326 research outputs found


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    Das Merkblatt Rebenveredelung ist eine Anleitung für den Praktiker und die Praktikerin. Es beschreibt ausführlich und bebildert, in welchen Fällen eine Rebenveredelung sinnvoll ist, welche Veredelungstechniken es gibt, wie die Edelreiser geschnitten und aufbewahrt werden, wie die Rebstöcke vorzubereiten sind, wie die Veredelung vorgenommen wird und auf was nach der Veredelung geachtet werden muss

    A Learning Approach to Optical Tomography

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    We describe a method for imaging 3D objects in a tomographic configuration implemented by training an artificial neural network to reproduce the complex amplitude of the experimentally measured scattered light. The network is designed such that the voxel values of the refractive index of the 3D object are the variables that are adapted during the training process. We demonstrate the method experimentally by forming images of the 3D refractive index distribution of cells

    Gliogenesis Depends on glide/gcm through Asymmetric Division of Neuroglioblasts

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    AbstractSome neurons and glial cells originate from neuroblasts and glioblasts, stem cells that delaminate from the ectoderm of developing fly embryos. A second class of glial cells and neurons differentiates from multipotent precursors, the neuroglioblasts. The differentiation of both glial cell types depends on glial cell deficient/glial cell missing (glide/gcm). Although it has been shown that this transcription factor promotes gliogenesis at the expense of neurogenesis, the cellular mechanisms underlying this fate choice are poorly understood. Using loss and gain of function glide/gcm mutations here we show that the cell fate choice takes place in the neuroglioblast, which divides and produces a glioblast and a neuroblast. Such choice requires the asymmetric distribution of glide/gcm RNA, which accumulates preferentially on one side of the neuroglioblast and is inherited by one cell, the presumptive glioblast. Interestingly, glial cells can differentiate from cells that delaminate as neuroglioblasts or they can arise from cells that start expressing glide/gcm several hours after delamination of a neuroblast. Altogether, these findings identify a novel type of asymmetric cell division and disclose the lineage relationships between glia and neurons. They also reveal the mode of action of the glide/gcm promoting factor

    Genome-Wide Analysis Reveals Novel Regulators of Growth in Drosophila melanogaster.

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    Organismal size depends on the interplay between genetic and environmental factors. Genome-wide association (GWA) analyses in humans have implied many genes in the control of height but suffer from the inability to control the environment. Genetic analyses in Drosophila have identified conserved signaling pathways controlling size; however, how these pathways control phenotypic diversity is unclear. We performed GWA of size traits using the Drosophila Genetic Reference Panel of inbred, sequenced lines. We find that the top associated variants differ between traits and sexes; do not map to canonical growth pathway genes, but can be linked to these by epistasis analysis; and are enriched for genes and putative enhancers. Performing GWA on well-studied developmental traits under controlled conditions expands our understanding of developmental processes underlying phenotypic diversity

    A Fast Multilevel Algorithm for Wavelet-Regularized Image Restoration

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    Differential between Protein and mRNA Expression of CCR7 and SSTR5 Receptors in Crohn's Disease Patients

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    Crohn's disease (CD) is a multifactorial chronic inflammatory bowel disease of unknown cause. The aim of the present study was to explore if mRNA over-expression of SSTR5 and CCR7 found in CD patients could be correlated to respective protein expression. When compared to healthy donors, SSTR5 was over-expressed 417 ± 71 times in CD peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). Flow cytometry experiments showed no correlation between mRNA and protein expression for SSTR5 in PBMCs. In an attempt to find a reason of such a high mRNA expression, SSTR5 present on CD PBMCs were tested and found as biologically active as on healthy cells. In biopsies of CD intestinal tissue, SSTR5 was not over-expressed but CCR7, unchanged in PBMCs, was over-expressed by 10 ± 3 times in the lamina propria. Confocal microscopy showed a good correlation of CCR7 mRNA and protein expression in CD intestinal biopsies. Our data emphasize flow and image cytometry as impossible to circumvent in complement to molecular biology so to avoid false interpretation on receptor expressions. Once confirmed by further large-scale studies, our preliminary results suggest a role for SSTR5 and CCR7 in CD pathogenesis

    Research progress on aerobiology in the last 30 years. A focus on methodology and occupational health

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    Aerobiology, as a scientific discipline, developed during the last century and has been applied to different types of organisms and scenarios. In the context of the Integrated Evaluation of Indoor Particulate Exposure (VIEPI) project, we conducted a bibliometric study of the scientific literature on aerobiology from the last three decades, establishing the recent advances and the critical issues regarding the application of aerobiological methods to occupational settings. The data were collected from Scopus,Web of Science and PubMed. We explored the distribution of the articles in different years and research areas and realized a bibliometric analysis using the CiteSpace software. The results indicated that the number of publications is increasing. The studies related to environmental sciences were the most represented, while the number of occupational studies was more limited. The most common keywords were related to pollen, fungal spores and their relation with phenology, climate change and human health. This article shows that aerobiology is not restricted to the study of pollen and spores, extending the discipline and the application of aerobiological methods to occupational settings, currently under-explored

    Fast Interscale Wavelet Denoising of Poisson-Corrupted Images

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    We present a fast algorithm for image restoration in the presence of Poisson noise. Our approach is based on (1) the minimization of an unbiased estimate of the MSE for Poisson noise, (2) a linear parametrization of the denoising process and (3) the preservation of Poisson statistics across scales within the Haar DWT. The minimization of the MSE estimate is performed independently in each wavelet subband, but this is equivalent to a global image-domain MSE minimization, thanks to the orthogonality of Haar wavelets. This is an important difference with standard Poisson noise-removal methods, in particular those that rely on a non-linear preprocessing of the data to stabilize the variance. Our non-redundant interscale wavelet thresholding outperforms standard variance-stabilizing schemes, even when the latter are applied in a translation-invariant setting (cycle-spinning). It also achieves a quality similar to a state-of-the-art multiscale method that was specially developed for Poisson data. Considering that the computational complexity of our method is orders of magnitude lower, it is a very competitive alternative. The proposed approach is particularly promising in the context of low signal intensities and/or large data sets. This is illustrated experimentally with the denoising of low-count fluorescence micrographs of a biological sample