4 research outputs found

    Implementing the pedagogical potential of social and cultural activities in the institutional environment

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    The article is concerned with the further development of social and cultural activities due to their great social demand. The authors of the article associate this task with the influence of social institutions on state cultural organizations providing leisure activities for different groups of the population. They have considered the specifics of such impacts in the Russian society of the transition period. As a result, they have revealed new opportunities in forming programs of social and cultural activities with the use of their creative achievements throughout the history of Russia and foreign countries. In addition, the article traces the most common trends in socio-cultural activities focused on institutional and state issues and determines the most promising forms of such activities. In this process, a significant role is played by socio-cultural clubs and mass theater programs. The article sets new priorities in the further development of amateur activities and performances, which effectively combines mass participation and skillfulness. The study also outlines prospects for a more active state participation in the organization of social and cultural activities.

    Civil society as a culturological category

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    The study is devoted to the current problems of studying civil society by means of culturology. The processes of formation of civil society as a culturological category are highlighted; its place and role in social development, as well as various interpretations of this sociocultural phenomenon, are considered. A fairly unambiguous understanding of the prerequisites of citizenship in the context of political culture and the culture of social interaction is proposed. The main problem situations that hinder the development of the civic activity of the population and their overcoming using the possibilities of state cultural policy are highlighted. A significant place in the study is devoted to the potential of civil society as a sociocultural mechanism of the relationship between the state and society, the institutional reality of the “systemic world” and the culture of everyday life, formed mainly in the space of the “lifeworld”.The morphology of civil society as a specific social formation and its cultural potential, which is associated mainly with the implementation of axiological components in social and civic activity in modern society, are analyzed. It also compares the understanding of the civil society in Western countries and the Russian experience of civil life. Further prospects for the study of civil society are outlined in the direction of searching for a synthesis of Russian and foreign experience in the formation and development of civil culture.

    Implementing the pedagogical potential of social and cultural activities in the institutional environment

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    The article is concerned with the further development of social and cultural activities due to their great social demand. The authors of the article associate this task with the influence of social institutions on state cultural organizations providing leisure activities for different groups of the population. They have considered the specifics of such impacts in the Russian society of the transition period. As a result, they have revealed new opportunities in forming programs of social and cultural activities with the use of their creative achievements throughout the history of Russia and foreign countries. In addition, the article traces the most common trends in socio-cultural activities focused on institutional and state issues and determines the most promising forms of such activities. In this process, a significant role is played by socio-cultural clubs and mass theater programs. The article sets new priorities in the further development of amateur activities and performances, which effectively combines mass participation and skillfulness. The study also outlines prospects for a more active state participation in the organization of social and cultural activities. El artículo se ocupa del mayor desarrollo de las actividades sociales y culturales debido a su gran demanda social. Los autores del artículo asocian esta tarea con la influencia de las instituciones sociales en las organizaciones culturales estatales que brindan actividades de ocio para diferentes grupos de la población. Han considerado los detalles de tales impactos en la sociedad rusa del período de transición. Como resultado, han revelado nuevas oportunidades en la formación de programas de actividades sociales y culturales con el uso de sus logros creativos a lo largo de la historia de Rusia y países extranjeros. Además, el artículo rastrea las tendencias más comunes en las actividades socioculturales enfocadas en temas institucionales y estatales y determina las formas más prometedoras de tales actividades. En este proceso, los clubes socioculturales y los programas de teatro de masas juegan un papel importante. El artículo establece nuevas prioridades en el desarrollo ulterior de las actividades y actuaciones de aficionados, que combinan efectivamente la participación masiva y la habilidad. El estudio también describe las perspectivas de una participación estatal más activa en la organización de actividades sociales y culturales

    Civil society as a culturological category

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    The study is devoted to the current problems of studying civil society by means of culturology. The processes of formation of civil society as a culturological category are highlighted; its place and role in social development, as well as various interpretations of this sociocultural phenomenon, are considered. A fairly unambiguous understanding of the prerequisites of citizenship in the context of political culture and the culture of social interaction is proposed. The main problem situations that hinder the development of the civic activity of the population and their overcoming using the possibilities of state cultural policy are highlighted. A significant place in the study is devoted to the potential of civil society as a sociocultural mechanism of the relationship between the state and society, the institutional reality of the “systemic world” and the culture of everyday life, formed mainly in the space of the “lifeworld”.The morphology of civil society as a specific social formation and its cultural potential, which is associated mainly with the implementation of axiological components in social and civic activity in modern society, are analyzed. It also compares the understanding of the civil society in Western countries and the Russian experience of civil life. Further prospects for the study of civil society are outlined in the direction of searching for a synthesis of Russian and foreign experience in the formation and development of civil culture. El estudio está dedicado a la problemática actual del estudio de la sociedad civil mediante la culturología. Se destacan los procesos de formación de la sociedad civil como categoría culturológica; Se considera su lugar y papel en el desarrollo social, así como diversas interpretaciones de este fenómeno sociocultural. Se propone una comprensión bastante inequívoca de los requisitos previos de la ciudadanía en el contexto de la cultura política y la cultura de la interacción social. Se destacan las principales situaciones problemáticas que dificultan el desarrollo de la actividad cívica de la población y su superación utilizando las posibilidades de la política cultural estatal. Un lugar significativo en el estudio está dedicado al potencial de la sociedad civil como mecanismo sociocultural de la relación entre el Estado y la sociedad, la realidad institucional del “mundo sistémico” y la cultura de la vida cotidiana, conformada principalmente en el espacio del "Mundo de la vida". Se analiza la morfología de la sociedad civil como formación social específica y su potencial cultural, que se asocia principalmente a la implementación de componentes axiológicos en la actividad social y cívica en la sociedad moderna. También compara la comprensión de la sociedad civil en los países occidentales y la experiencia rusa de la vida civil. Se describen nuevas perspectivas para el estudio de la sociedad civil en la dirección de buscar una síntesis de la experiencia rusa y extranjera en la formación y desarrollo de la cultura civil