275 research outputs found

    The cosmic ray spectrum above 10(17) eV

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    The final analysis of the data obtained by the Sydney University Giant Airshower Recorder (SUGAR) is presented. The data has been reanalysed to take into account the effects of afterpulsing in the photomultiplier tubes. Event data was used to produce a spectrum of equivalent vertical muon number and from this a model dependent primary energy spectrum was obtained. These spectra show good evidence for the Ankle: a flattening at 10(19) eV. There is no sign of the cut-off which would be expected from the effects of the universal black body radiation

    Observation of Collective Excitations of the Dilute 2D Electron System

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    We report inelastic light scattering measurements of dispersive spin and charge density excitations in dilute 2D electron systems reaching densities less than 10^{10} cm^{-2}. In the quantum Hall state at nu=2, roton critical points in the spin inter--Landau level mode show a pronounced softening as r_s is increased. Instead of a soft mode instability predicted by Hartree--Fock calculations for r_s ~ 3.3, we find evidence of multiple rotons in the dispersion of the softening spin excitations. Extrapolation of the data indicates the possibility of an instability for r_s >~ 11.Comment: Submitted to Physical Review Letter

    The giant planet orbiting the cataclysmic binary DP Leonis

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    Planets orbiting post-common envelope binaries provide fundamental information on planet formation and evolution, especially for the yet nearly unexplored class of circumbinary planets. We searched for such planets in \odp, an eclipsing short-period binary, which shows long-term eclipse-time variations. Using published, reanalysed, and new mid-eclipse times of the white dwarf in DP\,Leo, obtained between 1979 and 2010, we find agreement with the light-travel-time effect produced by a third body in an elliptical orbit. In particular, the measured binary period in 2009/2010 and the implied radial velocity coincide with the values predicted for the motion of the binary and the third body around the common center of mass. The orbital period, semi-major axis, and eccentricity of the third body are P_c = 28.0 +/- 2.0 yrs, a_c = 8.2 +/- 0.4 AU, and e_c = 0.39 +/- 0.13. Its mass of M_c sin(i_c) = 6.1 +/- 0.5 M_J qualifies it as a giant planet. It formed either as a first generation object in a protoplanetary disk around the original binary or as a second generation object in a disk formed in the common envelope shed by the progenitor of the white dwarf. Even a third generation origin in matter lost from the present accreting binary can not be entirely excluded. We searched for, but found no evidence for a fourth body.Comment: Accepted by A&

    Plasma dispersion of multisubband electron systems over liquid helium

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    Density-density response functions are evaluated for nondegenerate multisubband electron systems in the random-phase approximation for arbitrary wave number and subband index. We consider both quasi-two-dimensional and quasi-one- dimensional systems for electrons confined to the surface of liquid helium. The dispersion relations of longitudinal intrasubband and transverse intersubband modes are calculated at low temperatures and for long wavelengths. We discuss the effects of screening and two-subband occupancy on the plasmon spectrum. The characteristic absorption edge of the intersubband modes is shifted relatively to the single-particle intersubband separation and the depolarization shift correction can be significant at high electron densities

    Interferon regulatory factor 8-deficiency determines massive neutrophil recruitment but T cell defect in fast growing granulomas during tuberculosis

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    Following Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) infection, immune cell recruitment in lungs is pivotal in establishing protective immunity through granuloma formation and neogenesis of lymphoid structures (LS). Interferon regulatory factor-8 (IRF-8) plays an important role in host defense against Mtb, although the mechanisms driving anti-mycobacterial immunity remain unclear. In this study, IRF-8 deficient mice (IRF-8−/−) were aerogenously infected with a low-dose Mtb Erdman virulent strain and the course of infection was compared with that induced in wild-type (WT-B6) counterparts. Tuberculosis (TB) progression was examined in both groups using pathological, microbiological and immunological parameters. Following Mtb exposure, the bacterial load in lungs and spleens progressed comparably in the two groups for two weeks, after which IRF-8−/− mice developed a fatal acute TB whereas in WT-B6 the disease reached a chronic stage. In lungs of IRF-8−/−, uncontrolled growth of pulmonary granulomas and impaired development of LS were observed, associated with unbalanced homeostatic chemokines, progressive loss of infiltrating T lymphocytes and massive prevalence of neutrophils at late infection stages. Our data define IRF-8 as an essential factor for the maintenance of proper immune cell recruitment in granulomas and LS required to restrain Mtb infection. Moreover, IRF-8−/− mice, relying on a common human and mouse genetic mutation linked to susceptibility/severity of mycobacterial diseases, represent a valuable model of acute TB for comparative studies with chronically-infected congenic WT-B6 for dissecting protective and pathological immune reactions

