounds, and symbols (2005: 2). In the past, people had not been familiar with writing and language yet, so people communicated using body movements to one another. Nowadays, people still communicate nonverbally while speaking. A person who speaks will express some expressions from his body movements consciously and unconsciously. Understanding about body language in nonverbal communication cannot be separated from the context. By Teun A. van Dijk, the term “context” is used to the “social situation” of language in general (2009: 2). The body language occurs in the conversation for expressing the spoken words. So, to understand about the body language, it is required to understand about the context. The context refers to the social situation is about subject, place, time, situation, or topic of conversation. This context is used to understand the expression of body language correctly. The scientific name of body language is kinesics. According to Marcel Danesi, body language is the general term used to indicate communication by means of gestures, postures, and other witting and unwitting body signals and signs (2004: 53). To recognize the body movements, it can be seen from the gestures and facial expressions. According to David McNeill, gestures I mean are everyday occurrences – spontaneous, unwitting, and regular accompaniments of speech that we see in our moving finger, hands, and arms (2005: 3). Another sign of body language is facial expression. Facial expressions are the expression through the signal of smile and eyes. Facial expressions are expressed consciously and unconsciously. According to Henry H. Calero, a research has revealed that messages are conveyed between individuals 55 percent from the body, 38 percent from the voice – inflection, intonation, volume – and 7 percent from the words (2005: 5). According to the research, body language gives bigger contribution than the intonation of voices or words. It can be concluded that a person feels more satisfy if he expresses his spoken or feeling by using the body movements. Based on these backgrounds, previous study is needed for helping to analyze this study. This previous study entitled Gestures Used In Oprah TV Show. This study focuses on the gestures of Oprah Winfrey in Oprah TV Show. Strengthens of this study is Oprah Winfrey has her own style when she is interacting with guest star and audiences. However, the weakness of this study is smile and eyes signals are parts of head or face gesture. Theoretically, gesture is a signal of body movements. So, smile and eyes signal should be categorized as facial expressions. This study will analyze facial expressions and gestures of body language which are expressed by the male main character Jack McCall in A Thousand Words film. This film was directed by Brian Robbins and published in 2012. The male main character Jack McCall was played by Eddie Murphy. A Thousand Words film tells about the story of the male main character Jack McCall who is cursed by a magic tree that loses a leaf with every word he speaks. This film is interesting to be analyzed because the male main character Jack McCall expresses facial expressions and gestures of body language when he is communicating with the other characters. By these problems, the purpose of this study is used to know the kinds of facial expressions and gestures of body language that cover-up the conversation between Jack McCall and other characters. To know about this problem, it is necessary to know the kinds of facial expressions and gestures which are expressed by the male main character Jack McCall, the meaning of facial expressions and gestures of body language which are expressed by the male main character Jack McCall, and how facial expressions and gestures of body language work in the interaction between Jack McCall and other characters in A Thousand Words film.     