408 research outputs found

    Complexity of Road Coloring with Prescribed Reset Words

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    By the Road Coloring Theorem (Trahtman, 2008), the edges of any aperiodic directed multigraph with a constant out-degree can be colored such that the resulting automaton admits a reset word. There may also be a need for a particular reset word to be admitted. For certain words it is NP-complete to decide whether there is a suitable coloring of a given multigraph. We present a classification of all words over the binary alphabet that separates such words from those that make the problem solvable in polynomial time. We show that the classification becomes different if we consider only strongly connected multigraphs. In this restricted setting the classification remains incomplete.Comment: To be presented at LATA 201

    Parameterized Complexity of Synchronization and Road Coloring

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    First, we close the multivariate analysis of a canonical problem concerning short reset words (SYN), as it was started by Fernau et al. (2013). Namely, we prove that the problem, parameterized by the number of states, does not admit a polynomial kernel unless the polynomial hierarchy collapses. Second, we consider a related canonical problem concerning synchronizing road colorings (SRCP). Here we give a similar complete multivariate analysis. Namely, we show that the problem, parameterized by the number of states, admits a polynomial kernel and we close the previous research of restrictions to particular values of both the alphabet size and the maximum word length

    Judicial review of administrative decisions in the area of television and radio broadcasting

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    54 Abstrakt - Soudní přezkum rozhodnutí ve věcech rozhlasového a televizního vysílání Cílem předkládané diplomové práce je v prvé řadě analyzovat systém rozhlasového a televizního vysílání v České republice a právní úpravu, kterou se toto vysílání řídí. Práce na počátku zachycuje historický vývoj vysílání na našem území od monopolního státního vysílání až po současný duální systém, který umožnil provozovat vysílání také komerčním subjektům. Práce dále analyzuje roli Rady pro rozhlasové a televizní vysílání, jakožto ústředního orgánu státní správy v oblasti regulace mediálního trhu. Rada reguluje přístup k vysílání pomocí udělování licencí a registrací, ale především dohlíží nad naplněním obsahových náležitostí, které stanoví zákon o vysílání. V případě rozporu pak vydává správní rozhodnutí, ve kterém může udělit provozovateli vysílání sankci. Hlavní část této práce se zabývá soudním přezkumem výše uvedených rozhodnutí Rady v rámci správního soudnictví. Popisuje právní úpravu tohoto přezkumu a dále se zabývá hlavními věcnými otázkami, které soudy řeší. Nejprve se zaměřuje na požadavek zákona poskytovat objektivní a vyvážené informace podle ust. § 31 zákona o vysílání. Dotýká se i přístupu politických stran do vysílání. Dále řeší základní povinnosti provozovatelů vysílání podle ust. § 32 zákona o vysílání,...55 Abstract - Judicial Review of Administrative Decisions in the Area of Television and Radio Broadcasting The aim of the thesis is firstly analyzing the system of radio and television broadcasting in the Czech Republic and the legal environment in which this system exists. In the beginning the thesis describes historical development of broadcasting in our country since monopoly state broadcasting system to the present dual system, which enables private subjects to run their own broadcasting. Furthermore, the thesis analyzes the role of the Czech Broadcasting Council as a central administrative body in the scope of media market. The Council grants broadcasting licences and registrations but primarily supervises whether broadcasters fulfil their duties established in the Broadcasting Act. In case they do not, the Council releases an administrative decision and may impose sanctions against broadcasters. The crucial part of this thesis deals with judicial review of the above mentioned administrative decisions. It describes legal regulation of the judicial review and deals with basic questions regarding the content of broadcasting. Firstly, it aims at judicial decisions regarding the legal requirement to present objective, impartial and unbiased information under section 31 of the Broadcasting Act. Moreover, it...Department of Civil LawKatedra občanského právaFaculty of LawPrávnická fakult

