34 research outputs found

    First direct observation of a torsional Alfvén oscillation at coronal heights

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    Context. Torsional Alfvén waves are promising candidates for the transport of energy across different layers of the solar atmosphere. They have been predicted theoretically for decades. Previous detections of Alfvén waves so far have however mostly relied on indirect signatures. Aims. We present the first direct observational evidence of a fully resolved torsional Alfvén oscillation of a large-scale structure occurring at coronal heights. Methods. We analysed IRIS imaging and spectral observation of a surge resulting from magnetic reconnection between active region prominence threads and surrounding magnetic field lines. Results. The IRIS spectral data provide clear evidence of an oscillation in the line-of-sight velocity with a 180° phase difference between the oscillation signatures at opposite edges of the surge flux tube. This together with an alternating tilt in the Si IV and Mg II k spectra across the flux tube and the trajectories traced by the individual threads of the surge material provide clear evidence of torsional oscillation of the flux tube. Conclusions. Our observation shows that magnetic reconnection leads to the generation of large-scale torsional Alfvén waves

    Analysis of coronal rain observed by IRIS, HINODE/SOT and SDO/AIA : transverse oscillations, kinematics and thermal evolution

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    Coronal rain composed of cool plasma condensations falling from coronal heights along magnetic field lines is a phenomenon occurring mainly in active region coronal loops. Recent high resolution observations have shown that coronal rain is much more common than previously thought, suggesting its important role in the chromosphere-corona mass cycle. We present the analysis of MHD oscillations and kinematics of the coronal rain observed in chromospheric and transition region lines by IRIS, Hinode/SOT and SDO/AIA. Two different regimes of transverse oscillations traced by the rain are detected: small-scale persistent oscillations driven by a continuously operating process and localised large-scale oscillations excited by a transient mechanism. The plasma condensations are found to move with speeds ranging from few km s−1 up to 180 km s−1 and with accelerations largely below the free fall rate, with the likely reasons being pressure effects and the ponderomotive force resulting from the loop oscillations. The observed evolution of the emission in individual SDO/AIA bandpasses is found to exhibit clear signatures of a gradual cooling of the plasma at the loop top. We determine the temperature evolution of the coronal loop plasma using regularised inversion to recover the differential emission measure (DEM) and by forward modelling the emission intensities in the SDO/AIA bandpasses using a two-component synthetic DEM model. The inferred evolution of the temperature and density of the plasma near the apex is consistent with the limit cycle model and suggests the loop is going through a sequence of periodically repeating heating-condensation cycles

    Excitation of vertical coronal loop oscillations by impulsively driven flows

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    Context Flows of plasma along a coronal loop caused by the pressure difference between loop footpoints are common in the solar corona. Aims We aim to investigate the possibility of excitation of loop oscillations by an impulsively driven flow triggered by an enhanced pressure in one of the loop footpoints. Methods We carry out 2.5D magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations of a coronal loop with an impulsively driven flow and investigate the properties and evolution of the resulting oscillatory motion of the loop. Results The action of the centrifugal force associated with plasma moving at high speeds along the curved axis of the loop is found to excite the fundamental harmonic of a vertically polarised kink mode. We analyse the dependence of the resulting oscillations on the speed and kinetic energy of the flow. Conclusions We find that flows with realistic speeds of less than 100 km s−1 are sufficient to excite oscillations with observable amplitudes. We therefore propose plasma flows as a possible excitation mechanism for observed transverse loop oscillations

    Excitation and evolution of vertically polarised transverse loop oscillations by coronal rain

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    Context. Coronal rain is composed of cool dense blobs that form in solar coronal loops and are a manifestation of catastrophic cooling linked to thermal instability. The nature and excitation of oscillations associated with coronal rain is not well understood. Aims. We consider observations of coronal rain in a bid to elucidate the excitation mechanism and evolution of wave characteristics. Methods. We analyse IRIS and Hinode/SOT observations of an oscillating coronal rain event on 17 Aug 2014 and determine the wave characteristics as a function of time using tried and tested time-space analysis techniques. Results. We exploit the seismological capability of the oscillation to deduce the relative rain mass from the oscillation amplitude. This is consistent with the evolution of the oscillation period showing the loop loosing a third of its mass due to falling coronal rain in a 10-15 minute time period. Conclusions. We present first evidence of the excitation of vertically polarised transverse loop oscillations triggered by a catastrophic cooling at the loop top and consistent with two thirds of the loop mass comprising of cool rain mass

    Fast magnetoacoustic waves in curved coronal loops. II, Tunneling modes

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    Aims. Fast magnetoacoustic waves in curved coronal loops are investigated and the role of lateral leakage in wave damping, which includes the mechanism of wave tunneling, is explored. Methods. A coronal loop is modeled as a curved, magnetic slab in the zero plasma-β limit. In this model and for an arbitrary piece-wise continuous power law equilibrium density profile, the wave equation governing linear vertically polarised fast magnetoacoustic waves is solved analytically. An associated dispersion relation is derived and the frequencies and eigenfunctions of the wave modes are characterised. Results. For some equilibria, the waves are shown to be all damped due to lateral leakage. It is demonstrated that waves either leak straight out into the external medium or have to overcome an evanescent barrier, which is linked to wave tunneling. The wave solutions consist of alternating vertically polarised kink and sausage branches. Fast kink oscillations may have a non-zero density perturbation when averaged across the loop. The calculated damping rate of fast magnetoacoustic kink oscillations is shown to be consistent with related numerical simulations and show that lateral leakage may explain the observed damping of (vertically polarised) fast magnetoacoustic kink oscillations

