1,421 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Bio-Booklet Melalui Pendekatan Morfologi Dan Kadar Klorofil Famili Leguminoceae Untuk Sumber Belajar

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    Bio-Booklet dengan pendekatan morfologi dan kadar klorofil digunakan untuk sumber belajar  mata kuliah morfologi dan fisiologi tumbuhan karena bentuknya yang sederhana dan bisa digunakan sebagai acuan tambahan untuk materi morfologi dan kadar klorofil bagi mahasiswa Biologi semester IV dan V. Pendekatan pengembangan dilakukan menggunakan model 3-D (Define (pendefenisian), Design (perancangn) dan Develop (pengembangan). Kajian data yang digunakan berdasarkan studi literatur, karakteristik serta angket. Analisis data yang dikembangkan melalui pendekatan data kualitatif dan juga analisis uji kelayakan Bio-booklet. Hasil penilaian kelayakan Bio-booklet dari ahli materi dan media untuk karakter morfologi memperoleh skor 81,3%, sedangkan Bio-booklet materi kadar klorofil memperoleh nilai rata-rata dari ahli materi dan media adalah 89,6% masuk dalam kategori sangat valid atau layak. Hasil karakteristik morfologi dan kadar klorofil famili leguminoceae diperoleh karakter fenotip antara kuantitatif dan kualitatif bervariasi. Total kadar klorofil famili leguminoceae pada penelitan ini jenis kacang gude 0,47, kacang hijau 0,33 dan kacang tunggak 0,32. Berdasarkan hasil dapat disimpulkan Bio-booklet dengan pendekatan morfologi serta kadar klorofil famili leguminoceae sangat layak dijadikan sumber belajar

    An immunocompromised dialysis patient with skin and bone lesions

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    Patients with chronic kidney failure have disturbances of immune function involving both innate and adaptive systems. These result in both immunodepression which increases susceptibility to infection and immunoactivation leading to a chronic inflammatory state [1]. Dialysis treatment may further aggravate aspects of this, especially the induction of inflammation. In addition, there is a growing number of patients who have returned to dialysis programmes following transplant failure. Many of these will have been intensively immunosuppressed, often over years or decades. These patients are at particular risk.Non peer reviewedFinal Published versio


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    Penlitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran di sekolah dasar dengan penedekatan kearifan lokal tanaman faloak (Sterculia quadrifida R.Br). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen semu (quasi eksperimen)  terhadap siswa dalam suatu kelas. Kegiatan pengolahan data dan analisis statistik yang dilakukan dengan bantuan program SPSS. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisis varian multivariat yang diterjemahkan dari multivariate analsis of variance (MANOVA) satu jalur. Hasil menunjukkan sebagian besar skor siswa pada prettes cenderung rendah. rata-rata skor yang diperoleh pada prettest rata-rata 73,84, nilai tengah (median) 74,00, serta frekuensi kelompok (Modus) sebesar 75,00, nilai 5,909 adalah standar deviasi dan Varians 16,889. Rata-rata siswa kelas posttest berkisar antara rata-rata 81,00, nilai tengah 81,00, serta frekuensi kelompok (modus) sebesar 82,00. Nilai 5,909 adalah standar deviasi dan 34.918 adalah Varians. Hal ini menujukkan hasil posttest kelas literasi sains berada pada kategori sangat tinggi/sangat besar dibandingkan kelas pretest.sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa pelaksanaan pembelajaran berasaskan kearifan mampu meningkatkan literasi sains pada siswa sekolah dasar Oeba 3 Kota Kupang


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    This paper aims to disclose the relationship of local wisdom owned by the Timor Island community, especially the city of Kupang and the competence that must be possessed by an educator who wants to combine science learning in elementary school with local wisdom. The method used is the literature review through reviewing related reference in the form of theory and research findings in scientific articles. The result obtained shows that the local knowledge can be integrated into modern natural sciences (IPA) learning in elementary school. The steps that the teachers may use in applying local potential in natural sciences (IPA) learning material in elementary school can be carried out by adjusting to the framework of the sociocultural study of education. The integration process of local wisdom in natural sciences teaching can be done by cultivating and a combination process. The expected benefit is to make natural sciences (IPA) more interesting to be studied at the elementary school level and to facilitate students to describe the concept of modern natural sciences (IPA) by applying the local knowledge around the school environment or residenc

