173 research outputs found

    Enhancing Critical Thinking Skills in Nursing Higher Education in Preparation for the Industrial Revolution 4.0

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    Nursing higher education will challenge the dynamics of the work environment in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0 and they will compete with digital technology. Critical thinking skills as one of the basic competencies must support higher education in preparation for the industrial revolution 4.0. Exploring thinking skills makes nursing students will be trained in their punishment and analysis skills according to their knowledge. Critical thinking skills not only guide students to develop continuing skills, but also help nursing students to be motivated to create innovation in college. The aims of this review is to learn the critical skills needed in higher education to prepare for the industrial revolution 4.0 based on literature understanding. There are 6 (six) important things about Critical Thinking in nursing education in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0, namely Definition of Critical Thinking, Why do we need to focus on critical thinking in higher education, Why is critical thinking needed in industry 4.0 preparation, Industry Innovation 4.0 and human potential to overcome environmental problems, Critical Thinking in Nursing Education, and Educational Strategies for Developing Critical Thinking in Nursing. These critical thinking skills are suitable for equipping students in higher education before they enter different workplaces. Educational strategies in developing critical thinking skills by supporting the use of questions, small group activities, role plays, debates, use of case studies, journals, simulations, puzzles, problem solving and writing assignments. Nursing students who think critically in line with creative thinking and innovation will be useful to survive in the dynamics of the industrial revolution 4.0 and beyond in the world of the future.     Keywords: Critical Thinking, Nursing Higher Education, Industrial Revolution 4.

    Terapi Psikoedukasi terhadap Self Care Activity pada Penderita Diabetes Mellitus

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    This study aims to determine the difference in the mean before and after the implementation of psychoeducation therapy on self-care activities in diabetes mellitus sufferers in RW 07 in the work area of Puskesmas Cimahi Tengah. The method in this study used a pre-experiment, with a one group pretest-posttest research design. The sample in this study were patients with type 2 diabetes millitus. This study used a consecutive sampling of 11 respondents. Psychoeducation therapy was given for 5 meetings in 21 days and measurement of self-care activity using the SDSCA questionnaire, then the data were processed using univariate analysis (mean, SD, 95% CI, and Min-Max) and bivariate (t-dependent test). The pretest results obtained were 10.63 and the posttest was 23.00 and the Pvalue was 0.001. In conclusion, there is an effect of psychoeducation therapy on self-care activity in diabetes mellitus sufferers. Keywords: Diabetes Millitus, Psychoeducation, Self-Care Activit

    Sensing and perception technology to enable real time monitoring of passenger movement behaviours through congested rail stations

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    © 2015 ATRF, Commonwealth of Australia. All rights reserved. Passenger behaviour can have a range of effects on rail operations from negative to positive. While rail service providers strive to design and operate systems in a manner that promotes positive passenger behaviour, congestion is a confounding factor, which can create responses that may undermine these efforts. The real time monitoring of passenger movement and behaviour through public transport environments including precincts, concourses, platforms and train vestibules would enable operators to more effectively manage congestion at a whole-of-station level. While existing crowd monitoring technologies allow operators to monitor crowd densities at critical locations and react to overcrowding incidents, they do not necessarily provide an understanding of the cause of such issues. Congestion is a complex phenomenon involving the movements of many people though a set of spaces and monitoring these spaces requires tracking large numbers of individuals. To do this, traditional surveillance technologies might be used but at the expense of introducing privacy concerns. Scalability is also a problem, as complete sensor coverage of entire rail station precinct, concourse and platform areas potentially requires a high number of sensors, increasing costs. In light of this, there is a need for sensing technology that collects data from a set of ‘sparse sensors’, each with a limited field of view, but which is capable of forming a network that can track the movement and behaviour of high numbers of associated individuals in a privacy sensitive manner. This paper presents work towards the core crowd sensing and perception technology needed to enable such a capability. Building on previous research using three-dimensional (3D) depth camera data for person detection, a privacy friendly approach to tracking and recognising individuals is discussed. The use of a head-to-shoulder signature is proposed to enable association between sensors. Our efforts to improve the reliability of this measure for this task are outlined and validated using data captured at Brisbane Central rail station

    Socially Constrained Tracking in Crowded Environments Using Shoulder Pose Estimates.

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    © 2018 IEEE. Detecting and tracking people is a key requirement in the development of robotic technologies intended to operate in human environments. In crowded environments such as train stations this task is particularly challenging due the high numbers of targets and frequent occlusions. In this paper we present a framework for detecting and tracking humans in such crowded environments in terms of 2D pose (x, y, θ). The main contributions are a method for extracting pose from the most visible parts of the body in a crowd, the head and shoulders, and a tracker which leverages social constraints regarding peoples orientation, movement and proximity to one another, to improve robustness in this challenging environment. The framework is evaluated on two datasets: one captured in a lab environment with ground truth obtained using a motion capture system, and the other captured in a busy inner city train station. Pose errors are reported against the ground truth and the tracking results are then compared with a state-of-the-art person tracking framework

    Describing the Sward Structure of Wheat and Annual Ryegrass Swards Grazed by Lambs in Southern NSW

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    Dual-purpose wheats are now an established part of the feed base on many mixed-farms in southern NSW. However agronomic practices can vary and it is unknown whether row spacing will impact the availability of forage for grazing by sheep. Intake has been shown to be affected by a range of factors including tiller length, pasture height, sward density and pasture mass (Allden and Whittaker 1970; Black and Kenney 1984). This study sought to describe the differences in sward structure of grazed wheat swards at two different row spacings in terms of mean height, row height and bulk density and compare this to an annual ryegrass pasture presented as a continuous pasture

