3,190 research outputs found

    Avian visual ecologists should consider UV absorbance and all sensory modalities: A response to Wisenden et al. (2020)

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    In a recent publication, Wisenden et al. (2020) examined responses of territorial male Red-winged Blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) to models constructed with ultraviolet (UV)-reflective red epaulets for the purpose of determining if the addition of UV reflectance to epaulets ( UV+ ) changed the effectiveness of signals to receivers relative to control epaulets under field conditions. The authors hypothesized that UV+epaulet coloration represents a visual signal with increased efficacy in territorial interactions. They presented behavioral data but no visual modeling data. Our aims in this commentary are to suggest alternative terms to those used by the authors, to express concern about the use of sunscreen to manipulate the UV condition of surfaces, and to make a plea for additional data collection in future studies of avian visual ecology. The terms UV+ and UV- should be reserved for studies that create environments free from UV radiation for comparison with environments that include UV radiation. We believe that commercial sunscreens are not an appropriate choice for altering the UV conditions of surfaces presented during behavioral trials because they potentially introduce confounding influences from other sensory inputs or irritation of peripheral nerves. Wisenden et al. altered the UV absorbance of their sunscreen-treated models but did not present absorbance spectra and may not have collected those data. We acknowledge that the lack of absorbance spectra is not unusual. We implore any such future studies to collect absorbance spectra of treated and control surfaces so that those data may be used to improve visual models for UV-sensitive animals. Los ec´ologos visuales de aves deben considerer la absorbencia UV y todas las modalidades sensoriales: respuesta a Wisenden et al. (2020) RESUMEN (Spanish)—En una publicaci´on reciente, Wisenden et al. (2020) examinaron las respuestas de machos territoriales del tordo Agelaius phoeniceus a modelos construidos con charreteras rojas reflejantes ultravioletas (UV) con el prop´osito de determinar si la adici´on de reflectancia a las charreteras (‘‘UVþ’’) cambiaba la efectividad de las se˜nales dirigidas a receptores en relaci´on con charreteras ‘‘control’’ bajo condiciones de campo. Los autores ten´ıan la hip´otesis de que ‘‘la coloraci´on UVþde las charreteras representa una se˜nal visual con eficacia aumentada en interacciones territoriales’’. Los autores presentaron datos conductuales pero no datos de modelado visual. Nuestra meta en este comentario es sugerir t´erminos alternativos a aquellos empleados por los autores, expresar preocupaci´on por el uso de bloqueador solar para manipular la condici´on UV de superficies y hacer un llamado para la colecta de datos adicionales en futuros estudios de ecolog´ıa visual aviar. Los t´erminos UVþy UV– deben estar reservados para comparaciones con ambientes que incluyan radiaci´on UV. Pensamos que el uso de bloqueadores solares comerciales no es una elecci´on adecuada para la alteraci´on de las condiciones UV de superficies durante pruebas de comportamiento porque podr´ıan introducir influencias confusas provenientes de otras se˜nales sensoriales o irritar nervios perif´ericos. Wisenden et al. alteraron la absorbencia UV de sus modelos tratados con bloqueador solar pero no presentaron espectros de absorbencia y podr´ıan no haber colectado esos datos. Reconocemos que la carencia de espectros de absorbencia no es inusual. Pedimos que cualquier estudio futuro colecte espectros de absorbencia en superficies tratadas y controles para que esos datos puedan ser usados para mejorar los modelos visuales de animales sensibles a UV

    Gaze+touch vs. touch: what’s the trade-off when using gaze to extend touch to remote displays?

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    Direct touch input is employed on many devices, but it is inherently restricted to displays that are reachable by the user. Gaze input as a mediator can extend touch to remote displays - using gaze for remote selection, and touch for local manipulation - but at what cost and benefit? In this paper, we investigate the potential trade-off with four experiments that empirically compare remote Gaze+touch to standard touch. Our experiments investigate dragging, rotation, and scaling tasks. Results indicate that Gaze+touch is, compared to touch, (1) equally fast and more accurate for rotation and scaling, (2) slower and less accurate for dragging, and (3) enables selection of smaller targets. Our participants confirm this trend, and are positive about the relaxed finger placement of Gaze+touch. Our experiments provide detailed performance characteristics to consider for the design of Gaze+touch interaction of remote displays. We further discuss insights into strengths and drawbacks in contrast to direct touch

    Commercial Generic Bioprocessing Apparatus Science Insert - 03

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    Commercial Generic Bioprocessing Apparatus Science Insert - 03 (CSI-03) is the third set of investigations in the CSI program series. The CSI program provides the K-12 community opportunities to utilize the unique microgravity environment of the International Space Station as part of the regular classroom to encourage learning and interest in science, technology, engineering and math. CSI-03 will examine the complete life cycle of the painted lady butterfly and the ability of an orb weaving spider to spin a web, eat and remain healthy in space

