644 research outputs found


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    It is proved that for the majority of building structures characterized by different damping elements. The goal of constructing matrix hysteretic damping that takes into account the internal friction in the material. The study is based on generalized hypothesis of E. S. Sorokin on the proportionality of the matrices of damping and stiffness elements of the structure. The methods of accounting for damping in the evaluation of the earthquake resistance of structures. The exact and approximate methods of decomposition of the motion equations for the mode shapes are considered. It is established that the empirical criterion of the approximate method applicability of accounting for damping and its refinement on the basis of the initial approximation can serve as the correlation coefficients of waveforms. It is shown that for non-proportional damping it is possible to approximate the decomposition of movements according to oscillations forms of non-damped system, if the forms are weakly correlated

    A New Crucial Protein Interaction Element That Targets the Adenovirus E4-ORF1 Oncoprotein to Membrane Vesicles

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    Human adenovirus type 9 exclusively elicits mammary tumors in experimental animals, and the primary oncogenic determinant of this virus is the E4-ORF1 oncogene, as opposed to the well-known E1A and E1Boncogenes. The tumorigenic potential of E4-ORF1, as well as its ability to oncogenically stimulate phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), depends on a carboxyl-terminal PDZ domain-binding motif (PBM) that mediates interactions with several different membrane-associated cellular PDZ proteins, including MUPP1, PATJ, MAGI-1, ZO-2, and Dlg1. Nevertheless, because certain E4-ORF1 mutations that alter neither the sequence nor the function of the PBM abolish E4-ORF1-induced PI3K activation and cellular transformation, we reasoned that E4-ORF1 must possess an additional crucial protein element. In the present study, we identified seven E4-ORF1 amino acid residues that define this new element, designated domain 2, and showed that it mediates binding to a 70-kDa cellular phosphoprotein. We also discovered that domain 2 or the PBM independently promotes E4-ORF1 localization to cytoplasmic membrane vesicles and that this activity of domain 2 depends on E4-ORF1 trimerization. Consistent with the latter observation, molecular-modeling analyses predicted that E4-ORF1 trimerization brings together six out of seven domain 2 residues at each of the three subunit interfaces. These findings importantly demonstrate that PI3K activation and cellular transformation induced by E4-ORF1 require two separate protein interaction elements, domain 2 and the PBM, each of which targets E4-ORF1 to vesicle membranes in cells

    Functionally distinct monomers and trimers produced by a viral oncoprotein

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    While the process of homo-oligomer formation and disassembly into subunits represents a common strategy to regulate protein activity, reports of proteins in which the subunit and homo-oligomer perform independent functions are scarce. Tumorigenesis induced by the adenovirus E4-ORF1 oncoprotein depends on its binding to a select group of cellular PDZ proteins, including MUPP1, MAGI-1, ZO-2 and Dlg1. We report here that in cells E4-ORF1 exists as both a monomer and trimer and that monomers specifically bind and sequester MUPP1, MAGI-1 and ZO-2 within insoluble complexes whereas trimers specifically bind Dlg1 and promote its translocation to the plasma membrane. This work exposes a novel strategy wherein the oligomerization state of a protein not only determines the capacity to bind separate related targets but also couples the interactions to different functional consequences

    Recent magnetic views of the Antarctic lithosphere

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    Magnetic anomaly investigations are a key tool to help unveil subglacial geology, crustal architecture and the tectonic and geodynamic evolution of the Antarctic continent. Here, we present the second generation Antarctic magnetic anomaly compilation ADMAP 2.0 (Golynsky et al., 2018), that now includes a staggering 3.5 million line-km of aeromagnetic and marine magnetic data, more than double the amount of data available in the first generation effort. All the magnetic data were corrected for the International Geomagnetic Reference Field, diurnal effects, high-frequency errors and leveled, gridded,and stitched together. The new magnetic anomaly dataset provides tantalising new views into the structure and evolution of the Antarctic Peninsula and the West Antarctic Rift System within West Antarctica, and Dronning Maud Land, the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains, the Prince Charles Mountains, Princess Elizabeth Land, and Wilkes Land in East Antarctica, as well as key insights into oceanic gateways. Our magnetic anomaly compilation is helping unify disparate regional geologic and geophysical studies by providing larger-scale perspectives into the major tectonic and magmatic processes that affected Antarctica from Precambrian to Cenozoic times, including e.g. the processes of subduction and magmatic arc development, orogenesis, accretion, cratonisation and continental rifting, as well as continental margin and oceanic basin evolution. The international Antarctic geomagnetic community remains very active in the wake of ADMAP 2.0, and we will showcase some of their key ongoing study areas, such as the South Pole and Recovery frontiers, the Ross Ice Shelf, Dronning Maud Land and Princess Elizabeth Land