    Transverse waves in a post-flare supra-arcade

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    Observations of propagating transverse waves in an open magnetic field structure with the Transition Region And Coronal Explorer (TRACE) are presented. Waves associated with dark tadpole-like sunward moving structures in the post-flare supra-arcade of NOAA active region 9906 on the 21st of April 2002 are analysed. They are seen as quasi-periodic transverse displacements of the dark tadpole tails, with periods in the range of 90–220 s. Their phase speeds and displacement amplitudes decrease as they propagate sunwards. At heights of 90 and 60 Mm above the post-flare loop footpoints the phase speeds are in the ranges 200–700 km s −1 and 90–200 km s −1 respectively. Furthermore, for consecutive tadpoles the phase speeds decrease and periods increase as a function of time. The waves are interpreted as propagating fast magnetoacoustic kink waves guided by a vertical, evolving, open structure

    Multi-wavelength imaging and spectral analysis of jet-like phenomena in a solar active region using IRIS and AIA

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    High-resolution observations of dynamic phenomena give insights into the properties and processes that govern the low solar atmosphere. We present an analysis of jet-like phenomena emanating from a penumbral footpoint in active region (AR) 12192 using imaging and spectral observations from the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) and the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory. These jets are associated with line-of-sight Doppler speeds of ±10–22 km s−1 and bright fronts that seem to move across the plane-of-sky at speeds of 23–130 km s−1. Such speeds are considerably higher than the expected sound speed in the chromosphere. The jets have signatures that are visible both in the cool and hot channels of IRIS and AIA. Each jet lasts on average 15 minutes and occurs 5–7 times over a period of 2 hr. Possible mechanisms to explain this phenomenon are suggested, the most likely of which involve p-mode or Alfvén wave shock trains impinging on the transition region and corona as a result of steepening photospheric wavefronts or gravity waves

    Kinematics of coronal rain in a transversely oscillating loop : ponderomotive force and rain-excited oscillations

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    Context. Coronal rain are cool dense blobs that form in solar coronal loops and are a manifestation of catastrophic cooling linked to thermal instability. Once formed, rain falls towards the solar surface at sub-ballistic speeds, which is not well-understood. Pressure forces seem to be the prime candidate to explain this. In many observations rain is accompanied by transverse oscillations and the interaction between the two needs to be explored. Aims. Therefore, an alternative kinematic model for coronal rain kinematics in transversely oscillating loops is developed to understand the physical nature of the observed sub-ballistic falling motion of rain. It explicitly explores the role of the ponderomotive force arising from the transverse oscillation on the rain motion as well as the capacity of rain to excite wave motion. Methods. An analytical model is presented that describes a rain blob guided by the coronal magnetic field supporting a onedimensional shear Alfvén wave as a point mass on an oscillating string. The model includes gravity and the ponderomotive force from the oscillation acting on the mass, as well as the inertia of the mass acting on the oscillation. Results. The kinematics of rain in the limit of negligible rain mass are explored and falling and trapped regimes are found, depending on wave amplitude. In the trapped regime for the fundamental mode, the rain blob bounces back and forth around the loop top at a long period inversely proportional to the oscillation amplitude. The model is compared with several observational rain studies, including one in-depth comparison with an observation that shows rain with up-and down bobbing motion. The role of rain inertia in exciting transverse oscillations is explored in inclined loops. Conclusions. It is found that the model requires displacement amplitudes of the transverse oscillation that are typically an order of magnitude larger than observed to explain the measured sub-ballistic motion of the rain. Therefore, it is concluded that the ponderomotive force is not the primary reason for understanding sub-ballistic motion, but it plays a role in cases of large loop oscillations. The appearance of rain causes the excitation of small-amplitude transverse oscillations that may explain observed events and provide a seismological tool to measure rain mass

    The nature of high-frequency oscillations associated with short-lived spicule-type events

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    We investigate high-resolution spectroscopic and imaging observations from the CRisp Imaging SpectroPolarimeter (CRISP) instrument to study the dynamics of chromospheric spicule-type events. It is widely accepted that chromospheric fine structures are waveguides for several types of magneto hydrodynamic (MHD) oscillations, that can transport energy from the lower to upper layers of the Sun. We provide a statistical study of 30 high-frequency waves associated with spicule-type events. These high-frequency oscillations have two components of transverse motions: the plane-of-sky (POS) motion and the line-of-sight (LOS) motion. We focus on single isolated spicules and track the POS using time-distance analysis and in the LOS direction using Doppler information. We use moment analysis to find the relation between the two motions. The composition of these two motions suggests that the wave has a helical structure. The oscillations do not have phase differences between points along the structure. This may be the result of the oscillation being a standing mode, or that propagation is mostly in the perpendicular direction. There is evidence of fast magnetoacoustic wave fronts propagating across these structures. To conclude, we hypothesise that the compression and rarefaction of passing magnetoacoustic waves may influence the appearance of spicule-type events, not only by contributing to moving them in and out of the wing of the spectral line, but also through the creation of density enhancements and an increase in opacity in the H-alpha line