8,858 research outputs found

    Beta measurements

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    The second year's results of the BETA project research are presented. The program is divided into two areas, aerosol modification and climatology in the trade wind region and the climatology of BETA (CO2) on remote mountain top locations. Limited data is available on the aerosol climatology of the marine free troposphere (MFT) in the trade wind region. In order to study the effects of cumulus convection on the MFT values of BETA, a cloud model was developed to simulate the evolution of a typical Pacific trade wind cumulus cloud. The stages involved in this development are outlined. The assembly of the major optical components of the lidar was made. Tests were run of the spectral bandwidth of the Synrad laser when a portion of the beam is mixed with a component which has traveled 450 meters corresponding to a delay of 1.5 microsecs. The bandwidth of the beat signal was measured to be 3 KHz. The data processing system based on a parallel processing filter bank analyzer using true time squaring detectors at each filter was completed

    Revealing New Physical Structures in the Supernova Remnant N63A through Chandra Imaging Spectroscopy

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    We present Chandra X-ray observations of the supernova remnant (SNR) N63A in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). N63A, one of the brightest LMC remnants, is embedded in an H II region and probably associated with an OB association. The optical remnant consists of three lobes of emission contained within the approximately three times larger X-ray remnant. Our Chandra data reveal a number of new physical structures in N63A. The most striking of these are the several ``crescent''-shaped structures located beyond the main shell that resemble similar features seen in the Vela SNR. In Vela, these have been interpreted as arising from high speed clumps of supernova ejecta interacting with the ambient medium. Another distinct feature of the remnant is a roughly triangular ``hole'' in the X-ray emission near the location of the optical lobes and the brightest radio emission. X-ray spectral analysis shows that this deficit of emission is a result of absorption by an intervening dense cloud with a mass of ~450 M_sun that is currently being engulfed by the remnant's blast wave. We also find that the rim of the remnant, as well as the crescent-shaped features, have considerably softer X-ray spectra than the interior. Limits on hard X-ray emission rule out a young, energetic pulsar in N63A, but the presence of an older or less active one, powering a wind nebula with a luminosity less than ~4e10^34 erg/s, is allowed.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures (2 color), accepted for publication in Ap

    Bostonia. Volume 15

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    Founded in 1900, Bostonia magazine is Boston University's main alumni publication, which covers alumni and student life, as well as university activities, events, and programs

    The Gravitational Lens CFRS03.1077

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    An exquisite gravitational arc with a radius of 2.1" has been discovered around the z = 0.938 field elliptical galaxy CFRS03.1077 during HST observations of Canada-France Redshift Survey (CFRS) fields. Spectroscopic observations of the arc show that the redshift of the resolved lensed galaxy is z = 2.941. This gravitational lens-source system is well-fitted using the position angle and ellipticity derived from the visible matter distribution and an isothermal mass profile with a mass corresponding to sigma =387+-5 km/s. Surprisingly, given the evidence for passive evolution of elliptical galaxies, this is in good agreement with an estimate based on the fundamental plane for z = 0 ellipticals. This, perhaps, indicates that this galaxy has not shared in the significant evolution observed for average elliptical galaxies at z ~ 1. A second elliptical galaxy with similar luminosity from the CFRS survey, CFRS 14.1311 at z=0.807, is also a lens but in this case the lens model gives a much smaller mass-to-light ratio, i.e., it appears to confirm the expected evolution. This suggests that this pair of field elliptical galaxies may have very different evolutionary histories, a significant result if confirmed. Clearly, CFRS03.1077 demonstrates that these "Einstein rings" are powerful probes of high redshift galaxies.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, accepted by Ap.

    Discovery of an ultramassive pulsating white dwarf

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    We announce the discovery of the most massive pulsating hydrogen-atmosphere (DA) white dwarf (WD) ever discovered, GD 518. Model atmosphere fits to the optical spectrum of this star show it is a 12,030 +/- 210 K WD with a log(g) = 9.08 +/- 0.06, which corresponds to a mass of 1.20 +/- 0.03 Msun. Stellar evolution models indicate that the progenitor of such a high-mass WD endured a stable carbon-burning phase, producing an oxygen-neon-core WD. The discovery of pulsations in GD 518 thus offers the first opportunity to probe the interior of a WD with a possible oxygen-neon core. Such a massive WD should also be significantly crystallized at this temperature. The star exhibits multi-periodic luminosity variations at timescales ranging from roughly 425-595 s and amplitudes up to 0.7%, consistent in period and amplitude with the observed variability of typical ZZ Ceti stars, which exhibit non-radial g-mode pulsations driven by a hydrogen partial ionization zone. Successfully unraveling both the total mass and core composition of GD 518 provides a unique opportunity to investigate intermediate-mass stellar evolution, and can possibly place an upper limit to the mass of a carbon-oxygen-core WD, which in turn constrains SNe Ia progenitor systems.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 771, L2 (2013

