18 research outputs found


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    Beberapa Cabang Olahraga memiliki Permasalahan khususnya pada cabang olahraga Ski Air di dalam latihan Fisik dan penyusunan program latihan fisik terkadang diabaikan baik itu dalam program dan pembinaan atlet yang berprestasi baik ditingkat Provinsi, Nasional maupun Internasional. Semakin maju suatu prestasi olahraga memerlukan sumber daya manusia yaitu atlet yang berkualitas Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pelatihan kondisi fisik pada para pelatih cabang olahraga Ski Air dalam rangka menghadapi Porprov 2022. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah para Pelatih cabang olahraga Ski Air. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Pelatihan kondisi fisik pada para Pelatih cabang olahraga Ski Air Dalam Rangka Menghadapi Porprov 2022 agar para pelatih memahami tentang pentingnya latihan fisik, membuat program latihan Fisik. Semua yang terlibat dalam pelatihan ini harus mendapatkan pembekalan yang mendalam agar dapat menyusun dan membuat program latihan dengan tepat sesuai sasaran atau tujuan di Porprov 2022 dan mencapai prestasi yang optimal


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    Kegiatan pengabddian ini bertujuan untuk penyegaran kembali para pelatih Taekwondo Se Indonesia dalam Pendampingan Program Pembinaan Latihan Fisik untuk menunjang Teknik atau skill atlet Taekwondo sehingga Pelatih dalam memberkan program latihan secara efisein dan efektif yang disesuaikan oleh Atlet dan cabang olahraganya, pelaksanaan dengan menggunakan virtual online melalui Zoom Meeting. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini menggunakan metode survei. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah para Pelatih Taekwondo Se Indonesia. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Penelitian tentang  Seminar Daring ini melibatkan event organizer, agar para pelatih memahami tentang pentingnya latihan fisik, membuat program latihan, memberikan program latihan. Semua yang terlibat dalam seminar ini harus mendapatkan pembekalan yang mendalam agar dapat menyusun dan membuat program latihan dengan tepat sesuai sasaran untuk cabang olahraga Taekwondo dan mencapai prestasi yang optimal baik di tingkat Nasional maupun Internasional

    Analysis of Limb Explosive Performance of Elite Water Ski and Wakeboard Athletes: A Comparative Study

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    This research uses the Survey Research Method, a quantitative research type approach meaning research that is comparative or different. The population and sample in this study were water skiers and wakeboard athletes as many as 30 people consisting of male and female athletes. Data collection techniques using tests and measurements: physical condition tests; For leg muscle explosiveness by using a vertical jump measuring instrument and a chronojump. Data analysis using quantitative descriptive analysis techniques, overall The data analysis technique used is a t-test at a significant level of 5%. To obtain the results of this study, which one better results from the explosive power of leg muscles in Water Ski and Wakeboard Athletes of DKI Jakarta Province using Vertical jump and Chronojump? The results of this study showed that: There was a difference in leg explosive power in terms of the use of vertical jump and chronojump tools in  Water Ski and Wakeboard athletes with an average value between the two groups, wherein the vertical jump group with an initial test average value of 47.50,  the chronojump group with an average value of 27.97. This means that the vertical jump group is better than the chronojump group. However, further research is needed related to the environmental, psychosocial, and psychological factors of athletes and those related to improving athlete performance


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    Permasalahan latihan Fisik dan penyusunan program latihan fisik terkadang diabaikan baik itu dalam program dan pembinaan atlet yang berprestasi baik ditingkat Provinsi, Nasional maupun Internasional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pelatihan kondisi fisik pada para pelatih cabang olahraga kota Tangerang dalam rangka Persiapan Porprov Banten 2022. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah para Pelatih cabang olahraga Kota Tagerang. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Penelitian tentang  Pelatihan kondisi fisik pada para Pelatih cabang olahraga Kota Tangerang Dalam Rangka Persiapan  Porprov Banten 2022 agar para pelatih memahami tentang pentingnya latihan fisik, membuat program latihan Fisik. Semua yang terlibat dalam pelatihan ini harus mendapatkan pembekalan yang mendalam agar dapat menyusun dan membuat program latihan dengan tepat sesuai sasaran atau tujuan di Porprov 2022 dan mencapai prestasi yang optimal dan dimana sekaligus Kota Tangerang menjadi Juara Umum Pada Porprov Banten 202

    Anthropometric And Biomotor Profile Analysis Of Water Ski And Wakeboard Athletes Of Dki Jakarta Province

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the anthropometric and biomotor profiles of water skiers and wakeboard athletes in DKI Jakarta Province. The descriptive method uses a quantitative research type approach. The population and sample in this study were water skiers and wakeboard athletes as many as 25 male athletes. Data collection techniques used tests and measurements: (i) weight scales to measure body weight. bodyweight is measured using measuring body weight with a unit of kilograms; (ii) physical condition test; bend using the sit and reach test; core stability, namely athletes perform with 12 levels with perfect attitude, level 1 to level 12 where levels 1 and 12 for 30 seconds, level 2 to level 10 for 15 seconds, sit-ups and push-ups test athletes perform tests for 1 minute, limb explosive power did a standing long jump test, and endurance did a Multi-Stage Fitness Test (MFT). Data analysis uses quantitative descriptive analysis techniques, overall data analysis uses Microsoft Excel 2019. The results of this study can be concluded: anthropometry and physical condition are one of the important factors in determining athlete achievement, without exception for the DKI Jakarta Water Ski and Wakeboard Athletes

