136 research outputs found

    Hazard analysis and possibilities for preventing botulism originating from meat products

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    The paper presents the more important data on the bacteria Clostridium botulinum, the appearance of botulism, hazard analysis and the possibilities for preventing botulism. Proteolytic strains of C.botulinum Group I, whose spores are resistant to heat, create toxins predominantly in cans containing slightly sour food items, in the event that the spores are not inactivated in the course of sterilization. Non-proteolytic strains of Group II are more sensitive to high temperatures, but they have the ability to grow and create toxins at low temperatures. Type E most often creates a toxin in vacuum-packed smoked fish, and the non-proteolytic strain type B in dried hams and certain pasteurized meat products. The following plays an important role in the prevention of botulism: reducing to a minimum meat contamination with spores of clostridia, implementing good hygiene measures and production practice during the slaughter of animals, the inactivation of spores of C. botulinum during sterilization (F>3), and, in dried hams and pasteurized products, the prevention of bacterial growth and toxin forming by maintaining low temperatures in the course of production and storage, as well as the correct use of substances that inhibit the multiplication of bacteria and the production of toxins (nitrites, table salt, etc.)

    Važniji parametri kvaliteta funkcionalnih fermentisanih, barenih i jetrenih kobasica

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    The most important quality parameters of functional fermented, cooked and liver sausages are presented. Experimental fermented sausages included: a) conventional fermented sausage, b) functional fermented sausage with 2% inulin powder, c) functional fermented sausage with 4% inulin suspension and d) functional fermented sausage with 8% inulin suspension. All fermented sausages contained probiotic strain Lactobacillus casei LC 01. Experimental cooked sausages included: a) conventional cooked sausage, b) functional cooked sausage with inulin suspension, c) functional cooked sausage with flaxseed/rapeseed oil and d) functional cooked sausage with inulin suspension and flaxseed/rapeseed oil. Experimental liver sausages were: a) conventional liver sausage and b) functional liver sausage with inulin suspension. The obtained results show that functional fermented sausages have lower pH (4.77 - 4.93) and aw (0.89 - 0.90) values then the conventional sausage (pH = 5.18; aw = 0.93). Functional fermented sausages contain more proteins (24.2-24.5%) and less fat (24.4 - 29.7%) then conventional sausage (proteins = 20.9%; fat = 32.4%). The content of functional ingredients such as inulin and pea fiber (4.1-5.7%), in functional fermented sausages as well as higher number of probiotic strain Lactobacillus casei 01 (8.3-8.5 log cfu/g) than in conventional cooked sausage (8.1 log sfu/g) supports their functional potential. Addition of inulin (both in powder and suspension) and pea fiber improves the appearance, cut surface appearance and texture, but affects the colour of fermented sausages. Addition of 8% inulin suspension affects the odour and taste of fermented sausages. Cooked sausages with inulin suspension contain more water (63%) and less fat (22-23%) than conventional sausage (water - 60%; fat - 25.3%) and sausage containing flaxseed/rapeseed oil (water - 59%; fat - 26%). Protein content is similar in all experimental cooked sausages (10.2 -10.4%). Cooked sausages produced with inulin suspension contain 3.0-3,1% inulin. Sausages produced with flaxseed/rapeseed oil contain more polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), (18.4 - 20.9% of total fatty acid content) and much more favourable omega-6/omega-3 fatty acid ratio (1,6 -2,5) then sausages produced without these oils (PUFA - 11.9-12.1%; omega-6/omega-3 - 22.3 -22.9). Despite the high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids,( TBARS) value in all experimental cooked sausages was 0.00 mg MAL/kg. Addition of flaxseed/rapeseed oil in the amount of 6% affects