    Analysis of Signals from Accelerometers and Objective Examination of the Tremor

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    Cílem této práce bylo využít existující signálovou databázi obsahující záznamy z akcelerometrickým měření zdravých jedinců a pacientů s roztroušenou sklerózou. Signály následně zpracovat v programu Matlab a navrhnout vhodnou parametrizaci pro stanovení míry tremoru. Pro ověření funkčnosti parametrů navrhnout metodu klasifikace, natrénovat klasifikátor a ověřit jeho použitelnost otestováním na datech ze signálové databáze. Ze signálů v databázi byl vypočten odhad jejich spektrální výkonové hustoty (PSD). Ve frekvenční oblasti byla navržena sada parametrů a jejich použitelnost pro rozlišení zdravých jedinců a pacientů s RS byla následně statisticky otestována. Subjektivním hodnocením na základě krabicových grafů byly nejprve vyřazeny zcela neperspektivní parametry. Následným objektivním testováním shodnosti středních hodnot obou skupin probandů byla potvrzena statistická významnost rozdílů mezi středními hodnotami u tří parametrů, konkrétně u maximální hodnoty PSD, kumulativní hodnoty PSD ve frekvenčním rozsahu od 0 do 4 Hz (frekvenční rozsah byl zvolen na základě provedené parametrické studie) a kumulativní hodnoty PSD ve flexibilním frekvenčním pásmu určeném poklesem hodnoty PSD na polovinu maxima. K testování byl využit Wilcoxonův test. Vybrané parametry byly následně použity pro natrénování a otestování Bayesových klasifikátorů. Pro vícedimenzionální klasifikátory byla využita kompletní trojice vybraných parametrů a také všechny možné dvojice. Pro trénování i testování klasifikátorů byla využita data ze signálové databáze. Nejlepších výsledků dosahoval klasifikátor využívající všech tří parametrů s relativní chybou klasifikace přibližně 12 %.The aim of this work was to use an existing signal database containing signals from accelerometric measurement of healthy individuals and patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). Subsequently, process the signals in the MATLAB program and propose a suitable parameter to determine the rate of tremor. To verify the functionality of parameters, design the classification method, train classifier and verify its usability by testing on data from the signal database. From the signals in the database, their power spectral density (PSD) was estimated. A set of parameters has been designed in the frequency area and the applicability for the distinction of healthy individuals and patients with MS was then statistically tested. A subjective evaluation based on boxplots discarded completely non-perspective parameters. The objective testing of the equality of mean values of both proband groups confirmed the statistical significance of the differences between the mean values for three parameters, specifically the maximum PSD value, cumulative PSD in the frequency range from 0 to 4 Hz (frequency range was selected based on the parametric studies performed) and cumulative PSD in a flexible frequency band specified by the decrease of PSD value to half of the maximum. Wilcoxon test was used for testing of equality of mean values. Selected parameters were subsequently used for training and testing of Bayesian classifiers. Pairs of parameters and all three of them were used for the multi-dimensional classifiers. Signal database data was used for training and testing of classifiers. The best results achieved a classifier using all three parameters with a relative classification error of approximately 12 %

    Rotamer Dynamics: Analysis of Rotamers in Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Proteins

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    Given by χ torsional angles, rotamers describe the side-chain conformations of amino acid residues in a protein based on the rotational isomers (hence the word rotamer). Constructed rotamer libraries, based on either protein crystal structures or dynamics studies, are the tools for classifying rotamers (torsional angles)in a way that reflect their frequency in nature. Rotamer libraries are routinely used in structure modeling and evaluation. In this perspective article, we would like to encourage researchers to apply rotamer analyses beyond their traditional use. Molecular dynamics (MD)of proteins highlight the in silico behavior of molecules in solution and thus can identify favorable side-chain conformations. In this article, we used simple computational tools to study rotamer dynamics (RD)in MD simulations. First, we isolated each frame in the MD trajectories in separate Protein Data Bank files via the cpptraj module in AMBER. Then, we extracted torsional angles via the Bio3D module in R language. The classification of torsional angles was also done in R according to the penultimate rotamer library. RD analysis is useful for various applications such as protein folding, study of rotamer-rotamer relationship in protein-protein interaction, real-time correlation between secondary structures and rotamers, study of flexibility of side chains in binding site for molecular docking preparations, use of RD as guide in functional analysis and study of structural changes caused by mutations, providing parameters for improving coarse-grained MD accuracy and speed, and many others. Major challenges facing RD to emerge as a new scientific field involve the validation of results via easy, inexpensive wet-lab methods. This realm is yet to be explored.Preprin

