5,972 research outputs found

    The new terrorists: the normalisation and spread of anti-terror laws in Australia

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    This article explores the dynamic by which once exceptional measures become normalised and then extended to new extremes. Abstract Since September 11, Australia’s federal Parliament has enacted a range of exceptional measures aimed at preventing terrorism. These measures include control orders, which were not designed or intended for use outside of the terrorism context. What has followed, however, has been the migration of this measure to new contexts in the states and territories, especially in regard to what some have termed the ‘war on bikies’. This has occurred to the point that this measure, once considered extreme, has become accepted as a normal aspect of the criminal justice system, and has in turn given rise to even more stringent legal measures. This article explores the dynamic by which once exceptional measures become normalised and then extended to new extremes. It explores these issues in the context of the role that constitutional values have played in this process

    NCEA level 3 economics and economic literacy in introductory economics at University

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    In 2003, New Zealand significantly reorganised high school education by moving to a standards-based assessment approach. This paper investigates whether the economics standards are associated with economic understanding using 2008-2011 data from students at the University of Waikato. We find that there is significant association between NCEA economics and economic literacy. However, some standards have a much closer association with economic literacy, in particular AS90631 and AS90632. These standards are the only standards associated with economic literacy for both high aptitude and low aptitude students. An optimal high school course in economics should include these standards as a minimum

    Valuing Ecosystem Services from Private Forests

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    Non-market valuation, ecosystem services, Environmental Economics and Policy,

    Temporal and spatial evolution of a waxing then waning catastrophic density current revealed by chemical mapping

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    We reconstruct the behavior of a catastrophic sustained radial pyroclastic density current as it waxed then waned during its brief lifespan. By subdividing the deposit into 8 time slices using a chemical tracer, we show that the sustained current initially was topographically restricted, but that its leading edge advanced in all directions, encroaching upon and gradually ascending hills. During peak flow the current reached its maximum extent and overtopped all topographic highs. After this, and while the current direction from source was maintained, the leading edge gradually retreated sourceward. High-resolution analysis of the depositional architecture reveals how the flow dynamics evolved and runout distance of the sustained density current rapidly increased then decreased, reflecting the dominant influence of changing mass flux, as demonstrated in numerical models but not previously distinguished in a natural deposit

    Geological Development of Indiana and the Movement of Peoples Across the State

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    Grade Level(s): 4In order to better understand the geological development of Indiana and the movement of peoples across the state, students will interact with a web site published by the United States Geological Survey.Benjamin Franklin Elementary; Terre Haute, I

    A quantitative descriptive study of the self-perception of Southern Oregon entrepreneurial leaders

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    The study helped to identify what are the leadership styles of adult entrepreneurs, and what if any factors contribute to an entrepreneurs\u27 leadership style. The study focused on entrepreneurial leaders, over the age of 18, who own and started their own business. These entrepreneurs are a member of one of the following Southern Oregon-based business networking groups: Southern Oregon Regional Economic Development, Inc. (SOREDI), and the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) of Southern Oregon. The study explored the self-perceived leadership styles of entrepreneurs in Southern Oregon through a quantitative descriptive survey method that utilized a 45-question, Likert scale from the Mind Garden, Inc., Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire survey and a 27-question researcher-developed demographic survey. The study was assessed by descriptive statistics. The results from several different analysis provided the following phenomena about the Southern Oregon participants\u27 entrepreneurial leadership styles as a group of 25 entrepreneurs: a) fell within the normal expected ranges for their transformational leadership characteristics of Builds Trust (IIA), Acts with Integrity (IIB), Encourages others (IM), Encourages Innovative Thinking (IS), and Coaches and Develops People (IC), including the entrepreneur respondents, ranked above the mean for Transformational benchmarks plus in a p-test comparison to the MLQ norm, ranked higher than the MLQ Handbook normative group b) fell within the normal expected ranges for their transactional leadership characteristics of Rewards Achievement (CR); and Monitors Deviations and Mistakes (MBEA), fell within the normal expected ranges for their Passive-Avoidant Behaviors leadership traits of Fights Fires (MBEP) and Avoids Involvement (LF). However, the 25 entrepreneurs\u27 self-perception of the outcomes of their leadership fall below the standard expected benchmark ranges for Generates Extra Effort (EE), Is Productive (EEF), and Generates Satisfaction (SAT) in their organizations, of which these factors are primarily utilized with the 360-degree rater form. The entrepreneur respondent pool resulted in a significant difference between the MLQ self-rater

    “No Lynch, No Peaks!”:Authorship, fan/actor campaigns and the challenges of Twin Peaks’ return(s)

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    This article explores the return of Twin Peaks in 2017, exploring how the series’ revival may threaten fans’ sense of trust in the text and their own fan identity (Williams, 2015). Many fans welcome the return of beloved shows such as Twin Peaks and the involvement of original creators Mark Frost and David Lynch offers a Ê»guaranteeÊŒ of authenticity, whilst the return of cast members presents the opportunity to re-visit favourite characters. This paper firstly explores how Twin Peaks’ resurrection allows consideration of fan responses to the continuation of an assumed dormant textual world by exploring the potential impact of the return of original actors and the series’ creators.Secondly, the paper considers the impact of Lynch’s temporary departure from the series in April 2015 and the subsequent actor-led campaign to encourage his return. The “No Lynch, No Peaks” campaign allows exploration of how the actors involved positioned themselves as both fans and potential employees. The paper thus analyses David Lynch’s enduring position as the auteur of Twin Peaks and how the campaign allows consideration of the actors as media professionals, fans of Lynch, and figures who display forms of cultural and symbolic capital (Bourdieu. 1984)
