2 research outputs found

    Hydro-conditioning and seed partitioning for Inga laurina (SW.) Willd Propagation

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    The Inga laurina (Sw.) Willd species comes from tropical and subtropical regions, in several phytogeographic areas of distribution, including Brazil. It belongs to the leguminous family, present in riparian forests and used in urban afforestation, it provides shading and a pleasant microclimate, ornamental value, in addition to the fruit being consumed by man and birds. Species of this genus have compounds that are used in popular medicine. The propagation method is still by seeds, making it difficult to obtain the seedling, as they present recalcitrance, impairing its storage viability. The objective of this work was to verify the possibility of I. laurina seeds partitioning for the species propagation, and the storage viability, if previously subjected to hydro-conditioning. A completely randomized design was adopted, in a 2 x 4 factorial (Lot x storage time), with four replications of 50 seeds per experimental unit. The treatments were formed by the lots of whole and partitioned seeds, plus the hydro-conditioning application in the stored period. After the treatment’s application, sowing was done in tubes, being kept in a 120-day evaluation period. After this period, emergence, emergence speed index, average emergence time, air length and roots (cm), the aerial part and roots dry biomass (g), number of roots, leaves and stems (g) were evaluated. Seed partitioning was not proved to be advantageous. The seed partitioning technique was not proved to be advantageous. The hydro-conditioning adoption during storage allowed the seeds to remain viable and with the desired vigor


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    The dim of this study was to evaluate the germination of jabuticaba açu [Plinia cauliflora (DC.) Berg] seed, according to remove the mucilage, loss of water content and the storage packaging. The experiment was carried out at UTFPR - Câmpus Dois Vizinhos, Brazil. The seeds were separated into two groups, with one it remained a mucilage surrounding the seed and without muncilage. The seeds with and without mucilage were put in Pet® bottle, paper Kraft® bag at natural condition temperature and paper Kraft® bag in the refrigerator (6 °C ± 1 °C), which it was stored during 8 periods (0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 60 days). After each period, the seeds were sown in Gerbox boxes without lid containing sand as substrate and it taken to BOD at 25 °C without photoperiod. The experiment was completely randomized in a factorial 2 x 8 x 3 (presence of mucilage x storage period x storage location), with 4 replications of 50 seeds each experimental unit. Recommend to remove the mucilage for further storage of jabuticaba seeds açu in Pet® bottle at room temperature for a maximum of 25 days, without compromising the emergence and vigor.O objetivo foi avaliar a viabilidade de sementes de jabuticabeira açu [Plinia cauliflora (DC.) Berg], de acordo a remoção da mucilagem e as condições e períodos de armazenamento. O experimento foi realizado na UTFPR - Câmpus Dois Vizinhos. As sementes foram separadas em dois lotes, de forma que em um manteve-se a mucilagem e no outro não. Estes foram colocados em embalagens de acondicionamento sendo estas, garrafa Pet®, saco de papel Kraft® sob temperatura ambiente e saco de papel Kraft® em geladeira (6 °C±1 °C), que foram armazenadas de acordo com o condicionamento por 8 períodos de armazenamento (0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 e 60 dias). Após cada período, as sementes foram semeadas em caixas Gerbox, sem tampa contendo como substrato areia grossa e levadas para B.O.D. a 25 °C sem fotoperíodo. O experimento foi instalado em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em fatorial 2 x 8 x 3 (presença de mucilagem x período de armazenamento x condições de armazenamento), com 4 repetições de 50 sementes cada unidade experimental. Recomenda-se a retirada da mucilagem para um posterior armazenamento das sementes de jabuticabeira açu em garrafa Pet® sob temperatura ambiente no máximo por 25 dias, sem que haja comprometimento da emergência e do vigor