486 research outputs found

    L’art de la traque, note sur Allio et Losey

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    Il peut paraître surprenant de rapprocher ces deux cinéastes aux tempéraments si dissemblables, et qu’une culture et une génération séparent (Losey est né en 1909, Allio en 1924). L’idée m’en est venue en partie, on s’en doute, du fait de leur expérience commune du théâtre et, plus particulièrement, de leur connivence avec Brecht. Losey a directement collaboré avec Bertolt Brecht pour la création de Galileo Galilei à Los Angeles en 1947, Allio a..

    Single-channel Properties of Human NaV1.1 and Mechanism of Channel Dysfunction in SCN1A-associated Epilepsy

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    Mutations in genes encoding neuronal voltage-gated sodium channel subunits have been linked to inherited forms of epilepsy. The majority of mutations (>100) associated with generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures plus (GEFS+) and severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy (SMEI) occur in SCN1A encoding the NaV1.1 neuronal sodium channel α-subunit. Previous studies demonstrated functional heterogeneity among mutant SCN1A channels, revealing a complex relationship between clinical and biophysical phenotypes. To further understand the mechanisms responsible for mutant SCN1A behavior, we performed a comprehensive analysis of the single-channel properties of heterologously expressed recombinant WT-SCN1A channels. Based on these data, we then determined the mechanisms for dysfunction of two GEFS+-associated mutations (R1648H, R1657C) both affecting the S4 segment of domain 4. WT-SCN1A has a slope conductance (17 pS) similar to channels found in native mammalian neurons. The mean open time is ∼0.3 ms in the −30 to −10 mV range. The R1648H mutant, previously shown to display persistent sodium current in whole-cell recordings, exhibited similar slope conductance but had an increased probability of late reopening and a subfraction of channels with prolonged open times. We did not observe bursting behavior and found no evidence for a gating mode shift to explain the increased persistent current caused by R1648H. Cells expressing R1657C exhibited conductance, open probability, mean open time, and latency to first opening similar to WT channels but reduced whole-cell current density, suggesting decreased number of functional channels at the plasma membrane. In summary, our findings define single-channel properties for WT-SCN1A, detail the functional phenotypes for two human epilepsy-associated sodium channel mutants, and clarify the mechanism for increased persistent sodium current induced by the R1648H allele

    Estudio Comparativo en la Calidad Nutricional y Empatique de Galletas de Pulido de Arroz

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    El pulido de arroz se define como un subproducto de aspecto harinoso, suave y fibroso al tacto, constituido por el pericarpio, el tegumento, la aleurona, parte del grano, en polvo o en fragmentos y germen entero y triturado, así como cascarilla. Es rico en proteínas, grasas, y contiene una cantidad apreciable de vitaminas y minerales; sin embargo el uso al que se ha destinado este subproducto es únicamente para el consumo animal. En base a lo anterior, el objetivo de este trabajo de investigación es contribuir en la trasformación del pulido de arroz para consumo humano, mediante la elaboración de galletas utilizando el subproducto de arroz pulido. Para el logro del trabajo de investigación, la materia prima se obtuvo de la empresa arrocera Agrocampo Arisanta S.P.R de R.L de C.V. una vez obtenida la materia prima, esta llevo a laboratorio para la preparación de las galletas, realizar los distintos análisis físico-químicos e identificar la vida en anaquel, la cual se valoró cada 15 días durante un periode de cinco meses. Los resultados indican que la porción por galleta debe de ser de 40 gramos, teniendo cada galleta un contenido de fibra de 3.2% y 12.5% de proteína. En relación a la vida en anaquel, se observó que las galletas conservan sus características organolépticas hasta por un tiempo de cinco meses. Estos resultados contribuyen de forma directa a los beneficios a la salud, por lo que sus características permite que se desarrollen alimentos funcionales, tal es el caso de la elaboración de galletas a base de pulido, de consistencia y  sabor agradable al paladar de aquellas personas que gustan de cuidar su dieta   Rice polishing is defined as a by-product with a floury appearance, soft and fibrous to the touch, consisting of the pericarp, the integument, the aleurone, part of the grain, in powder or fragments and whole and ground germ, as well as a husk. It is rich in proteins, and fats, and contains an appreciable amount of vitamins and minerals; however, the use to which this by-product has been destined is solely for animal consumption. Based on the above, the objective of this research work is to contribute to the transformation of polished rice for human consumption, by making biscuits using the polished rice by-product. For the achievement of the research work, the raw material was obtained from the rice company Agrocampo Arisanta S.P.R de R.L de C.V. Once the raw material was obtained, it was taken to the laboratory for the preparation of the cookies, to carry out the different physical-chemical analyzes and to identify the shelf life, which was valued every 15 days during a period of five months. The results indicate that the serving per cookie should be 40 grams, with each cookie having a fiber content of 3.2% and 12.5% ​​protein. In relation to shelf life, it was observed that cookies retain their organoleptic characteristics for up to five months. These results contribute directly to health benefits, so its characteristics allow functional foods to be developed, such is the case of the production of polishing-based biscuits, with a consistency and a palatable taste for those who like to take care of your diet