RESEARCH METHOD The data analyzed based on the nonverbal communication theory, especially in facial expressions and gestures of body language. According to Dornyei (2007: 126), qualitative research on the other hand, focuses on describing, understanding, and clarifying a human experience. In this study, it was analyzed human experience such as human behavior through facial expressions and gestures of body language and human’s problem based on the context. The data that was analyzed was the male main character Jack McCall in A Thousand Words film published in 2012. Based on Miles and Huberman, three aspects of analysis: data reduction, data display, and the drawing of conclusions. a         Data Reduction: Selecting relevant or irrelevant data and then, classifying the data based on the kinds of facial expressions and gestures. By classifying the data, it has been found 17 kinds of facial expressions and gestures of body language involved 6 facial expressions and 11 gestures. b         Data Display: The data which was selected and classified was inserted into a table. These data involved picture of the male main character Jack McCall, time, characters, setting, plot, action, and indication. c         The Drawing of Conclusions: identifying the kinds and the meaning of facial expressions and gestures of body language which were expressed by the male main character Jack McCall. And then, describing how those facial expressions and gestures of body language work in the interaction between the male main character Jack McCall and other characters   The researcher concluded the whole analyses of facial expressions and gestures of body language which were used by the male main character Jack McCall in A Thousand Words film 2012 based on nonverbal communication theory.     DISCUSSION Jack McCall expresses facial expressions and gestures of body language in A Thousand Words film. There are 17 kinds of facial expressions and gestures of body language which are involved 6 facial expressions and 11 gestures. These 6 facial expressions which are expressed by the male main character Jack McCall consist of simple smile, upper smile, broad smile, eyes raise, eyes stare, and eyes weep. While, 11 gestures which are expressed by the male main character Jack McCall consist of forefinger point, forefinger raise, hand shake, arms behind, the nose touch, the mouth cover, chin stroking, boredom gesture, hands clenched together, legs cross knee-knee, legs cross ankle-knee. Those kinds of facial expressions and gestures of body language which are expressed by the male main character Jack McCall are a representation of facial expressions and gestures of body language which are expressed by people around the world. On the other words, those kinds of facial expressions and gestures of body language which are expressed by the male main character Jack McCall is a universal body language. According to the data of facial expressions, there are three example of simple smile which is found in the male main character Jack McCall. Upper smile consists of two examples. Broad smile consists of two examples. Eyes raise consists of one example. Eyes stare consists of three examples. And Eyes weep consists of one example. While, according to the data of gestures, there are four examples of forefinger point. Forefinger raise consists of one example, hand shake consist of three examples, arms behind consists of one example, the nose touch consists of one example, the mouth cover consists of one example, chin stroking consist of one example, boredom gesture consists of one example, hands clenched together has one example of, legs cross knee-knee consists of one example, and legs cross ankle-knee consists of one example. Classifying those kinds of facial expressions and gestures of body language which are expressed by the male main character shows the characteristic, example, function, and background of the facial expressions and gestures of body language in general. Those kinds of facial expressions and gestures of body language which are expressed by the male main character Jack McCall have different meaning based on the context. For example: the eyes raise which are expressed by the male main Jack McCall means that he is very angry and shock. According to the data, Jack McCall gets a report from Aaron (Jack’s secretary) of Dr. Sinja’s book are accepted by Aaron. Jack McCall wants to publish Dr. Sinja’s book. But, he gets shock when Aaron said the book only has five pages long. Eyes raise itself have two meanings, first meaning means exasperation or very anger and the second meaning means that a person who is surrender to God. By that example, Jack McCall’s eyes raise means he is very angry. Another example: hand shake is a natural habit which often occurs when two people or more are meeting at the first time. However, hand shake is used to bind a contract. Jack McCall and Dr. Sinja are shaking their right hands together when they are dealing a contract. Dr. Sinja agrees to Jack McCall’s offer. Jack McCall gives an offer to publish Dr. Sinja’s book. Then Dr. Sinja agrees to publish his book. Hand shake is about the