colour, odour and taste and texture of cooked sausages, but not the appearance and cut surface appearance of the product. Functional liver sausage contains less water (42.5%) and fat (43.6%) than the conventional cooked sausage (water = 44.3%; fat = 44.0%), but protein content is similar in both products (9.0-9.1%). Functional liver sausage contains 3.1% dietary fibre (inulin and pea fiber) which supports its functional potential. Sensory properties of functional liver sausage are rated excellent at the scale from 1 to 5 (average rating 5.0). On the contrary, some sensory properties of the conventional liver sausage were rated somewhat lower (odour and taste 4.8 and texture/juiciness 4.6).U radu su prikazani važniji parametri kvaliteta funkcionalnih fermentisanih, kuvanih i jetrenih kobasica. Proizvedene su sledeće eksperimentalne fermentisane kobasice: a) konvencionalna fermentisana kobasica, b) funkcionalna fermentisana kobasica sa 2% inulina u prahu, c) funkcionalna fermentisana kobasica sa 4% suspenzije inulina i d) funkcionalna fermentisana kobasica sa 8% suspenzije inulina. Sve fermentisane kobasice sadržale su probiotski soj bakterije Lactobacillus casei LC 01. Eksperimentalne barene kobasice uključivale su sledeće proizvode: a) konvencionalna barena kobasica, b) funkcionalna barena kobasica sa suspenzijom inulina, c) funkcionalna barena kobasica sa lanenim/repičinim uljem i d) funkcionalna barena kobasica sa suspenzijom inulina i lanenim/repičinim uljem. Iz grupe jetrenih kobasica proizvedene su: a) konvencionalna jetrena kobasica i b) jetrena kobasica sa suspenzijom inulina. Rezultati pokazuju da funkcionalne fermentisane kobasice imaju nižu pH (4,77-4,93) i aw (0,89-0,90) vrednost nego konvencionalna kobasica (pH = 5,18; aw = 0,93). Funkcionalne fermentisane kobasice sadrže viÅ”e proteina (24,2-24,5%) i manje ukupne masti (24,4- 29,7%) nego konvencionalna kobasica (proteini = 20,9%; ukupna mast = 32,4%). Sadržaj funkcionalnih sastojaka kao Å”to su inulin i vlakna graÅ”ka u količini 4,1-5,7% u funkcionalnim fermentisanim kobasicama kao i veći broj probiotske bakterije Lactobacillus casei 01 (8,3-8,5 log cfu/g) nego u konvencionalnoj kobasici (8,1 log sfu/g) ide u prilog njihovom funkcionalnom potencijalu. Dodatak inulina (kako u obliku praÅ”ka tako i u obliku suspenzije) i vlakana graÅ”ka utiče pozitivno na spoljaÅ”nji izgled, izgled preseka i teksturu ali nepovoljno utiče na boju fermentisanih kobasica. Dodatak suspenzije inulina u količini od 8% nepovoljno utiče na miris i ukus fermentisanih kobasica. Barene kobasice sa suspenzijom inulina sadrže viÅ”e vode (63%) i manje ukupne masti (22-23%) nego konvencionalna barena kobasica (voda = 60%; ukupna mast = 25,3%) i kobasice koja sadrži laneno/repičino ulje (voda = 59%; ukupna mast = 26%). Sadržaj proteina je sličan kod svih eksperimentalnih barenih kobasica i iznosi od 10,2 do 10,4%. Barene kobasice proizvedene sa suspenzijom inulina sadrže 3,0 - 3,1% inulina. Kobasice koje su proizvedene sa lanenim/repičinim uljem sadrže viÅ”e polinezasićenih masnih kiselina (PUFA) (18,4 - 20,9% od ukupnog sadržaja masnih kiselina) i znatno povoljniji odnos omega-6 i omega-3 masnih kiselina (1,6-2,5) nego kobasice koje su proizvedene bez dodatka ovih ulja (PUFA = 11,9 - 12,1%; omega-6/omega-3 = 22,3 - 22,9). Uprkos visokom sadržaju polinezasićenih masnih kiselina, TBARS-vrednost kod svih eksperimentalnih barenih kobasica iznosi 0,00 mg MAL/kg. Dodatak lanenog/repičinog ulja u količini od 6% nepovoljno utiče na boju, aromu i teksturu barenih kobasica, ali ne i na spoljaÅ”nji izgled i izgled preseka proizvoda. Funkcionalne jetrene kobasice sadrže manje vode (42,5%) i ukupne masti (43,6%) nego konvencionalna barena kobasica (voda = 44,3%; ukupna mast = 44,0%) ali je sadržaj proteina sličan kod oba proizvoda (9,0-9,1%). Funkcionalne jetrene kobasice sadrže 3,1% dijetnih vlakana (inulin i vlakna graÅ”ka) Å”to ide u prilog njihovom funkcionalnom potencijalu. Senzorna svojstva funkcionalnih jetrenih kobasica su ocenjena maksimalnom ocenom na skali od 1 do 5 (prosečna ocena 5,00). Na suprot tome, neka senzorna svojstva konvencionalne jetrene kobasice su neÅ”to loÅ”ija (miris i ukus 4,8 i tekstura/sočnost 4,6)