    A study of shock wave diffraction from regular to irregular reflection and the effects of gas viscosity

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    A comprehensive experimental investigation was made of the pseudo-stationary reflection of strong, weak, and very weak shock waves in a monatomic gas. The experiments were designed to reduce the effects of viscosity and were further complemented by numerical computations. The experiments made use of symmetrical plane wedge models having either an internal corner or an external corner. The experimental results for the pseudo-stationary mutual reflection of strong shock waves produced by diffraction of strong incident shocks into internal corner models supported the mechanical equilibrium criterion for transition from regular reflection, RR, to irregular reflection, IR. The inviscid numerical computations also unequivocally supported the mechanical equilibrium criterion for strong shocks. The results for the external corner models displayed the well known persistence of RR which was attributed to the combined effects of viscosity and optical resolution. Within the IR region it was found that for strong shocks the results did not agree with the inviscid von Neumann three shock theory once the Mach number behind the reflected shock was less than unity. However, when the experimental models were reduced in width to leave boundary layer control slots the discrepancy was almost entirely eliminated. The limit of validity for the von Neumann three shock theory as the wedge angle was reduced was found to be the normal reflected shock point. For small wedge angles the experimental results for strong, weak, and very weak shock waves all showed similar behaviour which was consistent with the phenomena of von Neumann reflection, VNR. For smaller wedge angles this may undergo transtion to anomalous reflection, ANR, where the incidence angle remains constant for further reduction in wedge angle. A theory was developed to give the angle of the triple point trajectory path within VNR and also predict the transition point from VNR to ANR. This theory showed excellent agreement with both the experimental and numerical computation results. It is further shown that all IR transitions are governed by the solution of a single polynomial of degree four. Furthermore all irregular reflections may be considered as combinations of only three fundamental reflection types, these being, ANR, VNR, and classic (or single) Mach reflection, SMR. A theoretical consideration of plane wedge internal corner (symmetrical and unsymmetrical) reflection is given, and the types of reflections possible are discussed

    A Genecological Study of the Widespread Australian Native Grass \u3ci\u3eAustrodanthonia Caespitosa\u3c/i\u3e (Gaudich.) H.P. Linder.

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    The lack of commercial quantities of seed is preventing the use of native grasses in large-scale revegetation programmes. Sourcing wild-land non-local provenance seed from distant locations brings with it risks associated with maladaptation and potential genetic pollution. Understanding of intra-specific ecotypic variation and its adaptive consequences is required to both increase seed supply and retain adaptive characteristics in native plant revegetation programmes. A recently commenced genecological study on the widespread Australian native grass, Austrodanthonia caespitose, aims to examine quantitative traits in a common garden study and genetic structure (using DNA analysis) of 35 populations collected from a large geographic range. Examination of the adaptive significance of these traits using reciprocal transplant experiments will aid in the development of provenance guidelines for Australian native grasses. In this paper we report the initial findings for one of many characteristics being measured in a common garden study, namely plant transpiration efficiency


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    Introduction:Elderly is the end of a person's growth process and suffered a setback in terms of physical. Physiological changes from the aging process is the loss of elasticity of arteries which causes an blood pressure increase.The Alternative treatment of hipertention is to use non-pharmacological therapy. Celery and carrot is a natural herbal plants which have active and efficacious compounds to lower blood pressure. The purposes of research was to determine the effect of the combination of water celery and carrot juice on blood pressure in elderly with Hypertension Grade I.Method: The method used is quasy experiment with one group pre-test and post-test. The sample was elderly with hypertension degrees I. This study using concecutive sampling technique Non Random n = 33 samples. Data collection is done by measuring the blood pressure before and after the administration of a combination of celery juice (20 g) and carrots (100g) of 200 ml. Data processing is performed by t test-dependent with univariate and bivariate analysis. Result: The results showed the influence of a combination of water celery and carrot juice on blood pressure. The average reduction systolic pressure was 17.24 mmHg, p-value = 0.0001 and an average decrease diastolic pressure was 11,79 mmHg, p-value = 0.0001. Conclusion:The results, the researcher suggest to health workers in health centers to improve non-pharmacological management of such a combination of water celery and carrot juice as complementarytherapy in patients with hypertension. Keywords : Blood Pressure,Celery, Carrots, Elderly, Hypertensio

    Summer Dormancy Expression in the Australian Native Grass \u3cem\u3eElymus scaber\u3c/em\u3e

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    Complete summer dormancy is associated with plant senescence in late spring-summer even though soil moisture is non-limiting. The trait is well understood in exotic temperate grasses for persistence in environments which experience frequent summer droughts (Annicchiarico et al. 2011). However, the trait appears to be uncommon in Australian native grasses (Culvenor 2009). The C3 native perennial grass, Elymus scaber, is broadly adapted across a wide range of climatic zones and soil types in south eastern Australia (Johnston et al. 2001) and has been described as displaying strong summer dormancy (Mitchell et al. 2001). However, the reports of dormancy were not tested under conditions of non-limiting soil moisture. Therefore the dormancy aspect of its growth habit over summer may be confused with drought avoidance, causing leaf senescence in response to drying soil. This study tested the hypothesis that E. scaber exhibits traits consistent with complete summer dormancy, by placing a range of populations of the species under three irrigation regimes (after Norton et al. 2006). For E. scaber to demonstrate complete summer dormancy, it would show no new growth over summer irrespective of the irrigation treatment
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