494 research outputs found


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    The demand for air conditioning keeps rising, especially in developing countries where the standard of living has improved. This results in an increased consumption of electricity and puts further pressure on the power grid. In Cuba, electricity is a scarce commodity and the electricity production relies heavily on fossil fuels, which causes high emissions. An alternative technology for producing cooling is thermally driven cooling where the installment of an absorption chiller could utilize waste heat from existing industries to provide cooling to buildings. Therefore, there are possibilities of lowering the amount of electricity needed for air conditioning. In this thesis, the potential of using waste heat from sugar mills in Cuba was investigated. The sugar industry is high water consuming and often produces large amounts of heated waste water that is rarely utilized. To collect the data needed for the investigation, a study visit was conducted at the sugar mill Carlos Baliño in Villa Clara, Cuba. Since the factory did not track water mass flows, calculations based on sugar concentrations and energy balances were used to determine the different water outlets. The identified excess water has a mass flow of 10 kg/s and a temperature of 96 °C, which is enough to supply the factory with cooling. The result of the investigation also showed that the mill could invest in thermally driven cooling with a payback time of between three to six seasons depending on the cost of the selected equipment. The energy savings per crushing season would be nearly 140 000 kWh which equals to financial savings of above 40 000 dollar per season. If the sugar mill Carlos Baliño would invest in an absorption chiller, the cooling supply would be unreliable because of the high number of production shutdowns. Before any possible implementation, the causes for the stops in production need to be further examined. The supply of cooling would otherwise have to rely on thermal energy storage of chilled water, which in such large quantities would be costly. The factory only produces waste heat during the crushing season, which lasts from December throughout April, but there is a cooling demand during the whole year, which means that alternative cooling methods for an off-season cooling supply would have to be investigated. The study concludes that thermally driven cooling would be very suitable for similar industries that also produce large amounts of heated excess water, but are operating all year around and have a more even production rate, both on a daily and seasonal basis.EfterfrÄgan pÄ luftkonditionering fortsÀtter att öka, speciellt i utvecklingslÀnder dÀr levnadsstandarden har förbÀttrats. En ökad efterfrÄgan pÄ luftkonditionering resulterar i en ökad anvÀndning av elektricitet, vilket i sin tur leder till en ökad belastning pÄ elnÀtet. PÄ Kuba Àr elektricitet en bristvara och elproduktionen Àr starkt beroende av fossila brÀnslen vilket leder till stora utslÀpp. En alternativ teknologi för att producera kyla Àr vÀrmedriven kyla dÀr en absorptionkylmaskin kan utnyttja spillvÀrme frÄn redan existerande industrier för att leverera kyla till byggnader. DÀrav finns det möjlighet att minska anvÀndandet av den elektricitet som behövs för att driva luftkonditioneringsapparater. I denna uppsats undersöks potentialen för att anvÀnda spillvÀrme frÄn sockerfabriker pÄ Kuba. Sockerindustrin konsumerar stora mÀngder vatten och producerar ofta betydande kvantiteter av uppvÀrmt eller förÄngat spillvatten som sÀllan utnyttjas. För att samla in de data som krÀvs för undersökningen genomfördes studiebesök pÄ fabriken Carlos Baliño i Villa Clara, Kuba. Eftersom vattenflöden inte mÀttes i fabriken baserades berÀkningarna pÄ sockerkoncentrationer och energibalanser för att faststÀlla utloppsflöden av vatten. Det identifierade spillvattnet har ett massflöde pÄ 10 kg/s och en temperatur pÄ 96 °C, vilket Àr tillrÀckligt för att förse fabriken med kyla. Resultatet av undersökningen visade ocksÄ att fabriken skulle kunna investera i vÀrmedriven kyla med en Äterbetalningstid pÄ mellan tre till sex sÀsonger beroende pÄ kostnaden för vald utrustning. Energibesparingarna per produktionssÀsong skulle bli nÀrmare 140 000 kWh vilket motsvaras av en ekonomisk besparing pÄ drygt 40 000 dollar per sÀsong. Om en absorptionskylmaskin skulle implementeras pÄ Carlos Baliño skulle leveransen av kyla vara osÀker pÄ grund av det höga antalet produktionsstopp i fabriken. Före en eventuell implementation mÄste orsakerna till stoppen undersökas, annars skulle kylningsmöjligheterna bero starkt pÄ termiska energilager av kallt vatten vilket i stora volymer kan bli kostsamt. Fabriken producerar endast spillvÀrme under produktionssÀsong vilket pÄgÄr frÄn december till och med april men kylbehovet existerar under hela Äret. Det betyder att alternativa kylmetoder behöver undersökas för att kylbehovet ska kunna tillgodoses Äret runt. Slutsatsen av studien Àr att vÀrmedriven kyla Àr en ytterst passande lösning för liknande industrier som ocksÄ ger upphov till stora mÀngder av varmt spillvatten men som producerar hela Äret och har en jÀmnare produktion, bÄde pÄ daglig basis och sÀsongsbasis

