16 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT Government continue to try to improve level health of society through various developed program. Behavior of society represent one of the level determinant health of society. This Research aim to know various indisposed behavior which done by Countryside society of Karanggintung District Sumbang of Sub-Province of Banyumas. This type research is research of observasional with method survey and this research have the character of analytic descriptive, that is research elaborating and diging how a phenomenon happened. Population at this research is all citizen residing in or residing in Countryside of Karanggintung  District Sumbang of Sub-Province of Banyumas counted 1.080 family head occupying house counted 973. Because research location do not too wide of, hence all population made as research sampel. Thereby this research is research of population. Data collecting done by observation or perception at research location. From result of research concluded as indisposed behavior which still done by Countryside society of Karanggintung District Sumbang of Sub-Province of Banyumas, covering: (1) take a bath, cleaning clothes and clean appliances/ housewares of household in river, (2) defecating, throwing away garbage and throw away family waste to river, (3) still many under the way house and look after livestock close to house, even include livestock into house, and (4) still many lawn or location which do not maintained (to be growed by crop no advantage, bamboo trees, big trees don't maintained, etc.), less grave location maintained, dirty gangways and growed by many grass, and also dirty street shoulders because grass and garbage) Keyword: Indisposed life pattern, Public health. Kesmasindo Volume 3, Nomor 1, Januari 2010, hlm. 66-75       &nbsp


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    ABSTRACT Government continue to try to improve level health of society through various developed program. Behavior of society represent one of the level determinant health of society. This Research aim to know various indisposed behavior which done by Countryside society of Karanggintung District Sumbang of Sub-Province of Banyumas. This type research is research of observasional with method survey and this research have the character of analytic descriptive, that is research elaborating and diging how a phenomenon happened. Population at this research is all citizen residing in or residing in Countryside of Karanggintung  District Sumbang of Sub-Province of Banyumas counted 1.080 family head occupying house counted 973. Because research location do not too wide of, hence all population made as research sampel. Thereby this research is research of population. Data collecting done by observation or perception at research location. From result of research concluded as indisposed behavior which still done by Countryside society of Karanggintung District Sumbang of Sub-Province of Banyumas, covering: (1) take a bath, cleaning clothes and clean appliances/ housewares of household in river, (2) defecating, throwing away garbage and throw away family waste to river, (3) still many under the way house and look after livestock close to house, even include livestock into house, and (4) still many lawn or location which do not maintained (to be growed by crop no advantage, bamboo trees, big trees don't maintained, etc.), less grave location maintained, dirty gangways and growed by many grass, and also dirty street shoulders because grass and garbage) Keyword: Indisposed life pattern, Public health. Kesmasindo Volume 3, Nomor 1, Januari 2010, hlm. 66-75       &nbsp


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    ABSTRACT In the past last years, universal precaution have been introduced by The Ministry of Health, Republic of Indonesia. The sosialization of  universal precaution were function as an efforts on blood and body fluids infection control. Dental treatment procedures may cause any blood and body fluids that enable become an infecting agent. This research purpose was to determine the application of universal precaution on dental treatment prosedures in the public health center (Puskesmas) in the regency of Banyumas as an efforts on blood and body fluids infection control. This is a descriptive survey research. Sample in this research were total of the population constitude 39 public health center in the regency of Banyumas. The method used to collect data was interview with questionnaire sheets. An univariate analysis was used to analyze all data by SPSS computer program version 16 for windows. The result of this research shows 25,6% of dental polyclinic at public health center in the regency of Banyumas were categorized  as good in management of the needle or sharp applience perfectly. 38,5 % of dental polyclinic at public health center in the regency of Banyumas decontaminate all health appliances. 59 % of dental polyclinic at public health center in the regency of Banyumas were categorized as good in hand washing to prevent the cross infection. The application of perfect protection for blood exposure was 0%. 87,2% of  dental polyclinic at public health center in the regency of Banyumas do waste disposal properly and safety. Key Words :   Universal precaution, dental health, public health center. Kesmasindo Volume 3, Nomor 1, Januari 2010, hlm. 47-5


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    ABSTRACT In the past last years, universal precaution have been introduced by The Ministry of Health, Republic of Indonesia. The sosialization of  universal precaution were function as an efforts on blood and body fluids infection control. Dental treatment procedures may cause any blood and body fluids that enable become an infecting agent. This research purpose was to determine the application of universal precaution on dental treatment prosedures in the public health center (Puskesmas) in the regency of Banyumas as an efforts on blood and body fluids infection control. This is a descriptive survey research. Sample in this research were total of the population constitude 39 public health center in the regency of Banyumas. The method used to collect data was interview with questionnaire sheets. An univariate analysis was used to analyze all data by SPSS computer program version 16 for windows. The result of this research shows 25,6% of dental polyclinic at public health center in the regency of Banyumas were categorized  as good in management of the needle or sharp applience perfectly. 38,5 % of dental polyclinic at public health center in the regency of Banyumas decontaminate all health appliances. 59 % of dental polyclinic at public health center in the regency of Banyumas were categorized as good in hand washing to prevent the cross infection. The application of perfect protection for blood exposure was 0%. 87,2% of  dental polyclinic at public health center in the regency of Banyumas do waste disposal properly and safety. Key Words :   Universal precaution, dental health, public health center. Kesmasindo Volume 3, Nomor 1, Januari 2010, hlm. 47-5

