879 research outputs found

    Ecofeminism in the Speculative Fiction of Ursula K. Le Guin, Octavia Butler, and Margaret Atwood

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    The aim of this article is to explore the speculative fiction works of three prominent, female speculative fiction writers: Ursula K. Le Guin, Margaret Atwood,and Octavia Butler through an ecofeminist lens. Ecofeminism, as first coined by Francois D\u27Eaubonne in 1974, is a philosophy that compares the oppression and abuse of women to that of the environment. This article notes how Le Guin, Atwood, and Butler portray women and the environment in post-apocalyptic science fiction. Specifically, this article looks at how these authors explore food acquisition and consumption in their various worlds. This article asks the question, how does our relationship with food (acquisition, agriculture, manufacturing, and consumption) reflect our relationship with our ecological environment and our understanding of women and the female role. The following will examine Le Guin\u27s The Left and of Darkness and The Dispossessed, Atwood\u27s MaddAddam trilogy, and Butler\u27s Xenogenesis trilogy

    An investigation of the Dynamic indicators of basic early literacy skills (DIBELS) and the Illinois snapshot of early literacy (ISEL)

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    Pojam kreativnosti ima različita značenja i pojašnjenja. Razlog tomu je što je mnogo pojedinaca pojam pokušalo objasniti sa svojeg stajališta Joy Paul Guilford, Ellen Winner, Irving Taylor, Abraham Maslow i Paul Torrance samo su neki od njih. Poticanje kreativnosti kod djece predškolske dobi važno je kako za dijete tako i za njegovu okolinu. Odrasli bi trebali poticati svaki djetetov kreativan trenutak, bez uplitanja i nametanja svojeg mišljenja. Tek tada će dijete razvijati svoju kreativnost i postajati ''mali znanstvenik''. Rad je podijeljen na četiri dijela; pojam kreativnosti; odnosno što je kreativnost i kako je pojašnjavaju različiti psiholozi, zatim dijete i kreativnost; kako se kreativnost razvija, ali i kako se uništava. Treći dio je kreativnost u institucionalnom kontekstu- igre pomoću kojih odrasli mogu poticati kreativnost. Namijenjene su predškolskoj dobi, ali se i starija djeca mogu okušati u njima. Podijeljene su na nekoliko tema kako bi odraslima bilo lakše odabrati pravu igru za pojedino dijete. Četvrti dio ovog rada (dodatak) jesu slike kako je petogodišnja djevojčica nacrtala moguća rješenja nekih igara koje se nalaze u trećem dijelu. Kod razvijanja kreativnosti svi imamo veliku važnost i zbog toga je vrlo bitno da smo toga svjesni. Samim razgovorom s djecom i načinom na koji oblikujemo njihovu okolinu te igrama koje pružamo djetetu možemo razvijati njegovu kreativnost, ali je i uništavati. Svrha ovog rada je da postanemo svjesni toga jer ćemo onda i djelovati pozitivno na djecu i pomoći im razvijati kreativnost. Dijete u predškolskoj dobi trebalo bi biti slobodnog uma, slobodno se igrati i izrađivati štogod se dosjeti, dok je posao odrasloga da sva ta igra bude bezopasna i korisna za dijete i njegov razvoj.The concept of creativity has different meanings and explanations. This is because a lot of individuals attempt to explain the concept to its position; Joy Paul Guilford, Ellen Winner, Irving Taylor, Abraham Maslow and Paul Torrance are just some of the therefrom. Encouraging creativity in children of preschool age, is important for both the child and his environment. Adults should encourage each child's creative moment, without interference and to seek their opinions. Only then will a child develop their creativity and become '' a little scientist ''. The paper is divided into four parts; the concept of creativity; or what is creativity and how it explains various psychologists, then on child and creativity; how creativity develops, and how it destroys. The third part is creativity in the institutional context- games by which adults can encourage creativity. Games are designed for preschool age, but older children can try to play them. They are divided on several topics to help adults to easier choose the right game for the individual child. The fourth part of this study (appendix) are the images that the five-year girl drew possible solutions to some of the games that are in the third part. In developing the creativity we all have great importance and that is why it is very important that we are aware of it. By talking to children and the way they shape their environment and games that provide child can develop his creativity, but so can destroy it. The purpose of this paper is to become aware of it because we will then act positively on children and help them develop creativity. The child in the pre-school age should be open-minded, free play and make whatever he wants until all adult must make this game harmless and beneficial for the child and its development

    Finding Support and Negotiating Identity:An Analysis of the Structure and Content of Newbie Posts and their Elicited Replies on Five Pro-Eating Disorder Websites

