355 research outputs found

    Comment on "Solitons and excitations in the duality-based matrix model"

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    It is shown that a method for constructing exact multi-solitonic solutions of the coupled BPS equations in the duality-based generalization of the hermitean matrix model, which was put forward in a recent paper, is not correct.Comment: 5 pages, no figures, JHEP-style, submitted to JHE

    Solitons in the Calogero model for distinguishable particles

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    We consider a large N,- N, two-family Calogero model in the Hamiltonian, collective-field approach. The Bogomol'nyi limit appears and the corresponding solutions are given by the static-soliton configurations. Solitons from different families are localized at the same place. They behave like a paired hole and lump on the top of the uniform vacuum condensates, depending on the values of the coupling strengths. When the number of particles in the first family is much larger than that of the second family, the hole solution goes to the vortex profile already found in the one-family Calogero model.Comment: 14 pages, no figures, late

    Cognition and developmental adjustment among individuals at different risk of psychotic disorders

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    Psihotični poremećaji predstavljaju heterogene kliničke sindrome u čijoj etiopatogenezi ključno mesto imaju interakcija gena i uticaja poreklom iz spoljašnje sredine. Prema neurorazvojnoj teoriji, ova grupa poremećaja se smatra kasnom manifestacijom oštećenog neurorazvoja. Usled postepenog zastoja u usklađivanju funkcija određenih regiona mozga, osobe koje će tek u ranom odraslom dobu ispuniti kriterijume za dijagnozu već tokom perioda odrastanja imaju suptilne izmene u ponašanju, neuromotornim i saznajnim funkcijama. Poremećaj saznajnih funkcija - kognicije (neurokognicije i socijalne kognicije) nastaje kao posledica suptilnih oštećenja tokom neurorazvoja. Ovo jezgrovno obeležje psihotičnih poremećaja je relativno uočljivo u premorbidnom periodu, kada se ispoljava kao diskretna maladaptacija u detinjstvu i u ranoj adolescenciji. Nakon pojave kliničke forme bolesti, poremećaj kognicije je upadljiv i zbog svojih karakteristika (visoka učestalost, postojanost u svim fazama bolesti) deficiti neurokognicije i socijalne kognicije su prepoznati kao potencijalni kandidati za prelazne fenotipove. Ispitivanje prelaznih fenotipova može se vršiti analizom osoba sa različitim jačinama rizika za psihozu, na primer prvostepenih srodnika obolelih koji u većoj meri dele nepovoljne nasledne i sredinske faktore nego što je to slučaj sa opštom populacijom. Međutim, nalazi dosadašnjih studija koje su ispitivale kognitivne i adaptivne kapacitete zdravih prvostepenih srodnika psihotičnih pacijenata relativno su retki i nekonzistentni, zbog čega postoji potreba za daljim izučavanjem navedenih fenotipova kod osoba pod različitim naslednim rizikom za psihozu. Primenom genetski senzitivnog dizajna u aktuelnom istraživanju su ispitivane razlike u kognitivnim sposobnostima (IQ, sposobnost prepoznavanja emocija) i uspešnosti razvojne adaptacije kod osoba pod različitim rizikom za psihozu (pacijenata, njihovih zdravih prvostepenih srodnika i kontrola), kao i grupisanje i ukrštena kovarijacija navedenih svojstava unutar porodica psihotičnih pacijenata (identifikacija prelaznih fenotipova)..

    Immediate Kronen und Brücken aus plastmasse

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    Autori su sabrali i kratko opisali, na temelju vlastitih opažanja, primjenljive metode izrade imedijatnih akrilatnih mostova i krunica. Neke od njih su pojedinačno opisane u literaturi, ali su općenito premalo poznate i upotrebljavane u nas, u odnosu na imedijatne mobilne proteze. Ovaj radpredstavlja cjelovitiji pristup i doprinos poznavanju ove specifične problematike, koja u domeni fiksne protetike, zauzima odgovarajuće mjesto. Autori odvojeno tretiraju problematiku imedijatnih mostova i imedijatnih krunica i nastoje dati sistematski prikaz indikacija, kontraindikacija i metoda izrade. U prikazanoj metodici, klasični pojam imedijatnog rada, koji karakterizira izrada nadomjestka prije ekstrakcije pojedinih zubi, nešto je proširen na mogućnosti primjene istih metoda, kad treba brže završiti rad i zaštititi brušene zube ili očuvati slobodne interdentalne prostore do izrade definitivnijih protetskih rješenja. Svi ovi radovi, po mišljenju autora, nose obilježja brzine izrade, privremenosti, pomoćnih metoda i zadovoljavajuće, ali ne maksimalno moguće kvalitete.On the basis of their own experiences the authours collected and described an applicable method of making immediate acrylic bridges and crowns. Some of them have been individually described in the literature but in general they are not sufficiently well known and applied in Yugoslavia in comparison to immediate mobile prostheses. This work presents a more complete approach and contribution towards better knowledge of the specific problems in the domain of prosthetic dentistry with to fixed dental appliances. The authors separately treat the problem of immediate bridges and immediate crowns and endeavour to give a systematic review of the indications, contraindications and methods in the Produktion of appliances. In the methods reviewed the classic conception of immediate dental work, characterized by the making of a replacement before extraction of individual teeth has been somewhat enlarged to include the possibilities of application of the same methods in cases where quick work and protection of the polished teeth is required. The preserving of free interdental spaces until definitive prosthetic solutions are suggested. According to the author\u27s opinion all these works are marked by the speed of producing an appliance, by their temporariness and auxiliary methods and satisfactory but not always maximal possible quality.Die Autoren beschreiben aufgrund eigener Erfahrungen geeignete Methoden für immediate Kronen und Brücken aus Plastmassen. Im Verhältnis zu immediaten mobilen Prothesen werden fixe immediate Konstruktionen im Allgemeinen bei uns zu wenig angewendet. Diese Publikation stellt einen umfassenden Beitrag zur Kenntnis dieses speziellen Problems dar. Das Problem der immediaten Kronen wird vom Problem der immediaten Brücken gesondert abgehandelt und eine systematische Darstellung der Indikationen, Kontraindikationen und Arbeitsmethoden angeführt. In dieser Arbeit wird der klassische Begriff der immediaten Prothese, welcher durch die Herstellung des Ersatzes vor der Extraction charakterisiert ist, etwas erweitert vorgebracht, und zwar auf die Möglichkeit der Anwendung der gleichen Methode für eine eiligere Arbeit, sodann inbezug auf den Schutz der beschliffenen Zähne und schliesslich in Bezug auf die Erhaltung der freien Interdentalräume bis zur Herstellung des definitiven Ersatzes. Alle diese Arbeiten tragen den Stempel einer eiligen Arbeit, eines Provisoriums und Hilfsmethoden von zufriedenstellender aber nicht optimaler Qualität

