72 research outputs found

    Choice of activity-intensity classification thresholds impacts upon accelerometer-assessed physical activity-health relationships in children

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    It is unknown whether using different published thresholds (PTs) for classifying physical activity (PA) impacts upon activity-health relationships. This study explored whether relationships between PA (sedentary [SED], light PA [LPA], moderate PA [MPA], moderate-to-vigorous PA, vigorous PA [VPA]) and health markers differed in children when classified using three different PTs

    Effect of high-intensity interval training in adolescents with asthma: The eXercise for Asthma with Commando Joe'sÂź (X4ACJ) trial

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    BackgroundHigher levels of cardiorespiratory fitness are associated with reduced asthma severity and increased quality of life in those with asthma. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a 6-month high-intensity interval training (HIIT) intervention in adolescents with and without asthma.MethodsA total of 616 adolescents (334 boys; 13.0 ± 1.1 years; 1.57 ± 0.10m; 52.6 ± 12.9kg, mean ± SD), including 155 with asthma (78 boys), were recruited as part of a randomized control trial from 5 schools (4 control, 1 intervention). The 221 intervention participants (116 boys; 47 asthma) completed 6 months of school-based HIIT (30mins, 3 times per week, 10–30s bouts at >90% age-predicted maximum heart rate with equal rest). At baseline, mid-intervention, post-intervention and 3-month follow-up, measurements for 20-metre shuttle run, body mass index (BMI), lung function, Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory, Paediatric Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire and Asthma Control Questionnaire were collected. Additionally, 69 adolescents (21 boys; 36 asthma) also completed an incremental ramp test. For analysis, each group's data (intervention and control) was divided into those with and without asthma.ResultsParticipants with asthma did not differ from their peers in any parameter of aerobic fitness, at any time-point, but were characterised by a greater BMI. The intervention elicited a significant improvement in maximal aerobic fitness but no change in sub-maximal parameters of aerobic fitness, lung function or quality of life, irrespective of asthma status. Those in the intervention group maintained their BMI, whereas BMI significantly increased in the control group throughout the 6-month period.ConclusionsHIIT represents an effective tool for improving aerobic fitness and maintaining BMI in adolescents, irrespective of asthma status. HIIT was well tolerated by those with asthma, who evidenced a similar aerobic fitness to their healthy peers and responded equally well to a HIIT programme

    Accelerometer Measured Levels of Moderate-to-Vigorous Intensity Physical Activity and Sedentary Time in Children and Adolescents with Chronic Disease: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Context: Moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and sedentary time (ST) are important for child and adolescent health. Objective: To examine habitual levels of accelerometer measured MVPA and ST in children and adolescents with chronic disease, and how these levels compare with healthy peers. Methods: Data sources: An extensive search was carried out in Medline, Cochrane library, EMBASE, SPORTDiscus and CINAHL from 2000–2017. Study selection: Studies with accelerometer-measured MVPA and/or ST (at least 3 days and 6 hours/day to provide estimates of habitual levels) in children 0–19 years of age with chronic diseases but without co-morbidities that would present major impediments to physical activity. In all cases patients were studied while well and clinically stable. Results: Out of 1592 records, 25 studies were eligible, in four chronic disease categories: cardiovascular disease (7 studies), respiratory disease (7 studies), diabetes (8 studies), and malignancy (3 studies). Patient MVPA was generally below the recommended 60 min/day and ST generally high regardless of the disease condition. Comparison with healthy controls suggested no marked differences in MVPA between controls and patients with cardiovascular disease (1 study, n = 42) and type 1 diabetes (5 studies, n = 400; SMD -0.70, 95% CI -1.89 to 0.48, p = 0.25). In patients with respiratory disease, MVPA was lower in patients than controls (4 studies, n = 470; SMD -0.39, 95% CI -0.80, 0.02, p = 0.06). Meta-analysis indicated significantly lower MVPA in patients with malignancies than in the controls (2 studies, n = 90; SMD -2.2, 95% CI -4.08 to -0.26, p = 0.03). Time spent sedentary was significantly higher in patients in 4/10 studies compared with healthy control groups, significantly lower in 1 study, while 5 studies showed no significant group difference. Conclusions: MVPA in children/adolescents with chronic disease appear to be well below guideline recommendations, although comparable with activity levels of their healthy peers except for children with malignancies. Tailored and disease appropriate intervention strategies may be needed to increase MVPA and reduce ST in children and adolescents with chronic disease

    Vill du bli medlem? : En kvantitativ studie om studenters köpintentioner gentemot MÀlardalens studentkÄr.

