11 research outputs found

    Pendekatan Simulasi Untuk Menentukan Frekuensi Amatan Dalam Pendugaan Produktivitas Cabai

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    Horticulture is one of the important commodities in the agricultural sector. Methods of horticulture data collection is continuously developed to meet the needs of planning, one of which is a method of counting clump (RC) to estimate the productivity of horticultural commodities. However, the method of the RC is still encountering difficulties in its application, one of the difficulties is in the observation of crops with multiple harverst, such as chili. Simulation was conducted through generating productivity data using 5 models on group productivity data using 5 models on group productivity of plot samples with the same general characteristics. Through the simulation approach, the results of this study indicate that the observations of only partial harvest (twice) can estimate well total observation of harvest, provided the harvest frequency is known

    Analisis Mutu Dan Kriteria Kelayakan Dokumen Amdal Di Kabupaten Bogor Dan Kota Bogor

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    The rapid development activities that occurred in Indonesia has the potential to put pressure on the environment. It therefore requires sustainable development efforts with one instrument is Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). Along with the development and adjustment of environmental conditions, EIA policy has undergone several changes. With EIA policy changes, evaluation on EIA performance needs to be done. The performance evaluation conducted on 15 EIA documents EIA document issued by the District and City of Bogor in 2012 through 2014. The analytical method used is the analysis of the quality of the test quality criteria document and focused on quality test aspects of consistency, necessity and relevance, feasibility analysis with weighting criteria, Pearson correlation analysis of the two respondents certified appraiser to see the similarity assessment method. From the analysis it can be seen that the quality of the documents are best seen from the EIA documents to categories of tourist accommodation facilities with a score of 81 and the analysis of the eligibility criteria resulted that three documents are not worth the environment seen from discussion of the feasibility of the benchmarks in the EIA document, also PerMenLH 08 of 2013 carried out by equally from both respondents with a positive correlation results 0.681

    Pengaruh Motivasi Dan Disiplin Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan (Studi Kasus Pada Karyawan Departemen Spinning I PT. Damatex Salatiga) the Influence of Motivation and Discipline of Work to Employee Performance of Spinning I Department of PT. Damatex Salati

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    PT. Damatex Salatiga is a company that runs in the field of textiles oriented on profit goals and strive to create competitive advantages. Employee performance is one of measurements, which is often used in determining the effectiveness of the company. A company will not able to improve if the performance of employees is stagnant, nevertheless with the high level of competition in the business world. In order to improve employees performance by increasing motivation and discipline of work. The purpose of this research is to investigate and examine the effect of the motivation and discipline of work to employee performance of Spinning I Department of PT. Damatex Salatiga.This research uses explanatory research approach of 72 repondents that taken with proportionate random sampling method. Data collection techniques is using questionnaires, interviewed and the documentation technique. Data were analyzed using linear regression analysis.Based on the results of the analysis, it shows that motivation has a positive effect toward performance about 14,5%. Employees discipline has a positive effect toward performance about 12,7%.Motivation and discipline have a significant effect toward performance about 19,8%. The higher level of motivation and discipline of work, the higher level of performance.Advice that can be given to the company is the company should be focus on labours by making some reviews of work assignments that have been established and need to be adjust between job assignment with capability of workers. Company should give a spirirt by giving appreciation for theworkers and if possible, recreation program for the workers, thus eventually will improve the performance of their workers

    Modal Intelektual Pada Perusahaan-Perusahaan Di Sektor Keuangan Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2010-2014

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    This study aimed to analyze the company's intellectual capital in the financial sector. The financial sector companies listed in the Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI) 2010-2014 was used as the sample. The sample selection using purposive sampling method. The data used in this study were secondary data from company annual report obtained from the official website of Indonesia Stock Exchange. Measurement of intellectual capital in this study using a model of Value Added Intellectual Coefficients (VAIC) and measurement of financial performance using ratio analysis with ROA as profitability variable, ATO as productivity variable, and GR as variable growth. The results showed that the overall financial performance of the financial sector in the period of observation were top performers and common performers. Based on the value of company's intellectual capital, the intellectual capital components contributed most was human capital

