489 research outputs found

    Marginally deformed Starobinsky gravity

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    We show that quantum-induced marginal deformations of the Starobinsky gravitational action of the form R 2(1− α ) , with R the Ricci scalar and α a positive parameter smaller than one half, can generate sizable primordial tensor modes. We also suggest natural microscopic sources of these corrections and demonstrate that they generally lead to a nonzero and positive α . Furthermore we argue, that within this framework, the scalar spectral index and tensor modes probe theories of grand unification including theories not testable at the electroweak scale

    Fundamental composite Higgs dynamics on the lattice: SU(2) with two flavors

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    In reference [1] a unified description, both at the effective and fundamental Lagrangian level, of models of composite Higgs dynamics was proposed. In the unified framework the Higgs itself can emerge, depending on the way the electroweak symmetry is embedded, either as a pseudo-Goldstone boson or as a massive excitation of the condensate. The most minimal fundamental description consists of an SU(2) gauge theory with two Dirac fermions transforming according to the defining representation of the gauge group. We therefore provide first principle lattice results for the massive spectrum of this theory. We confirm the chiral symmetry breaking phenomenon and determine the lightest spin-one axial and vector masses. The knowledge of the energy scale at which new states will appear at the Large Hadron Collider is of the utmost relevance to guide experimental searches of new physics

    X-ray lines from dark matter: the good, the bad, and the unlikely

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    We consider three classes of dark matter (DM) models to account for the recently observed 3.5 keV line: metastable excited state DM, annihilating DM, and decaying DM. We study two examples of metastable excited state DM. The first, millicharged composite DM, has both inelasticity and photon emission built in, but with a very constrained parameter space. In the second example, up-scattering and decay come from separate sectors and is thus less constrained. The decay of the excited state can potentially be detectable at direct detection experiments. However we find that CMB constraints are at the border of excluding this as an interpretation of the DAMA signal. The annihilating DM interpretation of the X-ray line is found to be in mild tension with CMB constraints. Lastly, a generalized version of decaying DM can account for the data with a lifetime exceeding the age of the Universe for masses ≲106 GeV

    Universal constraints on axions from inflation

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    We consider the presence of an axion like particle, σ , with a generic CP violating axial coupling of the form ( ασ/f ) F F ˜ FF~ F\tilde{F} , where F μν is the gauge field strength of a generic abelian U(1) gauge group, not necessarily associated with the standard electromagnetism, and f is the decay constant of the axion. It has previously been demonstrated that if the axion is identified with the inflaton, such an interaction can lead to measurable cosmological signatures (non-Gaussian modifications of the curvature perturbation spectrum) depending on the parameter ξ = α σ ⋅ / f H ξ=ασ/(fH) \xi = \alpha \overset{\cdot }{\sigma }/(fH) . In the present paper we will show that the generation of curvature perturbation at horizon crossing due to the axial coupling has a universal form and remains unmodified in terms of the ξ parameter even if the axion, σ , is not identified with the inflaton. As a consequence, it does not appear to be possible to generate CMB tensor perturbations through this mechanism, larger than the vacuum ones, without violating the observational constraints unless we combine this mechanism with a curvaton or if the σ field becomes heavy and decays during inflation. Even in this last case there are non-trivial constraints coming from the slow-roll evolution of the curvature perturbation on super horizon scales which should be taken into account. We also comment on implications for inflationary models where axions play an important role as, for example, models of natural inflation where more than one axion are included and models where the curvaton is an axion

    S table Eχ tensions with(out) gravity

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    We investigate the vacuum stability as well as the gravitational corrections in extensions of the Standard Model featuring a new complex scalar, and two Dirac fermions for different choices of the hypercharge of the scalar and one of the two fermions. The neutral fermion acquires loop-induced magnetic interactions with the Standard Model and could be identified with a dark matter candidate. To the lowest order in perturbation theory we show that these extensions can save the electroweak vacuum from being metastable. We then add the gravitational corrections to the different beta functions and discover that the models can be compatible with the asymptotically safe gravity scenario at the price of a heavier Higgs and lighter top mass

