876 research outputs found

    Economic Globalization: A Study of Foreign Direct Investment’s Impact on U.S. Wages

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    The United States labor market is undergoing seismic changes as it becomes more intertwined with the global economy. But this reality is not unique to the United States; technological innovation and the globalization phenomenon are shaping a world that is more socially, politically, and economically integrated than ever before. The Merriam Webster dictionary defines globalization as “the development of an increasingly integrated global economy marked especially by free trade, free flow of capital, and the tapping of cheaper foreign labor markets.” The definition alone indicates that globalization capitalizes on international labor market inequities. The question immediately arises; is this a good thing or a bad thing for the average worker in the United States? What about other countries? Or maybe a better question would be even more general; who benefits from globalization and why? Answering these questions is crucial to understanding transformations within the labor market. This paper is an investigation of how free trade and free flow of capital influences US wages. Ultimately, its aim is to inform policy to anticipate shifts in demand for skilled and unskilled workers alike. This research contributes to the large body of literature focused on ensuring that the United States’ labor market is as robust, efficient, and just as possible

    Office of the Legislative Analyst

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    Pathogenesis of Haemophilus parasuis infection in swine

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    An experimental model of Haemophilus parasuis infection was developed in cesarean derived, colostrum deprived (CDCD) swine. Inoculated pigs developed clinical signs of inappetence, reluctance to move, lameness, and a serous nasal discharge. Macroscopic findings consisted of fibrinopurulent polyserositis and polyarthritis. Microscopic lesions included a mild purulent rhinitis, marked fibrinopurulent synovitis, and moderate fibrinopurulent pleuritis and peritonitis. H. parasuis was initially recovered from the nasal cavity and recovered from the blood and systemic serosal sites at later time points. Results of this study suggested that this model resulted in clinical signs and lesions consistent with field cases of H. parasuis infection;In subsequent studies, the CDCD swine model and an agar embedded nasal mucosal explant system were used to investigate mucosal colonization. In CDCD pigs, H. parasuis was readily recovered from the middle nasal cavity and not recovered from the tonsil. Antigens of H. parasuis were present in sections from the middle and caudal nasal cavity. Light microscopic lesions consisted of submucosal and intraepithelial infiltrates of neutrophils and infrequent, patchy loss of cilia. Ultrastructural changes in the nasal mucosal epithelial cells included cell protrusion, loss of cilia, and dilation of the cytocavitary network. Bacteria were found in an amorphous material at the apical mucosal surface or between cilia. In the nasal mucosal explant system, control explants maintained ciliary vigor for up to 72 hours. Infected explants had decreased ciliary vigor at 2 and 4 hours post inoculation and increased mucus accumulation. Light microscopic changes consisted of minimal epithelial cell protrusion. Ultrastructural changes in infected explants included cell protrusion, loss of cilia, and mitochondrial swelling. These studies demonstrate that H. parasuis induces functional and structural damage of the nasal mucosa. H. parasuis may initially associate with a mucus layer and induce damage to the underlying mucosa by release of one or more toxic compounds. This cellular damage compromises the mucosal barrier and may lead to invasion and systemic spread of infection

    New Moot Court Board

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    Water Resources Control Board

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    An investigation of Algebra resources on TeachersPayTeachers.com : examining features and use of curriculum supplements

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    Teachers choose to supplement their curriculum for various reasons (Drake, 2010) and use online resources to search for and choose these supplements for their curriculum (Silver, 2022). TeachersPayTeachers.com (TPT) is a popular choice for online curriculum resources. TPT is a virtual resource pool that allows teachers to create and share resources so that other teachers can download those resources (for free or at a cost). In this investigation, I used the Teacher Curriculum Supplementation Framework (Silver, 2022) to investigate the features and use of Algebra resources from TPT. A qualitative content analysis of 40 of the top Algebra resources from TPT concluded that teachers primarily use TPT to search for supplemental activities in their classroom for extra practice and are focused on resources that will engage their students. Teachers found the resources to be aligned to standards and of high quality, in contrast to the assessment of researchers (Polikoff & Dean, 2019). Those responsible for creating and choosing curricula for use in classrooms should take note of the importance of engagement for teachers and how to incorporate more engaging activities into the official curriculum materials. Further research should investigate what specific features teachers associate with quality when searching for supplements.Includes bibliographical references

    Younger and older adults' cognitive and physical functioning in a virtual reality age manipulation