    Prilog poznavanju važnijih parametara kvaliteta tradicionalnog (domaćeg) kulena

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    In this paper, results of the study of sensory properties, pH value and chemical composition of traditional or domestic kulen are presented. Results show certain disharmony between sensory and chemical and nutritional quality parameters, i.e. sensory quality of kulen is poorer than the chemical composition of the product. The most common quality shortages/deficits of domestic kulen is different smoking level, inadequate colour of the section/slice, presence of dry edge under casing, insufficient connection of the filling, bitter or sour taste. Most of studied samples of domestic kulen had pH value of 5.22 to 5.51, which shows that the ripening process was not finished, but also that the fermentation had been stimulated in certain way, not characteristic of domestic kulen. Change of the micro flora of domestic kulen is slow and typical for natural ripening which occurs during production of kulen in winter period. In the micro flora of kulen, bacteria which ferment sugars to lactic acid are dominant, Pseudomonadaceae and Enterobacteriaceae dye gradually, number of Micrococacea decreases, and enterococci survive ripening. Results of the chemical analysis show that kulen contains slightly over 35% of moisture, that the protein content of meat is above 25%, that the ratio between fat and protein contents was approximately equal and that the share of collagen in meat proteins is below 10%. The amount of sodium chloride in kulen (3.4-3.8%) is adequate to the amount of added table salt. Nitrate residues were detected in kulen (10.5 to 12.1 mg/kg) which originated from spices added to product (pepper, garlic). Acid number of kulen (7.5-16.6 mg KOH/g) showed value common for fermented dry sausages. TBARS-value was in the range 0.19-0.29 mg MDA/kg, in which the oxidation of fats cannot be perceived by sensory analysis.U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja senzornih osobina, pH-vrednosti i hemijskog sastava tradicionalnog ili domaćeg kulena. Iz rezultata proizilazi da između senzornih i hemijskih i nutritivnih parametara kvaliteta postoji izvestan nesklad, odnosno da je senzorni kvalitet kulena slabiji od sastava proizvoda. NajčeŔći nedostaci kvaliteta domaćeg kulena jesu različit stepen dimljenja, neodgovarajuća boja preseka, postojanje suvog ruba ispod omotača, nedovoljna povezanost nadeva, ukus koji gorči ili kiselkasta ukus. Većina ispitivanih uzoraka domaćeg kulena imala je pH vrednost od 5,22 do 5,51, Å”to pokazuje da proces zrenja joÅ” nije dovrÅ”en, ali i da je fermentacija stimulisana na neki način, Å”to nije karakteristika domaćeg kulena. Promena mikroflore domaćeg kulena je spora i tipična je za prirodno zrenje koje se odvija za vreme proizvodnje kulena u zimskom periodu. U mikroflori kulena dominiraju bakterije koje fermentiÅ”u Å”ećere do mlečne kiseline, Pseudomonadaceae i Enterobacteriaceae postepeno odumiru, broj Micrococacea se smanjuje, a enterokoke preživljavaju zrenje. Rezultati hemijskog ispitivanja pokazuju da kulen sadrži neÅ”to viÅ”e od 35% vlage, da je sadržaj proteina mesa veći od 25%, da je odnos između sadržaja masti i proteina približno jednak i da je udeo kolagena u proteinima mesa manji od 10%. Količina natrijum hlorida u kulenu (3,4-3,8%) odgovara dodatoj količini kuhinjske soli. U kulenu su utvrđeni ostaci nitrata (10,5 do 12,1 mg/kg) koji su sa začinima (paprika, beli luk) dodati u proizvod. Kiselinski broj kulena (7,5 - 16,6 mg KOH/g) ima vrednost uobičajenu za fermentisane suve kobasice. TBARS-vrednost je u oblasti (0,19-0,29 mg MDA/kg) pri kojoj oksidacija masti ne može da se percipira senzornim ispitivanjem