    The Effectiveness of Flash Card Media-Oriented Group Investigation Learning Models on Learning Outcomes of Elementary Students

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the flash card media-oriented group investigation (GI) learning model on the learning outcomes of elementary students. The approach used in this study is a quantitative approach with pre-experimental methods and the type of One Group Pretest-Posttest design. With the overall population of SD Inpres Oeba 2 class V students 22 people. Sampling using nonprobability sampling saturated sampling where all members of the population are sampled. The data collection technique was obtained from a multiple choice written test. The data analysis technique used descriptive analysis and inferential statistics with the help of the SPSS version 22 application. The results showed that independent t-test data processing obtained a sig value of 0.000 <0.05, then Ha was accepted and H0 was rejected or in other words there was a significant difference between pretest and posttest classes in improving student learning outcomes in the material for the digestive tract of food in humans. Thus, the Flash Card Oriented Group Investigation (GI) learning model can improve the Learning Outcomes of Class V Students of SD Inpres Oeba 2 Kupang City


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    Learning model as a conceptual framework used as a guide in learning. An example of a commonly used learning model is student centered learning (SCL). Thus, the adoption of an innovative SCL model helps learners understand concepts by connecting between the content learned and the real life of learners that are integrated into The objective of this research is to integrate integrated learning for students in elementary school (SD) into innovative SCL model.This type of research is literature research with documentation study method from various sources of books and scientific journals Discussion of research, reviewing: innovative integrated learning models in SD, SCL model function in KBM, integrated learning benefits, and SCL model correlation with integrated learning.Keywords: SCL SD Model, Innovative, Integrated Learnin

    Analysis of the Effectiveness of Blended-Based Classroom Management During the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    The policy of adapting new habits during the COVID-19 pandemic in yellow and green zone schools became the basis for blended learning practices at SDIT AlFatih Cigombong, which became a pilot school in the Bogor Regency area. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of blended-based classroom management at SDIT Al-Fatih. This study uses a qualitative approach with a qualitative descriptive method. The data were collected through interview, observation, documentation, and literature study. The data analysis method used descriptive analysis techniques. Research findings show that blended-based classroom management at SDIT Al-Fatih during the COVID19 pandemic was declared quite effective. It indicated from some aspects: teacher’s ability to manage learning, utilize learning media optimally, positive response of students to learning activities, learning objectives can be achieved, quantity of student assignments, giving fair rewards and grades to students, periodic assessments, classical minimum completeness criteria (KKM) achievement, actively involving students, attracting students’ interest and attention, active communication between teachers and parents regarding information related to student and school learning, having facilities and infrastructure to support the teaching and learning process. Furthermore, implementing blended-based learning considered effective in maximizing learning activities during the Covid-19 pandemic.


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    Learning model as a conceptual framework used as a guide in learning. An example of a commonly used learning model is student centered learning (SCL). Thus, the adoption of an innovative SCL model helps learners understand concepts by connecting between the content learned and the real life of learners that are integrated into The objective of this research is to integrate integrated learning for students in elementary school (SD) into innovative SCL model.This type of research is literature research with documentation study method from various sources of books and scientific journals Discussion of research, reviewing: innovative integrated learning models in SD, SCL model function in KBM, integrated learning benefits, and SCL model correlation with integrated learning.Keywords: SCL SD Model, Innovative, Integrated Learnin

    A support vector-based interval type-2 fuzzy system

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    In this paper, a new fuzzy regression model that is supported by support vector regression is presented. Type-2 fuzzy systems are able to tackle applications that have significant uncertainty. However general type-2 fuzzy systems are more complex than type-1 fuzzy systems. Support vector machines are similar to fuzzy systems in that they can also model systems that are non-linear in nature. In the proposed model the consequent parameters of type-2 fuzzy rules are learnt using support vector regression and an efficient closed-form type reduction strategy is used to simplify the computations. Support vector regression improved the generalisation performance of the fuzzy rule-based system in which the fuzzy rules were a set of interpretable IF-THEN rules. The performance of the proposed model was demonstrated by conducting case studies for the non-linear system approximation and prediction of chaotic time series. The model yielded promising results and the simulation results are compared to the results published in the area
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