dealing a contract. It means that both of them agree to make cooperation. The context which is used to analyze the meaning refers to the social situation, such as setting, plot, conversation, situation, and past experience. The past experience refers to the Jack McCall’s problem. Jack McCall gets a curse by a magic tree that loses a leaf with every word he speaks. The analysis of the meaning of facial expressions and gestures of body language show the true feeling. However, facial expressions and gestures of body language show honesty. Everybody can be lying when talking, but it is difficult to hide the true feeling from the body signals. Facial expressions and gestures of body language are expressed conscious and unconsciously. Additionally, facial expressions and gestures of body language are expressed to support the spoken words. Facial expressions and gestures of body language which are expressed by the male main character Jack McCall give positive and negative impressions to the interlocutor. These facial expressions and gestures of body language which are expressed by the male main character Jack McCall are polite or impolite behavior so the interlocutor is able to accept or not. For example, a smile is a signal of happiness. Jack McCall expresses upper smile when he is introducing to some clients. This upper smile shows a signal of respecting and welcome. Jack McCall gives an appreciation by showing his smiling to someone at the first meeting. This facial expression shows a positive impression to the other character or the interlocutor. The interlocutor does not get insulted by the Jack McCall’s facial expressions. And this facial expression shows polite behavior to the interlocutor. Moreover, a forefinger point is a signal of pointing a direction to a person or something. For example: Forefinger point occurs in the conversation between Jack McCall and a valet. A Valet is asking to Jack McCall about his manuscript, but Jack McCall feels disturbed by the valet’s question. So, Jack McCall answers valet’s questions by expressing forefinger point. Jack McCall’s answer is insulted a valet. So, the forefinger point is used to beat this valet’s in order to not disturb Jack McCall again. Additionally, Jack McCall also expresses his forefinger point to this valet for commanding. He gives a command to this valet to park his car. This valet who feels disappoint does not say anything to Jack McCall. These examples of facial expressions show negative impressions to the other character or the interlocutor. The interlocutor gets insulted by the Jack McCall’s gestures. And this gesture shows polite behavior to the interlocutor. Furthermore, Jack McCall does not speak because of a problem. Jack McCall gets a curse by a magic tree that loses a leaf with every word he speaks.  So, Jack McCall can only express his feeling through the facial expressions and gestures of body language. However, facial expressions and gestures of body language which are expressed by the male main character Jack McCall without any spoken words are difficulty understood by other characters or the interlocutors. In this research, it can be found that a lot of misunderstanding between the male main character Jack McCall and other characters. For example: the conversation between Jack McCall and Shrink. The conversation between Jack McCall and Shrink shows that Jack McCall and Shrink do not get any problem of the conversation. Jack McCall who are talkative are talking too much to Shrink. And in this scene, Jack McCall who is sitting by legs cross knee-knee position is wanted to get more attention from Shrink. While, the conversation between Jack McCall and Shrink shows that Jack McCall and Shrink get a problem of the conversation. Jack McCall keeps so silent, so he does not talk anything. Jack McCall does eye contact to Shrink but Shrink feels confused with the Jack McCall behavior in this scene. Therefore, Shrink gets a misunderstanding with the Jack McCall’s behavior. Moreover, to understand those facial expressions and gestures, a person needs to understand the social context which is supporting those behaviors. Based on this research, understanding about social context is able to be done by looking at the conversation, plot, condition, and past experience (problem). In A Thousand Words film, Jack McCall gets a big problem with his speaking. Jack McCall cannot speak because of a magic tree that loses a leaf with every word he speaks.     CONCLUSION The male main character Jack McCall expresses facial expressions and gestures when


