1,120 research outputs found

    Type IV Pilus-Mediated Inhibition of \u3ci\u3eAcinetobacter baumannii\u3c/i\u3e Biofilm Formation by Phenothiazine Compounds

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    Infections by pathogenic Acinetobacter species represent a significant burden on the health care system, despite their relative rarity, due to the difficulty of treating infections through oral antibiotics. Multidrug resistance is commonly observed in clinical Acinetobacter infections and multiple molecular mechanisms have been identified for this resistance, including multidrug efflux pumps, carbapenemase enzymes, and the formation of bacterial biofilm in persistent infections. Phenothiazine compounds have been identified as a potential inhibitor of type IV pilus production in multiple Gram-negative bacterial species. Here, we report the ability of two phenothiazines to inhibit type IV pilus-dependent surface (twitching) motility and biofilm formation in multiple Acinetobacter species. Biofilm formation was inhibited in both static and continuous flow models at micromolar concentrations without significant cytotoxicity, suggesting that type IV pilus biogenesis was the primary molecular target for these compounds. These results suggest that phenothiazines may be useful lead compounds for the development of biofilm dispersal agents against Gram-negative bacterial infections

    First cohomology for finite groups of Lie type: simple modules with small dominant weights

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    Let kk be an algebraically closed field of characteristic p>0p > 0, and let GG be a simple, simply connected algebraic group defined over Fp\mathbb{F}_p. Given r≥1r \geq 1, set q=prq=p^r, and let G(Fq)G(\mathbb{F}_q) be the corresponding finite Chevalley group. In this paper we investigate the structure of the first cohomology group H1(G(Fq),L(λ))H^1(G(\mathbb{F}_q),L(\lambda)) where L(λ)L(\lambda) is the simple GG-module of highest weight λ\lambda. Under certain very mild conditions on pp and qq, we are able to completely describe the first cohomology group when λ\lambda is less than or equal to a fundamental dominant weight. In particular, in the cases we consider, we show that the first cohomology group has dimension at most one. Our calculations significantly extend, and provide new proofs for, earlier results of Cline, Parshall, Scott, and Jones, who considered the special case when λ\lambda is a minimal nonzero dominant weight.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figures, 6 tables. Typos corrected and some proofs streamlined over previous versio

    Integrated spatial multiplexing of heralded single photon sources

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    The non-deterministic nature of photon sources is a key limitation for single photon quantum processors. Spatial multiplexing overcomes this by enhancing the heralded single photon yield without enhancing the output noise. Here the intrinsic statistical limit of an individual source is surpassed by spatially multiplexing two monolithic silicon correlated photon pair sources, demonstrating a 62.4% increase in the heralded single photon output without an increase in unwanted multi-pair generation. We further demonstrate the scalability of this scheme by multiplexing photons generated in two waveguides pumped via an integrated coupler with a 63.1% increase in the heralded photon rate. This demonstration paves the way for a scalable architecture for multiplexing many photon sources in a compact integrated platform and achieving efficient two photon interference, required at the core of optical quantum computing and quantum communication protocols.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, comments welcom

    Exploring the functional hierarchy of different pyramidal cell types in temporal processing

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    Recent research has revealed the unique functionality of cortical pyramidal cell subtypes, namely intratelencephalic neurons (IT) and pyramidal-tract neurons (PT). How these two populations interact with each other to fulfill their functional roles remains poorly understood. We propose the existence of a functional hierarchy between IT and PT due to their unidirectional connection and distinct roles in sensory discrimination and motor tasks. To investigate this hypothesis, we conducted a literature review of recent studies that explored the properties and functionalities of IT and PT, including causal lesion studies, population-based encoding, and calcium imaging experiments. Further, we suggest future experiments to determine the relevance of the canonical IT-PT circuit motif for temporal processing. Our work provides a novel perspective on the mechanistic role of IT and PT in temporal processing

