1,657 research outputs found

    Shakespeare’s Theatrical Scene

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    Shakespeare’s London Contemporaries

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    This paper looks at some of the people Shakespeare must have known in London other than those primarily associated with his theatre career. The aim is to gain a sense of the social circles in which he moved and perhaps of the influence that these circles may, however indefinably, have exerted on his work. Particular attention is paid to the Mountjoy household, where Shakespeare lodged, to George Wilkins, with whom he collaborated, and to Simon Forman, who had clear connections with the Mountjoys

    Money in Shakespeare’s Comedies

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    Shakespeare and Revision

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    The Hilda Hulme Memorial Lectures were established in 1985 following a donation from Mr Mohamed Aslam in memory of his wife, Dr Hilda Hulme. The lectures are on the subject of English literature and relate to one of ‘the three fields in which Dr Hulme specialised, namely Shakespeare, language in Elizabethan drama, and the nineteenth-century novel’

    Semirigorous Calculation Algorithm for Complex Fractionators

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    Chemical Engineerin

    Interrogating the Sonnets

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    Il existe de nombreuses hypothĂšses sur les Sonnets de Shakespeare. Par exemple, qu’ils forment une sĂ©quence cohĂ©rente, qu’ils sont autobiographiques, qu’ils furent Ă©crits sur une pĂ©riode d’environ trois ans, que les dix-sept premiers furent une commande, que les 126 premiers sont « adressĂ©s » Ă  un jeune homme, que les numĂ©ros 127 Ă  152 forment un groupe autour de la « dame noire », que la publication du quarto de 1609 fut autorisĂ©e par Shakespeare, et que les deux derniers suggĂšrent que l’auteur souffrait d’une maladie vĂ©nĂ©rienne. Cet article Ă  deux voix commencera par rĂ©examiner ces hypothĂšses. D’oĂč viennent-elles ? Pourquoi les perpĂ©tue-t-on ? Quelle autre façon avons-nous d’articuler une approche critique de Shakespeare ?Many assumptions are often made about Shakespeare’s Sonnets: for instance, that they form a coherent sequence, that they are autobiographical, that they were written over a period of around three years, that the first seventeen were written to commission, that the first 126 are ‘addressed’ to one young man, that Nos 127 to 152 form a group concerned with a ‘dark lady’, that publication of the 1609 quarto was authorised by Shakespeare, and that the final two suggest that the author suffered from a venereal disease. This joint-authored paper will start by examining these assumptions afresh. Where do they come from? Why are they perpetuated? How else might we frame a critical approach to the Sonnets

    Boxer Zhang Songxi and the Origins of the Internal-External School Concept

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    [ES] Zhang Songxi era tan respetado por sus habilidades pugilĂ­sticas que inspirĂł al secretario mayor del emperador, Shen Yiguan (1531-1616), a escribir la BiografĂ­a del Boxeador Zhang Songxi. MĂĄs tarde, el historiador Huang Zongxi (1610-1695) escribiĂł un epitafio para un luchador de la resistencia llamado Wang Zhengnan. En la biografĂ­a etiquetĂł tanto a Wang como a Zhang como practicantes de una “escuela interna de boxeo”, en comparaciĂłn con lo que Ă©l llamaba Shaolin o “escuela externa”. Puesto que Shen Yiguan nunca mencionĂł a Zhang como practicante de la escuela interna, parece que Huang estaba utilizando el concepto de interno-externo para expresar simbĂłlicamente su insatisfacciĂłn con los gobernantes manchĂșes de China. La biografĂ­a de Zhang Songxi proporciona algunas evidencias de que el concepto de escuela interna-externa estaba orientado mĂĄs polĂ­ticamente que hacia las artes marciales