    Analisis Exploratorio En La Industria De Quesos Artesanales En Escárcega, Campeche De Acuerdo A Los Prerrequisitos De Haccp

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    This article presents a diagnosis of hygiene management based on the fulfillment of the prerequisites of a HACCP system, in three companies of the agrifood sector that operate in the municipality of Escárcega, Campeche, especially in the elaboration of artisanal cheeses. The evaluation methodology corresponded to the verification of compliance with the checklist of the instrument GHYCAL (Hygiene and Quality Management). The results allowed to find levels of hygiene management in a percentage scale and to classify the three companies in low level of compliance for all, due mainly to the little knowledge and technological development that is presented in the region

    Problema de planeamento do projeto para biblioteca de desenvolvimento de software - PSPSWDLIB

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    Um Problema de Gestão de Projetos de Desenvolvimento de Software é uma variante do Problemas Gestão de Projetos onde o modelo de desenvolvimento de software pode ser apresentado como um conjunto de actividades de software a realizar, um conjunto de recursos humanos, um conjunto de recursos financeiros e o variável tempo dividida por actividade. Este artigo apresenta um exemplo do Problema de Gestão de Projetos de Desenvolvimento de Software para projectos de desenvolvimento de software.A Project Scheduling Problem for Software Development is a variant of Project Scheduling Problem where the software development model can be presented as a set of software activities, a set of developer skills and a set of resources specified on money and the total time divided on time per activity. This paper presents an instance set of Project Scheduling Problem for Software Development for projects of software development

    Structures Illuminate Cardiac Ion Channel Functions in Health and in Long QT Syndrome

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    The cardiac action potential is critical to the production of a synchronized heartbeat. This electrical impulse is governed by the intricate activity of cardiac ion channels, among them the cardiac voltage-gated potassium (Kv) channels KCNQ1 and hERG as well as the voltage-gated sodium (Nav) channel encoded by SCN5A. Each channel performs a highly distinct function, despite sharing a common topology and structural components. These three channels are also the primary proteins mutated in congenital long QT syndrome (LQTS), a genetic condition that predisposes to cardiac arrhythmia and sudden cardiac death due to impaired repolarization of the action potential and has a particular proclivity for reentrant ventricular arrhythmias. Recent cryo-electron microscopy structures of human KCNQ1 and hERG, along with the rat homolog of SCN5A and other mammalian sodium channels, provide atomic-level insight into the structure and function of these proteins that advance our understanding of their distinct functions in the cardiac action potential, as well as the molecular basis of LQTS. In this review, the gating, regulation, LQTS mechanisms, and pharmacological properties of KCNQ1, hERG, and SCN5A are discussed in light of these recent structural findings

    Gestão de processos de negócios em serviços de tecnologia e informação

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    En este trabajo definimos y simulamos procesos en una compañía que presta servicios de tecnología de la información con el propósito de mejorar la atención y las funciones definidas en cada proceso. Analizamos diversos trabajos con respecto a la gestión de procesos de negocios y simulación. Para nuestro modelo de desarrollo, diseñamos una metodología basada en la gestión de procesos de negocios. Los procesos y las actividades fueron modelados y simulados con la ayuda de una herramienta de software para estables los tiempos y el número deposibles estancias ejecutadas. Dichos tiempos y procesos pueden ser adaptados al nivel de rendimiento deseado. El resultado de dichos procesos contribuyó a la realización de actividades de negocio de tal manera que las mismas sean más eficientes con respecto al uso del tiempo y por lo tanto otorguen un servicio de alta calidad.In this work, we defined and simulated processes in a company which provides Information Technology services with the purpose of enhancing attention and functions defined for each process. We analyzed several works related to business management process and simulation. For model development, we designed a methodology based on Business Process Management. Processes and activities were modelled and simulated using a software tool establishing times and number of possible instances to be performed. These times and processes may be adapted to a desired level of performance. Resulting processes contribute to perform business activities in a more adequate way and be more time efficient in order to provide a higher quality service

    Diversity of Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in a Sub-Montane and Sub-Tropical Cityscape of Northeastern Mexico

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    ABSTRACT - The role of urban ecosystems in maintaining biodiversity and ecosystem services is highly variable because of the heterogeneity of habitats in human-use landscapes. We analyzed ant diversity in a sub-montane and sub-tropical urban area of northeastern Mexico to determine the conservation value of this cityscape. Ants were collected in 16 across the cityscape, including spaces at the periphery and urban center, during the rainy season (August to October) of 2015. To capture ants, eight trap traps were installed along a 100-m transect, and hand collections were performed. In total, 7,415 ant workers belonging to 32 species, 23 genera, 11 tribes, and 5 sub-families were collected. The richness and structure of the assemblages varied among the sampling sites. The compositional similarity also varied significantly among sampling sites, and unique species were found in four sites. Each site showed an important and particular ant assemblage that differed from that of the other sites and the surrounding habitats in the cityscape. The results suggest that some sampling sites in the studied cityscape may contribute to the conservation of certain ant groups and invertebrate communities threatened by urban intensification. Ultimately, our findings support the importance of conserved areas and green spaces for the conservation of native species in and near urban areas