19 research outputs found

    Career Development in Young Adult Women: Educational Influences on Self-Esteem

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    The study of the college experience and student self-esteem contributes to the understanding of human development. There are biological, environmental, and cognitive factors that influence student behavior. For women, the process is often preordained by gender roles shaped by men. The effects play a strong part in career development. This paper explores social, psychological, and biological research that informs human behavior. Studies about college influences on women\u27s self-concept and self-esteem reveal the factors involved in their career persistence, and decision-making. The evidence exposes the process that embodies student development, more than it suggests conclusions about \u27 career development. Helen Astin\u27s (1984) socio-psychological model of career choice and work behavior is embraced as a need-based explanation utilizing motivation, socialization, expectations, and opportunities


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    This professional doctorate project seeks to determine whether coaching can be used as a professional learning opportunity (amongst other active forms of professional development) to help reduce the significant skills gap within the Maltese Public Service (MPS). This study reveals a strong backdrop of weak leadership development and corruption issues in the MPS, which can be mitigated by coaching. This investigation is informed by a constructivist interpretive paradigm (people-centred approach) embedded in a pragmatic research paradigm (mixed-methods). Quantitative data was collected using a SurveyMonkey questionnaire from two-hundred and twenty-two (222) Senior Public Officers (SPOs) deployed in the healthcare, finance, ICT and digital media sectors within the MPS. Qualitative data was collected from twenty (20) individuals who offer coaching services in public and private entities; they participated in the study through semi-structured interviews. Political influence is a barrier to middle managers SPOs in developing the competencies to coach people. There are no coaching programmes for SPOs available within the MPS. Employees are more resistant to coaching than senior managers, and there are barriers to developing a coaching culture within middle-management levels. The only Ministry within the Office of the Prime Minister micro-manages the MPS’s day-to-day operations rather than providing clear policy guidance and giving the MPS the tools to do its job. This is embedded in and exacerbated by what seems to be a broader culture of nepotism, corruption, and the ‘political’ appointment of people to the MPS who are not qualified for their roles. Politicians often control programmes and activities, and most SPOs feel marginalised and less inclined to participate in their personal development. This is compounded by a transactional culture of telling and bullying/mismanagement, resulting in low morale and service effectiveness. While the study acknowledges deficits in leadership qualities in higher positions within the MPS, it could be inferred from the data that the barriers to developing a coaching culture within the service do not predominantly lie with senior management but in mid-management levels. The study suggests that employees are more resistant to coaching than senior managers. Paradoxically, despite the lack of coach training for SPOs in the Maltese Public Service, coaching practices have found a strong foothold in the professional development and management practices of some SPOs. The Central Government of Malta, however, may need to develop a clear vision of a future MPS and conduct a cost-benefit analysis of different forms of intervention through a comprehensive coach training programme for success in better talent management (TM), leadership development and succession planning (SP) more generally. As a contribution to practice, the author has developed a conceptual framework model, and a tentative GROW coaching model designed to understand the complex dynamics of the Maltese Public Service

    A linguistic bibliography of the New Guinea Area

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    Perceptions of organizational politics (POPS) have received significant attention in the literature and scholars have devoted great efforts to explore this phenomenon. Although they have recognized organizations as inherently political arenas relatively little is known about the antecedents as well as the consequences of POPS on employees and their organizations. This thesis draws on social exchange framework to describe the relationships among POPS and individual and organizational outcomes namely affective commitment, turnover intentions, organisational citizenship behaviors, and innovativeness related behavior. However, what drives employees to engage in POPS? It answers this fundamental question by examining the role of personality in the prediction of POPS. Furthermore, it explores how the mediating variables (organizational cynicism, political influence behavior, and trust) affect these relationships. A two wave study addresses these questions over a six-month period. In addition this study introduces the political skill self-efficacy (PSSE) construct and investigates its moderating impact on POPS-outcomes relationships. I developed and validated a scale of political skill self-efficacy (PSSE) to measure the proposed construct using three independently samples. Findings indicated that personality trait of neuroticism predicts POPS (T1) while POPS (T1) found to have positive significant relationship with organizational cynicism. I also found evidence that POPS (Time 1) has an impact on turnover intentions (Time 2) and affective commitment (Time 2). Specifically, increased perceptions of politics were associated to decreased affective commitment and increased turnover intentions. In addition, no support found for the mediating role of organisational cynicism, interpersonal trust and political influence behavior in the relationships among POPs (T1) and organizational outcomes (T2). Further, results partially supported the mediating role of organisational trus


