66 research outputs found

    Testbench qualification of SystemC TLM protocols through Mutation Analysis

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    Transaction-level modeling (TLM) has become the de-facto reference modeling style for system-level design and verification of embedded systems. It allows designers to implement high-level communication protocols for simulations up to 1000x faster than at register-transfer level (RTL). To guarantee interoperability between TLM IP suppliers and users, designers implement the TLM communication protocols by relying on a reference standard, such as the standard OSCI for SystemC TLM. Functional correctness of such protocols as well as their compliance to the reference TLM standard are usually verified through user-defined testbenches, which high-quality and completeness play a key role for an efficient TLM design and verification flow. This article presents a methodology to apply mutation analysis, a technique applied in literature for SW testing, for measuring the testbench quality in verifying TLM protocols. In particular, the methodology aims at (i) qualifying the testbenches by considering both the TLM protocol correctness and their compliance to a defined standard (i.e., OSCI TLM), (ii) optimizing the simulation time during mutation analysis by avoiding mutation redundancies, and (iii) driving the designers in the testbench improvement. Experimental results on benchmarks of different complexity and architectural characteristics are reported to analyze the methodology applicability

    A Cross-level Verification Methodology for Digital IPs Augmented with Embedded Timing Monitors

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    Smart systems implement the leading technology advances in the context of embedded devices. Current design methodologies are not suitable to deal with tightly interacting subsystems of different technological domains, namely analog, digital, discrete and power devices, MEMS and power sources. The interaction effects between the components and between the environment and the system must be modeled and simulated at system level to achieve high performance. Focusing on digital subsystem, additional design constraints have to be considered as a result of the integration of multi-domain subsystems in a single device. The main digital design challenges combined with those emerging from the heterogeneous nature of the whole system directly impact on performance, hence propagation delay, of the digital component. In this paper we propose a design approach to enhance the RTL model of a given digital component for the integration in smart systems, and a methodology to verify the added features at system-level. The design approach consists of ``augmenting'' the RTL model through the automatic insertion of delay sensors, which are capable of detecting and correcting timing failures. The verification methodology consists of an automatic flow of two steps. Firstly the augmented model is abstracted to system-level (i.e., SystemC TLM); secondly mutants, which are code mutations to emulate timing failures, are automatically injected into the abstracted model. Experimental results demonstrate the applicability of the proposed design and verification methodology and the effectiveness of the simulation performance

    Reusing RTL assertion checkers for verification of SystemC TLM models

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    The recent trend towards system-level design gives rise to new challenges for reusing existing RTL intellectual properties (IPs) and their verification environment in TLM. While techniques and tools to abstract RTL IPs into TLM models have begun to appear, the problem of reusing, at TLM, a verification environment originally developed for an RTL IP is still under-explored, particularly when ABV is adopted. Some frameworks have been proposed to deal with ABV at TLM, but they assume a top-down design and verification flow, where assertions are defined ex-novo at TLM level. In contrast, the reuse of existing assertions in an RTL-to-TLM bottom-up design flow has not been analyzed yet, except by using transactors to create a mixed simulation between the TLM design and the RTL checkers corresponding to the assertions. However, the use of transactors may lead to longer verification time due to the need of developing and verifying the transactors themselves. Moreover, the simulation time is negatively affected by the presence of transactors, which slow down the simulation at the speed of the slowest parts (i.e., RTL checkers). This article proposes an alternative methodology that does not require transactors for reusing assertions, originally defined for a given RTL IP, in order to verify the corresponding TLM model. Experimental results have been conducted on benchmarks with different characteristics and complexity to show the applicability and the efficacy of the proposed methodology

    On the Reuse of RTL assertions in Systemc TLM Verification

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    Reuse of existing and already verified intellectual property (IP) models is a key strategy to cope with the com- plexity of designing modern system-on-chips (SoC)s under ever stringent time-to-market requirements. In particular, the recent trend towards system-level design and transaction level modeling (TLM) gives rise to new challenges for reusing existing RTL IPs and their verification environment in TLM-based design flows. While techniques and tools to abstract RTL IPs into TLM models have begun to appear, the problem of reusing, at TLM, a verification environment originally developed for an RTL IP is still underexplored, particularly when assertion-based verification (ABV) is adopted. Some techniques and frameworks have been proposed to deal with ABV at TLM, but they assume a top-down design and verification flow, where assertions are defined ex-novo at TLM level. In contrast, the reuse of existing assertions in an RTL-to-TLM bottom-up design flow has not been analyzed yet. This paper proposes a methodology to reuse assertions originally defined for a given RTL IP, to verify the corresponding TLM model. Experimental results have been conducted on benchmarks of different characteristics and complexity to show the applicability and the efficacy of the proposed methodology

