595 research outputs found

    Passion without Objects. Young Graduates and the Politics of Temporary Art Spaces

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    This paper addresses the position of young arts graduates seeking to respond to the unequal access and precarity of jobs in the cultural sector by establishing artist-led temporary spaces. With the increasing dissemination of the discourse of pop-up urban uses in the United Kingdom since 2008, former genealogies of autonomous self-organised spaces intersect with the urban agendas of public commissioners and private actors. Following a long-established critique of the “creative industries” and recent studies of working conditions in the sector, this paper brings together critical textual analysis of specialized press and policy documents and a series of in-depth interviews with a young arts graduate collective involved in setting up a pop-up space in London. Our research shows how in the context of low-budget public commissions in affluent areas of central London artists are encouraged to translate their passion for autonomous, self-organised practice into dominant discourses of artistic “community provision” and place marketing

    Una proposta di analisi GIS per la lettura degli assetti insediativi nell’Abruzzo interno tra l’età del Ferro e la romanizzazione

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    This paper presents a territorial analysis focused on a sample area in the inner region of Abruzzo, delimited by the Gran Sasso and the Sirente mountain ranges and characterised by strong geomorphological irregularities. Archaeological data from the Final Bronze Age/ Early Iron Age to the beginning of the Romanization process are analysed through a computer-based approach, using CAD, DBMS and GIS. Published data about this region are quite disjointed, both for methodological reasons and for various interferences in the archaeological record. These aspects influenced the landscape analyses proposed in previous studies and the hypothesis about the territorial exploitation patterns during the pre-Roman times. Research has been mainly concentrated on sites with better visibility, such as fortified hilltop sites and necropolises, frequently compared to the Roman settlement pattern, based on valley floor sites along the main pathways. Nevertheless, recent surveys suggest that these data should be reconsidered, taking into account both the presence of other kinds of sites (such as the Iron Age/Archaic period small rural sites localised in the valley floor) and continuity in the settlement pattern up to Roman times. The available archaeological data have been processed within a GIS, in order to investigate placement and visibility/intervisibility factors in hilltop fortified sites, starting from an expressly projected DEM. The territorial sample has been filtered using qualitative and quantitative parameters, proving that hilltop sites during the pre-Roman times were likely to control the natural catchment area. In Roman times, this pattern lost its mainly defensive character, with hilltop sites being abandoned, and was incorporated in the so-called ‘paganus-vicanicus’ system, connected to the administrative subdivision gravitating on urban centres (coloniae and then municipia) and on new monumental cult places

