5 research outputs found

    Гепатозащитное действие препарата Neamon-Hepa при гепатите индуцированным четыреххлористным углеродом

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    Centrul Ştiinţific în Domeniul Medicamentului, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”The aim of this study was to assess the hepatoprotective activity of a new drug Neamon-Hepa in carbon tetrachloride (CCl4 ) induced chronic liver damage for 3 weeks. The Neamon-Hepa treatment produced a normalizing effect on body weight and liver/body-weight ratio, significantly lowering alanine and aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, total bilirubin, lactatdehidrogenase activity and serum cholesterol level. These findings suggest that Neamon-Hepa exhibits potent hepatoprotective effects in mice treated with CCl4 .Целью данного исследования являлось изучение гепатозащитного действия нового препарата Neamon-Hepa при гепатите индуцированным четыреххлористным углеродом (CCl4 ) в течении 3-х недель. Лечение препаратом Neamon-Hepa привело к нормализации массы тела и нормализации индекса массы печень/тело, определило значительное понижение аланин и аспартат аминотрансфераз, алкалинфосфатазы, общего билирубина, активности лактатдегидрогеназы и уровня холестерола в плазме. Эти показатели указывают на выраженное гепатозащитное действие препарата Neamon-Hepa на мышей после воздействия CCl4

    Антиоксидантные возможности фармацевтического препарата Неамон-Хепа при токсическом гепатите, индуцированным тетрахлоридом углерода

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    Scientific Center for Drug Evaluation of the Nicolae Testemitanu State Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Institut of Microbiology and Biotechnology of the Academy of Science of MoldovaThe present study was undertaken to investigate whether Neamon-Hepa treatment provides antioxidant protection from chronic liver injury induced in mice by a long-term CCl4 administration. The Neamon-Hepa capsule, a combination indigene drug, contains L-arginine, Spironolactone and biopreparation from the Spirulina platensis - BioR. Carbon tetrachloride chronic treatment for three weeks significantly decreased the hepatic antioxidant enzyme activities - almost twofold superoxide dismutase enzyme activity, catalase activity, glutathione peroxidase activity in liver tissue and induced a marked elevation almost twofold of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances levels in the plasma and liver tissue. Treatment with the Neamon-Hepa following experimental liver damage, in a dose-dependent way, resulted in a marked augmentation of antioxidant enzyme activities and reduction of lipid peroxidation levels.Целью данной работы является исследование антиоксидантного воздействия лекарственного препарата НеамонХепа у мышей с токсическим гепатитом, индуцированным тетрахлоридом углевода. В состав комбинированного медикамента Неамон-Хепа входит аргинина аспартат, БиоР и спиронолактон. Хроническая интоксикация в течении 3 недель с ССl4 снизила в два раза активность супероксиддисмутазы, каталазы, глутатионпероскидазы в печеночной ткани и повысила вдвое степень тиобарбитуровой кислоты в печеночной ткани и в сыворотке крови. Применение препарата Неамон-Хепа значительно уменьшило степень процессов липидного пероксидирования и увеличило активность антиоксидативных энзимов

    Emotional processing in Parkinson's disease and anxiety: an EEG study of visual affective word processing

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    A general problem in the design of an EEG-BCI system is the poor quality and low robustness of the extracted features, affecting overall performance. However, BCI systems that are applicable in real-time and outside clinical settings require high performance. Therefore, we have to improve the current methods for feature extraction. In this work, we investigated EEG source reconstruction techniques to enhance the extracted features based on a linearly constrained minimum variance (LCMV) beamformer. Beamformers allow for easy incorporation of anatomical data and are applicable in real-time. A 32-channel EEG-BCI system was designed for a two-class motor imagery (MI) paradigm. We optimized a synchronous system for two untrained subjects and investigated two aspects. First, we investigated the effect of using beamformers calculated on the basis of three different head models: a template 3-layered boundary element method (BEM) head model, a 3-layered personalized BEM head model and a personalized 5-layered finite difference method (FDM) head model including white and gray matter, CSF, scalp and skull tissue. Second, we investigated the influence of how the regions of interest, areas of expected MI activity, were constructed. On the one hand, they were chosen around electrodes C3 and C4, as hand MI activity theoretically is expected here. On the other hand, they were constructed based on the actual activated regions identified by an fMRI scan. Subsequently, an asynchronous system was derived for one of the subjects and an optimal balance between speed and accuracy was found. Lastly, a real-time application was made. These systems were evaluated by their accuracy, defined as the percentage of correct left and right classifications. From the real-time application, the information transfer rate (ITR) was also determined. An accuracy of 86.60 ± 4.40% was achieved for subject 1 and 78.71 ± 0.73% for subject 2. This gives an average accuracy of 82.66 ± 2.57%. We found that the use of a personalized FDM model improved the accuracy of the system, on average 24.22% with respect to the template BEM model and on average 5.15% with respect to the personalized BEM model. Including fMRI spatial priors did not improve accuracy. Personal fine- tuning largely resolved the robustness problems arising due to the differences in head geometry and neurophysiology between subjects. A real-time average accuracy of 64.26% was reached and the maximum ITR was 6.71 bits/min. We conclude that beamformers calculated with a personalized FDM model have great potential to ameliorate feature extraction and, as a consequence, to improve the performance of real-time BCI systems