69 research outputs found

    Caduistik. Kosmologische Konkurrenzerzählungen im ›Speculum stultorum‹

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    Welche Möglichkeiten für einen Einfluss auf das eigene Schicksal und eine unabhängige Wirkmacht Fortunas bleiben, wenn man von einer scheinbar alles de­ter­minierenden Natur ausgeht? Diese Frage spielt das ›Speculum stultorum‹ nicht nur anhand seiner ›Kernfabel‹ vom ambitionierten Esel Burnellus durch, sondern eben­so anhand einer ganzen Reihe darin inserierter Exempel mit je eigenem ani­malisch-menschlichen, ja zum Schluss gar numinosen Personal. In meinem Gang durch diese Erzählungen werden nun einerseits die Implikationen der darin jeweils skizzierten kosmologischen Entwürfe erörtert und diese zueinander relationiert; an­dererseits werden die Erzählungen hinsichtlich ihrer Funktion für den Text und mit Blick auf dessen epistemologische Reflexionen über ein kosmologisches Spekulieren betrachtet

    A modified combined active-set Newton method for solving phase-field fracture into the monolithic limit

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    In this work, we examine a numerical phase-field fracture framework in which the crack irreversibility constraint is treated with a primal-dual active set method and a linearization is used in the degradation function to enhance the numerical stability. The first goal is to carefully derive from a complementarity system our primal-dual active set formulation, which has been used in the literature in numerous studies, but for phase-field fracture without its detailed mathematical derivation yet. Based on the latter, we formulate a modified combined active-set Newton approach that significantly reduces the computational cost in comparison to comparable prior algorithms for quasi-monolithic settings. For many practical problems, Newton converges fast, but active set needs many iterations, for which three different efficiency improvements are suggested in this paper. Afterwards, we design an iteration on the linearization in order to iterate the problem to the monolithic limit. Our new algorithms are implemented in the programming framework pfm-cracks [T. Heister, T. Wick; pfm-cracks: A parallel-adaptive framework for phase-field fracture propagation, Software Impacts, Vol. 6 (2020), 100045]. In the numerical examples, we conduct performance studies and investigate efficiency enhancements. The main emphasis is on the cost complexity by keeping the accuracy of numerical solutions and goal functionals. Our algorithmic suggestions are substantiated with the help of several benchmarks in two and three spatial dimensions. Therein, predictor-corrector adaptivity and parallel performance studies are explored as well.Comment: 49 pages, 45 figures, 9 table


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    Narrative Structures in Medieval Animal Epic

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    Der Beitrag stellt dar, welche mittelalterlichen Texte als Tierepen gelten könnten, und charakterisiert dann bei einigen von ihnen die Erzähltechnik, die epi-sodische Strukturen aufweist, aber auch durch Kausalität bestimmte übergreifende Handlungszusammenhänge. Episodisches Erzählen findet sich in der gesamten Tra-dition; der Grad der Kohärenz sowie die Art und Weise, wie die Episoden miteinander verbunden sind, variieren jedoch. Dass sich übergreifende plots weitgehend durch-setzen, scheint eine spätere Entwicklung zu sein, die mit einer anderen Vorstellung von der Figur des Fuchses und einer pessimistischeren Sicht auf das Leben an Höfen zusammenhängt

    Efficacy and toxicity of bimodal radiotherapy in WHO grade 2 meningiomas following subtotal resection with carbon ion boost:Prospective phase 2 MARCIE trial