    Physical Fitness Of The Poomsae Taekwondo Athletes In Terms Of Agility, Balance And Endurance

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    The purpose of this study was to determine physical fitness training to increase agility, balance, and endurance of taekwondo athletes State University of Jakarta Poomsae number. The sample used in this study of taekwondo athletes Poomsae number of 30 people.  The method used in this research is quasi-experimental design research using the design of one group pretest-posttest design. Data analysis techniques used in this study are using descriptive analysis and inferential analysis, descriptive analysis is used to describe the results of this research while inferential analysis using t-test with significant level = 0.05 analysis used with the help of SPSS version 20.0. The results of this study can be concluded that physical fitness exercises used have a significant effect on increasing agility, balance, and endurance in taekwondo athletes State University of Jakarta Poomsae number. In this study only involved physical fitness training to improve some physical components, but for further research, physical activity training methods and psychosocial and social environments will be carried out to improve the physical components of taekwondo athletes, especially in poomsae numbers to support qualified achievement

    Comparison of Vertical Jump Test Measuring Instruments with Choronojump on the Explosive Power of Leg Muscles of Indonesian Badminton Elite Athletes

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    This research uses the Survey Research Method, a quantitative research type approach meaning research that is comparative or different. The population and sample in this study were 17 Indonesian Badminton Elite athletes consisting of male and female athletes. Data collection techniques using tests and measurements: physical condition tests; For leg muscle explosiveness by using a vertical jump measuring instrument and a chronojump. Data analysis using quantitative descriptive analysis techniques, overall data analysis using SPSS version 23. To obtain the results of this study, which is better the result of the explosive power of the leg muscles in Indonesian Badminton athletes using Vertical Jump and Chronojump. The results of this study showed that: There was a difference in the explosive power of the limbs in terms of the use of vertical jump and chronojump tools in  Indonesian Badminton Elite athletes with an average value between the two groups, whereas in the vertical jump group with an average value of  40.91,  the chronojump group with an average value of 45.47. This means that the chronojump group is better than the vertical jump group, this is evidenced by the results of descriptive analysis of the study with an average difference of 4.56. However, further research is recommended to pay attention to other physical factors, athlete psychology, and other factors that affect the achievements of elite Indonesian badminton athletes

    A Case Study of Athletes' Physical Condition Before the DKI Jakarta Pelatda for Water Ski and Wakeboard

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    The descriptive method employs a qualitative sort of research methodology. 16 water ski and wakeboard athletes 9 men and 7 women made up the study's population and samples. Tests and measurements are used in data gathering techniques, including the measuring of weight using scales. physical condition tests: flexibility using the sit-and-reach test, agility using the shuttle run test, muscle endurance using sit-ups and push-ups, limb explosive power performing vertical jump tests, arm power testing with the use of throw medicine balls, test balance using the standing stroke, an aerobic using a 300 meter sprint, and endurance performing the bleep test. Overall data analysis utilizing Microsoft Excel 2019 and quantitative descriptive analysis methodologies According to the study's findings, physical fitness is a crucial aspect in determining an athlete's success, especially for DKI Jakarta Provincial Water Ski and Wakeboard Athletes who are training to become DKI Jakarta Regional Athletes for PON 2024. To improve athlete performance, more research must be done on environmental influences, psychological issues, athlete psychology, and related topics

    Strategies to Improve Children's Motor Skills with Special Needs Through Circuit Method Based Inclusion Education

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    Circuit based inclusion  education  is the  learning of  motion activities through the  circuit method which is divided into several posts  to  improve motor skills according to the characteristics of  children with needs special.  The population and samples in this study were students at the Sukoharjo state extraordinary school totaling 30 people, sampling technique using purposive sampling. The data collection technique using tests and measurements of motor ability k consists of a 20-meter running test, hand eye coordination, agility, and explosive power of the leg muscles. The t-test used in data analysis with a significance level of α = 0.05. The results of this study show that the teacher's strategy in improving the motor skills of children with special needs consists of teachers as companions, mediators, motivators and artists.   Thus, it can be concluded that circuit-based inclusion education can improve the motor skills of children with special needs.  However, it is necessary to conduct further research by considering social environmental factors, psychosocial, physical components, and those related to improving the motor abilities of children with special needs

    Akidah Based Teaching Methods (Analytical, Creative, Innovative, Demonstrative, Active, Humanist) In Elementary Schools: A Literature Review

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    The purpose of this study is to find out the initial reference and see other research perspectives as a basis for developing appropriate teaching methods in physical education.  This research method uses a literature review using the google scholar search database, eric journal, and Springer. id with keywords analysis methods, creative, innovative, demonstrative, active, humanist in physical education.  The articles analyzed are published from 2016 to 2021 using the following specific criteria: indexed by Scopus Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4. Then national articles indexed sinta 1, sinta 2, sinta 3, and sinta 4. The descriptive method with population, sample, and subject is learners of primary school level. The results of this study can be concluded that the teaching method of AKIDAH-based physical education (Analysis, Creative, Innovative, Demonstrative, Active, and Humanist) is a way of teaching with an approach that is relevant to the development of the times. Choosing a learning method must pay attention to the development and growth of learners, and pay attention to humanist principles with indicators of concern. Analysis of teaching needs requires accuracy, accuracy, suitability (analysis), teaching attracts students (creativity), requires breakthroughs / new things because of the development of science and technology/era (innovative), teachers must be able to become models (demonstrative), how students become (active) in teaching and learning activities of physical education, teaching must humanize humans (humanist) pay attention to the growth and development of students