954 research outputs found

    Non-parametric estimation of survival probabilities with a time-dependent exposure switch: application to (simulated) heart transplant data

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    Background: To summarize the survival experience of patients waiting for heart transplant and to compare it with the post-transplant survival it is not possible to use the Kaplan-Meier estimator considering the intervention status as fixed in time because of the well known "immortaltime bias" issue.Methods: We reviewed and applied to a simulated dataset the available methods to perform a non-parametric analysis accounting for the time-varying nature of the transplant status. Specifically we considered the Simon-Makuch estimator and the recently proposed "clock-back" estimator.Results: We showed that the Simon-Makuch estimator for the survival of patients on list is unbiased but the corresponding estimator of the post-transplant survival is not reliable for non-markov contexts like the one considered. Instead, if the semi-Markov assumption could be postulated (the post-transplant mortality depends mainly on the time since transplant and not on the waiting time to the intervention), the "clock-back" estimator produces valid results.Conclusion: We enlightened the importance of testing the process memory assumptions (e.g. Markov properties) in order to choose the approach more reliable. Moreover, we recommend the use of the Simon-Makuch method to study the survival of patients before the interventionand the use of the "clock back" estimator for the post-intervention survival in semi-markovian contexts

    axillary lymphadenectomy for breast cancer a randomized controlled trial comparing a bipolar vessel sealing system to the conventional technique

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    Abstract Aim To compare safety and efficacy of a bipolar vessel sealing system (BVSS) to the conventional technique in axillary node dissection. Methods 116 women with breast cancer were randomized to conventional node dissection surgical technique (control; n = 58) by scalpel and monopolar cautery or using an electrothermal BVSS (study group; n = 58). Results The median (range) total volume of fluid collected by drain and aspirations was 305 (30–1420) mL in the study group and 335 (80–1070) mL in the control group ( p = 0.325). The median (range) total volume of lymph collected by percutaneous aspirations was 207.5 (40–1050) mL in the study group and 505 (270–705) mL in the control group ( p = 0.010). The incidence of seroma was similar in both groups ( p = 0.845). The axillary drain was removed earlier in the study group than in controls ( p = 0.046). Conclusion The use of a BVSS offers marginal advantages when compared to the conventional technique

    Intensive monitoring of conventional and surrogate quality parameters in a highly urbanized river affected by multiple combined sewer overflows

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    Abstract The paper reports results of four intensive campaigns carried out on the Seveso River (Milan metropolitan area, Italy) between 2014 and 2016, during intense precipitation events. Laboratory analyses were coupled with on-site, continuous measurements to assess the impact of pollutants on water quality based on both conventional and surrogate parameters. Laboratory data included total suspended solids, caffeine, total phosphorus and nitrogen, and their dissolved forms. Screening of trace metals (Cr, Cu, Pb, Ni, Cd) and PBDEs (polybromodiphenylethers) was carried out. Continuous measurements included water level, physico-chemical variables and turbidity. Nutrient concentrations were generally high (e.g. average total phosphorus > 1,000 μg/L) indicating strong sewage contributions. Among monitored pollutants Cr, Cu, Pb, and Cd concentrations were well correlated to TSS, turbidity and discharge, being bound mostly to suspended particulate matter. A different behavior was found for Ni, that showed an early peak occurring before the flow peak, as a result of first flush events. PBDEs correlated well to nutrient concentrations, showing the highest peaks soon after activation of the combined sewer overflows, likely because of its accumulation in sewers. In addition to showing the existing correlations between quality parameters, the paper highlights the importance of surrogate parameters as indicators of anthropic pollution inputs

    Impact of child obesity on adipose tissue physiology: assessment of adipocytokines and inflammatory cytokines as biomarkers of obesity

