577 research outputs found

    Forschungsbericht 2017

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    Temperature profiles from airborne pyrgeometer measurements of broadband terrestrial radiation

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    Profiles of broadband terrestrial radiation from airborne pyrgeometer measurements aboard research aircraft Polar 5 obtained during the VERDI campaign in 2012 were used to derive vertical temperature profiles. The retrievals were performed utilizing radiative transfer simulations by libRadtran (Mayer and Kylling, 2005). Manually changing the temperature of the input file for the simulations resulting calculated profiles of terrestrial irradiance were compared with measured profiles and iterated until best agreement. The selected test case shows the possibility of this technique and reveals several possible improvements. The algorithm has to be optimized to adapt the modelling temperature profile automatically using least-square error minimization between measured and modelled irradiance profiles. Additionally the vertical resolution has to be increased to consider small-scale variations. Using humidity and pressure profiles from ground-based observations and nearby radiosoundings significantly improves the retrieved temperature profiles.Vertikalprofile der breitbandigen terrestrischen Strahlung von flugzeuggetragenen Pyrgeometermessungen an Bord des Forschungsflugzeuges Polar 5 während der VERDI Kampagne in 2012 wurden genutzt, um Vertikalprofile der Temperatur abzuleiten. Das Retrieval erfolgte mit Hilfe von Strahlungstransfersimulationen unter der Verwendungung von libRadtran (Mayer and Kylling, 2005). Dazu wurde die Temperatur der Modellatmosphäre variert, bis eine bestmögliche Übereinstimmung von gemessenem und modellierten Irradianzprofil erzielt wurde. Der ausgesuchte Testfall zeigt das Potential dieser Technik und mögliche Verbessungsansätze. So muss der verwendete Algorithmus automatisiert werden, indem das modellierte Strahlungsprofil mit Hilfe eines Iterationsverfahrens und der Methode der kleinsten Fehlerquadrate an das gemessene Profil angepasst wird. Zusätzlich ist eine Erhöhung der vertikalen Auflösung von 50 m auf 10 m Schritte nötig, um kleinskalige Fluktuationen zu berücksichtigen. Die Verwendung von bodengebundenen Beobachtungen und nahegelegenen Radiosondenaufstiegen in der Modellatmosphäre führt zu einer weiteren signifikanten Verbesserung der abgeleiteten Temperaturprofile

    SPARTA – Solver for Polarized Atmospheric Radiative Transfer Applications: Introduction and application to Saharan dust fields

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    AbstractNon-spherical particles in the atmosphere absorb and scatter solar radiation. They change the polarization state of solar radiation depending on their shape, size, chemical composition and orientation. To quantify polarization effects, a new three-dimensional (3D) vector radiative transfer model, SPARTA (Solver for Polarized Atmospheric Radiative Transfer Applications) is introduced and validated against benchmark results. SPARTA employs the statistical forward Monte Carlo technique for efficient column-response pixel-based radiance calculations including polarization for 3D inhomogeneous cloudless and cloudy atmospheres. A sensitivity study has been carried out and exemplarily results are presented for two lidar-based mineral dust fields. The scattering and absorption properties of the dust particles have been computed for spheroids and irregular shaped particles. Polarized radiance fields in two-dimensional (2D) and one-dimensional (1D) inhomogeneous Saharan dust fields have been calculated at 532nm wavelength. The domain-averaged results of the normalized reflected radiance are almost identical for the 1D and 2D modes. In the areas with large spatial gradient in optical thickness with expected significant horizontal photon transport, the radiance fields of the 2D mode differ by about ±12% for the first Stokes component (radiance, I) and ±8% for the second Stokes component (linear polarization, Q) from the fields of the 1D mode

    Characterization and calibration of a Full Stokes polarization camera

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    Initially unpolarized solar radiation is polarized in the atmosphere due to scattering processes at molecules and aerosols. Therefore, the measurement of the polarization state of solar radiation is of vital importance in remote sensing. A SALSA Full Stokes polarization camera measuring the complete Stokes vectors in real time is characterized within this work. The main focus lies on the radiometric calibration as well as the determination and validation of the calibration matrix based on a Data Reduction method. One main issue is the temporal instability of the calibration matrix, which gives rise to the need of a thorough calibration process. In accordance with theoretical expectations and model simulations, the SALSA Full Stokes polarization camera provides reliable measurement results under the condition of Rayleigh scattering.Die beim Eintritt in die Atmosphäre unpolarisierte solare Strahlung wird durch Streuprozesse an Molekülen oder Aerosolpartikeln polarisiert. Die Messung des Polarisationszustandes der solaren Strahlung spielt deshalb in der Fernerkundung eine wichtige Rolle. Die vorliegende Arbeit charakterisiert eine SALSA Full Stokes Polarisationskamera, die den kompletten Stokes-Vektor in Echtzeit misst. Das Hauptaugenmerk liegt dabei auf der radiometrischen Kalibrierung sowie der Bestimmung und Validierung der Kalibrationsmatrix über die Methode der Datenreduktion. Die zeitliche Instabilität der Kalibrationsmatrix stellt ein großes Problem dar und stellt Anforderungen an den Umfang der Kalibrierung. Mit der SALSA Full Stokes Polarisationskamera sind zuverlässige Messungen unter einer rayleighstreuenden Atmosphäre möglich, die in Übereinstimmung mit den theoretischen Erwartungen und Modellsimulationen stehen

    Implementation of polarization into a 3D Monte Carlo Radiative Transfer Model

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    Non-spherical particles scatter and polarize solar radiation depending on their shape, size, chemical composition and orientation. In addition, such information is crucial in radiative transfer modeling. Therefore, in this study, the implementation of polarization into a three-dimensional radiative transfer model is introduced and its validation through benchmark results. The model is based on the statistical Monte Carlo method (in the forward scheme) and takes into account multiple scattering and the polarization states of the monochromatic radiation. It calculates column-response pixel-based polarized radiative densities for 3D inhomogeneous cloudy atmospheres and is hence best suited for use in remote sensing applications. To this end, the model can be used to explore the potential of remote sensing techniques which distinguish between spherical and non-spherical particles on the one side and coarse mode dust particles and ice particles on the other side

    ACRIDICON-Zugspitze field campaign

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    From September 17 to October 5, 2012, a field campaign with focus on clouds, aerosols, radiation and dynamics and their interaction in clouds that was coordinated and organized by the Leipzig Institute for Meteorology took place at the Zugspitze mountain.Vom 17. September bis 5. Oktober wurde vom Leipziger Institut eine Feldkampagne zur Untersuchung der Wechselwirkung von Aerosolen, Niederschlag und Strahlung insbesondere in Hinblick auf konvektive Wolken auf der Zugspitze koordiniert und organisiert
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