847 research outputs found

    Metaphysics and Metaphysical Poetry in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

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    Sun Chuo comprehensively grasped the three religions of Confucianism, Buddhism and Daoism by using the concept of the Dao as a cord. Therefore, Confucian saints, Buddhist buddhas, and Lao Tzu were considered to be on the same ground as those who mastered the Dao. Moreover, Sun Chuo did not only grasp such metaphysical phases intellectually, but he actually aimed to achieve the metaphysical state himself. And in the end, it became an attempt to fly beyond all relative conflicts, although it first relied on both traditional and foreign ideas. In the literary works written by Sun Chuo, his thoughts based on such multiple religions were lying in the background. 要旨東晋の詩人、孫綽は儒教・仏教・道教の三教について、「道」という概念を紐帯とすることによって、総合的に把握した。それゆえ、儒教の聖人や仏教の仏陀、老子は「道」を体得する者として、同一の地平にある者とされた。そしてさらに孫綽は、そのような形而上的位相を単に理知的に把捉するだけではなく、彼は実際に、自分自身も形而上的な境位を悟得することを目指していた。その試みは、まずは伝統思想と外来思想の両方に依拠していたが、最終的局面において、あらゆる相対的対立の彼方へと飛翔しようとする営為となった。孫綽の代表作である「遊天台山賦」の内部には、このような複数の宗教にもとづく彼の思想が横たわっていたのであった

    Philosophy of Language in Third Century China: on the argument ‘language does/does not exhaust the meaning of words’

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    In third century China there was a discussion of whether language does or does not exhaust the meaning of words. There were three positions on language. First, that intuitive knowledge, which Confucian sages can acquire, cannot be expressed in language, that is language does not exhaust the meaning of words. Second, that there could be a gradual grasp of meaning through language and symbol. Third, that something which reaches into the mind is necessarily accompanied by language, that is to say language does exhaust the meaning of words. Each position reflects the view taken by each of the three scholars: He Yan 何晏; Wang Bi 王弼 of the Wei 魏 dynasty; and Ou Yangjian 欧陽建 of the Jin 晋 dynasty. The aim of this article is to consider their arguments in the context of contemporary epistemological knowledge. 要旨 三世紀の中国では「言尽意・言不尽意(言は意を尽くすか否か)」という主題をめぐって議論がなされていた。この議論には、言語に関する三つの捉え方があった。第一の立場は、儒教的聖人が体得できる直観的な知は、言語に依拠しては説明可能ではない、すなわち「言不尽意(言は意を尽くさず)」とするものである。第二の立場は、言語と象(『易』の卦象)とによって段階的に意を捉えようと試みるものである。第三の立場は、所与として心に直接与えられた認識は、必然的に言語をともなって把捉される、すなわち「言尽意(言は意を尽くす)」というものである。これらの立場は、それぞれ魏の何晏、王弼、そして晋の欧陽建によって示されている。本論文の目的は、当時の認識論を背景とするこの三者の行論を検討することにある

    An Overview of The Causes of Work Accidents in the Komodo's Bite Workers in Komodo National Park

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    Work accident which occurred in workers at Komodo National Park is a Komodo dragon bite work accident. According to Genesis, the Komodo dragon's bite of the year 2009-2014 12 cases had occurred in the Komodo dragon bite of the Komodo National Park. The conditions of the lack of fences between komodo with humans aimed at maintaining the authenticity of the wildlife habitat of the Komodo dragon komodo can lead to attacking and biting the workers. This research aims to find out the cause of the accident bite komodo. This research is descriptive research with qualitative approach. Informant this research consisted of workers who had ever been bitten by Komodo dragon and the Head of the Section Management of Komodo National Park. This research was conducted during January 2015 in Resort Loh Buaya Komodo National Park. Results of the study known direct cause of unsafe behavior i.e. a wayward workers in the use of the personal protection equipment (PPE) and wayward against SOP rules and regulations as well as the condition is not as safe as the condition of the guard post in the absence of a security door and the condition of the track is still natural. In addition the existence of indirect causes, namely the provision of PPE that has not been adequate, the lack of a work safety and health training, supervision has not been effective, as well as a communications SOP that has not been effective. Keywords: Unsafe act, unsafe condition, Komodo National Park.


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    Tujuan penelitian tindakan  sekolah ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kinerja guru dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran di SDK Waepana,  Kecamatan Soa. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan sekolah. Kegiatan dalam penelitian ini terdiri atas tahapan perencanaan tindakan, pelaksanaan tindakan,observasi, dan refleksi. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam dua siklus. Tempat penelitian di SDK Waepana, Kecamatan Soa, Kabupaten Ngada. Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah  guru  - guru di SDK Waepana   yang berjumlah 9 orang, yang terdiri dari 6 orang guru kelas dan 3 orang guru mata pelajaran.  Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan metode  obeservasi kelas. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis deskriptif komparatif. Data kuantitatif yang diperoleh dideskripsikan dalam bentuk kata-kata atau penjelasan. Selanjutnya dilakukan komparasi data untuk memastikan ada tidaknya peningkatan kinerja guru dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran di Kelas. Dari rata-rata nilai supervise akademik guru dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran di kelas   pada kondisi awal diperoleh 63 % . Pada ahir Siklus I rata – rata nilai  yang diperoleh 79, 89%, di akhir siklus II  diperoleh  88, 33%, dan dari kondisi awal sampai dengan akhir siklus II nilai supervisi akademik meningkat sebesar 25,33%.  Hal ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan Pelaksanaan Supervisi akademik , maka dapat meningkatkan kinerja guru dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran di SDK Waepana, Kecamatan Soa, Kabupaten Ngada TA 2018/201