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    Building on work that has identified the difficulties ‘newbies’ (people joining an internet forum for the first time) have in negotiating acceptance onto eating disorder related forums, the present study reports a discourse analysis and a descriptive statistical analysis of the structure and content of newbie first posts and the responses to them. Analysis of posts from five English language pro-ana sites, collated over the course of one month showed that all newbie posts were responded to, with 57 % percent eliciting further discussion between the newbie and other members. A reoccurring pattern for successful newbie entry was identified across these forums despite their relative diversity. Successful postings involved giving enough information about themselves to elicit identification from another member, explicitly requesting support or advice so as to give established members a role of guide as well as guardian of site membership, and writing in a way that reproduced the sites’ behavioural rules and ideological framing of eating disorders (e.g. a problem requiring recovery or a lifestyle choice). The study also highlights a dual role for these websites as both offering community support and a platform for ‘cyber pickup’ for those seeking a partner in their disordered eating.Le présent article s’appuie sur des travaux ayant identifié les difficultés que connaissent les newbies (nouveaux arrivants sur un forum Internet) pour négocier leur acceptation sur des forums de discussion liés aux troubles alimentaires. Nous présentons une analyse de discours et des statistiques descriptives de la structure et du contenu des premiers messages de newbies et de leurs réponses. L’analyse de messages postés sur cinq sites « pro-ana » de langue anglaise, rassemblés sur une période d'un mois, a montré que tous les messages de newbies ont reçu une réponse et que dans 57 % des cas, cela a mené à des discussions entre les nouveaux arrivants et d’autres membres. Nous avons pu identifier un schéma récurrent d’entrée réussie sur ces forums. Les messages couronnés de succès contiennent suffisamment d'informations sur les newbies pour permettre leur identification par les autres membres, formulent des demandes explicites de soutien ou de conseils, de manière à placer les membres établis dans des rôles de guide ou de gardien de la communauté, et sont écrits de façon à reproduire les règles de comportement du site et son cadrage idéologique concernant les troubles alimentaires (un problème nécessitant une guérison ou bien un choix de vie). L'étude met également en évidence le double rôle que jouent ces sites, consistant à la fois à offrir le soutien d’une communauté et à servir de plate-forme de rencontre pour ceux qui cherchent un partenaire dans leur pratique des troubles alimentaires

    Development and application of imaging techniques for the investigation of dentinal hypersensitivity

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    The overall aim of this thesis is to examine the underlying physical basis of dentinal hypersensitivity and to assess methods of treating this cause using imaging techniques. The scanned probe microscopy (SPM) techniques are then extended to the study of carbon-based electrode surfaces, as described in the final chapter. The use of scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM), combined with in situ pressure-time measurements, is described as a means to investigate the flow of fluid through human and bovine dentine, and the subsequent effect of occlusion treatments on this flow. Scanning Ion Conductance Microscopy (SICM) is also introduced as a technique for imaging dentine, with instrument design and development described, and also calibration of the technique. Laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM) coupled to a constant volume flowpressure measuring system is introduced as a new technique for the quantitative measurement of fluid flow across porous materials. The methodology described herein firstly allows a ready assessment of the general efficacy of treatments via hydraulic permeability measurements. Second, LSCM images allow the nature of the flow process and the mode of action of the treatments to be revealed at high spatial resolution. For the particular case of dentine, we demonstrate how the method allows candidate treatments to be compared and assessed. To complement the studies into dentinal hypersensitivity, microscopic dissolution of bovine enamel is investigated. This chapter describes a novel approach, based on SECM, to promote the localised dissolution of bovine enamel, effected by the application of a proton flux to the enamel surface from a UME positioned within 5 μm of the surface, in aqueous solution. The approach results in a well-defined “acid challenge” yielding well-defined etch pits that were characterised using light microscopy and white light interferometry. The effect of etching in the presence of lactate is considered, as is the effect of treating the enamel samples with sodium fluoride prior to etching. The approach described is amenable to mass transport modelling, allowing quantitative interpretation of etch features. The techniques developed throughout the thesis are applied to the investigation of two types of carbon electrodes: boron-doped diamond (BDD) and highly ordered pyrolytic graphite (HOPG). Heterogeneities in the electroactivity of these substrates are explored.A scanning micropipet contact method (SMCM) is described which promises wide-ranging application in imaging and quantifying electrode activity at high spatial resolution

    Mobile Learning Features Preferred: An Examination of Students in the United Arab Emirates

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    The purpose of the current study was to examine the preferred mobile learning features higher education Emirati students use to make sense of mathematics and to determine if these Emirati students valued a mobile device as an essential tool to learn mathematics. Both students and instructors used the Texas Instruments Nspire: Computer Algebra System (CAS) App in a semester mathematics course. The app has such features as enter expressions in proper mathematics notation, import images, dynamically linked notes, share work across platforms (emails, iTunes, Dropbox, etc.), and save documents to mobile device. Participates included sixty-three undergraduate students enrolled in a mathematics course at Zayed University (Dubai campus, United Arab Emirates). Based on a pre- and post-survey, students\u27 positive perspectives of mathematics increased, negative perspectives decreased, and instructor influence on mobile learning increased. The pre- and post-questionnaire revealed an increase in the participants\u27 opinion that mobile learning is an essential tool to help make sense of mathematics