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    Background: Novel radiotherapeutic modalities using carbon ions provide an increased relative biological effectiveness (RBE) compared to photons, delivering a higher biological dose while reducing radiation exposure for adjacent organs. This prospective phase 2 trial investigated bimodal radiotherapy using photons with carbon-ion (C12)-boost in patients with WHO grade 2 meningiomas following subtotal resection (Simpson grade 4 or 5).Methods:A total of 33 patients were enrolled from July 2012 until July 2020. The study treatment comprised a C12-boost (18 Gy [RBE] in 6 fractions) applied to the macroscopic tumor in combination with photon radiotherapy (50 Gy in 25 fractions). The primary endpoint was the 3-year progression-free survival (PFS), and the secondary endpoints included overall survival, safety and treatment toxicities. Results:With a median follow-up of 42 months, the 3-year estimates of PFS, local PFS and overall survival were 80.3%, 86.7%, and 89.8%, respectively. Radiation-induced contrast enhancement (RICE) was encountered in 45%, particularly in patients with periventricularly located meningiomas. Patients exhibiting RICE were mostly either asymptomatic (40%) or presented immediate neurological and radiological improvement (47%) after the administration of corticosteroids or bevacizumab in case of radiation necrosis (3/33). Treatment-associated complications occurred in 1 patient with radiation necrosis who died due to postoperative complications after resection of radiation necrosis. The study was prematurely terminated after recruiting 33 of the planned 40 patients. Conclusions:Our study demonstrates a bimodal approach utilizing photons with C12-boost may achieve a superior local PFS to conventional photon RT, but must be balanced against the potential risks of toxicities.</p

    A Selection of Benchmark Problems in Solid Mechanics and Applied Mathematics

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    In this contribution we provide benchmark problems in the field of computational solid mechanics. In detail, we address classical fields as elasticity, incompressibility, material interfaces, thin structures and plasticity at finite deformations. For this we describe explicit setups of the benchmarks and introduce the numerical schemes. For the computations the various participating groups use different (mixed) Galerkin finite element and isogeometric analysis formulations. Some programming codes are available open-source. The output is measured in terms of carefully designed quantities of interest that allow for a comparison of other models, discretizations, and implementations. Furthermore, computational robustness is shown in terms of mesh refinement studies. This paper presents benchmarks, which were developed within the Priority Programme of the German Research Foundation ‘SPP 1748 Reliable Simulation Techniques in Solid Mechanics—Development of Non-Standard Discretisation Methods, Mechanical and Mathematical Analysis’. © 2020, The Author(s)

    Correlated MRI and Ultramicroscopy (MR-UM) of Brain Tumors Reveals Vast Heterogeneity of Tumor Infiltration and Neoangiogenesis in Preclinical Models and Human Disease

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    Diffuse tumor infiltration into the adjacent parenchyma is an effective dissemination mechanism of brain tumors. We have previously developed correlated high field magnetic resonance imaging and ultramicroscopy (MR-UM) to study neonangiogenesis in a glioma model. In the present study we used MR-UM to investigate tumor infiltration and neoangiogenesis in a translational approach. We compare infiltration and neoangiogenesis patterns in four brain tumor models and the human disease: whereas the U87MG glioma model resembles brain metastases with an encapsulated growth and extensive neoangiogenesis, S24 experimental gliomas mimic IDH1 wildtype glioblastomas, exhibiting infiltration into the adjacent parenchyma and along white matter tracts to the contralateral hemisphere. MR-UM resolves tumor infiltration and neoangiogenesis longitudinally based on the expression of fluorescent proteins, intravital dyes or endogenous contrasts. Our study demonstrates the huge morphological diversity of brain tumor models regarding their infiltrative and neoangiogenic capacities and further establishes MR-UM as a platform for translational neuroimaging

    Federated learning enables big data for rare cancer boundary detection

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    Although machine learning (ML) has shown promise across disciplines, out-of-sample generalizability is concerning. This is currently addressed by sharing multi-site data, but such centralization is challenging/infeasible to scale due to various limitations. Federated ML (FL) provides an alternative paradigm for accurate and generalizable ML, by only sharing numerical model updates. Here we present the largest FL study to-date, involving data from 71 sites across 6 continents, to generate an automatic tumor boundary detector for the rare disease of glioblastoma, reporting the largest such dataset in the literature (n = 6, 314). We demonstrate a 33% delineation improvement for the surgically targetable tumor, and 23% for the complete tumor extent, over a publicly trained model. We anticipate our study to: 1) enable more healthcare studies informed by large diverse data, ensuring meaningful results for rare diseases and underrepresented populations, 2) facilitate further analyses for glioblastoma by releasing our consensus model, and 3) demonstrate the FL effectiveness at such scale and task-complexity as a paradigm shift for multi-site collaborations, alleviating the need for data-sharing