46 research outputs found

    Foundations Of Sustainable Development. Common Issues Of Sustainable Development Seminar Class

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    The publication provides instructions for the seminar class "Common issues of sustainable development" of the educational component " Foundations of sustainable development". The study aid contains the detailed ranking assessment system of the educational component. The publication provides students with the study of theoretical material regarding main society’s development concepts, prehistory, background, milestones and principles of sustainable development, preparation for the seminar class, and is useful for independent work

    Polynomial reconstruction of electric charge distribution on the conductive plate caused by external electric field

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    The paper proposes an original method of calculating the charge distribution on the surface of the conductive plate introduced into the external electrostatic field. The authors managed to obtain the polynomials which allow to solve the integral equation that establishes the relationship between charge distribution of the conductive plate and the potential distribution of the external field and the potential on the surface of the plate. The proposed algorithms solutions are valid in the presence of axial symmetry of the field and the plate. Examples of calculation of conductor charge distribution in the presence of external field by using a polynomial expansion have been presented. The comparisons of results calculated by the polynomial method and by known analytical solutions have been given

    On insertion-deletion systems over relational words

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    We introduce a new notion of a relational word as a finite totally ordered set of positions endowed with three binary relations that describe which positions are labeled by equal data, by unequal data and those having an undefined relation between their labels. We define the operations of insertion and deletion on relational words generalizing corresponding operations on strings. We prove that the transitive and reflexive closure of these operations has a decidable membership problem for the case of short insertion-deletion rules (of size two/three and three/two). At the same time, we show that in the general case such systems can produce a coding of any recursively enumerable language leading to undecidabilty of reachability questions.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figure

    Impact of Nordic walking on health outcomes in older women

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    There are a number of factors that contribute to the accelerated rate of aging, one of which is physical activity. The increasing proportion of elderly and senile people in the Russian Federation requires urgent implementation of the elderly generation subprogram within the framework of the Demography federal project. In this regard, the problems of maintaining health and the development of methodological approaches to assessing the health of people in the older age group are especially significant.Objective: evaluation of anthropometry, stabilometry and biochemical parameters in the dynamics of Nordic walking in elderly womenMaterials and methods: 30 women were examined, mean age 69.0 (63.0–71.5) years. Examination by a therapist and a neurologist, biochemical blood tests, stabilometry, anthropometry, osteodensitometry (ODM) were carried out. Training loads of Nordic walking (NW) for 3 months were carried out according to the generally accepted method 3 times a week.Results: According to the biochemical analysis of blood, a statistically significant increase in the level of phosphorus and alkaline phosphatase (AP), total protein, as well as a decrease in the level of calcium and total cholesterol were revealed. When considering anthropometry data, there was a statistically significant decrease in body weight, BMI, body fat mass according to the Durnin — Womersley method, SBP and an increase in the cardiovascular index. According to the results of computer stabilometry — a statistically significant increase in the average position of the CP in the sagittal plane with open and closed eyes.Conclusion: 1. The use of NW as a training factor to achieve active longevity in the elderly leads to an improvement in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, due to a statistically significant decrease in body weight, a decrease in SBP by an average of 15 mm Hg. art., as well as the level of total cholesterol. 2. With regular NW exercises for 3 months, the functional stability indicators in the sagittal plane are corrected both with open and closed eyes