    Development of Highly Organized Lymphoid Structures in Buruli Ulcer Lesions after Treatment with Rifampicin and Streptomycin

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    Buruli ulcer (BU) is a debilitating disease of the skin presenting with extensive tissue destruction and suppression of local host defence mechanisms. Surgical removal of the affected area has been the standard therapy until in 2004 WHO recommended eight weeks' treatment with the anti-mycobacterial drugs rifampicin and streptomycin. We performed a detailed histological analysis of the local immune response in biopsies from five children medicated according to WHO provisional guidelines. One patient still revealed all histopathological signatures of an active BU lesion with huge bacterial clusters in areas of fatty tissue necrosis. Different factors can contribute to treatment failure, such as poor patient compliance and resistant bacterial strains. In four patients, different compartments of the skin presented active immune processes with only limited residues of bacterial material persisting. We demonstrated that antibiotic treatment not only directly controls the infectious agent but is also associated with fulminant host immune responses. Characterization of the healing process in BU due to therapy is highly relevant to increase our knowledge of the impact of treatment strategies to fight the disease

    Production properties of K*(892) vector mesons and their spin alignment as measured in the NOMAD experiment

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    First measurements of K*(892) mesons production properties and their spin alignment in nu_mu charged current (CC) and neutral current (NC) interactions are presented. The analysis of the full data sample of the NOMAD experiment is performed in different kinematic regions. For K*+ and K*- mesons produced in nu_mu CC interactions and decaying into K0 pi+/- we have found the following yields per event: (2.6 +/- 0.2 (stat.) +/- 0.2 (syst.))% and (1.6 +/- 0.1 (stat.) +/- 0.1 (syst.))% respectively, while for the K*+ and K*- mesons produced in nu NC interactions the corresponding yields per event are: (2.5 +/- 0.3 (stat.) +/- 0.3 (syst.))% and (1.0 +/- 0.3 (stat.) +/- 0.2 (syst.))%. The results obtained for the rho00 parameter, 0.40 +/- 0.06 (stat) +/- 0.03 (syst) and 0.28 +/- 0.07 (stat) +/- 0.03 (syst) for K*+ and K*- produced in nu_mu CC interactions, are compared to theoretical predictions tuned on LEP measurements in e+e- annihilation at the Z0 pole. For K*+ mesons produced in nu NC interactions the measured rho00 parameter is 0.66 +/- 0.10 (stat) +/- 0.05 (syst).Comment: 20 p

    A Precise Measurement of the Muon Neutrino-Nucleon Inclusive Charged Current Cross-Section off an Isoscalar Target in the Energy Range 2.5 < E_\nu < 40 GeV by NOMAD

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    We present a measurement of the muon neutrino-nucleon inclusive charged current cross-section, off an isoscalar target, in the neutrino energy range 2.5Eν402.5 \leq E_\nu \leq 40 GeV. The significance of this measurement is its precision, ±4\pm 4% in 2.5Eν102.5 \leq E_\nu \leq 10 GeV, and ±2.6\pm 2.6% in 10Eν4010 \leq E_\nu \leq 40 GeV regions, where significant uncertainties in previous experiments still exist, and its importance to the current and proposed long baseline neutrino oscillation experiments.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys.Lett.