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    Obesity could be interpreted as a low grade inflammatory state. The role of cytokines for innate and acquired immune response and adipocytokines in pathogenesis of obesity is not completely understood. The aim of the study was to evaluate anthropometric parameters, adipocytokines and inflammatory cytokine levels as biomarkers of childhood obesity. This investigation was designed as a longitudinal observational study. Forty-seven obese children (19 males and 28 females) were enrolled by Pediatric Clinic of the Foundation IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, Pavia, Italy. For each patients a blood sample, used for other biochemical evaluations, was collected. Cytokines and adipocytokines plasmatic levels were determined using an ELISA method. Plasma leptin levels are in correlation with age (r=0.5; P<0.001) and BMI-z score (r=0.36; P<0.001), particularly in girls; plasma resistin levels are in inverse correlation with age, particularly in boys (r=-0.67; P<0.001) and in correlation with BMI-z score (r=0.52; P=0.002). Plasma leptin and resistin levels show a good correlation with antrophometric parameters of child obesity (sex and BMI z score). This study suggests that leptin and resistin can be considered as biomarker of childhood obesity and its comorbility. We observed a statistically significant correlation between plasma leptin and resistin levels and antrophometric parameters of child obesity (sex and BMI z score). This study suggests that adipocytokines, such as leptin and resistin, can be considered as biomarkers of childhood obesity

    First body of evidence suggesting a role of a tankyrase-binding motif (TBM) of vinculin (VCL) in epithelial cells

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    Background: Adherens junctions (AJ) are involved in cancer, infections and neurodegeneration. Still, their composition has not been completely disclosed. Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerases (PARPs) catalyze the synthesis of poly(ADP-ribose) (PAR) as a posttranslational modification. Four PARPs synthesize PAR, namely PARP-1/2 and Tankyrase-1/2 (TNKS). In the epithelial belt, AJ are accompanied by a PAR belt and a subcortical F-actin ring. F-actin depolymerization alters the AJ and PAR belts while PARP inhibitors prevent the assembly of the AJ belt and cortical actin. We wondered which PARP synthesizes the belt and which is the PARylation target protein. Vinculin (VCL) participates in the anchorage of F-actin to the AJ, regulating its functions, and colocalized with the PAR belt. TNKS has been formerly involved in the assembly of epithelial cell junctions. Hypothesis: TNKS poly(ADP-ribosylates) (PARylates) epithelial belt VCL, affecting its functions in AJ, including cell shape maintenance. Materials and Methods: Tankyrase-binding motif (TBM) sequences in hVCL gene were identified and VCL sequences from various vertebrates, Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans were aligned and compared. Plasma membrane-associated PAR was tested by immunocytofluorescence (ICF) and subcellular fractionation in Vero cells while TNKS role in this structure and cell junction assembly was evaluated using specific inhibitors. The identity of the PARylated proteins was tested by affinity precipitation with PAR-binding reagent followed by western blots. Finally, MCF-7 human breast cancer epithelial cells were subjected to transfection with Tol2-plasmids, carrying a dicistronic expression sequence including Gallus gallus wt VCL (Tol-2-GgVCL), or the same VCL gene with a point mutation in TBM-II (Tol2-GgVCL/*TBM) under the control of a β-actin promoter, plus green fluorescent protein following an internal ribosome entry site (IRES-GFP) to allow the identification of transfected cells without modifying the transfected protein of interest. Results and discussion: In this work, some of the hypothesis predictions have been tested. We have demonstrated that: (1) VCL TBMs were conserved in vertebrate evolution while absent in C. elegans; (2) TNKS inhibitors disrupted the PAR belt synthesis, while PAR and an endogenous TNKS pool were associated to the plasma membrane; (3) a VCL pool was covalently PARylated; (4) transfection of MCF-7 cells leading to overexpression of Gg-VCL/*TBM induced mesenchymal-like cell shape changes. This last point deserves further investigation, bypassing the limits of our transient transfection and overexpression system. In fact, a 5th testable prediction would be that a single point mutation in VCL TBM-II under endogenous expression control would induce an epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT). To check this, a CRISPR/Cas9 substitution approach followed by migration, invasion, gene expression and chemo-resistance assays should be performed.Fil: Vilchez Larrea, Salomé Catalina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ingeniería Genética y Biología Molecular "Dr. Héctor N. Torres"; ArgentinaFil: Valsecchi, Wanda Mariela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Química y Físico-Química Biológicas "Prof. Alejandro C. Paladini". Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Instituto de Química y Físico-Química Biológicas; ArgentinaFil: Fernandez Villamil, Silvia Hebe. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ingeniería Genética y Biología Molecular "Dr. Héctor N. Torres"; ArgentinaFil: Lafon Hughes, Laura I.. Universidad de la Republica. Centro Universitario del Litoral Norte.; Urugua

