196 research outputs found


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    The aim of this investigation was to evaluate the tendencies of climate aridity of areas where irrigation systems are present, based on meteorological parameters such as precipitations, potential evapotranspiration and water deficit as expressed by the average value of the ratio between precipitation and potential evapotranspiration (P/ETP). The impact of climate changes was done by comparing the time periods of 1961–2000 with 2001–2016, at NUTS5 level where there is potential for crop irrigation. The results showed that for the time period of 2001–2016, the mean values of precipitations decreased down to399 mm, and the potential evapotranspiration increased up to716 mm. Therefore, the water deficit expressed as average value of the ratio P/ETP decreases from 0.594 to 0.557. There is a higher water deficit in most areas where the irrigation systems are present, and, therefore, the near future trend is to increase the water deficit over time

    Studies on rate of domestic violence incidence in differents countries

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    Catedra Sănătate Publică şi Management “Nicolae Testemiţanu”The article includes the outcomes of several studies highlighting the impact that violence can have upon the integrity of every family. It reflects most of the causes and consequences that victims are passing through. Women and children are the most vulnerable parts in a family, the effects of the maltreating inside the house have often an impact on body and mental integrity of women and children. Articolul “Studii privind rata incidentei violentei in familie in diferite tari” include rezultatele unor studii care denotă, în mod evident, impactul violenţei în famile asupra integrităţii familiei. Sînt elucidate cauzele şi consecinţele , de suprafaţă, şi de profunzime asupra victimelor. Femeile şi copii sunt, în mod evident părţile vulnerabile din cadrul familiei, iar efectele abuzurilor casnice se răsfrâng de cele mai multe ori asupra integrităţii corporale şi psihice a acestora

    Opinion of general physicians on domestic violence

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    Catedra Medicina Socială şi Management Sanitar “Nicolae Testemiţanu”, USMF “Nicolae Testemiţanu”The article includes the opinion of the general physicians on the influence of domestic violence on women's health, which obviously shou’s, the family violence impact on family integrity. Prophylactic measures are outlined by the general physicians in order to prevent this scourge as well as those responsible for the eradication of these cases. Articolul include opinia medicilor de familie privind influienţa violenţei domestice asupra sănătăţii femeii, cauzele neadresării femeilor pentru acordarea asistenţei medicale care denotă, în mod evident, impactul violenţei în familie asupra integrităţii familiei. Sunt elucidate măsurile profilactice folosite de medicul de familie pentru prevenirea acestui flagel precum şi persoanele responsabile de eradicarea acestor cazuri


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    An important measure included in the Code of Agricultural Practices is related to the standards on maximum quantities of nitrogen fertilizers which may be applied on agricultural lands in order to prevent or reduce nitrates pollution of water bodies. For this, fertilizer plans at farm level are reccomended to be carried out. The case study is accomplished within a farm located in Ialomita watershed. This paper shows a fertilization plan obtained by using best practices for efficiently nitrogen use at farm level. Different indicators were needed: expected crop yield at farm level, soil indicators and coefficients of nitrogen use. As much the difference between applied applied nitrogen and exported nitrogen is lower within the farm, as much the nitrogen use efficiency is higher. In case of wheat, the optimum economic nitrogen dose recommended for obtaining 8000 kg/ha is 138 kg/ha of nitrogen. This dose is correlated with the optimum soil nitrogen supply, plant nitrogen need and the lower risk of nitrogen losses in water bodies

    Conceptual Diagnosis Model Based on Distinct Knowledge Dyads for Interdisciplinary Environments

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    The present paper has a synergic dual purpose of bringing a psychological and neuroscience related perspective oriented towards decision making and knowledge creation diagnosis in the frame of Knowledge Management. !e conceptual model is built by means ofCognitive-Emotional and Explicit-Tacit knowledge dyads and structured on Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) according to the hypothesis which designates the first dyad as an accessing mechanism of knowledge stored in the second dyad. Due to the well acknowledged needsconcerning new advanced decision making instruments and enhanced knowledge creation processes in the field of technical space projects emphasized by a high level of complexity, the herein study tries also to prove the relevance of the proposed conceptual diagnosis modelin Systems Engineering (SE) methodology which foresees at its turn concurrent engineering within interdisciplinary working environments. !e theoretical model, entitled DiagnoSE, has the potential to provide practical implications to space/space related business sector butnot merely, and on the other hand, to trigger and inspire other knowledge management related researches for refining and testing the proposed instrument in SE or other similar decision making based working environment

    Impactul violenţei în familie. Viziuni şi opinii

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    The article includes opinions of different investigators and the fi nal results of researches which confi rm that in last decades the violence in the family reaches the maximum quotas. The women and children are the most vulnerable parts in one family, the effects of the maltreating inside the house have often an impact on body and mental integrity of women and children

    The medico-social and psychological issues of domestic violence in rural and urban areas families