    Efek Gel Ekstrak Kulit Buah Manggis (Garcinia Mangostana) pada Perlekatan Komposit pasca In-Office Bleaching

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    Hidrogen peroksida pada perawatan in-office bleaching meninggalkan residu yang dapat menghambat polimerisasi pada sistem resin bonding. Asam askorbat 10% sebagai antioksidan dapat mengeliminasi residu peroksida sebelum proses penumpatan. Kulit buah manggis (Garcinia mangostana) memiliki aktivitas antioksidan yang berpotensi untukmenggantikan peran asam askorbat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan efek gel ekstrak kulit buah manggis dalam memperbaiki perlekatan komposit pada gigi pasca in-office bleaching. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental laboratorium. Sebanyak 25 gigi premolar pertama rahang atas dilakukan in-office bleaching danselanjutnya dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok terdiri dari kontrol negatif (tanpa agen antioksidan), kontrol positif (asam askorbat 10%), dan kelompok perlakuan gel ekstrak kulit buah manggis 10%, 20%, dan 40%. Perlekatan komposit ditentukan dengan uji geser, dilanjutkan pengamatan mikrostruktur permukaan email. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai perlekatan komposit pada kelompok kontrol negatif dan kontrol positif berturut-turut sebesar 25,82±2,88 Mpa dan 37,68±1,06 Mpa. Pada kelompok perlakuan gel ekstrak kulit manggis 10%, 20%, dan 40% diperoleh nilai perlekatan berturut-turut sebesar26,54±2,68; 32,64±2,33; dan 57,34±1,51 Mpa. Nilai perlekatan komposit pada pemberian gel ekstrak kulit manggis 20% dan 40% berbeda signifikan dibandingkan dengan kontrol negatif maupun kontrol positif (p<0,05). Kenaikan konsentrasi gel ekstrak kulit manggis memberikan peningkatan jumlah fraktur email. Gel ekstrak kulit manggis 20% dan 40% dapat memperbaiki perlekatan komposit sehingga berpotensi sebagai agen antioksidan pada gigi pasca in-office bleaching. Effect of Mangosteen Gel on Shear Bond Strength Of Composite Post In-Office Bleaching. The residual peroxide after in-office bleaching inhibits the polymerization of the resin bonding systems. Ascorbic acid (10%) as anti-oxidant agent has a potential to remove the residual peroxide before restoration procedure. Mangosteen extracthas an anti-oxidant potential that can be used to remove the residual peroxide. The aim of the study is to prove the effect of mangosteen extract gel to improve shear bond strength of composite post in-office bleaching. The experimental laboratory design was implemented to this research. The study was carried out on 25 maxillary first premolars thathad been applied in-office bleaching procedure. The teeth were divided into five groups as follow: negative-control group (without anti-oxidant agent), positive-control group (10% ascorbic acid), and the treatment groups (10%, 20%, and 40% mangosteen extract gel). Shear bond strength of the specimens was tested and followed by microstructuretesting on email. The results show that negative-control and positive-control group scores were 25,82±2,88 Mpa and 37,68±1,06 Mpa, followed by the scores of 10%, 20%, and 40% mangosteen extract gel groups which were 26,54±2,68; 32,64±2,33; and 57,34±1,51 Mpa respectively. Significant higher shear bond strength values were observed in 20% and 40% mangosteen extract gel groups compared to the negative-control and positive-control group (p<0,05). The increasing concentration of mangosteen extract gel provided increasing number of email fractures. Mangosteen extract gel 20% and 40% improve the shear bond strength of composite, confirming its potential as an antioxidant agent for the teeth post in-office bleaching


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    Patient safety has become a major focus of ethics related to health care in recent years. Culture of patient safety in hospitals is part of organization culture, so that the necessary assessment of organizational culture as a guide in the development of patient safety. All health workers, including professional students who undergo clinical learning in hospitals, need to understand and be able to apply the knowledge and skills in this area of patient safety in order to achieve complete patient service. This study aims to analyze the influence of various factors such as communication openness, teamwork, and organizational learning toward patient safety culture at RSGM Jenderal Soedirman University. The study design is a quantitative research using regression analytic method with cross-sectional approach. Data collection tools in the form of the questionnaire were assessed using a Likert scale of 1-5 is strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, and strongly agree. The study population was clinical dental student in 1st till 4th year who had treated patients under supervision at RSGM Jenderal Soedirman University. The sampling technique using purposive sampling method that is random sampling technique in which researchers determine the sampling by setting specific criteria in accordance with the purpose of research. Respondents in this study amounted to 83 people which is calculated using the Slovin formula. The data validity and reliability tests analyzed using multiple logistic regression to analyze the influence between variables with SPSS software. The results showed that the communication openness, teamwork, and organizational learning has positively significant effects toward patient safety culture. The conclusions of this research is the better communication openness, teamwork, and organizational learning improve patient safety culture