    Characterization of Pupillary Light Response Features for the Classification of Patients with Optic Neuritis

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    Pupillometry is a promising technique for the potential diagnosis of several neurological pathologies. However, its potential is not fully explored yet, especially for prediction purposes and results interpretation. In this work, we analyzed 100 pupillometric curves obtained by 12 subjects, applying both advanced signal processing techniques and physics methods to extract typically collected features and newly proposed ones. We used machine learning techniques for the classification of Optic Neuritis (ON) vs. Healthy subjects, controlling for overfitting and ranking the features by random permutation, following their importance in prediction. All the extracted features, except one, turned out to have significant importance for prediction, with an average accuracy of 76%, showing the complexity of the processes involved in the pupillary light response. Furthermore, we provided a possible neurological interpretation of this new set of pupillometry features in relation to ON vs. Healthy classification

    Inflammation-Independent Antinociceptive Effects of DF2755A, a CXCR1/2 Selective Inhibitor: A New Potential Therapeutic Treatment for Peripheral Neuropathy Associated to Non-Ulcerative Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome

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    Interstitial cystitis (IC)/bladder pain syndrome (BPS) is a chronic bladder disease of unknown etiology characterized by urinary frequency and episodic and chronic pain. Analgesic treatments for IC/BPS are limited, especially for patients with non-Hunner (non-ulcerative) type IC who usually have poor overall outcomes. Here, we demonstrate that oral treatment with DF2755A, a potent and selective inhibitor of chemokine receptors CXCR1/2, can prevent and reverse peripheral neuropathy associated to non-Hunner IC/BPS by directly inhibiting chemokine-induced excitation of sensory neurons. We tested DF2755A antinociceptive effects in a cyclophosphamide (CYP)-induced non-ulcerative IC rat model characterized by severe peripheral neuropathy in the absence of bladder inflammatory infiltrate, urothelial hyperplasia, and hemorrhage. Treatment with DF2755A prevented the onset of peripheral neuropathy and reversed its development in CYP-induced IC rats, showing a strong and long-lasting anti-hyperalgesic effect. Ex vivo and in vitro studies showed that DF2755A treatment strongly inhibited the expression of CXCR2 agonists, CXCL1/KC, and CXCL5 and of transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) compared to vehicle, suggesting that its effects can be due to the inhibition of the nociceptive signaling passing through the CXCL1/CXCR1-2 axis and TRPV1. In conclusion, our results highlight the key pathophysiological role played by the CXCL1/CXCR1-2 axis and TRPV1 in the onset and development of peripheral neuropathy in non-Hunner IC and propose DF2755A as a potential therapeutic approach for the treatment of not only inflammatory painful conditions but also neuropathic ones and in particular non-Hunner IC/BPS

    Impact of mercaptopurine metabolites on disease outcome in the AIEOP-BFM 2009 protocol for acute lymphoblastic leukemia