    Charge dynamics of Ca_{2-x}Na_{x}CuO_{2}Cl_{2} as a correlated electron system with the ideal tetragonal lattice

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    We report the reflectivity and the resistivity measurement of Ca_{2-x}Na_{x}CuO_{2}Cl_{2} (CNCOC), which has a single-CuO2-plane lattice with no orthorhombic distortion. The doping dependence of the in-plane optical conductivity spectra for CNCOC is qualitatively the same to those of other cuprates, but a slight difference between CNCOC and LSCO, i.e., the absence of the 1.5 eV peak in CNCOC, can be attributed to the smaller charge-stripe instability in CNCOC. The temperature dependence of the optical onductivity spectra of CNCOC has been analyzed both by the two-component model (Drude+Lorentzian) and by the one-component model (extended-Drude analysis). The latter analysis gives a universal trend of the scattering rate Gamma(omega) with doping. It was also found that Gamma(omega) shows a saturation behavior at high frequencies, whose origin is the same as that of resistivity saturation at high temperatures.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Effect of varying the ratio of matrix/dispersoid particle size on the piezoresistivity of alumina/carbon-black composite ceramics

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    Alumina/carbon-black composite ceramics with different percolation thresholds were fabricated by changing the size ratio of constituent particles. The dependence of resistivity on pressure was established for each sample. The compositional dependence of resistivity can be explained by percolation theory. The percolation threshold decreases with increasing alumina/carbon-black particle size ratio. The pressure dependence of the resistivity increases as the composition approaches the percolation threshold. When the relative composition at the percolation threshold is fixed, the sensitivity increases with increasing matrix/dispersoid initial particle size ratio

    Mobilization of arachidonic acid between diacyl and ether phospholipids in rabbit alveolar macrophages

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    AbstractThe metabolism of 20:4 (arachidonic acid) in alkenylacyl, alkylacyl and diacyl lipid classes in choline glycerophospholipids (CGP) and ethanolamine glycerophospholipids (EGP) in rabbit alveolar macrophages was examined. [3H]20:4 was very rapidly incorporated into diacyl glycerophosphocholine (GPC). After the removal of free 20:4, the radioactivity was gradually lost from diacyl GPC. Concomitantly, the radioactivities in alkylacyl GPC and alkenylacyl glycerophosphoethanolamine (GPE) were increased, indicating that 20:4 was mobilized from diacyl GPC to alkylacyl GPC and alkenylacyl GPE. The mobilization was considered to be a 20:4-specific event. The gradual accumulation of 20:4 in ether phospholipids leads to a high abundance of 20:4 in these lipids. These results suggest metabolic relationships between 20:4 and ether phospholipids, including platelet-activating factor (PAF)

    An approach based on software product lines using components and aspects in Android platform

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    Orientador: Cecília Mary Fischer RubiraDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: O número de dispositivos móveis utilizando a plataforma Android cresceu dramaticamente nos últimos anos, contribuindo para uma explosão no número de aplicações. Hoje, são mais de um milhão de aplicativos disponíveis para download. Essas aplicações estão crescendo em número, tamanho e estão se tornando cada vez mais complexas, requisitando técnicas sofisticadas de engenharia de software, como por exemplo, programação orientada a aspectos e o desenvolvimento baseado em componentes, que foram amplamente explorados em plataformas desktop mas não foram muito investigadas na plataforma Android. Na literatura, poucos estudos foram feitos para mostrar sua viabilidade em cenários reais de implantação. Nesta plataforma, existem limitações de memória e poder de processamento que podem limitar o uso dessas técnicas sofisticadas. Este trabalho explora a plataforma Android em uma abordagem que utiliza essas técnicas sofisticadas de engenharia de software para modularizar interesses transversais para construção de Linhas de Produtos de Software (LPS) e a aplicação desta abordagem em estudo de caso reais. No primeiro estudo de caso, a abordagem é avaliada em relação à quantidade de memória e desempenho, e posteriormente, comparada em relação a abordagens tradicionais como o desenvolvimento baseado em componentes e o desenvolvimento orientado a objetos. No segundo estudo de caso, a abordagem é verificada em relação ao atendimento de requisitos não funcionais de tolerância a falhas no domínio de coleta de dados em campo. Os principais artefatos desse segundo estudo de caso são uma arquitetura e uma aplicação para este domínioAbstract: The number of smartphones running on Android platform increased dramatically in the past few years, contributing to an explosion in the number of applications. Today, there are more than a million available for download. These applications are increasing in the number, size and becoming more complex requiring sophisticated software engineering techniques such as Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) and Component-Based Development (CBD) which are highly exploited in desktop environments but have not been much investigated in this platform. In the literature, few studies have been conducted in order to show their feasibility in real industry deployment scenarios. In Android platform, there are limitations in memory and processing power that can limit the use of these software engineering techniques. This work explores Android platform in an approach that uses these sophisticated techniques to modularize crosscutting concerns to build Software Product Lines (SPLs) and its application in real case studies. In the first case study, the approach is evaluated in terms of memory allocation and performance; later, it is compared to traditional approaches such as component-based development and object-oriented programming. In the second case study, the approach is verified in terms of fault-tolerant non-functional requirements suitability in the data collection domain. The main artifacts of this second case study include an architecture and an application for data collection domainMestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestre em Ciência da Computação131824/2013-9CNP