    Analisis Tingkat Kepuasan Pelanggan Atas Kualitas Produk Dan Pelayanan CV. Roda Mas Jaya Semarang (Studi Kasus Pada Konsumen CV. Roda Mas Jaya Semarang)

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    The successful key of CV. Roda Mas Jaya Semarang in the field of tire retreading is focus on customer satisfaction in order to survive and dominate the market. In order to improve customer satisfaction, CV. Roda Mas Jaya Semarang trying to provide the kind of products and services superior facilities that aims to satisfy customers. This research is a descriptive survey approach. Sample was 15 companies were taken using census techniques. Measurement scale with a Likert scale. Data collection by interview using a questionnaire. Data analysis using Cartesian diagram.The results showed that the level of product conformance to customer expectations by 79.31% in the category are satisfied. This means that the performance of the product CV Roda Mas Jaya Semarang meet customers' expectations by 79.31%. Service quality level according to customer expectations by 89.44% in the category are satisfied. This means that the performance of services CV. Roda Mas Jaya Semarang meet customer expectations by 89.44%.Advice can be given for the company is to improve the performance and speed of the product with specifications in the manufacture of products, as well as timeliness in providing services to customers and compliance with the promised service process

    Kinerja Penyuluh Dari Perspektif Petani Dan Eksistensi Penyuluh Swadaya Sebagai Pendamping Penyuluh Pertanian

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    Kinerja penyuluh pertanian PNS belum menunjukkan manfaat yang signifikan dalam peningkatan pendapatan dan kesejahteraan petani. Azas keseimbangan kegiatan penyuluhan, yang memperhatikan keseimbangan antara kebijakan, inovasi teknologi dengan kearifan masyarakat setempat, keseimbangan pemanfaatan sumberdaya dan kelestarian lingkungan, serta keseimbangan antar kawasan yang maju dengan kawasan yang relatif tertinggal, masih belum terlaksana dengan baik. Azas kerjasama dalam penyelenggaraan penyuluhan yang seharusnya dilaksanakan secara sinergis dalam kegiatan pembangunan pertanian, perikanan dan kehutanan serta sektor lain belum tercapai dengan baik. Azas berkeadilan, belum tercermin dalam penyelenggaraan penyuluhan yang memposisikan pelaku utama dan pelaku USAha berhak mendapatkan pelayanan secara proporsional sesuai dengan kemampuan, kondisi, serta kebutuhan pelaku utama dan pelaku USAha. Satu tenaga penyuluh pertanian PNS di Cianjur dan Garut membina 3-4 desa, ditambah tugas-tugas administratif. Kebijakan yang telah dicanangkan Kementerian Pertanian menetapkan satu desa satu penyuluh pertanian. Untuk pencapaian target tersebut, alternatif yang dipandang sejalan dengan UU RI Nomor 16 Tahun 2006 adalah merekrut ketua kelompok tani sebagai penyuluh swadaya yang bertugas mendampingi penyuluh pertanian PNS

    Simulasi Pemanfaatan Data Losat Untuk Pemetaan Padi

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    Simulation onthe Use of LOSAT Data for Rice Field Mapping. Since the launch of LAPAN-TUBSAT satellite in 2007, Indonesia has been developing mission on earth observation missions for various applications. The next generation mission, called LAPAN-ORARI Satellite (LOSAT), is currently under development and expected to be launched in 2011. In order to facilitate the applications, a thorough assessment of the sensor should be made. This paper presents an examination of simulated LOSAT data for rice monitoring and mapping purposes coupled with QUEST statistical tree. We found that three-band simulated LOSAT data were suitable for the task with reasonably high accuracy


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    Simulation onthe Use of LOSAT Data for Rice Field Mapping. Since the launch of LAPAN-TUBSAT satellite in 2007, Indonesia has been developing mission on earth observation missions for various applications. The next generation mission, called LAPAN-ORARI Satellite (LOSAT), is currently under development and expected to be launched in 2011. In order to facilitate the applications, a thorough assessment of the sensor should be made. This paper presents an examination of simulated LOSAT data for rice monitoring and mapping purposes coupled with QUEST statistical tree. We found that three-band simulated LOSAT data were suitable for the task with reasonably high accuracy.Keywords: agriculture, QUEST, LOSAT, rice, statistical tre