11,131 research outputs found

    Recurrent Coronal Jets Induced by Repetitively Accumulated Electric Currents

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    Three extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) jets recurred in about one hour on 2010 September 17 in the following magnetic polarity of active region 11106. The EUV jets were observed by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). The Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) on board SDO measured the vector magnetic field, from which we derive the magnetic flux evolution, the photospheric velocity field, and the vertical electric current evolution. The magnetic configuration before the jets is derived by the nonlinear force-free field (NLFFF) extrapolation. We derive that the jets are above a pair of parasitic magnetic bipoles which are continuously driven by photospheric diverging flows. The interaction drove the build up of electric currents that we indeed observed as elongated patterns at the photospheric level. For the first time, the high temporal cadence of HMI allows to follow the evolution of such small currents. In the jet region, we found that the integrated absolute current peaks repetitively in phase with the 171 A flux evolution. The current build up and its decay are both fast, about 10 minutes each, and the current maximum precedes the 171 A by also about 10 minutes. Then, HMI temporal cadence is marginally fast enough to detect such changes. The photospheric current pattern of the jets is found associated to the quasi-separatrix layers deduced from the magnetic extrapolation. From previous theoretical results, the observed diverging flows are expected to build continuously such currents. We conclude that magnetic reconnection occurs periodically, in the current layer created between the emerging bipoles and the large scale active region field. It induced the observed recurrent coronal jets and the decrease of the vertical electric current magnitude.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Bayesian optimization for the inverse scattering problem in quantum reaction dynamics

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    We propose a machine-learning approach based on Bayesian optimization to build global potential energy surfaces (PES) for reactive molecular systems using feedback from quantum scattering calculations. The method is designed to correct for the uncertainties of quantum chemistry calculations and yield potentials that reproduce accurately the reaction probabilities in a wide range of energies. These surfaces are obtained automatically and do not require manual fitting of the {\it ab initio} energies with analytical functions. The PES are built from a small number of {\it ab initio} points by an iterative process that incrementally samples the most relevant parts of the configuration space. Using the dynamical results of previous authors as targets, we show that such feedback loops produce accurate global PES with 30 {\it ab initio} energies for the three-dimensional H + H2_2 →\rightarrow H2_2 + H reaction and 290 {\it ab initio} energies for the six-dimensional OH + H2_2 →\rightarrow H2_2O + H reaction. These surfaces are obtained from 360 scattering calculations for H3_3 and 600 scattering calculations for OH3_3. We also introduce a method that quickly converges to an accurate PES without the {\it a priori} knowledge of the dynamical results. By construction, our method illustrates the lowest number of potential energy points (i.e. the minimum information) required for the non-parametric construction of global PES for quantum reactive scattering calculations.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Diverse routes to oscillation death in a coupled-oscillator system.

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    We study oscillation death (OD) in a well-known coupled-oscillator system that has been used to model cardiovascular phenomena. We derive exact analytic conditions that allow the prediction of OD through the two known bifurcation routes, in the same model, and for different numbers of coupled oscillators. Our exact analytic results enable us to generalize OD as a multiparameter-sensitive phenomenon. It can be induced, not only by changes in couplings, but also by changes in the oscillator frequencies or amplitudes. We observe synchronization transitions as a function of coupling and confirm the robustness of the phenomena in the presence of noise. Numerical and analogue simulations are in good agreement with the theory

    On Signatures of Twisted Magnetic Flux Tube Emergence

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    Recent studies of NOAA active region 10953, by Okamoto {\it et al.} ({\it Astrophys. J. Lett.} {\bf 673}, 215, 2008; {\it Astrophys. J.} {\bf 697}, 913, 2009), have interpreted photospheric observations of changing widths of the polarities and reversal of the horizontal magnetic field component as signatures of the emergence of a twisted flux tube within the active region and along its internal polarity inversion line (PIL). A filament is observed along the PIL and the active region is assumed to have an arcade structure. To investigate this scenario, MacTaggart and Hood ({\it Astrophys. J. Lett.} {\bf 716}, 219, 2010) constructed a dynamic flux emergence model of a twisted cylinder emerging into an overlying arcade. The photospheric signatures observed by Okamoto {\it et al.} (2008, 2009) are present in the model although their underlying physical mechanisms differ. The model also produces two additional signatures that can be verified by the observations. The first is an increase in the unsigned magnetic flux in the photosphere at either side of the PIL. The second is the behaviour of characteristic photospheric flow profiles associated with twisted flux tube emergence. We look for these two signatures in AR 10953 and find negative results for the emergence of a twisted flux tube along the PIL. Instead, we interpret the photospheric behaviour along the PIL to be indicative of photospheric magnetic cancellation driven by flows from the dominant sunspot. Although we argue against flux emergence within this particular region, the work demonstrates the important relationship between theory and observations for the successful discovery and interpretation of signatures of flux emergence.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Solar Physic