    Radiative corrections from heavy fast-roll fields during inflation

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    We investigate radiative corrections to the inflaton potential from heavy fields undergoing a fast-roll phase transition. We find that a logarithmic one-loop correction to the inflaton potential involving this field can induce a temporary running of the spectral index. The induced running can be a short burst of strong running, which may be related to the observed anomalies on large scales in the cosmic microwave spectrum, or extend over many e-folds, sustaining an effectively constant running to be searched for in the future. We implement this in a general class of models, where effects are mediated through a heavy messenger field sitting in its minimum. Interestingly, within the present framework it is a generic outcome that a large running implies a small field model with a vanishing tensor-to-scalar ratio, circumventing the normal expectation that small field models typically lead to an unobservably small running of the spectral index. An observable level of tensor modes can also be accommodated, but, surprisingly, this requires running to be induced by a curvaton. If upcoming observations are consistent with a small tensor-to-scalar ratio as predicted by small field models of inflation, then the present study serves as an explicit example contrary to the general expectation that the running will be unobservable

    Constraints on Majorana dark matter from a fourth lepton family

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    We study the possibility of dark matter in the form of heavy neutrinos from a fourth lepton family with helicity suppressed couplings such that dark matter is produced thermally via annihilations in the early Universe. We present all possible constraints for this scenario coming from LHC and collider physics, underground direct detectors, neutrino telescopes, and indirect astrophysical searches. Although we embed the WIMP candidate within a model of composite dynamics, the majority of our results are model independent and applicable to all models where heavy neutrinos with suppressed couplings account for the dark matter abundance

    Spinodal backreaction during inflation and initial conditions

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    We investigate how long wavelength inflationary fluctuations can cause the background field to deviate from classical dynamics. For generic potentials, we show that, in the Hartree approximation, the long wavelength dynamics can be encapsulated by a two-field model operating in an effective potential. The latter is given by a simple Gaussian integral transformation of the original inflationary potential. We use this new expression to study backreaction effects in quadratic, hilltop, flattened, and axion monodromy potentials. We find that the net result of the altered dynamics is to slightly modify the spectral tilt, drastically decrease the tensor-to-scalar ratio, and to effectively smooth over any features of the potential, with the size of these deviations set by the initial value of power in large scale modes and the shape of the potential during the entire evolution

    Higgs critical exponents and conformal bootstrap in four dimensions

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    We investigate relevant properties of composite operators emerging in non-supersymmetric, four-dimensional gauge-Yukawa theories with interacting conformal fixed points within a precise framework. The theories investigated in this work are structurally similar to the standard model of particle interactions, but differ by developing perturbative interacting fixed points. We investigate the physical properties of the singlet and the adjoint composite operators quadratic in the Higgs field, and discover, via a direct computation, that the singlet anomalous dimension is substantially larger than the adjoint one. The numerical bootstrap results are, when possible, compared to our precise findings associated to the four dimensional conformal field theoretical results. To accomplish this, it was necessary to calculate explicitly the crossing symmetry relations for the global symmetry group SU( N ) × SU( N )

    Fundamental composite (Goldstone) Higgs dynamics

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    We provide a unified description, both at the effective and fundamental Lagrangian level, of models of composite Higgs dynamics where the Higgs itself can emerge, depending on the way the electroweak symmetry is embedded, either as a pseudo-Goldstone boson or as a massive excitation of the condensate. We show that, in general, these states mix with repercussions on the electroweak physics and phenomenology. Our results will help clarify the main differences, similarities, benefits and shortcomings of the different ways one can naturally realize a composite nature of the electroweak sector of the Standard Model. We will analyze the minimal underlying realization in terms of fundamental strongly coupled gauge theories supporting the flavor symmetry breaking pattern SU(4)/Sp(4) ~ SO(6)/SO(5). The most minimal fundamental description consists of an SU(2) gauge theory with two Dirac fermions transforming according to the fundamental representation of the gauge group. This minimal choice enables us to use recent first principle lattice results to make the first predictions for the massive spectrum for models of composite (Goldstone) Higgs dynamics. These results are of the utmost relevance to guide searches of new physics at the Large Hadron Collider