    The Activities of Torch Ginger Flower (Etlingera elatior) Ethanol Extract on Degradation of Porphyromonas gingivalis Biofilm as Periodontal Pathogen

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    &nbsp; Introduction: Porphyromonas gingivalis is bacteria that can form biofilms as the main cause of periodontitis. Mouthwash therapy in long term can cause mucositis and even oral cancer. Antibacterial potential of torch ginger flower (Etlingera elatior) can be developed as an alternative adjuvant therapy for periodontitis. Objective: Aims of this research was to determine the effect of torch ginger flower ethanol extract against degradation of P. gingivalis biofilm. Methods: This research used ethanolic extract of torch ginger flower with concentrations 1.56 mg/mL, 3.125 mg/mL, 6.25 mg/mL, 12.5 mg/mL, 25 mg/mL, and 50 mg/mL. Chlorhexidine gluconate 0.2% was used as positive control and DMSO 1% was used as negative control. Measurement of P. gingivalis biofilm degradation used microtiter plate assay with crystal violet 1% staining which reads its optical density at wavelength of 450 nm. Data were analyzed by one way ANOVA and Post hoc LSD. Results: The percentage of &nbsp;P. gingivalis biofilm degradation with torch ginger flower ethanol extract sequentially were 12.47%, 30.56%, 57.12%, 71.36%, and 74.83%. The analysis showed that there was a significant difference (p&lt;0,05) between treatment groups torch ginger flower ethanol extract, as well as between torch ginger flower ethanol extract with DMSO 1% and chlorhexidine gluconate 0.2%. Optimum concentration of ethanol extract of torch ginger flower on&nbsp;P. gingivalis biofilm degradation was 25 mg/mL and showed no significant difference with chlorhexidine gluconate 0,2% (p&gt;0,05). Conclusion: Conclusion of this research is torch ginger flower (Etlingera elatior) ethanol extract has P. gingivalis biofilm degradation activity.biofil

    Hubungan Faktor Sosiodemografi dengan Tingkat Kecemasan Dental Pasien sebelum Tindakan Odontektomi di RSUD Prof. Dr. Margono Soekarjo Purwokerto

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    &nbsp;Odontektomi merupakan prosedur untuk mengangkat gigi terpendam dengan pembedahan dan membutuhkan beberapa instrumen bedah tambahan. Prosedur odontektomi yang kompleks ini dapat menimbulkan masalah psikologis pada pasien yaitu munculnya kecemasan dental. Kecemasan dental dapat disebabkan oleh sejumlah faktor yaitu psikososial, perilaku, genetik dan sosiodemografi. Faktor sosiodemografi dapat terdiri dari usia, jenis kelamin, dan pendidikan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan faktor sosiodemografi dengan tingkat kecemasan dental pasien sebelum tindakan odontektomi di RSUD Prof. Dr. Margono Soekarjo Purwokerto. &nbsp;Metode penelitian ini adalah observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross-sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah pasien yang akan dilakukan tindakan odontektomi di RSUD Prof. Dr. Margono Soekarjo Purwokerto. Sampel diambil menggunakan teknik accidental sampling dengan jumlah sebanyak 75 responden pasien yang akan dilakukan tindakan odontektomi di RSUD Prof. Dr. Margono Soekarjo Purwokerto. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Uji Chi-square dan Uji Regresi Logistik Multinomial. &nbsp;Hasil penelitian didapatkan variabel usia mempunyai p (0,000) dan contingency coefficient cukup kuat (0,473), jenis kelamin mempunyai p (0,000) dan contingency coefficient&nbsp; kuat (0,673), dan pendidikan mempunyai p (0,041) dan &nbsp;contingency coefficient lemah (0,342).&nbsp;Simpulan penelitian ini adalah terdapat hubungan antara faktor sosiodemografi meliputi usia, jenis kelamin, dan pendidikan dengan tingkat kecemasan dental pasien sebelum tindakan odontektomi di RSUD Prof. Dr. Margono Soekarjo Purwokerto serta variabel yang paling berpengaruh dengan tingkat kecemasan dental pasien sebelum tindakan odontektomi di RSUD Prof. Dr. Margono Soekarjo Purwokerto yaitu jenis kelamin