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    Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh guru sejarah di Sigi, belum adanya kesadaran tentang peran penting buku Sejarah Lokal sebagai khazanah budaya dan dokumen sejarah bangsa. Padahal, buku sejarah lokal merupakan salah satu data utama dalam menyusun dan merekonstruksi sejarah, baik sejarah sosial, sejarah keagamaan, maupun sejarah kebudayaan dalam pembelajaran sejarah. Tujuan PkM ini untuk menumbuhkan kesadaran tentang pentingnya buku sejarah pahlawan lokal (Towoalangi di Kulawi) Kabupaten Sigi dalam konten pembelajaran sejarah. Hasil PkM ini menjukkan dua hal, yakni: (1) Buku Sejarah Pahlawan Lokal (Towoalangi di Kulawi) Kabupaten Sigi merupakan salah satu buku lokal yang bisa dijadikan referensi di dalam pembelajaran sejarah lokal bagi guru kepada siswa, utamanya di SMA Negeri 12 Sigi. (2) Munculnya kesadaran akan pentingnya buku sejarah lokal sebagai produk budaya. Produk budaya dimaksudkan disini ialah dari segi isi merepresentasikan beragam ide, gagasan, pemikiran, kreativitas, tradisi, dan kearifan masa lalu yang dikarsakan nenek-moyang dalam membangun sejarah dan peradaban manusia di Sigi, Sulawesi Tengah umumnya


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    Pijat laktasi adalah teknik pemijatan yang dilakukan pada daerah kepala atau leher, punggung, tulang belakang, dan payudara yang bertujuan untuk merangsang hormon prolaktin dan oksitosin. Hormon yang berperan dalam produksi ASI adalah hormon prolaktin dan oksitosin. Berdasarkan hasil studi pendahuluan yang dilakukan di Puskesmas Telukjambe melalui wawancara, dari hasil wawancara maka diperoleh dari 6 ibu menyusui, yaitu 2 orang ibu mengatakan ASI nya keluar lancar dan 4 orang ibu mengatakan ASI nya keluar tidak lancar. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perbedaan produksi air susu ibu (ASI) pada ibu menyusui sebelum dan sesudah diberikan pijat laktasi di Puskesmas Telukjambe. Metode : Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian eksperimen semu (Quasy Eksperiment) dengan pendekatan One Group pretest and posttest design, populasi penelitian adalah seluruh ibu menyusui dengan bayi usia 0-6 bulan sebanyak 25 orang, dengan teknik total sampling. Instrument penelitian menggunakan lembar observasi. Analisis data menggunakan analisis univariat dan bivariat dengan uji chi-square Hasil : Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan ibu menyusui sebelum diberikan pijat laktasi pengeluaran ASI tidak lancar sejumlah 17 ibu (68%) dan lancar sebanyak 8 orang (32%), Sedangkan jumlah ibu menyusui sesudah diberikan pijat laktasi pengeluaran ASI lancar sejumlah 25 ibu (100%). Berdasarkan uji Chi-Square nilai p value = 0,000 (p<0,05), berarti terdapat perbedaan produksi air susu ibu (ASI) pada ibu menyusui sebelum dan sesudah diberikan pijat laktasi di Puskesmas Telukjambe. Kesimpulan: Ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara produksi air susu ibu (ASI) pada ibu menyusui sebelum dan sesudah diberikan pijat laktasi di Puskesmas Telukjambe

    Hubungan Pengetahuan dengan Sikap SADARI (Pemeriksaan Payudara Sendiri) pada Remaja Putri: The Correlation between Knowledge and Attitudes Young Women about Breast Self-Examination (BSE)

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    The number of breast cancer cases is ranked second after cervical cancer, the most common among women in the world. A survey conducted by WHO stated that 8-9% of women suffer from breast cancer. Breast self-examination is very important because almost 85% of breast lumps are discovered by sufferers themselves. This method is very simple, but it is hoped that it can reduce the high number of breast cancer sufferers, because the earlier it is detected, the faster the treatment process is needed. BSE is an important thing for teenagers to know to help teenagers carry out early detection of breast cancer. Good knowledge about BSE can help teenagers have a positive attitude towards themselves. The aim of the research is to determine the relationship between knowledge and BSE attitudes in young women. The population of female students at SMK "S" in Temanggung was 35 respondents. The sampling technique used was Accidental Sampling of 29 respondents. Data analysis used frequency distribution and Chi Square test. The research results showed that there was nocorrelation between knowledge and BSE (p value > 0.05).   