    Quantum fluctuations of the Chern-Simons theory and dynamical dimensional reduction

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    We consider a large-N Chern-Simons theory for the attractive bosonic matter (Jackiw-Pi model) in the Hamiltonian collective-field approach based on the 1/N expansion. We show that the dynamics of low-lying density excitations around the ground-state vortex configuration is equivalent to that of the Sutherland model. The relationship between the Chern-Simons coupling constant lambda and the Calogero-Sutherland statistical parameter lambda_s signalizes some sort of statistical transmutation accompanying the dimensional reduction of the initial problem.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Heritability and genetic correlation of production and reproduction traits of Simmental cows

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    Improvement of production capacity of cattle in terms of increasing the production of milk, milk fat and number of calves, greatly depends on phenotype and genotype variability, heritability and correlation between desirable traits, as well as on the production level of the cattle population. Heritability, as a value expressing and measuring average additive gene effect, is one of the major characteristic of quantitative traits from the point of view of creating genetically high-value cattle populations. Knowledge of the heritability is necessary in the estimation of the beeeding value of cattle and has significant impact on the selection of breeding method. Genetic correlations are very important in indirect selection where changes in one trait are induced through selection of other traits between which a genetic correlation exists. Genetic correlations can be determined in all cases where heritability coefficient can be calculated. This research included 3.461 first calving Simmental cows under control, with lactation concluded within one year. All first-calvers were reared on individual farms in the territory of Republic of Serbia. In this study, heritability and genetic correlations between the the following milk and fertility traits were investigated: duration of lactation (days)- DL, milk yield in standard lactation (kg)- MY, milk fat content in standard lactation (%)- MFC, milk fat yield in standard lactation (kg)- MFY, yield of 4% FCM in standard lactation (kg)- 4%FCM, age at first calving (days)- AC and duration of service period (days)- DSP.Key words: Heritability, genetic correlations, milk yield, fertility, Simmental breed

    Trading quality and breadmaking performance of wheat treated with natural zeolite and diatomaceous earth

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    The aim of study was to investigate the influence of naturally occurring zeolite and diatomaceous earth, as inert dusts approved for insect pest control in certified organic crop production, on trading and breadmaking quality of treated wheat. The treatments significantly reduced the trading quality of wheat which was reflected through lowering of test weight. This effect was more marked in the case of low-vitreous wheat rather than in high-vitreous one. Investigation of rheological properties of flours made from the treated wheat demonstrated that treatments with natural zeolite and diatomaceous earth at all applied doses significantly increased the water absorption, which consequently increased the bread yield. However, these changes in the flour properties were not high enough to modify the quality attributes of bread as was shown by instrumentally measuring crumb hardness and springiness as well as sensory evaluation

    Histological and morphometric aspects of ridge preservation with a moldable, in situ hardening bone graft substitute

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    Biphasic calcium phosphates (BCP) are widely used in alveolar ridge regeneration as a porous scaffold for new bone formation. The aim of this case series was to evaluate the regenerative effect of the combination of BCP and polylactide-co-glycolide (PLGA) which can serve as a barrier membrane during bone regeneration. The study included five patients. Four months into the healing period, bone samples were collected for histological and morphometric analyses. The results of morphometric analysis showed that newly formed bone represented 32.2 ± 6.8% of the tissue, 31.9 ± 8.9% was occupied by residual graft and 35.9 ± 13.5% by soft tissue. Active osteogenesis was seen around the particles of the graft. The particles were occupied mostly by immature woven bone and connective tissue. The quality and quantity of newly formed bone, after the use of BCP/PLGA for ridge preservation, can be adequate for successful implant therapy after tooth extraction.Projekat ministarstva br. OI 175021 i br. OI 17300