2,407 research outputs found

    BISE’s Responsibility in Service Research

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    Konzeption einer deklarativen Wissensbasis über recyclingrelevante Materialien

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    Das Recycling von Produkten und Produktionsreststoffen erlangt als Einflußfaktor für wirtschaftliche Entscheidungsprozesse eine immer größere Bedeutung. Die Integration von recyclingrelevanten Daten in betriebliche Informationsstrukturen sollte in Zukunft durch wissensbasierte Methoden unterstützt werden. Wir stellen Ansätze für eine Wissensbasis zur recyclinggerechten Produkt- und Produktionsplanung vor, und gehen dann genauer auf das grundlegende Modul über Materialien ein. Es wird untersucht, welche Evolutionstechniken sich zur Pflege derartiger Wissensbestände eignen, z.B. zur Validierung vorhandener und Exploration neuer Materialien im Hinblick auf ihre Recycelbarkeit

    Towards a sharable knowledge base on recyclable plastics

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    For economic decision processes, recycling of products and production waste is getting more important. In the future the integration of recycling-relevant data into the information structures of companies should be supported by knowledge-based methods. We present the conception of a knowledge base for recycling-oriented product and production planning (RPPP). Then we take a detailed look at the fundamental materials module. We examine which evolution techniques are appropriate for the maintenance of such knowledge bases. In particular, we study the validation of existing materials and the exploration of new ones with regard to their recyclability. An appendix includes a script of a real sample dialogue with our knowledge base on recyclable thermoplastics (RTPLAST)

    Linkage mapping of putative regulator genes of barley grain development characterized by expression profiling

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Barley (<it>Hordeum vulgare </it>L.) seed development is a highly regulated process with fine-tuned interaction of various tissues controlling distinct physiological events during prestorage, storage and dessication phase. As potential regulators involved within this process we studied 172 transcription factors and 204 kinases for their expression behaviour and anchored a subset of them to the barley linkage map to promote marker-assisted studies on barley grains.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>By a hierachical clustering of the expression profiles of 376 potential regulatory genes expressed in 37 different tissues, we found 50 regulators preferentially expressed in one of the three grain tissue fractions pericarp, endosperm and embryo during seed development. In addition, 27 regulators found to be expressed during both seed development and germination and 32 additional regulators are characteristically expressed in multiple tissues undergoing cell differentiation events during barley plant ontogeny. Another 96 regulators were, beside in the developing seed, ubiquitously expressed among all tissues of germinating seedlings as well as in reproductive tissues. SNP-marker development for those regulators resulted in anchoring 61 markers on the genetic linkage map of barley and the chromosomal assignment of another 12 loci by using wheat-barley addition lines. The SNP frequency ranged from 0.5 to 1.0 SNP/kb in the parents of the various mapping populations and was 2.3 SNP/kb over all eight lines tested. Exploration of macrosynteny to rice revealed that the chromosomal orders of the mapped putative regulatory factors were predominantly conserved during evolution.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We identified expression patterns of major transcription factors and signaling related genes expressed during barley ontogeny and further assigned possible functions based on likely orthologs functionally well characterized in model plant species. The combined linkage map and reference expression map of regulators defined in the present study offers the possibility of further directed research of the functional role of regulators during seed development in barley.</p

    Ergebnisse neuerer Klimabeobachtungen in Leipzig

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    In dieser Arbeit wird über Klimamessungen berichtet, die beide Autoren in den achtziger Jahren im Raum Leipzig durchgeführt haben. Damit wird ein erster Versuch der Darstellung stadtklimatologischer Differenzierungen in Leipzig unternommen. Anhand der mittleren Lufttemperaturen läßt sich die städtische Wärmeinsel nachweisen. Darüber hinaus wird eine kleinräurnige Niederschlagsverteilung von Leipzig angegeben

    Understanding Selective Oxidations

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    Functionalizing organic molecules is an important value-creating step throughout the entire chemical value-chain. Oxyfunctionalization of value-chain. Oxyfunctionalization of e.g. C–H or C=C bonds is one of the most important functionalization technologies used industrially. The major challenge in this field is the prevention of side reactions and/or the consecutive over-oxidation of the desired products. Despite its importance, a fundamental understanding of the intrinsic chemistry, and the subsequent design of a tailored engineering environment, is often missing. Industrial oxidation processes are indeed to a large extent based on empirical know-how. In this mini-review, we summarize some of our previous work to help to bridge this knowledge gap and elaborate on our ongoing research

    Hepatotoxic substance(s) removed by high-flux membranes enhances the positive acute phase response

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    Hepatotoxic substance(s) removed by high-flux membranes enhances the positive acute phase response.BackgroundAcute phase proteins (APPs) are enhanced in end-stage renal disease patients (ESRD) requiring dialysis treatment. They are involved in a variety of pathologic processes like muscle proteolysis, cachexia, regulation of appetite, and atherosclerosis. They are predictive for mortality. APPs are not only makers but also active substances. They are mainly produced in liver cells and are primarily, but not exclusively, regulated by proinflammatory cytokines. To what extent hepatic APPs are influenced by uremic toxins is still unclear. Therefore, we investigated the effects of different ultrafiltrates (UFs) on the synthesis of α1-acid glycoprotein (AGP) in HepG2 cells.MethodsA cross-sectional as well as a crossover study with high-/low-flux membranes was conducted to investigate the impact of UFs on bioactivity of liver cell cultures. Metabolic activity (MTT test), cytotoxicity (lactate dehydrogenase release), and the positive APP AGP were measured in HepG2 cells.ResultsCultured hepatocytes treated with UFs from high-flux membranes exhibited a higher cytotoxicity (18.6 ± 0.3% high-flux vs. 13.9 ± 0.2% low-flux, P < 0.001) and a lower metabolic activity (29.3% high-flux vs. 50.3% low-flux, P < 0.001) in comparison with low-flux UFs. In addition, enhanced APP secretion could be observed under costimulatory conditions (high-flux 5.0 ± 0.7 vs. low-flux 3.1 ± 0.6 ng/μg protein, P < 0.05). The effects of high- and low-flux UFs were strongly expressed at the beginning and were still significantly different after 120 minutes of hemodialysis (HD) treatment. The cross-over experiments confirmed that UFs collected during high-flux HD had a higher capacity to stimulate AGP synthesis in liver cells.ConclusionThe effects of UFs from dialysis patients demonstrate that hepatotoxic substances can be removed by dialysis. Stimulating the acute phase response UF collected during high-flux HD had a higher impact on liver cells in comparison with low-flux UF. These substances are putative cofactors involved in cytokine regulation

    Основные факторы повышения производительности труда и заработной платы на АО «Алмалыкский горно-металлургический комбинат» (Управления промышленного железнодорожного транспорта)

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    Объектом исследования является А?О "А?лмалыкский горнометаллургический комбинат" (Управления промышленного железнодорожного транспорта?) Цель работы – изучить основные факторы повышения производительности труда? и увеличения заработной платы на? А?О "Алмалыкский горнометаллургический комбинат" (Управления промышленного железнодорожного транспорта).The object of the study is the AO "A Lalikyk Mining and Metallurgical Combine" (Industrial Railway Administration) The aim of the work is to study the main factors of increasing labor productivity and increasing wages at the Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Combine (the Industrial Railway Administration)