    Progettare una Città Queer

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    Le città sono organismi complessi nei quali, specialmente negli ultimi anni, è aumentata l’attenzione alle relazioni sociali, e alle presenze umane e non umane che abitano lo spazio pubblico, in una dimensione di prossimità, in cui flussi, interazioni e relazioni assumono sempre più valore e necessitano di maggiore cura. Lo spazio pubblico è spazio collettivo e condiviso, luogo in cui avviene (o dovrebbe avvenire) l’interazione sociale, la costruzione della comunità e la pratica della democrazia. In questa prospettiva, lo spazio urbano deve essere accogliente e farsi carico della pluralità delle diverse individualità, facilitando la coesione sociale tra i suoi abitanti grazie al suo essere accessibile, inclusivo, sicuro e fluido. Gli spazi pubblici sono stati storicamente progettati per sostenere i ruoli di genere tradizionali, basati sull'esperienza maschile considerata erroneamente neutra. Per questo motivo è importante capire come le persone e i loro corpi vivono e abitano gli spazi pubblici urbani. Storicamente, lo spazio queer e il senso di appartenenza e sicurezza ad esso associati non sono legati esclusivamente alla fisicità dello spazio in sé, molti altri fattori entrano in gioco. Quali sono questi fattori? Come si può definire e progettare uno spazio queer? Non si tratta di progettare PER le persone queer, ma progettare CON le persone queer, in modo queer, adottando un approccio dal basso verso l'alto, coinvolgendo direttamente gli attori locali delle diverse comunità e soggettività queer che abitano lo spazio pubblico. In questo contesto si inserisce il corso Temporary and Inclusive Urban Solutions della Scuola del Design del Politecnico di Milano tenutosi tra maggio e giugno 2023. Il corso si è focalizzato sulla progettazione di soluzioni temporanee per la città inclusiva, in stretto contatto con le realtà locali, esplorando il rapporto tra il concetto stesso di queerness e lo spazio pubblico, con l’obiettivo di definire, attraverso la progettazione partecipata, come la città di Milano possa essere più queer, inclusiva, accessibile, ospitale e attraente. Nove gruppi di studenti e studentesse hanno lavorato in alcuni spazi dei nove Municipi della città di Milano coinvolgendo diversi stakeholder in sessioni di co-design e workshop al fine di progettare insieme ai possibili utenti delle installazioni urbane temporanee. I partner del corso sono stati i 9 Municipi del Comune di Milano e varie associazioni LGBTQ+ operanti sul territorio Milanese, come CIG Arcigay, PoliEdro, Agedo, Famiglie Arcobaleno, GayMinOut, ALA Milano e Pride Sport Milano. Le soluzioni urbane temporanee progettate dagli studenti e dalle studentesse hanno prodotto nove scenari per la città di oggi e del futuro, in cui lo spazio pubblico si trasforma in spazio di incubazione di pratiche sociali, in cui le comunità creative agiscono per creare nuove soluzioni a problemi quotidiani che la società non sempre è in grado di risolvere, indagando le opportunità per migliorare il senso di appartenenza ai quartieri e alla città

    Spatial entanglement and state engineering via four-photon Hong-Ou-Mandel interference

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    The phenomenon of entanglement is the basis of quantum information and quantum communication processes. Entangled systems with a large number of photons are of great interest at present because they provide a platform for streaming technologies based on photonics. In this paper we present a device which operates with four-photons and based on the Hong-Ou-Mandel (HOM) interference. The presented device allows to maximize the degree of spatial entanglement and generate the highly entangled four-dimensional Bell states. Furthermore, the use of the interferometer in different regimes leads to fast interference fringes in the coincidence probability with period of oscillations twice smaller than the pump wavelength. We have a good agreement between theoretical simulations and experimental results.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figur

    Species-specific shifts in centromere sequence composition are coincident with breakpoint reuse in karyotypically divergent lineages

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    The evolution of three classes of centromere sequences across nine species of macropodine marsupials were compared with that of other genes, showing that each species has experienced differential expansion and contraction of individual classes

    Electrochemical vs antibacterial characterization of ZrCN-Ag coatings

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    Nowadays, antibacterial properties are becoming a viable feature to be introduced in biomaterials due to the possibility of modifying the materials' surface used in medical devices in a micro/nano metric scale. As a result, it is mandatory to understand the mechanisms of the antimicrobial agents currently used and their possible failures. In this work, the antibacterial activity of ZrCNAg films is studied, taking into consideration the ability of silver nanoparticles to be dissolved when embedded into a ceramic matrix. The study focuses on the silver release evaluated by glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy and the effect of the fluid composition on this release. The results revealed a very low silver release of the films, leading to non-antibacterial activity of such materials. The silver release was found to be dependent on the electrolyte composition. NaCl (8.9 g L? 1) showed the lowest spontaneously silver ionization, while introducing the sulfates in Hanks' balanced salt solution (HBSS) such ionization is increased; finally, the proteins incorporated to the (HBSS) showed a reduction of the silver release, which also explains the low ionization in the culture medium (tryptic soy broth) that contains high quantities of proteins.This research is partially sponsored by the FEDER funds through the program COMPETE - Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade and by the Portuguese national funds through FCT-Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia, under the projects ANTIMICROBCOAT - PTDC/CTM/102853/2008 and in the framework of the Strategic Projects PEST-C/FIS/UI607/2011, PEST-C/EME/UI0285/2011 and SFRH/BD/80947/2011.This work has also been supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion of Spain through the Consolider-Ingenio 2010 Programme (CSD2008-00023) and through project RyC2007-0026