    The identification and characterization of a novel protein, c19orf10, in the synovium

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    Joint inflammation and destruction have been linked to the deregulation of the highly synthetic fibroblast-like synoviocytes (FLSs), and much of our current understanding of the mechanisms that underlie synovitis has been collected from studies of FLSs. During a proteomic analysis of FLS cells, we identified a novel protein, c19orf10 (chromosome 19 open reading frame 10), that was produced in significant amounts by these cells. The present study provides a partial characterization of c19orf10 in FLSs, synovial fluid, and the synovium. Murine monoclonal and chicken polyclonal antibodies were produced against recombinant human c19orf10 protein and used to examine the distribution of c19orf10 in cultured FLSs and in synovial tissue sections from patients with rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis. The intracellular staining pattern of c19orf10 is consistent with localization in the endoplasmic reticulum/Golgi distribution. Sections of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis synovia expressed similar patterns of c19orf10 distribution with perivascular and synovial lining staining. Double-staining in situ analysis suggests that fibroblast-like synovial cells produced c19orf10, whereas macrophages, B cells, or T cells produced little or none of this protein. There is evidence of secretion into the vascular space and the extracellular matrix surrounding the synovial lining. A competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay confirmed the presence of microgram levels of c19orf10 in the synovial fluids of patients with one of various arthropathies. Collectively, these results suggest that c19orf10 is an FLS-derived protein that is secreted into the synovial fluid. However, the significance of this protein in synovial biology remains to be determined. The absence of known structural motifs or domains and its relatively late evolutionary appearance raise interesting questions about its function

    Look together: using gaze for assisting co-located collaborative search

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    Gaze information provides indication of users focus which complements remote collaboration tasks, as distant users can see their partner’s focus. In this paper, we apply gaze for co-located collaboration, where users’ gaze locations are presented on the same display, to help collaboration between partners. We integrated various types of gaze indicators on the user interface of a collaborative search system, and we conducted two user studies to understand how gaze enhances coordination and communication between co-located users. Our results show that gaze indeed enhances co-located collaboration, but with a trade-off between visibility of gaze indicators and user distraction. Users acknowledged that seeing gaze indicators eases communication, because it let them be aware of their partner’s interests and attention. However, users can be reluctant to share their gaze information due to trust and privacy, as gaze potentially divulges their interests

    The synovial proteome: analysis of fibroblast-like synoviocytes

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    The present studies were initiated to determine the protein expression patterns of fibroblast-like synovial (FLS) cells derived from the synovia of rheumatoid arthritis patients. The cellular proteins were separated by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and the in-gel digested proteins were analyzed by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry. A total of 368 spots were examined and 254 identifications were made. The studies identified a number of proteins that have been implicated in the normal or pathological FLS function (e.g. uridine diphosphoglucose dehydrogenase, galectin 1 and galectin 3) or that have been characterized as potential autoantigens in rheumatoid arthritis (e.g. BiP, colligin, HC gp-39). A novel uncharacterized protein product of chromosome 19 open reading frame 10 was also detected as an apparently major component of FLS cells. These results demonstrate the utility of high-content proteomic approaches in the analysis of FLS composition

    Identification of lead vacancy defects in lead halide perovskites

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    Perovskite photovoltaics advance rapidly, but questions remain regarding point defects: while experiments have detected the presence of electrically active defects no experimentally confirmed microscopic identifications have been reported. Here we identify lead monovacancy (VPb) defects in MAPbI3 (MA = CH3NH3+) using positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy with the aid of density functional theory. Experiments on thin film and single crystal samples all exhibited dominant positron trapping to lead vacancy defects, and a minimum defect density of ~3 7 1015 cm−3 was determined. There was also evidence of trapping at the vacancy complex (VPbVI)− in a minority of samples, but no trapping to MA-ion vacancies was observed. Our experimental results support the predictions of other first-principles studies that deep level, hole trapping, VPb2−, point defects are one of the most stable defects in MAPbI3. This direct detection and identification of a deep level native defect in a halide perovskite, at technologically relevant concentrations, will enable further investigation of defect driven mechanisms

    Identification of a new interaction mode between the Src homology 2 domain of C-terminal Src kinase (Csk) and Csk-binding protein/phosphoprotein associated with glycosphingolipid microdomains

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    This research was originally published in Journal of Biological Chemistry. Hiroaki Tanaka, Ken-ichi Akagi, Chitose Oneyama, Masakazu Tanaka, Yuichi Sasaki, Takashi Kanou, Young-Ho Lee, Daisuke Yokogawa, Marc-Werner Dobenecker, Atsushi Nakagawa, Masato Okada and Takahisa Ikegami. Identification of a new interaction mode between the Src homology 2 domain of C-terminal Src kinase (Csk) and Csk-binding protein/phosphoprotein associated with glycosphingolipid microdomains. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2013; 288, 15240-15254. © the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
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