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    Purpose.This article aims to improve the evaluation of irregularity of freight transport and calculated volumes determination of work for railway stations and sidings of industrial enterprises. Methodology. The methods of mathematical statistics are used as research methods for estimation of calculated volumes of traffic and loaded traffic, in particular, the methods of time series analysis; the methods of mathematical modeling are used to evaluate the calculated volumes of empty traffic. Findings. Calculated volumes of the main-line and industrial railway stations activity are determined according to the monthly and daily irregularity. Monthly irregularity is proposed to evaluate against the trend of the indicator over the last 3-5 years, constructed using the method of weighted moving average. The 30-day period in the previous year with the largest total amount of work is proposed to use as the calculation period for the assessment of daily irregularity. The computation size of empty traffic volumes is proposed to be determined on the basis of loaded traffic volumes with the probability matrix of cars usage for dual operations. The proposed method is verified by the work volume calculation for the year 2014 according to previous time periods. The test results showed that the proposed method as compared with traditional one provides higher stability of the results when changing time periods, used for analysis, as well as a more accurate assessment of the calculated volumes of work. Originality. Authors have improved determination methods for the calculated volumes of work to railway stations through the using time series analysis methods. Practical value. The proposed methodology allows assessing more accurately the prospective volumes of work and, through this, reduce the amount of capital expenditures associated with the development of stations and operating costs associated with their operation. The method can be used to improve the governing and methodological documents regulating the design and development of technological processes of the main-line and industrial railway stations.Цель. Статья направлена на совершенствование методов оценки неравномерности грузовых перевозок и определения расчетных объемов работ для железнодорожных станций и подъездных путей промышленных предприятий. Методика. В качестве методов исследования для оценки расчетных объемов грузопотоков и груженных вагонопотоков использованы методы математической статистики, в частности, методы анализа временных рядов; для оценки расчетных объемов порожних вагонопотоков применялись методы математического моделирования. Результаты. Расчетные объемы работы магистральных и промышленных железнодорожных станций определяются с учетом месячной и суточной неравномерности. Месячную неравномерность предлагается оценивать по отношению к тренду показателя за последние 3-5 лет, построенного с использованием метода взвешенной скользящей средней. В качестве расчетного периода для оценки суточной неравномерности предлагается использовать 30-ти дневный период в предыдущем году с наибольшим суммарным объемом работ. Размеры расчетных порожних вагонопотоков предлагается определять на основании груженных вагонопотоков с матрицей вероятности использования вагонов под сдвоенные операции. Выполнена проверка предлагаемого метода путем расчета объемов работ для 2014 года по данным предшествующих временных периодов. Результаты проверки показали, что предлагаемый метод, по сравнению с традиционным, обеспечивает более высокую устойчивость результатов при изменении временных периодов, используемых для анализа, а также более точную оценку расчетных объемов работы. Научная новизна. Авторами усовершенствованы методы определения расчетных объемов работы для железнодорожных станций за счет использования методов анализа временных рядов. Практическая значимость. Предложенная методика позволяет более точно оценить перспективные объемы работы и, за счет этого, снизить величину капитальных расходов, связанных с развитием станций, и эксплуатационных расходов, связанных с их функционированием. Методика также может быть использована при совершенствовании нормативных и методических документов, регламентирующих проектирование и разработку технологических процессов работы магистральных и промышленных железнодорожных станций.Мета. Стаття спрямована на вдосконалення методів оцінки нерівномірності вантажних перевезень і визначення розрахункових обсягів робіт для залізничних станцій та під'їзних шляхів промислових підприємств. Методика. В якості методів дослідження для оцінки розрахункових обсягів роботи вантажопотоків і завантажених вагонопотоків використані методи математичної статистики, зокрема, методи аналізу часових рядів; для оцінки розрахункових обсягів порожніх вагонопотоків задіяно методи математичного моделювання. Результати. Розрахункові обсяги роботи магістральних і промислових залізничних станцій визначаються з урахуванням місячної та добової нерівномірності. Місячну нерівномірність пропонується оцінювати по відношенню до тренду показника за останні 3-5 років, побудованого з використанням методу зваженої ковзної середньої. В якості розрахункового періоду для оцінки добової нерівномірності пропонується використовувати 30-ти денний період у попередньому році з найбільшим сумарним обсягом робіт. Розміри розрахункових порожніх вагонопотоків пропонується визначати на підставі завантажених вагонопотоків із матрицею ймовірності використання вагонів під здвоєні операції. Виконано перевірку запропонованого методу шляхом розрахунку обсягів робіт для 2014 року за даними попередніх тимчасових періодів. Результати перевірки показали, що пропонований метод, у порівнянні з традиційним, забезпечує більш високу стійкість результатів при зміні часових періодів, що використовуються для аналізу, а також більш точну оцінку розрахункових обсягів роботи. Наукова новизна. Авторами удосконалено методи визначення розрахункових обсягів роботи для залізничних станцій за рахунок використання методів аналізу часових рядів. Практична значимість. Запропонована методика дозволяє більш точно оцінити перспективні обсяги роботи і, за рахунок цього, знизити величину капітальних витрат, пов'язаних із розвитком станцій, та експлуатаційних витрат, пов'язаних із їх функціонуванням. Методика також може бути використана при вдосконаленні нормативних і методичних документів, що регламентують проектування та розробку технологічних процесів роботи магістральних і промислових залізничних станцій


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    Purpose.This article aims to improve the evaluation of irregularity of freight transport and calculated volumes determination of work for railway stations and sidings of industrial enterprises. Methodology. The methods of mathematical statistics are used as research methods for estimation of calculated volumes of traffic and loaded traffic, in particular, the methods of time series analysis; the methods of mathematical modeling are used to evaluate the calculated volumes of empty traffic. Findings. Calculated volumes of the main-line and industrial railway stations activity are determined according to the monthly and daily irregularity. Monthly irregularity is proposed to evaluate against the trend of the indicator over the last 3-5 years, constructed using the method of weighted moving average. The 30-day period in the previous year with the largest total amount of work is proposed to use as the calculation period for the assessment of daily irregularity. The computation size of empty traffic volumes is proposed to be determined on the basis of loaded traffic volumes with the probability matrix of cars usage for dual operations. The proposed method is verified by the work volume calculation for the year 2014 according to previous time periods. The test results showed that the proposed method as compared with traditional one provides higher stability of the results when changing time periods, used for analysis, as well as a more accurate assessment of the calculated volumes of work. Originality. Authors have improved determination methods for the calculated volumes of work to railway stations through the using time series analysis methods. Practical value. The proposed methodology allows assessing more accurately the prospective volumes of work and, through this, reduce the amount of capital expenditures associated with the development of stations and operating costs associated with their operation. The method can be used to improve the governing and methodological documents regulating the design and development of technological processes of the main-line and industrial railway stations

    Oscillations of an elastic rod with nonlinear boundary conditions

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    The influence of the complex plant remedy (Urtica dioica L., Polygonum aviculare L., Achillea millefolium L., Zingiber officinalis L., Cinnamomum cassia L.) on the morphofunctional state of the liver in rats with ethanol-induced hepatitis was studied. The liver injury was simulated with 40% ethanol introduction to rats in dose of 10.0 ml/kg for 7 days. The extract of the complex remedy was administered to animals in dose of 200 ml/kg for 14 days. The findings showed that the tested remedy inhibited the development of microcirculatory impairments, decreased the intensity of inflammatory infiltration and diminished the amount of hepatocytes subjected to adipose and cloudy degeneration as well as to necrotic changes. The increased amount of hypertrophied and binuclear hepatocytes in the area of the portal tract and central vein testifies reparation processes in the liver of the rats treated with the tested plant extract


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