3 research outputs found


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    At the present stage of the development of information society, the latest educational strategy involves the realization of the person-centered paradigm based on the empowerment approach aimed at ensuring the sustainable development of the personality by inspiring, encouraging, increasing enthusiasm, confidence, realization of the job satisfaction, directed to the achievement of an efficient process of professional training of future managers. During the years of global information system development, the important task of modern education is to form the ability to use the computer oriented management system by the future managers in their professional activities, which favors the process of self-improvement, personal development, self-education, creative development, increase in competitiveness, formation of informational and professional culture. The paper reveals the aims, the content as well as the ways for the realization of the empowerment approach during the professional training of future managers with the use of computer oriented management systems in the process of solving tasks of the network planning. Theoretical and methodological principles of the empowerment approach are the development of adaptability, flexibility, dynamism, creative capacities, ability to take a risk, dedication to problem solving, anticipation of the results of your own activities, responsibility for decision making etc. The suggested technique for overcoming difficulties in teaching the information and dynamic simulation with the use of computer oriented management systems will allow the students to manage the projects in their future professional activities on the basis of the developed plans by creating the network models, determining the logical interconnections and work results necessary for the optimum planning. The experience gained during the training process may be applied in the future professional activities and will enable future managers to quickly overcome the difficulties and to become successful under the dynamic conditions of information society development

    Empirical comparison of clustering and classification methods for detecting Internet addiction

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    Machine learning methods for clustering and classification are widely used in various domains. However, their performance and applicability may depend on the characteristics of the data and the problem. In this paper, we present an empirical comparison of several clustering and classification methods using WEKA, a free software for machine learning. We apply these methods to the data collected from surveys of students from different majors, aiming to detect the signs of Internet addiction (IA), a behavioural disorder caused by excessive Internet use. We use Expectation Maximization, Farthest First and K-Means for clustering, and AdaBoost, Bagging, Random Forest and Vote for classification. We evaluate the methods based on their accuracy, complexity and interpretability. We also describe the models developed by these methods and discuss their implications for identifying the respondents with IA symptoms and risk groups. The results show that these methods can be effectively used for clustering and classifying IA-related data. However, they have different strengths and limitations when choosing the best method for a specific task

    Methodological aspects of revealing the metacognitive potential of a teacher in the context of the development of his health-preserving competence

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    The article presents the results of a study aimed at improving the methodology and techniques for developing metacognitive strategies in postgraduate education as important aspects of health competence of physical education teachers. The concept of “Logos of health-preserving competence of a physical education teacher” has been developed. The logo of health-preserving competence of a physical education teacher is presented as a developed and professionally oriented metacognitive sphere of a teacher for the effective implementation of student health. An important component of the logo is the development of reflexive, self-reflexive, prognostic, goal-setting intellectual skills and stereotypes. The Logos of Physical Education Teacher’s Competence Logos includes the Logos-Narrative constitutive competence. The “Logos Narrative” reveals the main ideas, values, algorithms, interpretations, visions, the purpose of the strategy of professional health care. To study “Methods of integrative use of metacognitive and archetypal phenomena to improve the health competence of physical education teachers”, two questionnaires were used to study the meta-cognitive strategies of physical education teachers. All issues had an axiological dimension and are doctrinal and institutional. The issues highlight the role of humanism and charity as determinants of the relevant modern Ukrainian Eurocentric trends in education reform. Wilcoxon’s T-test was used to process the test results. The positive dynamics of learning outcomes aimed at updating the goals of cognitive strategies is determined