    Energy damage index based on capacity and response spectra

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    To assess the expected seismic damage of a structure, non-linear dynamic analysis and the damage index of Park-Ang have been often used. Depending on the size of the structure and on the duration of the record, the computational effort in dynamic analyses is usually high. In this research a new damage index is proposed based on nonlinear static analysis. The damage index is a linear combination of two energy functions: 1) the strain energy associated to the stiffness variation and the ductility of the structure and 2) the energy dissipated associated to hysteretic cycles. These two energy functions are obtained from the capacity curve of the structure and from the energy balance with the spectral acceleration. To show the ability of the index to represent damage, low-rise steel buildings subjected to seismic actions expected in Mexico City are studied. The results obtained with the new method show a good agreement with those calculated by means of dynamic analyses using the Park-Ang damage index. In average, the Park-Ang damage index is well fitted by the combination of 62% of the strain energy and 38% of the energy dissipated by hysteresis. Moreover, this new damage index allows linking damage to certain characteristics of the seismic actions as, for instance, intensity and duration of the applied seismic action. Therefore, the new approach results in a practice and powerful tool for estimating the seismic damage in buildings, especially when considering probabilistic approaches, where massive computations are needed

    Inter-band B(E2) transition strengths in odd-mass heavy deformed nuclei

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    Inter-band B(E2) transition strengths between different normal parity bands in 163Dy and 165Er are described using the pseudo-SU(3) model. The Hamiltonian includes Nilsson single-particle energies, quadrupole-quadrupole and pairing interactions with fixed, parametrized strengths, and three extra rotor terms used to fine tune the energy spectra. In addition to inter-band transitions, the energy spectra and the ground state intra-band B(E2) strengths are reported. The results show the pseudo-SU(3) shell model to be a powerful microscopic theory for a description of the normal parity sector in heavy deformed odd-A nuclei.Comment: 4 figures, 2 table

    Shell model description of normal parity bands in odd-mass heavy deformed nuclei

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    The low-energy spectra and B(E2) electromagnetic transition strengths of 159Eu, 159Tb and 159Dy are described using the pseudo SU(3) model. Normal parity bands are built as linear combinations of SU(3) states, which are the direct product of SU(3) proton and neutron states with pseudo spin zero (for even number of nucleons) and pseudo spin 1/2 (for odd number of nucleons). Each of the many-particle states have a well-defined particle number and total angular momentum. The Hamiltonian includes spherical Nilsson single-particle energies, the quadrupole-quadrupole and pairing interactions, as well as three rotor terms which are diagonal in the SU(3) basis. The pseudo SU(3) model is shown to be a powerful tool to describe odd-mass heavy deformed nuclei.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, Accepted to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Síndrome de Sweet en una niña preescolar

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    Sweet syndrome, also known as acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis, is an infrequent dermatological disorder in pediatrics. Clinically it is characterized by the development of papular and/or nodular lesions of a reddish-violet coloration with local hypersensitivity. We report the case of a 5-year-old female who consulted 1 month after the appearance of the lesion in the nasal arch. A skin biopsy was performed and it reported diffuse dermatitis with a predominance of neutrophil polymorphonuclear cells, epidermal necrosis and absence of vasculitis. No microorganisms were identified. It was considered compatible with Sweet syndrome. It is important to consider this diagnosis in similar clinical cases and other more frequent diagnoses must be ruled out first. © 2018 Sociedad Argentina de Pediatria. All rights reserved

    The role of the alloy structure in the magnetic behavior of granular systems

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    The effect of grain size, easy magnetization axis and anisotropy constant distributions in the irreversible magnetic behavior of granular alloys is considered. A simulated granular alloy is used to provide a realistic grain structure for the Monte Carlo simulation of the ZFC-FC curves. The effect of annealing and external field is also studied. The simulation curves are in good agreement with the FC and ZFC magnetization curves measured on melt spun Cu-Co ribbons.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, submitted to PR

    Optimum spectral window for imaging of art with optical coherence tomography

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    Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) has been shown to have potential for important applications in the field of art conservation and archaeology due to its ability to image subsurface microstructures non-invasively. However, its depth of penetration in painted objects is limited due to the strong scattering properties of artists’ paints. VIS-NIR (400 nm – 2400 nm) reflectance spectra of a wide variety of paints made with historic artists’ pigments have been measured. The best spectral window with which to use optical coherence tomography (OCT) for the imaging of subsurface structure of paintings was found to be around 2.2 μm. The same spectral window would also be most suitable for direct infrared imaging of preparatory sketches under the paint layers. The reflectance spectra from a large sample of chemically verified pigments provide information on the spectral transparency of historic artists’ pigments/paints as well as a reference set of spectra for pigment identification. The results of the paper suggest that broadband sources at ~2 microns are highly desirable for OCT applications in art and potentially material science in general
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