6 research outputs found

    Subcapsular hepatic hematoma. Serious complication during pregnancy

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    Subcapsular hepatic hematoma is a rare complication during pregnancy, but potentially lethal and usually related to severe pre-eclampsia or HELLP syndrome (hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and diminished platelets). Maternal and perinatal mortality in these cases is high, hence the importance of early diagnosis and timely and multidisciplinary treatment. This paper is a review on the subject, held in Ebsco, Hinari and Sci databases

    Perinatal Outcomes of Pregnant Women with Cardiac Disease at the “Ramón Gonzalez Coro” Gynecologic & Obstetric Teaching Hospital.

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    Introduction: pregnancy in women with heart disease is commonly associated with increased perinatal morbidity. Objective: to describe perinatal outcomes in pregnant women with heart disease who were treated according to a new working protocol. Method: a descriptive study with some analytic aspects was conducted in the Heart Disease and Pregnancy service of the “Ramón Gonzalez Coro’’ Gynecologic and Obstetric Teaching Hospital from 2000-2009. The universe consisted on the 472 pregnant women with heart disease that received follow up during that period. They were treated according to the protocol applied since 2000. Data were obtained through a questionnaire and were processed using the SPSS 11,5 system for Windows, through determination of absolute and relative frequencies. They included: obstetric complications, mode of delivery, cesarean indication, gestational age at delivery and neonatal complications. Results: 51 (10, 8 %) patients presented obstetric complications. Vaginal delivery was the most common mode of pregnancy termination. It took place in 242 (51, 3 %) patients. Cesarean sections were performed in 146 (30, 9 %) of cases, being previous cesarean sections the first cause, 42 (28, 8 %). 17 (3, 6 %) patients presented neonatal complications. Conclusion: the new protocol applied to pregnant women with heart disease at ‘’Ramón Gonzalez Coro’’ Gynecologic and Obstetric Teaching Hospital, contributed to improve perinatal outcomes

    Characterization of High Grade Intraepithelial Cervical Lesion among Adolescents and Young Women

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    <strong>Introduction:</strong> considering the relationship between human papilomavirus and cervical cancer, the current increase in sexually transmitted diseases constitutes the biggest threaten to adolescents’ health. <strong><br />Objective:</strong> to characterize high-degree intraepithelial cervical lesion in adolescents and young women. <br /><strong>Method: </strong>a descriptive and observational study was conducted. It included 52 patients, all of them younger than 24 years old, who had been diagnosed with high-degree cervical pathology and were treated in the cervix pathology consultation of the "Ramón González Coro" Teaching Gynecologic and Obstetric Hospital from January 2007 to December 2008. Risk factors and diagnosis variables were studied and processed using the SPSS 11.5 system for Windows, through the determination of absolute and relative frequencies. <br /><strong>Results:</strong> 78,8 % of patients had from 20 to 24 years old, 65,3 % of them began having sexual relationships between 15 and 17 years old, 62,2 % had had 3 or more sexual partners and 67,3 % used no contraceptive method. Cyto- histological correlation was of 100 % for intraepithelial cervical lesion II and III. <strong><br />Conclusion:</strong> the results of the present study compromise us to highlight the need of extended sexual education among young people

    Embarazo en adolescentes del Policlínico “Rafael Valdés” en el año 2009

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    Fundamento: la situación del embarazo en la adolescencia es hoy una problemática de salud a nivel internacional, asociada a un incremento de la morbilidad materna. Objetivo: estimar la tasa de embarazo en adolescentes y caracterizar la morbilidad materna asociada. Método: estudio descriptivo y prospectivo, realizado en el Área de Salud del Policlínico “Rafael Valdés del Municipio Cotorro, durante el año 2009. La muestra estuvo constituida por 79 adolescentes gestantes, a las cuales se les solicitó el consentimiento informado para participar en la investigación. Las variables estudiadas fueron: afecciones durante el embarazo y complicaciones relacionadas, que se tomaron del carnet obstétrico y se procesaron mediante el sistema estadístico SPSS-11,5, utilizando frecuencias y porcentajes como técnicas de estadística descriptiva. Resultados: la tasa de embarazo en adolescentes en el año 2009, fue de 226 x 1000 y muestra una tendencia al aumento. La infección vaginal (98,7 %), la anemia (58,2 %) y la bacteriuria asintomática (38 %), fueron las morbilidades más frecuentes. Conclusión: el embarazo en la adolescencia es un problema de salud que hoy está en aumento y que continúa siendo necesario investigar

    Psoas abscess secondary to atypical appendicitis in pregnancy. A case report

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    The psoas abscess is a rare infectious disease that is difficult to diagnose, characterized by a purulent collection at the level of this muscle, which causes a systemic inflammatory response syndrome. The infection can be primary by hematogenous dissemination, or secondary, from a nearby infectious focus. Its presentation during pregnancy is rare, and the primary form predominates, which is why it was decided to write this article. The case of a pregnant woman with a gestational age of 28.4 weeks who was admitted due to inguinal pain with subsequent irradiation to the right hip, flank, and lumbar region; flexed posture of the right hip and analgesic gait, as well as the appearance, nine days after the onset of symptoms, of a painful mass between the right iliac fossa and flank it is presented. The findings of the abdominal ultrasound and MRI allowed the diagnosis of an appendiceal plastron with a retrocecal appendix, as well as a right psoas abscess, which were treated with antibiotic therapy and percutaneous drainage of the abscess, with satisfactory results. Secondary psoas abscess may constitute the debut of atypical retrocecal appendicitis, and its diagnosis requires a high level of suspicion due to its non-specific symptoms

    Hemorragia uterina disfuncional en la adolescencia

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    La hemorragia uterina disfuncional es uno de los problemas ginecológicos más comunes en la adolescencia, constituye el principal motivo de consulta en estas edades, tiene una alta incidencia y se puede presentar en el 80 % de las pacientes después del primer año de vida ginecológica, influyendo de forma negativa en el desarrollo físico e intelectual de estas niñas así como en la salud reproductiva futura de la adolescente, de ahí la importancia del diagnostico precoz, tratamiento oportuno y multidisciplinario