Abstrak Jumlah kasus kanker payudara menduduki peringkat kedua setelah kanker serviks yang paling banyak diderita wanita di dunia. Survei yang dilakukan WHO menyatakan 8–9% wanita mengalami kanker payudara. Pemeriksaan payudara sendiri sangat penting untuk dilakukan karena hampir 85% benjolan di payudara ditemukan oleh penderita sendiri. Metode ini sangat sederhana, namun diharapkan dapat menekan tingginya angka penderita kanker payudara, karena semakin awal terdeteksi maka semakin cepat proses pengobatan yang diperlukan. SADARI menjadi hal yang penting untuk diketahui oleh remaja untuk membantu remaja melakukan deteksi dini dari kanker payudara. Pengetahuan yang baik mengenai SADARI dapat membantu remaja mempunyai sikap yang positif terhadap dirinya. Tujuan penelitiannya yaitu  untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pengetahuan dengan sikap SADARI pada remaja putri. Populasinya siswi SMK “S” di Temanggung sebanyak 35 responden. Tehnik sampling yang digunakan adalah accidental sampling, sebanyak 29 responden. Analisis data menggunakan distribusi frekuensi dan uji Chi Square. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan antara pengetahuan dengan sikap SADARI (p value > 0,05


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    Remaja merupakan salah satu tahap perkembangan yang selalu menarik untuk dikaji. Haid merupakan indikator kematangan seksual perempuan. Remaja putri membutuhkan edukasi tentang personal hygiene saat haid karena jika personal hygiene tidak diterapkan dengan benar maka dapat menimbulkan infeksi pada organ reproduksi, infeksi jamur dan bakteri. Keluhan yang sering muncul pada remaja putri adalah nyeri haid. Remaja putri yang dapat menjalani haid dengan nyaman akan berdampak pada aktivitas di sekolah diantaranya ijin sakit karena nyeri haid dapat berkurang sehingga kehadiran di kelas dapat meningkat Selama siklus haid remaja putri ada hal lain yg juga menjadi perhatian, deteksi dini kanker payudara dengan pemeriksaan SADARI yang dapat dilakukan setiap bulan oleh remaja. Pemeriksaan SADARI menjadi penting karena usia muda bukan jaminan aman dari kanker payudara. Tujuan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan edukasi kepada remaja putri tentang personal hygine selama haid, Metode yang dilakukan mencakup pendidikan kesehatan dan demonstrasi. Kegiatan akan dilakukan dalam kelompok remaja putri kepada siswi SMK pada 3 jurusan di kelas X yaitu jurusan MM (Multi Media), TKJ (Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan), dan TEI (Teknik Elektronika Industri). Jumlah siswi yang bergabung dalam kegiatan sebanyak 76 siswi. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat menunjukan peningkatan pengetahuan remaja putri tentang personal hygiene selama haid dan peningkatan dalam mengatasi nyeri haid dengan akupresure serta peningkatan SADARI. Kata Kunci : haid, personal hiegine, akupresure, SADARI


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    Good Corporate Governance (GCG) adalah suatu praktik pengelolahan perusahaan secara amanah dan prudensial dengan mempertimbangkan keseimbangan pemenuhan kepentingan seluruh stakeholders. Dengan implementasi Good Corporate Governance (GCG), maka pengelolahan sumber daya perusahaan diharapkan menjadi efisien, efektif, ekonomis dan produktif dengan selalu berorientasi pada tujuan perusahaan dan memperhatikan stakeholders. Implementasi Good Corporate Governance (GCG) dalam suatu perusahaan yang baik adalah dengan dibentuknya suatu dewan komisaris, komisaris independen, kepemilikan manajerial dan komite audit. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membuktikan secara empiris tentang pengaruh Good Corporate Governance (GCG) dilihat dari komposisi dewan komisaris independen, kepemilikan manajerial, dan keberadaan komite audit terhadap praktik Earning Management. Variabel dalam penelitian ini adalah komposisi dewan komisaris independen (X1), kepemilikan manajerial (X2), keberadaan komite audit (X3) dan manajemen laba (Y).Sampel penelitian ini adalah 36 data laporan keuangan perusahaan otomotif yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia pada tahun 2008 – 2011. Sedangkan data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linier berganda. Berdasarkan pengujian yang dilakukan, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa komposisi dewan komisaris independen, kepemilikan manajerial dan keberadaan komite audit berpengaruh secara tidak signifikan terhadap praktik manajemen laba
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