    A single-chip CMOS pulse oximeter with on-chip lock-in detection

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    Pulse oximetry is a noninvasive and continuous method for monitoring the blood oxygen saturation level. This paper presents the design and testing of a single-chip pulse oximeter fabricated in a 0.35 µm CMOS process. The chip includes photodiode, transimpedance amplifier, analogue band-pass filters, analogue-to-digital converters, digital signal processor and LED timing control. The experimentally measured AC and DC characteristics of individual circuits including the DC output voltage of the transimpedance amplifier, transimpedance gain of the transimpedance amplifier, and the central frequency and bandwidth of the analogue band-pass filters, show a good match (within 1%) with the circuit simulations. With modulated light source and integrated lock-in detection the sensor effectively suppresses the interference from ambient light and 1/f noise. In a breath hold and release experiment the single chip sensor demonstrates consistent and comparable performance to commercial pulse oximetry devices with a mean of 1.2% difference. The single-chip sensor enables a compact and robust design solution that offers a route towards wearable devices for health monitorin

    High-Fat Diet with Acyl-Ghrelin Treatment Leads to Weight Gain with Low Inflammation, High Oxidative Capacity and Normal Triglycerides in Rat Muscle

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    Obesity is associated with muscle lipid accumulation. Experimental models suggest that inflammatory cytokines, low mitochondrial oxidative capacity and paradoxically high insulin signaling activation favor this alteration. The gastric orexigenic hormone acylated ghrelin (A-Ghr) has antiinflammatory effects in vitro and it lowers muscle triglycerides while modulating mitochondrial oxidative capacity in lean rodents. We tested the hypothesis that A-Ghr treatment in high-fat feeding results in a model of weight gain characterized by low muscle inflammation and triglycerides with high muscle mitochondrial oxidative capacity. A-Ghr at a non-orexigenic dose (HFG: twice-daily 200-µg s.c.) or saline (HF) were administered for 4 days to rats fed a high-fat diet for one month. Compared to lean control (C) HF had higher body weight and plasma free fatty acids (FFA), and HFG partially prevented FFA elevation (P<0.05). HFG also had the lowest muscle inflammation (nuclear NFkB, tissue TNF-alpha) with mitochondrial enzyme activities higher than C (P<0.05 vs C, P = NS vs HF). Under these conditions HFG prevented the HF-associated muscle triglyceride accumulation (P<0.05). The above effects were independent of changes in redox state (total-oxidized glutathione, glutathione peroxidase activity) and were not associated with changes in phosphorylation of AKT and selected AKT targets. Ghrelin administration following high-fat feeding results in a novel model of weight gain with low inflammation, high mitochondrial enzyme activities and normalized triglycerides in skeletal muscle. These effects are independent of changes in tissue redox state and insulin signaling, and they suggest a potential positive metabolic impact of ghrelin in fat-induced obesity

    Code Manipulation for Virtual Platform Integration

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    Simulation speed is crucial in virtual platforms, in order to enhance the design flow with early validation and design space exploration. This work tackles this challenge by focusing on two main techniques for speeding up virtual platform simulation, namely efficient data types implementation and a novel scheduling technique. Both the optimizations are obtained through code manipulation. The target language is C++ and its extensions (i.e., SystemC), that are the most widespread languages for virtual platform modeling and simulation. The optimization techniques are considered orthogonal, as they target different aspects of the simulated code. Experimental results prove the effectiveness of both the single techniques and of their combined application on complex case studies, with the result of reaching a maximum speedup of 70x in the simulation of a virtual platfor

    Automatic Synthesis of OSCI TLM-2.0 Models into RTL Bus-based IPs

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    Transaction-level modeling (TLM) is the most promising technique to deal with the increasing complexity of modern embedded systems. TLM provides designers with high-level interfaces and communication protocols for abstract modeling and efficient simulation of system platforms. The Open SystemC Initiative (OSCI) has recently released the TLM-2.0 standard, to standardize the interface between component models for bus-based systems. The TLM standard aims at facilitating the interchange of models between suppliers and users, and thus encouraging the use of virtual platforms for fast simulation prior to the availability of register-transfer level (RTL) code. On the other hand, because a TLM IP description does not include the implementation details that must be added at the RTL, the process to synthesize TLM designs into RTL implementations is still manual, time spending and error prone. In this context, this paper presents a methodology for automating the TLM-to-RTL synthesis by applying the theory of high-level synthesis (HLS) to TLM, and proposes a protocol synthesis technique based on the extended finite state machine (EFSM) model for generating the RTL IP interface compliant with any RTL bus-based protocol
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