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    SAMMANFATTNING Datum: 2020-06-07 NivĂ„: Kandidatuppsats i företagsekonomi, 15 hp Institution: Akademin för Ekonomi, SamhĂ€lle och Teknik, MĂ€lardalens högskola Författare: Jonathan Vahlkvist – (97/12/20) Max Gren – (94/02/02) Titel: Vet du ens om att jag finns? – En utredning av studentkĂ„rens marknadskommunikation. Handledare: Aswo Safari Nyckelord: Förtroende, engagemang, MĂ€lardalens studentkĂ„r, köpintentioner, kommunikationsstrategi, attityd FrĂ„gestĂ€llning: Vilka faktorer pĂ„verkar studenters framtida köpintentioner gentemot studentkĂ„ren? AvgrĂ€nsningar: Faktorer: attityd, engagemang, förtroende, kommunikationsstrategi. Syfte: Syftet med studien Ă€r att utvĂ€rdera pĂ„verkan mellan studentkĂ„rens kommunikation och studenternas upplevda förtroende, engagemang, attityd och köpintentioner. DĂ€rav Ă€mnar denna studie att undersöka MĂ€lardalens studentkĂ„rs kommunikation och relation till studenterna, för att bidra till förbĂ€ttrade kommunikationsmöjligheter, som sedan kan resultera i en bĂ€ttre studentkĂ„r för studenterna pĂ„ MĂ€lardalens högskola. Metod: Studien anvĂ€nder en deduktiv ansats. Empiriska data Ă€r framtagen i form av enkĂ€ter riktade till studenter pĂ„ MĂ€lardalens högskola. Slutsats: De faktorer som pĂ„verkar studenternas framtida köpintentioner gentemot studentkĂ„ren Ă€r förtroende, engagemang samt attityd. De kommunikationsstrategier som lĂ€mpar sig bĂ€st för MĂ€lardalens studentkĂ„r Ă€r de med fokus pĂ„ att kommunicera regelbundet med medlemmarna, kommunicera med underhĂ„llande och kreativ information samt den dĂ€r kommunikationen Ă€r tydlig och korrekt

    Comparison of CPAP and HFNC in Management of Bronchiolitis in Infants and Young Children

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    Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) has been used in infants with bronchiolitis for decades. Recently, high flow nasal cannula (HFNC) therapy was introduced We conducted a retrospective study of treatment with CPAP vs. HFNC between 2013 and 2015, comparing the development in respiratory rate, fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2) and heart rate, treatment failure, duration of treatment, and length of hospital stay. A sample size of 49 children were included. Median age was 1.9 months. Median baseline pCO2 was 7.4 kPa in both groups, respiratory rate per minute was 57 vs. 58 (CPAP vs. HFNC). Respiratory rate decreased faster in the CPAP group (p < 0.05). FiO2 decreased in the CPAP group and increased in the HFNC group during the first 12 h, whereafter it decreased in both groups. (p < 0.01). Heart rate development was similar in both groups. Twelve children (55%) changed systems from HFNC to CPAP due to disease progression. There was no difference in length of treatment, hospital stay, or transmission to intensive care unit between the groups. CPAP was more effective than HFNC in decreasing respiratory rate (RR) and FiO2. No differences were observed in length of treatment or complications. Further studies should be conducted to compare the efficacy of the two treatments of bronchiolitis, preferably through prospective randomized trials

    Ska företaget belöna för att belönas? : – en kvalitativ studie om försĂ€ljningsbudgetens pĂ„verkan pĂ„ sĂ€ljpersonalens prestationer

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    FrÄgestÀllning: PÄverkas sÀljpersonalens prestation om de: Àr vÀlinformerade om samt delaktiga i försÀljningsbudgeten? har möjlighet att fÄ belöningar vid uppnÄdd försÀljningsbudget? har möjlighet att fÄ belöningar i monetÀra former vid uppnÄdd försÀljningsbudget?   Syfte: Denna studie syftar till att utvÀrdera hur vetskapen om och delaktigheten i en försÀljningsbudget samt belöning vid uppnÄdd försÀljningsbudget pÄverkar sÀljpersonalens prestation.   Metod: Studien Àr av en kvalitativ art och en komparativ design har anvÀnts. Teori har samlats in i form av bÄde primÀr- och sekundÀrdata. Sex intervjuer har utförts med respondenter frÄn tre olika företag med hjÀlp av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Den insamlade empirin har stÀllts emot teorin och analyserats. Slutsatser har sedan dragits utifrÄn detta.   Slutsatser: Tydliga och rimliga mÄl ökar motivationen för de anstÀllda. Det Àr viktigt att personalen Àr vÀlinformerad om försÀljningsbudgeten. Studier visar pÄ att delaktighet i försÀljningsbudgeten Àr viktigt men respondenterna Àr oeniga om detta. Belöningar motiverar de anstÀllda till att öka sin prestation och effektiviteten pÄ arbetsplatsen. Huruvida monetÀra incitament Àr den sorts belöning som pÄverkar prestationen mest positivt Àr respondenterna men ocksÄ tidigare studier oeniga om, dÄ det Àven finns mÄnga andra faktorer att ta hÀnsyn till.  Research questions: Does the sales employees performance get affected if they: are well-informed about and involved in the sales budget? have the ability to get rewards when reaching the sales budget? have the ability to get rewards in monetary forms upon reaching the sales budget?   Purpose: This study aims to evaluate how the knowledge and commitment in a sales budget and a reward upon reaching the sales budget affect the sales employees performance.   Method: The study is of a qualitative nature and a comparative design has been used. Theory have been collected in the form of both primary and secondary data. Six interviews were conducted with respondents from three different companies through semi-structured interviews. The empirical data have been set against the theory and then analyzed. From this conclusions then have been drawn.   Conclusions: Clear and reasonable goals increases the employees motivation. It is important that the employees are well informed about the sales budget. Studies show that participation in the sales budget is important, but the respondents does not agree with this.   Rewards motivates the employees to increase their performance and the efficiency at the workplace. Whether money is the reward that affects the performance the most positively the respondents but also previous studies disagree about. There are many other factors to take in consideration.