    Postmortem glycolysis and pork quality

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    After an animal is harvested for meat, the skeletal muscle initiates a myriad of biochemical pathways in an attempt to maintain energy homeostasis. Anaerobic glycolysis is responsible for the generation of ATP to help meet energy demand and for the decrease in pH by generating H+. Both the rate and the extent of the post-mortem pH decline are paramount in the context of the development of pork quality attributes, such as color, water holding capacity, and texture. Pale, soft and exudative meat and dark, firm, and dry meat are two of the major quality defects facing the pork meat industry. Because glycolysis has the potential to affect meat quality attributes either positively or negatively, evaluating its regulation post-mortem is fundamental to understanding meat quality. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate factors that affect mechanism of glycolysis. Special consideration will be given to meat quality attributes and development of pork quality defects

    Acute phase proteins as biomarkers of pre-slaughter stress in pigs

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    Pre-slaughter handling, which include transportation, housing, social stress, heat, and dietary changes, is one of the main causes that produces stress in pigs. The appropriate biomarkers and objective laboratory criteria to evaluate pre-slaughter stress are lacking. Behavioral and physiological markers are commonly used for this reason, but these parameters may increase for reasons unrelated to stress. Acute phase proteins are considered to be markers of inflammation that have been proposed as indicators for farm animal stress monitoring. The major acute phase proteins in swine are haptoglobin, serum amyloid A, c-reactive protein, and pig major acute phase protein. Serum or plasma obtained from blood are the most used matrixes for the measurement of acute phase proteins, the collection of which involves an invasive collection method that is harmful and stressing. The use of saliva and meat juice instead of blood might overcome these disadvantages, since its collection is non-invasive and stress-free. For any assay measuring acute phase proteins, adequate analytical validation must be performed, as well as harmonization and standardization of analytical procedures. The aim of this paper is to emphasize the possibilities of use of acute phase proteins as biomarkers of pre-slaughter stress, as well as to provide survey of methodologic assays and fluids that are presently available to measure acute phase proteins

    Kvalitet proizvoda od mesa ā€“ izazovi i nedoumice

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    Parameri kvaliteta, upotreba aditiva i način deklarisanja proizvo- da od mesa propisani su odgovarajućim pravilnicima. Ovi propisi re- lativno često podležu promenama, tako da je 2018. godine stupio na snagu novi Pravilnik o prehrambenim aditivima, 2019. koji definiÅ”e kvalitet proizvoda od mesa, a 2020. su napravljene izmene i dopu- ne pravilnika koji definiÅ”e deklarisanje hrane. Novine koje donosi je- dan od navedenih propisa često se odražavaju na drugi, Å”to može da otvori nove nedoumice oko tumačenja pojedinih odredbi. Odredbama novog pravilnika koji definiÅ”e kvalitet proizvoda od mesa pooÅ”tren je niz parametara u cilju poboljÅ”anja kvaliteta poluproizvoda i proizvo- da od mesa, Å”to je otvorilo neka pitanja u vezi sa pojedinim odredba- ma pravilnika o aditivima. Sa druge strane, izmene i dopune pravilni- ka o deklarisanju, uslovila su i pitanja koja se tiču propisanih naziva za određene proizvode od mesa. Pored toga, neophodno je i pravilno tumačenje rezultata ispitivanja hemijskih parametara kvaliteta koji su definisani navedenim propisima, Å”to zahteva, ne samo dobro pozna- vanje metodologije ispitivanja, već i merne nesigurnosti dobijenih re- zultata, posebno u slučajevima kada merna nesigurnost utiče na usa- glaÅ”enost sa granicama u specifikaciji. U tim slučajevima, ako korisnik zahteva izjavu o usaglaÅ”enosti sa specifikacijom, laboratorija mora da dokumentuje pravilo odlučivanja koje primenjuje, da ga saopÅ”ti i dogo- vori sa korisnikom. Stoga je za adekvatnu procenu kvaliteta proizvo- da od mesa, nephodno sveobuhvatno sagledavanje navedene pro- blematike