    Second cohomology for finite groups of Lie type

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    Let GG be a simple, simply-connected algebraic group defined over Fp\mathbb{F}_p. Given a power q=prq = p^r of pp, let G(Fq)⊂GG(\mathbb{F}_q) \subset G be the subgroup of Fq\mathbb{F}_q-rational points. Let L(λ)L(\lambda) be the simple rational GG-module of highest weight λ\lambda. In this paper we establish sufficient criteria for the restriction map in second cohomology H2(G,L(λ))→H2(G(Fq),L(λ))H^2(G,L(\lambda)) \rightarrow H^2(G(\mathbb{F}_q),L(\lambda)) to be an isomorphism. In particular, the restriction map is an isomorphism under very mild conditions on pp and qq provided λ\lambda is less than or equal to a fundamental dominant weight. Even when the restriction map is not an isomorphism, we are often able to describe H2(G(Fq),L(λ))H^2(G(\mathbb{F}_q),L(\lambda)) in terms of rational cohomology for GG. We apply our techniques to compute H2(G(Fq),L(λ))H^2(G(\mathbb{F}_q),L(\lambda)) in a wide range of cases, and obtain new examples of nonzero second cohomology for finite groups of Lie type.Comment: 29 pages, GAP code included as an ancillary file. Rewritten to include the adjoint representation in types An, B2, and Cn. Corrections made to Theorem 3.1.3 and subsequent dependent results in Sections 3-4. Additional minor corrections and improvements also implemente

    Highly-nonlinear chalcogenide glass devices for high-speed signal processing and characterization

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    We review the latest advances in dispersion-shifted Chalcogenide waveguides enabling highly nonlinear and low dispersion planar rib circuits of centimetre length. Its performance advantages for more broadband and higher speed nonlinear signal processing are shown

    Terahertz bandwidth RF spectrum analysis of femtosecond pulses using a chalcogenide chip

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    We report the first demonstration of the use of an RF spectrum analyser with multi-terahertz bandwidth to measure the properties of femtosecond optical pulses. A low distortion and broad measurement bandwidth of 2.78 THz (nearly two orders of magnitude greater than conventional opto-electronic analyzers) was achieved by using a 6 cm long As2S3 chalcogenide waveguide designed for high Kerr nonlinearity and near zero dispersion. Measurements of pulses as short as 260 fs produced from a soliton-effect compressor reveal features not evident from the pulse’s optical spectrum. We also applied an inverse Fourier transform numerically to the captured data to re-construct a time-domain waveform that resembled pulse measurement obtained from intensity autocorrelation

    Single parameter optimization for simultaneous automatic compensation of multiple orders of dispersion for a 1.28 Tbaud signal

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    We report the demonstration of automatic higher-order dispersion compensation for the transmission of 275 fs pulses associated with a Tbaud Optical Time Division Multiplexed (OTDM) signal. Our approach achieves simultaneous automatic compensation for 2nd, 3rd and 4th order dispersion using an LCOS spectral pulse shaper (SPS) as a tunable dispersion compensator and a dispersion monitor made of a photonic-chip-based all-optical RF-spectrum analyzer. The monitoring approach uses a single parameter measurement extracted from the RF-spectrum to drive a multidimensional optimization algorithm. Because these pulses are highly sensitive to fluctuations in the GVD and higher orders of chromatic dispersion, this work represents a key result towards practical transmission of ultrashort optical pulses. The dispersion can be adapted on-the-fly for a 1.28 Tbaud signal at any place in the transmission line using a black box approach

    Simultaneous multi-impairment monitoring of 640 Gb/s signals using photonic chip based RF spectrum analyzer

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    We report the first demonstration of simultaneous multiimpairment monitoring at ultrahigh bitrates using a THz bandwidth photonic-chip-based radio-frequency (RF) spectrum analyzer. Our approach employs a 7 cm long, highly nonlinear (γ ≈9900 /W/km), dispersion engineered chalcogenide planar waveguide to capture the RF spectrum of an ultrafast 640 Gb/s signal, based on cross-phase modulation, from which we numerically retrieve the autocorrelation waveform. The relationship between the retrieved autocorrelation trace and signal impairments is exploited to simultaneously monitor dispersion, in-band optical signal to noise ratio (OSNR) and timing jitter from a single measurement. This novel approach also offers very high OSNR measurement dynamic range (> 30 dB) and is scalable to terabit data rates

    Overview of Advanced LIGO Adaptive Optics

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    This is an overview of the adaptive optics used in Advanced LIGO (aLIGO), known as the thermal compensation system (TCS). The thermal compensation system was designed to minimize thermally-induced spatial distortions in the interferometer optical modes and to provide some correction for static curvature errors in the core optics of aLIGO. The TCS is comprised of ring heater actuators, spatially tunable CO2_{2} laser projectors and Hartmann wavefront sensors. The system meets the requirements of correcting for nominal distortion in Advanced LIGO to a maximum residual error of 5.4nm, weighted across the laser beam, for up to 125W of laser input power into the interferometer
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