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    Objectives: Age group stereotypes (AGS), especially those targeting old age, affect an individual's behavior and long-term cognitive and physiological functioning. Conventional paradigms investigating the related mechanisms lack validity and stability. Our novel approach for the activation of self-relevant AGS uses a virtual reality (VR) ageing experience, measuring relevant effects on performance parameters. Methods: In a between-subjects experimental design, young participants embodied either a younger or older avatar in a 3D virtual environment to capture the effects on physical (Study 1; N = 68) and cognitive performance (Study 2; N = 45). In Study 3 (N = 117), the paradigm was applied to older participants. Results: For the younger participants, embodying older avatars was associated with declines in memory and physical performance when compared to the younger avatar age group. Furthermore, the manipulations' main effects were moderated by negative explicit AGS that matched the respective performance domains. For the older participants, we found no significant performance differences in the two domains investigated. Discussion: The experimental manipulation demonstrated an impact on relevant performance parameters on a motivational and strategic level, especially for strong performance-related AS, but for young participants only. Possible reasons and mechanisms for the differences in younger and older samples' results are discussed

    Clinical matrices and ethics in Freud

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    O presente estudo hipotetiza que as diferentes matrizes clínicas que Freud encontrava em sua prática, e que lhe possibilitavam acréscimos teóricos, direcionaram seus distintos olhares sobre a cultura, fazendo-o privilegiar alguns elementos éticos em detrimento de outros. Desse modo, indicaremos: (1) como a histeria gerou a questão do conflito entre sexualidade e moral na civilização; (2) como a neurose obsessiva possibilitou a entrada dos temas da agressividade e do ódio como entraves contra os quais a cultura se esforça por lutar, assim como a presença marcante no psiquismo da consciência moral e do sentimento de culpa; (3) por fim, como as ditas afecções narcísicas trouxeram a Freud o papel do egoísmo e da destrutividade como inimigos da cultura. Nesse percurso nos aproximaremos das questões ligadas à problematização ética na "psicologia" freudiana e, a partir daí, do destaque que terá a dimensão moral na concepção freudiana do sujeito.The present study is guided by the hypothesis that the different clinical matrices found by Freud in his practice, which provided him theoretical additions, directed his different perspectives about culture, making him privilege some ethical elements over others. Therefore, we will indicate: (1) how hysteria was responsible for bringing Freud the issue of conflict between sexuality and morality in civilization; (2) the obsessive neurosis enabled the entering of the aggressiveness and hate themes as obstacles against which the culture strives to fight, as well as the outstanding presence in the psyche of the moral conscience and the sentiment of guilt; (3) at last, the so called narcissistic conditions brought to Freud the role of selfishness and destructiveness as enemies of culture. In this way we will approach the issues related to the ethical problematization in Freudian "psychology" and, thereafter, the prominence that the moral dimension will have in Freudian conception of the subject

    Identification and Comparison of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Soil Microbiomes Between American Chestnuts and Surrounding Hardwoods

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    Background/Questions/Methods The introduction of the Chinese chestnut blight in 1904 decimated native American chestnut (Castanea dentata (Marshall) Borkh.) populations. In this study we aim to: 1) document the location of individual chestnuts in our vicinity; 2) document healthy versus blight infected individuals; 3) characterize putative differences in the soil microbiome between infected and non-infected individuals, as well as between chestnuts and hardwood neighbors. With this information we hope to provide new insights into mechanisms that may enhance blight and fungal resistance in American chestnuts through the understanding of the interactions between the trees and their surrounding soil microbiome. Soil samples were collected 1 m north of the base of each of six of the chestnut trees located and 1m from the base of one hardwood tree within 5 m of each chestnut and aligned to one cardinal direction. Also, 2-3 root samples were collected approximately 5 m from the base of each individual chestnut. DNA was extracted from soil and root samples using extraction kits, replicated, confirmed using nanodrop dsDNA analysis and prepared for outsource sequencing. Results/Conclusions Thirty-two individual chestnut trees have been identified, with a subset of six mature trees used for this study. Only one is currently known to be infected with Chinese chestnut blight. We are in the process of DNA extraction from soil and root samples, after which samples will be sent off for analysis to examine the metagenomics of taxa present in the soil microbiome around the mature American chestnut trees. Thus far, nine samples from three different trees have successfully undergone extraction and have been analyzed for dsDNA content using a Nanodrop