    Rheological behaviour of chocolate at different temperatures

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    The rheological behaviour of the chocolate at different temperatures was studied using a concentric cylinder viscometer with precision small samples adapter, temperature sensor and standard spindle. BIO chocolate (100% organic cocoa) has been used for the whole types of experiments. At the first, the range of temperature has been chosen 36 oC, 38 oC, 40 oC, 42 oC, and 44 oC. The shear deformation rate was established from the 0.1 s-1 up to 68 s-1. Rheological behaviour was non-Newtonian (plastic) with inconsiderable yield stress in all temperatures. The chocolate unambiguously demonstrated plastic behaviour and flow curves were fitted by the power law model (Herschel-Bulkley model), Bingham model, and Casson model with taking into account the coefficient of determination R2. The obtained results of rheological behaviour of chocolate can be best described as Casson fluid. Exactly coefficients of models can be used for modelling of flow velocity, volume flow, friction factor, Reynolds number, two dimensional and three dimensional velocity profiles and much more for flow in the real technical elements e.g. pipes, trough, tubes. Finally, temperature dependence of apparent viscosity of chocolate was also continuously measured in the range from 35 oC up to 62 oC. The apparent viscosity decreased in the temperature range. This decrease was fitted using power law equation. The knowledge of the plastic flow behaviour of chocolate is very important, because it is not quite common flow behaviour of foodstuffs.O

    Implementation of natural fillers in polyethylene and the resulting mechanical properties

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    In recent years, materials with natural fillers have begun to be used for manufacturing window frames and various linings. These compounds can replace natural materials such as wood and stone. The main reasons to use these fillers are price (which is lower than that of a polymer) and rigidity. The resulting product is strong, hard, light, possesses a long-term resistance to wind abrasion and takes on the appearance of wood and stone. The type of filler has a significant effect on the final properties of the material. In the past, however, insufficient attention was paid to the effect of natural fillers on the injection-molded product's mechanical properties. First, the test samples were measured by depth sensing indentation (DSI), which is a contemporary instrumented hardness test used to determine the micro-mechanical properties. A Micro Combi Tester made by the Anton Paar company was used for these tests. Then, the measurements were evaluated by the Oliver and Pharr method. The goal of this study was to prepare a low-density polyethylene (LDPE) filled with varying natural fillers, e.g., finely ground wood, coarsely ground wood and slate) and its subsequent granulation. The implementation of these fillers led to an increase of the mechanical properties, e.g., indentation hardness and modulus, by up to 100 % in comparison with the virgin material. The goal of this study was to evaluate the effect of natural fillers, such as wood and slate, on the mechanical properties of the tested materials.European Regional Development Fund under the project CEBIA-Tech Instrumentation [CZ.1.05/2.1.00/19.0376]; Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic within the National Sustainability Program [LO1303 (MSMT-7778/2014)]; Internal Grant Agency of TBU in Zlin [IGA/FT/2020/003

    Refining concepts by machine learning

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    DOI nefunkční (25.11.2019)In this paper we deal with machine learning methods and algorithms applied in learning simple concepts by their refining or explication. The method of refining a simple concept of an object O consists in discovering a molecular concept that defines the same or a very similar object to the object O. Typically, such a molecular concept is a professional definition of the object, for instance a biological definition according to taxonomy, or legal definition of roles, acts, etc. Our background theory is Transparent Intensional Logic (TIL). In TIL concepts are explicated as abstract procedures encoded by natural language terms. These procedures are defined as six kinds of TIL constructions. First, we briefly introduce the method of learning with a supervisor that is applied in our case. Then we describe the algorithm 'Framework' together with heuristic methods applied by it. The heuristics is based on a plausible supply of positive and negative (near-miss) examples by which learner's hypotheses are refined and adjusted. Given a positive example, the learner refines the hypothesis learnt so far, while a near-miss example triggers specialization. Our heuristic methods deal with the way refinement is applied, which includes also its special cases generalization and specialization.Web of Science23395894