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    : In the maintenance phase of AIEOP-BFM acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) 2009 protocol, mercaptopurine (MP) is given at the planned dose of 50 mg/m2/day; however, dose adjustments are routinely performed to target patients' white blood cells to the optimal range of 2000-3000 cells/μl. ALL pediatric patients (n=290, age: median (1st-3rd quartile): 4.8 (3.0-8.1) years; male: 56.9%) were enrolled mainly in four medium-large Italian pediatric hospitals; 14.1% of patients relapsed after a median (1st-3rd quartile) follow-up time of 4.43 (3.82-5.46) years from maintenance beginning. MP metabolites (thionucleotide (TGN) and methyl-derivatives (MMPN)) were measured in the erythrocytes of 387 blood samples of 200 patients by HPLC-UV. SNPs (rs1800462, rs1800460 and rs1142345 in TPMT gene, rs116855232 in NUDT15, rs1127354, rs7270101, rs6051702 in ITPA and rs2413739 in PACSIN2) were characterized by Taqman SNP genotyping assays. Cox proportional hazard models did not show an impact TGN levels and variability on relapse. In contrast, after multivariate analysis, relapse hazard ratio (HR) increased in ALL children of the intermediate risk arm compared to those in standard risk arm (3.44, 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.31-9.05, p= 0.012), and in carriers of the PACSIN2 rs2413739 T allele compared to those with the CC genotype (heterozygotes CT: HR, 2.32; 95% CI, 0.90-5.97; p=0.081; homozygous TT: HR, 4.14; 95% CI, 1.54-11.11; p=0.005). Future studies are needed to confirm the lack of impact of TGN levels and variability on relapse in the AIEOP-BFM ALL trials, and to clarify the mechanism of PACSIN2 rs2413739 on outcome

    Crude incidence in two-phase designs in the presence of competing risks.

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    BackgroundIn many studies, some information might not be available for the whole cohort, some covariates, or even the outcome, might be ascertained in selected subsamples. These studies are part of a broad category termed two-phase studies. Common examples include the nested case-control and the case-cohort designs. For two-phase studies, appropriate weighted survival estimates have been derived; however, no estimator of cumulative incidence accounting for competing events has been proposed. This is relevant in the presence of multiple types of events, where estimation of event type specific quantities are needed for evaluating outcome.MethodsWe develop a non parametric estimator of the cumulative incidence function of events accounting for possible competing events. It handles a general sampling design by weights derived from the sampling probabilities. The variance is derived from the influence function of the subdistribution hazard.ResultsThe proposed method shows good performance in simulations. It is applied to estimate the crude incidence of relapse in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia in groups defined by a genotype not available for everyone in a cohort of nearly 2000 patients, where death due to toxicity acted as a competing event. In a second example the aim was to estimate engagement in care of a cohort of HIV patients in resource limited setting, where for some patients the outcome itself was missing due to lost to follow-up. A sampling based approach was used to identify outcome in a subsample of lost patients and to obtain a valid estimate of connection to care.ConclusionsA valid estimator for cumulative incidence of events accounting for competing risks under a general sampling design from an infinite target population is derived

    Acute shock efficacy of the subcutaneous implantable cardioverter-defibrillator according to the implantation technique

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    Background: The traditional technique for subcutaneous implantable cardioverter defibrillator (S-ICD) implantation involves three incisions and a subcutaneous (SC) pocket. An intermuscular (IM) 2-incision technique has been recently adopted. Aims: We assessed acute defibrillation efficacy (DE) of S-ICD (DE ≤65 J) according to the implantation technique. Methods: We analyzed consecutive patients who underwent S-ICD implantation and DE testing at 53 Italian centers. Regression analysis was used to determine the association between DFT and implantation technique. Results: A total of 805 patients were enrolled. Four groups were assessed: IM + 2 incisions (n = 546), SC + 2 incisions (n = 133), SC + 3 incisions (n = 111), and IM + 3 incisions (n = 15). DE was ≤65 J in 782 (97.1%) patients. Patients with DE ≤65 J showed a trend towards lower body mass index (25.1 vs. 26.5; p = .12), were less frequently on antiarrhythmic drugs (13% vs. 26%; p = .06) and more commonly underwent implantation with the 2-incision technique (85% vs. 70%; p = .04). The IM + 2-incision technique showed the lowest defibrillation failure rate (2.2%) and shock impedance (66 Ohm, interquartile range: 57-77). On multivariate analysis, the 2-incision technique was associated with a lower incidence of shock failure (hazard ratio: 0.305; 95% confidence interval: 0.102-0.907; p = .033). Shock impedance was lower with the IM than with the SC approach (66 vs. 70 Ohm p = .002) and with the 2-incision than the 3-incision technique (67 vs. 72 Ohm; p = .006). Conclusions: In a large population of S-ICD patients, we observed a high defibrillation success rate. The IM + 2-incision technique provides lower shock impedance and a higher likelihood of successful defibrillation
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