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    Helicteres is a genus of Stercu/iaceae in which 60 species are accepted. It is divided into seven sections: four are monospecific and include Heicteres of the old world and Helicteres, Stegogamos and Polyandria of the new world (the last two described here ror the first time); the other three sections are redefined, Orthothecium with 17 species, Sacarolha with 18 species, and Orthocarpaea with 21 extra-american species. A comparison of the infrageneric systems of six authors is given in Table 1. In the present revision the 38 American species are taxonomically revised. The area of the genus, which includes the tropics except Africa, the areas of the sections, and the distributions of the American species are represented in 11 maps. The American monospecific sections Stegogamos and Polyandria live in the W of Mexico, and A/icteres is found on the atlantic coasts of Colombia and Venezuela. Within the total areas of the sections Orthothecium and Sacarolha, regions are delimited with high species concentration, which overlap in a great measure in central eastern Brazil. Within the section Orthothecium, which extends from the S of Mexico to the NW of Argentina and Paraguay, where only H. Lhotzkyana is found, a secondary insular area is circumscribed with four caribbean species. A key is provided for the sections as well as keys and descriptions for the 38 accepted American species. Among them, nine are new to science: H. /aciniosa, H. rufipila, H. Andersonii and H. biflexa belonging to section Orthothecium, and H. Pintonis, H. Krapovickasii, H. Cidii, H. Vallsii and H. denticulenta of section Sacarolha. With the aim of understanding the structure of Heicteres, a bibliographic revision of the species of the old world was carried out. In the Appendix of this work descriptions of both Asiatic sections are presented, and their type species are described. A provisional synopsis of the 21 species of section Orthocarpaea is presented, with the most common synonyms cited in the literature. It must be noted that the species of this section, especially those of Australia, are in great need of revision, and that the literature analysis and listing provided do not pretend to constitute such a revision. In the chapter on morphology, the types of inflorescences are interpreted and illustrated. In relation to the flower, the variability of each whorl is analyzed; in particular the symmetry and morphology of the corolla are taken into account to circumscribe sections and species. On the basis of the relative position of the different parts, two types of flowers are distinguished. In the first type, exclusive of the section Sacarolha, the pedicel, the androgynophore and the axis of the ovary are aligned, so that the flowers are straight and pseudactinomorphic. In the second type, the flowers show an angle between the pedicel and the androgynophore, or between the androgynophore and the axis of the ovary, or in both places, so that the flowers are geniculated and pseudozygomorphic.Changes in the morphology of the claw are emphasized in the two superior petals or the three inferior ones, and in clockwise or anti-clockwise contorted flowers. In the illustration of each species the petal claws are represented, keeping the sequence they have within the flower. This shows the degree of differentiation between the superior and inferior petals. The significance of length relationships between claw and petal blade, and between corolla and calyx, is highlighted. Attention is called also to the spirally twisted fruits, for which the genus is named, the equally frequent straight fruits, and the intermediate forms. According to the published chromosome counts, which are summarized, the genus seems to be uniformly 2n=18. The data about two Asian species with a different number should be checked. Nine pollen types are defined for the genus and the possible evolutionary lines are interpreted, as well as their relations with the sections (Pire & Cristóbal, 2001). Infra- and inter-generic relationships are discussed, but questions about the origin and evolutionary history of the genus are unresolved.Concerning the differences between Helicteres and related genera, it is pointed out that the  exclusive characters of Helicteres, such as the presence of nectaries on the peduncles, geniculate androgynophore, short petal c1aw (4-8 times shorter than the calyx), and spirally twisted fruits, are not common to all species of the genus. On the contrary, characters that are present in all the species, such as perfect flowers, connate sepals, anthers with divergent thecae, lignous syncarpous fruits made of five carpels, and apterous seeds, can be found in neighboring genera. For these reasons it is understood that a species belongs to Helicteres when one or more of the exclusive characters listed above are present with one or more of the general characters, even though they are present in other genera. AH the American species are iHustrated with the sole exception of H. cuneata, known only from a phototype, as well as the type species of the extra-american sections, making a total of 41 figures

    The reconstruction of labour representation in former East Germany 1989-1992. A comparative study of two German trade unions.

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    This thesis examines the strategies applied by two German trade unions after the collapse of the GDR. It looks at the causes of stability and instability of corporatist systems and their institutions and how these maintain membership and organizational coherence. The study explores the reconstruction strategies of two contrasted West German trade unions seeking to maintain their organizational position and to protect the neo-corporatist industrial relations system that secures their survival. Their strategies for the organizational survival of the unions are determined partly by the neo-corporatist industrial relations structure and partly by their different organizational constraints. The first section looks at explanations of how encompassing trade unions in a neo-corporatist system maintain their membership and their organizational coherence. After delineating the various incentives which encompassing trade unions provide to their membership, the study examines the threats posed by the disintegration of the GDR to the provision of union services and thus to their ability to attract members. The effects of the collapse of the GDR could reduce their membership's willingness to define interests in collective terms (i.e. a favourable trade-off between inflation and unemployment). The study then examines the objectives for an intervention by the West German trade unions in the GDR in order to secure neo-corporatism by incorporation of the East German membership within the encompassing body of the West German unions. The second section looks at the main determinants of the reconstruction process which have been the legacy of low trust in former East German industrial relations as well as the FDGB's inadequate efforts which facilitated the intervention by the West German trade unions in the form of incorporation. The third section assesses the motives of two West German trade unions related to the reconstruction strategies of free labour representation in the GDR. Both trade unions followed the strategy of incorporating the East German workforce by narrowing the existing East-West wage gap (contractual exchange) as well as offering solidarity (diffuse exchange). In particular the motive of contractual exchange reveals the unions' desire to maintain stability within the neo-corporatist environment. As the research on corporatism rarely examines the causes of stability of corporatist systems and institutions, this thesis makes a contribution to our understanding of the strategies to maintain corporatist structures. The sudden collapse of the GDR, with its repercussions for the FRG, provides a special opportunity to analyse the strategy of corporatist institutions seeking to maintain stability

    Congressional Directory, 55th Congress, 3d session, 2 editions

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    Congressional Directory. 5 Dec. SD 4 (pts. 1 and 2), 55-3, v2, 663p. [3726] Duties of the CIA

    Kitawa Oral Poetry: An Example from Melanesia

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