    A preservice teacher’s learning of instructional scaffolding in the EAL practicum

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    This qualitative case study examines how a preservice English as an Additional Language (EAL) teacher from the Faculty of Education at a large Melbourne-based university learned to scaffold EAL learning during a two-week practicum in a secondary school and the factors shaping his cognition. The data sources include individual interviews, oral reflections on lessons and recordings of those same lessons. The study was underpinned by a sociocultural perspective on scaffolding and van de Pol, Volman, and Beishuizen's (2010) framework for analysing scaffolding, which is based on a synthesis of previous models and findings. The findings indicate that the preservice teacher implemented a number of scaffolding strategies during the EAL practicum. The use of these strategies was shaped by the preservice teacher’s theoretical knowledge of scaffolding and belief about its importance, which he gained from the teacher education coursework and his prior practicum experience. Learning within practice was also found to be important in his cognition of scaffolding as through the practicum he developed knowledge about his students’ abilities and their difficulties in learning EAL, which are the basis for his contingent scaffolding strategies. Based on the findings, the paper suggests that instructional scaffolding is an important area of professional learning, especially for teachers working with EAL students, and needs to be explicitly built into teacher education in both coursework and the teaching practicum.N/

    A common language and shared understanding of family violence? Corpus-based approaches in support of system

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    Family violence is an enduring social problem with devastating impacts. The Victorian Government (Australia) Royal Commission (state inquiry) into Family Violence (RCFV) noted that language is implicated in underreporting and under-recording of violence and emphasised the importance of agencies having ‘a common language’ and ‘shared understanding’ of family violence. Our analyses examine written submissions to the RCFV for frequencies and collocations, focussed on the construction and roles of human referents. We utilised corpus assisted discourse analysis to explore if community service and law-based professional bodies do have common vocabularies and if these represent shared ideas, responding directly to agendas set by those involved. Analyses show key differences but also undercover a shared lack of agency given to victims and a loss of focus on the role of those who inflict these forms of violence. We argue for the utility of corpus linguistic methods to empirically show how language is used to construct conceptualisations of family violence across key sectors of the service system. We intend this research as a starting point for discussion between professionals working to improve cross-sector communication, by bringing linguistic insights to this deep-rooted social issue

    Epigenetic consequences of interploidal hybridisation in synthetic and natural interspecific potato hybrids

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    Interploidal hybridisation can generate changes in plant chromosome numbers, which might exert effects additional to the expected due to genome merger per se (i.e., genetic, epigenetic and phenotypic novelties).Wild potatoes are suitable to address this question in an evolutionary context. To this end, we performed genetic (AFLP and SSR), epigenetic (MSAP), and cytological comparisons in: i) natural populations of the diploid cytotype of the hybrid taxonomic species Solanum x rechei (2n=2x, 3x) and its parental species, the triploid cytotype of Solanum microdontum (2n=2x, 3x) and Solanum kurtzianum (2n=2x); and ii) newly synthesised intraploidal (2x x 2x) and interploidal (3x x 2x) S. microdontum x S. kurtzianum hybrids.Aneuploidy was detected in S. x rechei and the synthetic interploidal progeny; this phenomenon might have originated the significantly higher number of methylation changes observed in the interploidal vs. the intraploidal hybrids. The wide epigenetic variability induced by interploidal hybridisation is consistent with the novel epigenetic pattern established in S. x rechei compared to its parental species in nature.These results suggest that aneuploid potato lineages can persist throughout the short term, and possibly medium term, and that differences in parental ploidy resulting in aneuploidy are an additional source of epigenetic variation.Fil: Cara, Nicolás. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Biología Agrícola de Mendoza. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Instituto de Biología Agrícola de Mendoza; ArgentinaFil: Ferrer, María Soledad. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Biología Agrícola de Mendoza. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Instituto de Biología Agrícola de Mendoza; ArgentinaFil: Masuelli, Ricardo Williams. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Biología Agrícola de Mendoza. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Instituto de Biología Agrícola de Mendoza; ArgentinaFil: Camadro, Elsa Lucila. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata; ArgentinaFil: Marfil, Carlos Federico. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Biología Agrícola de Mendoza. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Instituto de Biología Agrícola de Mendoza; Argentin

    The causal role of mood in confabulation

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    Bibliography: leaves 35-40.Following a presumed haemorrhage in the hyplthalamic area during an operation to remove a tumour from the diencephalon and frontal lobes, a man (CA) presented with confabulatory amnesia. Previous research papers have shown that confabulations (CA's included) have a positive emotional bias and Turnbull et al. (in press) have demonstrated that low mood appears to co-occur with confabulation. This paper explores the mood of CA across time