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    Catedra Medicină Socială şi Management “Nicolae Testemiţanu”, USMF “Nicolae Testemiţanu”The article includes the outcomes of several studies highlighting the impact that violence can have upon the integrity of every family, and comparative studies results of domestic violence in rural and urban areas. Were analyzed aspects depending on the standard of living, age and nationality of women which lives in families were domestic violence persist. Articolul include rezultatele unor studii care denotă, în mod evident, impactul anumitor factori asupra integrităţii familiei, şi rezultatele unor studii comparative a violenţei domestice în mediul rural şi urban. Au fost analizate unele aspecte în dependență de nivelul de trai, vîrsta și naționalitaea femeilor în familiile unde persistă violența domestică

    The severity of damage in pelvio-abdominal trauma

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    USMF „N. Testemițanu”, Clinica Chirurgie N1“N. Anestiadi”, Laboratorul Chirurgie HPB, Chişinău, Al XI-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova și cea de-a XXXIII-a Reuniune a Chirurgilor din Moldova „Iacomi-Răzeșu” 27-30 septembrie 2011Scopul: Studierea acțiunii traumatismului bazinului a zonei pelvio-abdominale asupra gradului de severitate a victimelor la spitalizare. Material și metode: Este prezentată o analiză a 195 pacienți cu traumatism asociat, complicat cu hematom retroperitoneal şi divizat în două loturi, statistic relativ omogene. Lotul de studiu-152 pacienți cu traumatism pelvio-abdominal. Barbati - 104(68,42%), femei-48(31,57%), vârsta medie-38,81±16,03 ani. Fracturile oaselor bazinului constatate: tip A- 58(38,15%), tip B-40(26,31%), tip C-54(35,52%) pacienți. Lotul de control-43 pacienți cu traumatism abdominal asociat, fără trauma bazinului. Bărbați-36(83,72%), femei- 7(16,27%), vârsta medie-41,37±16,74. Pacienții cu hemodinamica stabilă au fost examinați după schema standartă. Examinarea clinică a fost efectuată cu aprecierea gravității leziunilor după scorul: GCS(Glasgow), indicele de şoc Algover(SIA), AIS, ISS. Leziunile bazinului repartizate conform clasificării AO/ASIF. Rezultate: Valoarea totală a severității lezărilor în grupul de studiu la internare a fost: GCS=11,03±3,34; SIA=1,36±0,62; AIS=11,32±3,54; ISS=38,84±6,76 puncte. Valoarea totală a severității lezărilor în grupul de control a fost: GCS=12,06±2,78; SIA=1,07±0,58; AIS=7,97±3,42; ISS=29,51±15,78 puncte. Compararea estimărilor severității a arătat că gravitatea traumatismului în grupul de pacienți cu fracturi a oaselor bazinului este mai mare decât în grupul de control.În traumatismul pelvio-abdominal, mobilizarea precoce a bazinului este un factor important, care permite prevenirea hemoragiilor masive pelviene, astfel acționând la reducerea severității traumatismului. Concluzii: Fracturile oaselor bazinului de diferite grade de lezare agravează starea accidentaților. Stabilirea precoce şi corecția cu restabilirea anatomiei şi funcției inelului pelvian, în fracturi de tip A,B,C sunt condițiile principale în nivelarea gradului de gravitate şi a termenelor de restabilire a funcției.Aim: To study the impact of damage to the pelvis on the severity of damage in pelvio-abdominal trauma, suffered during hospitalization. Material and methods: Analysis of injury severity of two relatively homogeneous groups statistically affected. Study group-152 patients with pelvio-abdominal trauma. There were 104(68,42%)men and 48(31,57%)women. The average age of patients was 38,81±16,03 years. Damage to the pelvic bones stated: type A-58(38,15%), type B-40(26,31%), the C-54(35,52%)patients. Control group-43 patients with combined abdominal trauma, without damage to the pelvis. There were 36(83,72%)men and 7(16,27%)women. The average age of patients was 41,37±16,74years. Patients with stable hemodynamics were examined according to the standard scheme. Clinical examination was carried by assessing the severity of injuries on the following scales: GCS(Glasgow), shock index Algover(SIA), AIS, ISS. It was performed: X-ray examination of the pelvis, USG, CT(if indicated). Pelvic injuries were divided according to the classification AO/ASIF. Results: The total severity of injury on admission in the study group was: GCS=11,03±3,34; SIA=1,36±0,62; AIS=11,32±3,54; ISS=38,84±6,76 points. The total severity of injury on admission in the control group was: GCS=12,06±2,78; SIA=1,07±0,58; AIS=7,97±3,42; ISS=29,51±15,78 points. Comparison of estimations of injury severity showed, that the severity of damage in the study group is higher than in the control group. In pelvio-abdominal trauma, early mobilization of the pelvis is an important factor that allows to prevent massive pelvic hemorrhage, subsequently leading to reduction of the severity of damage. Conclusions: Fractures of the pelvic bones of different degree of damage aggravate the state of the victims. Early mobilization and correction by restoring the anatomy and function of the pelvic ring fractures type A,B,C are the principal conditions in diminishing the severity and time of restoration of the function