1,732 research outputs found

    El movimiento ambiental chileno sobre Central Castilla : ¿Cómo observarlo desde las ciencias sociales?

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    Existe una amplia literatura sociológica que plantea la diferencia entre los movimientos sociales contemporáneos respecto a los tradicionales, línea en que se integran nuevas temas como la conservación del medio ambiente. En este sentido, el caso de Chile parece ser paradigmático, por los alcances y logros alcanzados por los movimientos de protección al medio ambiente durante el año recién pasado. Con el fin de proponer una interpretación de estos, en primer lugar se evalúa la descripción teórica de los "movimientos verdes" en Habermas y Luhmann. En este sentido se evalúa su potencialidad analítica (I). A continuación se propone analizar el caso chileno de la protesta sobre Central Castilla y la posterior cancelación de su construcción por la Corte Suprema, evaluando los rendimientos explicativos de las teorías mencionadas (II). En tercer lugar, se describen los procesos que mediaron el éxito de este movimiento ambiental en Chile (III). La ponencia finaliza con un resumen de lo anteriormente expuesto y perspectivas abiertas a la comprensión de nuevos movimientos ambientales (IV)Fil: Labraña Vargas, Julio. Universidad de Chil

    Dinosaurio No. 2

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    Y cuando recobró la vida, el recuerdo de su ideal se había transformado en la ironía de su ideal y deseó estar muerto

    Multi-sensor system using plastic optical fibers for intrinsically safe level measurements

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    A system for measuring liquid level in multiple tanks using optical fibe technology has been developed. Oil fiel service industry or any sector requiring liquid level measurements in flammabl atmospheres can be benefite from this intrinsically safe technology. The device used a single lens for the emitting and receiving fibe and it is based on amplitude variations as a function of the liquid distance and not in time of fligh or phase detection. Being the firs fiber-opti liquid level sensor with those characteristics for long ranges (>200 cm). A simple model to describe their behavior has been derived and tested on two prototypes. A Monte-Carlo method is used to fi the experimental data and obtain the model parameters. High accuracy between experimental data and fitte curve is obtained. The prototypes have a good linearity, better than 1.5% FS (full scale). Sensor heads are made of plastic optical fiber (POF) that are easy to handle, flexible and economical. They are excited by 650 nm lasers, housed in ST-connectors to obtain compact and rough prototypes. Optical multiplexing is used to increase the measuring safety area. Frequency division multiplexing is used to address each sensor head. A discussion about the influenc of tilts and aberrations is also included.Publicad

    Relaciones entre las escalas BINS Y BSID-II a los 6 y 12 meses de edad de los niños

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo consiste en analizar si existen relaciones entre las escalas BINS y BSID-II aplicadas a los 6 y los 12 meses de edad de los niños. Participaron 84 niños nacidos a término y sin patologías atendidos en el Servicio de Prevención y Promoción del Desarrollo Infantil y Atención Temprana (SEPRODIAT) de la Universidad de Murcia. A todos los participantes se les administró la escala BINS y la BSID-II a las edades de 6 y 12 meses. Los resultados obtenidos muestran una alta correlación entre las puntuaciones alcanzadas en ambos instrumentos de evaluación y en los dos momentos de medida. Dato que debe interpretarse como una continuidad en las puntuaciones alcanzadas. También se encontraron correlaciones significativas entre la Escala Mental de la BSID-II y las Funciones Receptivas, Expresivas, y los Procesos Cognitivos de la BINS; y entre la Escala Psicomotora de la BSID-II con las Funciones Neurológicas Básicas, Receptivas y Expresivas, así como con la puntuación Total de la Escala BINS. Estas altas correlaciones o validez concurrente, nos lleva a proponer la utilización de la escala BINS como herramienta de cribado, evitando la necesidad de la aplicación completa de la BSID-II, con el consiguiente ahorro de tiempo y recursos.The aim of this paper is to analyze if there are relationships between the BINS and BSID-II scales applied at 6 and 12 month old children. 84 children born at term and without pathologies that were treated at the SEPRODIAT of the University of Murcia take part in this study. All participants were assessed with the BINS and the BSID-II scales at the ages of 6 and 12 months. The results show a high correlation between the scores in both assessment instruments and in both times of measurement. Data should be interpreted as continuity in the scores. We also found significant correlations between the Mental Scale of BSID-II and the Receptive and Expressive Functions, and the Cognitive Processes of the BINS; and between the Psychomotor Scale of the BSID-II and the Basic Neurological, Receptive and Expressive Functions, and with respect to the Total Score obtained in the BINS Scale. These high correlations or concurrent validity leads us to propose the use of the BINS Scale as screening tool, avoiding the need for a full assessment with the BSID-II, thus saving time and resources