    UIC-preporuke za uporabu čelika za ĆŸeljezničke tračnice

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    The paper elaborates overlook criteria to determine the choice and recommendations for the use of rail steel grades according to draft UIC-recommendations leaflet 721R from 2003. which was prepared by Infrastructure Commission from International Union of Railways based on European standard EN 13674-1.U članku su pregledno obrađeni kriteriji za izbor i preporuke za uporabu čelika za ĆŸeljezničke tračnice prema nacrtu UIC-preporuka 721R iz 2003. koji je izradila Komisija za Infrastrukturu Međunarodne ĆŸeljezničke unije (UIC) na temelju Europske norme EN 13674-1

    Enabling Dynamic Vehicle Analyses With Improved Atmospheric Attenuation Models in Glenn Research Center Communication Analysis Suite

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    To aid in meeting the NASA objective of returning humans to the Moon, the Glenn Research Centers Communication Analysis Suite was augmented with two distinct capabilities. The first capability added was the vehicle propagator. This allows the addition of dynamic aircraft and ground vehicles around any celestial body within the solar system during an analysis. This functionality interpolates the position and velocity of the vehicle relative to a celestial body at the time steps analyzed using the type of path and either a series of waypoints or a direction and duration of travel. The implications of this new capability include lunar rovers and/or drones, such as Dragonfly, where the vehicle propagator will analyze the communications architecture. The newly created vehicle propagator is now in use in communications studies for the 2024 lunar missions, simulating the movement of lunar rovers across the Moons southern pole. The second capability added was the augmentation of the atmospheric attenuation model. The previous model did not have a uniform low-elevation attenuation model due to the trigonometric approximation for path length and the exponential nature of low-elevation scintillation. User-defined weather parameters were also added to the updated atmospheric attenuation model. The previous model solely used tabular data based upon the season and location of the transmitting antenna. Multiple simulations of the same configuration now return different results based on the differing weather parameters. Cognitive communications analysis efforts can use this second capability to generate neural network training data based on differing weather conditions at utilized ground stations, a critical step in allowing neural networks to learn how weather parameters impact communications performance

    Primjena dubokog učenja u obradi zvuka

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    U ovom radu objaĆĄnjavamo pojam neuronskih mreĆŸa i promatramo njihov matematički aspekt. Dajemo generalni uvid u arhitekturu neuronskih mreĆŸa, te način na koji neuronska mreĆŸa uči i kako se zatim ponaĆĄa na dosad neviđenim podacima. Zatim, dajemo naglasak na rekurentne neuronske mreĆŸe i kako one rjeĆĄavaju problem klasifikacije nizova. ObjaĆĄnjavamo posebnu arhitekturu rekurentnih neuronskih mreĆŸa, tzv. Long-Short Term Memory arhitekturu. Na kraju, pokazujemo kako smo iskoristili programski jezik Python i biblioteku otvorenog koda Tensorflow, za izradu modela rekurentne neuronske mreĆŸe, koji se sastoji od dvije Long-Short Term Memory jedinice, kako bismo rijeĆĄili problem klasifikacije gradskih zvukova, na UrbanSound 8k skupu podataka. Koristimo metodu unakrsne validacije i, kao rezultate, prikazujemo prosječnu točnost koju dobivamo na testnim skupovima podataka, te matricu konfuzije za jedan testni skup podataka.In this thesis we explain the concept of neural networks and observe their mathematical aspect. We give a general insight into the architecture of neural networks, the way the neural network learns, and how it behaves on previosly unseen data. Then, we give a special accent to recurrent neural networks and how they solve the problem of sequence classification. We explain a special architecture of recurrent neural networks, the so-called Long-Short Term Memory architecture. In the end, we present how we used Python programming language and the open source library Tensorflow, to create a recurrent neuronal network model that consists of two LongShort Term Memory units, to solve the problem of urban sound classification, on the Urban Sound 8k data set. We use the cross-validation method and, as results, we give the average accuracy obtained for test datasets, and the confusion matrix for one test dataset

    The influence of the local and regional self-government units on the development of population policy - case study VaraĆŸdin County

