11,756 research outputs found

    The Potential of Servicizing as a Green Business Model

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    It has been argued that servicizing business models, under which a firm sells the use of a product rather than the product itself, are environmentally beneficial. The main arguments are: First, under servicizing the firm charges customers based on the product usage. Second, the quantity of products required to meet customer needs may be smaller because the firm may be able to pool customer needs. Third, the firm may have an incentive to offer products with higher efficiency. Motivated by these arguments, we investigate the economic and environmental potential of servicizing business models. We endogenize the firm's choice between a pure sales, a pure servicizing, and a hybrid model with both sales and servicizing options, the pricing decisions and, the resulting customer usage. We consider two extremes of pooling efficacy, viz., no versus strong pooling. We find that under no pooling servicizing leads to higher environmental impact due to production but lower environmental impact due to use. In contrast, under strong pooling, when a hybrid business model is more profitable, it is also environmentally superior. However, a pure servicizing model is environmentally inferior for high production costs as it leads to a larger production quantity even under strong pooling. We also examine the product efficiency choice and find that the firm offers higher efficiency products only under servicizing models with strong pooling

    Discovery of a Quasi-Periodic Oscillation in the Ultraluminous X-ray Source IC 342 X-1: XMM-Newton Results

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    We report the discovery of a quasi-periodic oscillation (QPO) at 642 mHz in an {\it XMM-Newton} observation of the ultraluminous X-ray source (ULX) IC 342 X-1. The QPO has a centroid at νQPO=642±20\nu_{QPO} = 642 \pm 20 mHz, a coherence factor of Q=11.6 Q = 11.6, and an amplitude (rms) of 4.1\% with significance of 3.6σ3.6\sigma. The energy dependence study shows that the QPO is stronger in the energy range 0.3 - 5.0 keV. A subsequent observation (6 days later) does not show any signature of the QPO in the power density spectrum. The broadband energy spectra (0.3 - 40.0 keV) obtained by quasi-simultaneous observations of {\it XMM-Newton} and {\it NuSTAR} can be well described by an absorbed {\it diskbb} plus {\it cutoffpl} model. The best fitted spectral parameters are power-law index (Γ\Gamma) ∼\sim 1.1, cutoff energy (EcE_c) ∼\sim 7.9 keV and disc temperature (kTinkT_{in}) ∼\sim 0.33 keV, where the QPO is detected. The unabsorbed bolometric luminosity is ∼\sim 5.34×\times 1039^{39} erg~s−1^{-1}. Comparing with the well known X-ray binary GRS 1915+105, our results are consistent with the mass of the compact object in IC 342 X-1 being in the range ∼20−65 M⊙\sim 20 - 65 ~ M_\odot. We discuss the possible implications of our results.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures (2 colour), in press (MNRAS

    Production of a KK-graviton and a Vector Boson in ADD Model via Gluon fusion

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    In the models with large extra-dimensions, we examine the production of a vector boson (\gamma / Z) in association with the Kaluza-Klein (KK) modes of the graviton via gluon fusion. At the leading order, the process takes place through quark-loop box and triangle diagrams and it is ultraviolate finite. We report the results for the LHC. We also discuss the issues of anomaly and decoupling of heavy quarks in the amplitude.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, some references and a note in the appendix adde

    Multicomputer communication system

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    A local area network is provided for a plurality of autonomous computers which operate at different rates and under different protocols coupled by network bus adapters to a global bus. A host computer (HC) divides a message file to be transmitted into blocks, each with a header that includes a data type identifier and a trailer. The associated network bus adapter (NBA) then divides the data into packets, each with a header to which a transport header and trailer is added with frame type code which specifies one of three modes of addressing in the transmission of data, namely a physical address mode for computer to computer transmission using two bytes for source and destination addresses, a logical address mode and a data type mode. In the logical address mode, one of the two addressing bytes contains a logical channel number (LCN) established between the transmitting and one or more receiving computers. In the data type mode, one of the addressing bytes contains a code identifying the type of data

    Toward a Neutrino Mass Matrix

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    One may identify the general properties of the neutrino mass matrix by generating many random mass matrices and testing them against the results of the neutrino experiments.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure, talk at DPF200

    Coded Caching based on Combinatorial Designs

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    We consider the standard broadcast setup with a single server broadcasting information to a number of clients, each of which contains local storage (called \textit{cache}) of some size, which can store some parts of the available files at the server. The centralized coded caching framework, consists of a caching phase and a delivery phase, both of which are carefully designed in order to use the cache and the channel together optimally. In prior literature, various combinatorial structures have been used to construct coded caching schemes. In this work, we propose a binary matrix model to construct the coded caching scheme. The ones in such a \textit{caching matrix} indicate uncached subfiles at the users. Identity submatrices of the caching matrix represent transmissions in the delivery phase. Using this model, we then propose several novel constructions for coded caching based on the various types of combinatorial designs. While most of the schemes constructed in this work (based on existing designs) have a high cache requirement (uncached fraction being Θ(1K)\Theta(\frac{1}{\sqrt{K}}) or Θ(1K)\Theta(\frac{1}{K}), KK being the number of users), they provide a rate that is either constant or decreasing (O(1K)O(\frac{1}{K})) with increasing KK, and moreover require competitively small levels of subpacketization (being O(Ki),1≤i≤3O(K^i), 1\leq i\leq 3), which is an extremely important parameter in practical applications of coded caching. We mark this work as another attempt to exploit the well-developed theory of combinatorial designs for the problem of constructing caching schemes, utilizing the binary caching model we develop.Comment: 10 pages, Appeared in Proceedings of IEEE ISIT 201

    Semi-Contained Neutrino Events in MACRO

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    Updated results are presented of low-energy (Eνˉ∼5GeV\bar{E_\nu} \sim 5 GeV) neutrino interactions observed by the MACRO detector. Two analyses (of different topologies) are presented; individually, and especially in their ratio, they are inconsistent with no oscillations and consistent with maximal mixing at Δm2\Delta m^2 of a few times 10−310^{-3}.Comment: Paper presented at DPF2000, the American Physical Society's Division of Particles and Fields conferenc

    The anthropic principle and the mass scale of the Standard Model

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    In theories in which different regions of the universe can have different values of the the physical parameters, we would naturally find ourselves in a region which has parameters favorable for life. We explore the range of anthropically allowed values of the mass parameter in the Higgs potential, μ2\mu^2. For μ2<0\mu^2<0, the requirement that complex elements be formed suggests that the Higgs vacuum expectation value vv must have a magnitude less than 5 times its observed value. For μ2>0\mu^2>0, baryon stability requires that ∣μ∣<<MP|\mu|<<M_P, the Planck Mass. Smaller values of ∣μ2∣|\mu^2| may or may not be allowed depending on issues of element synthesis and stellar evolution. We conclude that the observed value of μ2\mu^2 is reasonably typical of the anthropically allowed range, and that anthropic arguments provide a plausible explanation for the closeness of the QCD scale and the weak scale.Comment: 28 pages, LaTeX. No changes from version originally submitted to archive, except that problem with figure file has been correcte
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