    Thermodynamics of Small Magnetic Particles

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    In the present paper, we discuss the interpretation of some of the results of the thermodynamics in the case of very small systems. Most of the usual statistical physics is done for systems with a huge number of elements in what is called the thermodynamic limit, but not all of the approximations done for those conditions can be extended to all properties in the case of objects with less than a thousand elements. The starting point is the Ising model in two dimensions (2D) where an analytic solution exits, which allows validating the numerical techniques used in the present article. From there on, we introduce several variations bearing in mind the small systems such as the nanoscopic or even subnanoscopic particles, which are nowadays produced for several applications. Magnetization is the main property investigated aimed for two singular possible devices. The size of the systems (number of magnetic sites) is decreased so as to appreciate the departure from the results valid in the thermodynamic limit; periodic boundary conditions are eliminated to approach the reality of small particles; 1D, 2D and 3D systems are examined to appreciate the differences established by dimensionality is this small world; upon diluting the lattices, the effect of coordination number (bonding) is also explored; since the 2D Ising model is equivalent to the clock model with q=2 degrees of freedom, we combine previous results with the supplementary degrees of freedom coming from the variation of q up to q=20. Most of the previous results are numeric; however, for the case of a very small system, we obtain the exact partition function to compare with the conclusions coming from our numerical results. Conclusions can be summarized in the following way: the laws of thermodynamics remain the same, but the interpretation of the results, averages and numerical treatments need special care for systems with less than about a thousand constituents, and this might need to be adapted for different properties or devices.Fil: Vogel, Eugenio. Universidad de La Frontera; Chile. Center for the Development of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology; ChileFil: Vargas, Patricio. Center for the Development of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology; Chile. Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María; ChileFil: Saravia, Gonzalo. Universidad de La Frontera; ChileFil: Valdes, Julio. Universidad de La Frontera; ChileFil: Ramirez Pastor, Antonio Jose. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Luis. Instituto de Física Aplicada "Dr. Jorge Andrés Zgrablich". Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Facultad de Ciencias Físico Matemáticas y Naturales. Instituto de Física Aplicada "Dr. Jorge Andrés Zgrablich"; ArgentinaFil: Centres, Paulo Marcelo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Luis. Instituto de Física Aplicada "Dr. Jorge Andrés Zgrablich". Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Facultad de Ciencias Físico Matemáticas y Naturales. Instituto de Física Aplicada "Dr. Jorge Andrés Zgrablich"; Argentin

    Sources of wealth and social promotion of the Negotiantes Salsarii from baetica during the early roman empire. A diachronic approach.

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    Planteamos un estudio centrado en los mecanismos de promoción socio-económica que experimentaron los comerciantes de salazón en la Bética romana durante el Alto Imperio, al margen de su propio origen social. Los testimonios de la epigrafía (lapidaria y anfórica) constituyen la base fundamental sobre la que asentar las evidencias de su paulatina aproximación a las elites sociales de Roma, en perjuicio de sus propias comunidades de origen.In this paper, we propose a study about social and economic promotion mechanisms among salted fish traders in Roman Baetica during the Early Empire, independently of their social origin. Items obtained by epigraphy (either stone tablets or amphorae) are the fundamental basis for evidence as to their gradual moving towards social elites from Rome, even to the detriment of their own original communities