1,005 research outputs found

    Quadratic forms and Clifford algebras on derived stacks

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    In this paper we present an approach to quadratic structures in derived algebraic geometry. We define derived n-shifted quadratic complexes, over derived affine stacks and over general derived stacks, and give several examples of those. We define the associated notion of derived Clifford algebra, in all these contexts, and compare it with its classical version, when they both apply. Finally, we prove three main existence results for derived shifted quadratic forms over derived stacks, define a derived version of the Grothendieck-Witt group of a derived stack, and compare it to the classical one.Comment: 42 pages; revised version to appear in Advances in Mat

    A remark on K-theory and S-categories

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    It is now well known that the K-theory of a Waldhausen category depends on more than just its (triangulated) homotopy category (see [Schlichting]). The purpose of this note is to show that the K-theory spectrum of a (good) Waldhausen category is completely determined by its Dwyer-Kan simplicial localization, without any additional structure. As the simplicial localization is a refined version of the homotopy category which also determines the triangulated structure, our result is a possible answer to the general question: ``To which extent KK-theory is not an invariant of triangulated derived categories ?''Comment: 23 pages; final version, accepted for publication in 'Topology

    Higher algebraic K-theory for actions of diagonalizable groups

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    We study the K-theory of actions of diagonalizable group schemes on noetherian regular separated algebraic spaces: our main result shows how to reconstruct the K-theory ring of such an action from the K-theory rings of the loci where the stabilizers have constant dimension. We apply this to the calculation of the equivariant K-theory of toric varieties, and give conditions under which the Merkurjev spectral sequence degenerates, so that the equivariant K-theory ring determines the ordinary K-theory ring. We also prove a very refined localization theorem for actions of this type.Comment: Addendum contains mainly a corrected definition of specialization maps, the previous one being wrong as noticed by A. Neeman. All the other results (in particular the main results) still hold. Several other typos also correcte
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