    Encapsulation of Meat Product Ingredients and Influence on Product Quality

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    For centuries, meat and meat products have been considered important for optimal human growth and development as a significant source of meat proteins, energy and other nutrients. In the 1990s, with new scientific insights, people showed greater interest in food with bioactive or functional components and the demand for natural, organic and/or clean label meat products also increased. These active and bioactive compounds undergo different reactions in meat systems. To prevent rapid degradation and undesirable reactions and to maintain full functionality, these compounds should be stabilized or immobilized before addition. Encapsulation entraps these compounds within a carrier material, thus enabling them to react in food systems and provides their targeted release during retail storage. Encapsulation of fish oil and essential oils (e.g. clove) in a pH sensitive matrix, which remains intact at rumen pH, but is broken down at lower pH in the abomasum, provides oil absorption in the small intestine, improvement of fatty acid profile and prolonged oxidative stability of beef. Different encapsulation techniques have been used to immobilize plant- and herb-sourced bioactive compounds with antioxidant and antibacterial activity to enable their protection as well as controlled and targeted release into meat systems. Different oils (fish, flaxseed, grapeseed) were encapsulated by different techniques (spray-drying, electrostatic extrusion) and imported in meat systems (dry-fermented sausages, frankfurters), resulting in improved fatty acid profile, while encapsulation provided oxidative stability. Moreover, edible oils could be stabilized in emulsion-type systems by means of different strategies, including organogelation, oil bulking, structured emulsions and double emulsions. Encapsulation of probiotics provided protection during fermentation/drying process in dry-fermented sausages. When designing active packaging systems, appropriate encapsulation techniques could provide protection for active compounds during their incorporation into packaging materials and targeted release during meat storage. Immobilization techniques hence became a stepin meat processing, enabling the preparation of different, primarily non-meat components (with bioactive compounds), for their optimal use

    Production of traditional meat products in small and micro establishments in Serbia: current status and future perspectives

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    The production of traditional meat products has a considerable potential in the Republic of Serbia, particularly in small and micro (household) establishments. Among a large number of traditional meat products, dry fermented sausages and dried meat products are the most important and commonly appreciated by consumers. There is, however, a need for a better standardization of the production in this meat sector, and also implementation of necessary food hygiene rules and HACCP principles according to hygiene regulations. There are provisions in the Food Safety Law, stating the principles of flexibility, which would allow for traditional meat producers and their associations to apply for derogations in food hygiene regulations. This would enable traditional small and micro food business operators to better use their resources, relax administrative burden and use traditional production methods in the most appropriate manner, always respecting hygiene and safety principals. This review paper analyses the current status of traditional meat production in small and micro establishments in Serbia, emphasizing a need for further improvements in food safety management and standardization

    Perspectives in meat processing

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    Meat technology includes all steps from animal handling and slaughtering to production of different meat products. During animal handling, special attention is paid to animal welfare, not only to protect animals from suffering but also because of animal welfares importance for meat quality. The oldest processing methods (chilling, freezing, salting, smoking and drying) are being readjusted with respect to equipment and consumers health issues. Special attention is given to preservation of meats nutritive value (milder heat treatment) and health promoting properties of the products (functional foods). Novel methods (irradiation, high pressure, pulsed electric field, pulsed light and cold plasma) struggle with some issues such as acceptance by consumers, expensive equipment and effects on foods sensory properties. Along with novel products, demand for traditional meat products is still increasing which requires the the uniqueness and quality of these products to be preserved, along with increased production capacity

    Carcass Quality and Hematological Alterations Associated with Lung Lesions in Slaughter Pigs

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    The aim of this study was to examine effects of lung lesions on carcass quality and hematological parameters of slaughter pigs. The group of pigs with lung lesion score 2 had significantly lower live weight, hot carcass weight and cold carcass weight compared to the group of pigs with lung lesion score 0 (P0.05). The total number of red blood cells, concentrations of hemoglobin and hematocrit showed significantly lower mean values in the group of pigs with lung lesions score 2 (P0.05). In conclusion, the results showed that lung lesions in fattening pigs had negative impact on carcass quality and hematological parameters
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