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    Predmet istraĆŸivanja rada je utjecaj jedinica lokalne i regionalne samouprave VaraĆŸdinske ĆŸupanije na formiranje populacijske politike. Analizom statističkih podataka prikazana su osnovna demografska obiljeĆŸja ĆŸupanije. Opisana je problematika demografske politike u Hrvatskoj od osamostaljenja do danas i identificirane su ovlasti koje imaju općine, upravni gradovi i ĆŸupanije za provedbu mjera populacijske politike. Intenzitet i efikasnost postojećih demografskih mjera lokalne i regionalne samouprave VaraĆŸdinske ĆŸupanije analizirane su uz pomoć proračunskih dokumenata i sluĆŸbenih odgovora dobivenih putem zahtjeva za pristupom informacijama. Poseban osvrt napravljen je na strategije razvoja lokalne samouprave i njihova odnosa prema demografiji u budućnosti. Zaključno su predloĆŸene mjere demografskog oporavka VaraĆŸdinske ĆŸupanije koje mogu provesti upravni gradovi i općine. Rezultati istraĆŸivanja pokazuju kako su mjere koje provodi lokalna uprava nesustavne, neučinkovite (izostaje porast nataliteta), bez definiranih ciljeva i vremenskih rokova te da populacijsku politiku mora provoditi drĆŸava.The thesis topic and subject of research is influence of the local and regional self-government units in VaraĆŸdin County on the development of population policy. The analysis of statistical data shows the basic demographic characteristics of the County. Demographic policy issues in Croatia are described since independence, and the authority of municipalities, towns and counties for implementation of population policy measures has been identified. The intensity and efficiency of existing demographic measures of local and regional self-government units of VaraĆŸdin County were analyzed using budget documents and official responses received through requests for access to information. A special review was made on local self-government development strategies and their attitude towards demography in the future. In conclusion are proposed measures of demographic recovery of VaraĆŸdin County, which can be implemented by towns and municipalities. The research results show that the measures implemented by the local self-government units are unsystematic, ineffective (absence of birth rate growth), without defined goals and timelines and that the population policy must be implemented by the state

    Anthropology of Tourism

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    inclusion in UVM Honors College Senior Theses by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks @ UVM. For more information, please contac

    Principles of good supervision and The Regulation of the Dutch Drinking Water Sector

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    In March 2014, the OECD issued a report in which it indicated that the Netherlands “has an excellent track record on water management in several areas”. The OECD mentions for example that the Netherlands has developed a “strong economy and robust water industry”, this despite that 55% of the Netherlands’ territory is below sea level. However, the OECD also concluded that Dutch water governance “relies on a system of many checks and balances 
 [and] that system presents some limitations.” In response to the conclusion of the OECD, this article discusses the current framework of economic regulation of the Dutch drinking water sector. The article develops a normative framework to assess whether the current organisation of economic regulation is adequate. The assessment examines to which extent the principles of good regulation are observed by economic regulation of the drinking water sector. It is concluded that the Dutch framework of economic regulation of the drinking water sector displays several weaknesses in light of the principles of good regulation. In particular, the principles of transparency and independency need better observance. As a result the protection of the interests of the users of drinking water is at stake. This article ends with some recommendations to enhance the quality of economic regulation of the Dutch drinking water sector

    Authorship Attribution: Specifics for Slovene

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    The paper shows the importance of a quality analysis of linguistic features which enable the process of authorship attribution or author profiling in a forensic, literary or economic context (anonymous threat letters, plagiarism, literary works of unknown authorship, client profiling). It also highlights the lack of realized analyses for Slovene and outlines the methodology of detecting the syntactic, lexical, semantic and character features in order to quantify the author’s personal styl

    The energy transition:Democracy, justice and good regulation of the heat market

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    This paper discusses whether the concepts of energy democracy, energy justice and the principles of good market regulation could play a role in developing a more consistent approach towards the regulation of the energy sector. It is concluded that the principles of good regulation can provide a useful framework within which advantages and disadvantages can be weighed of regulatory choices to be made when modernizing the regulation of the energy markets. A case study of the Dutch heat market is used as an example, showing that a lot remains to be gained in terms of flexible regulation and supervision and the facilitation of citizen participation. Both energy democracy and energy justice call for this. The lack of flexibility in the current regulatory framework could lead to ineffective and disproportionate regulation, hindering a sustainable, reliable and affordable development of the heat market. A larger need for flexibility is justified because of the differences between the types of heat networks. Customized solutions regarding unbundling and third-party access, including the modernization of the heat market, also require sufficient discretionary powers for the independent regulator that do not hinder but in fact stimulate the development of the heat market. Furthermore, increased citizen-participation is important in light of energy justice and energy democracy, which are energy specific concepts that overarch the principles of good regulation in the energy sector. Both concepts are based on the awareness that the energy transition is a matter for all citizens of the European Union and should not be ignored by policymakers and independent regulators. Since it is likely that most heat consumers will remain locked in for a relatively long time in natural monopolies facilitated by older generation heat networks and a lack of alternatives, substantive citizen-participation could yield positive results regarding community engagement in heat network management and heat suppl

    Trendovi s europskih konferencija o kvaliteti

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    European annual conferences on quality (EOQ) have been held continuously since 1957. Total number of 45 conferences has been registered till 2001. This paper gives a concise review on topics and mottos of the 10 last conferences, their way of reasoning, final messages and trends in quality management.Europske godiĆĄnje konferencije o kvaliteti (EOQ) odrĆŸavaju se od 1957. godine i do 2001. g. odrĆŸano je ukupno 45 konferencija. Ovaj rad sadrĆŸi koncizne preglede o sadrĆŸajima 10 posljednjih konferencija, načinu razmiĆĄljanja, zaključnim porukama i trendovima upravljanja kvalitetom