    Effects of low-intensity blood flow restriction training vs. no blood flow restriction training on measures of aerobic capacity in physically active individuals

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    Background: Blood flow restriction (BFR) training has become an extremely popular training method over the years. Improvements in measures of aerobic capacity (such as VO2max) are crucial for individuals whom seek to be physically active for longer periods of time. Recent studies have focused on the combination of BFR and aerobic exercise at lower training intensities as an adapted training method for either maintaining or improving measures of aerobic capacity in physically active individuals.Clinical Question: In physically active individuals, is low-intensity blood flow restriction training more effective than no blood flow restriction training at improving measures of aerobic capacity?Methods: A computer-assisted literature search of PubMed, MEDLINE, SPORTDiscus, and EBSCOHost databases (from inception to November 2019) was utilized to identify studies of level 3 evidence or higher that assessed the effect of low-intensity BFR training versus no BFR training on measures of aerobic capacity in physically active individuals. The main outcomes of interest were either pre-post testing assessments of aerobic fitness (such as VO2max or VO2peak) and/or pre-post testing assessments of aerobic performance (such as time to exhaustion).Summary of Key Findings: The search strategy revealed 4 studies that met the inclusion criteria. One study reported that there were no significant improvements in measures of aerobic capacity when using low-intensity BFR training versus not using BFR training (1.96%, p < 0.05), while two studies reported that there in fact were significant improvements in measures of aerobic capacity (VO2max: 6.5%, p < 0.05 and TTE: 15.4%, p < 0.01; VO2max: +9.1± 6.2%, P < 0.001). One study reported that there were significant improvements in aerobic capacity when using low-intensity BFR training versus low-intensity training without BFR (BFR group: 5.6 ± 4.2%, P = 0.006, ES = 0.33; LOW group: 0.4 ± 4.7%, P = 0.75); however, high-intensity training without BFR showed greater improvements in aerobic capacity when compared to low-intensity training with BFR (HIT group: 9.2 ± 6.5%, P = 0.002, ES = 0.9).Clinical Bottom Line: There is moderate evidence to support the use of low-intensity BFR training to improve aerobic capacity in physically active individuals.Strength of Recommendation: Grade B evidence exists that low-intensity BFR training is more effective than no BFR training at improving measures of aerobic capacity in physically active individuals

    Phase field modeling of electrochemistry II: Kinetics

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    The kinetic behavior of a phase field model of electrochemistry is explored for advancing (electrodeposition) and receding (electrodissolution) conditions in one dimension. We described the equilibrium behavior of this model in [J. E. Guyer, W. J. Boettinger, J.A. Warren, and G. B. McFadden, ``Phase field modeling of electrochemistry I: Equilibrium'', cond-mat/0308173]. We examine the relationship between the parameters of the phase field method and the more typical parameters of electrochemistry. We demonstrate ohmic conduction in the electrode and ionic conduction in the electrolyte. We find that, despite making simple, linear dynamic postulates, we obtain the nonlinear relationship between current and overpotential predicted by the classical ``Butler-Volmer'' equation and observed in electrochemical experiments. The charge distribution in the interfacial double layer changes with the passage of current and, at sufficiently high currents, we find that the diffusion limited deposition of a more noble cation leads to alloy deposition with less noble species.Comment: v3: To be published in Phys. Rev. E v2: Attempt to work around turnpage bug. Replaced color Fig. 4a with grayscale 13 pages, 7 figures in 10 files, REVTeX 4, SIunits.sty, follows cond-mat/030817

    Stiff oscillatory systems, delta jumps and white noise

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    Two model problems for stiff oscillatory systems are introduced. Both comprise a linear superposition of N >> 1 harmonic oscillators used as a forcing term for a scalar ODE. In the first case the initial conditions are chosen so that the forcing term approximates a delta function as N tends to infinity, and in the second case so that it approximates white noise. In both cases the fastest natural frequency of the oscillators is O(N). The model problems are integrated numerically in the stiff regime where the time step is of size O(1/N). The convergence of the algorithms is studied in this case in the limit of N tending to infinity and the time step tending to zero. For the white noise problem both strong and weak convergence are considered