110 research outputs found

    Development and mapping of SNP assays in allotetraploid cotton

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    A narrow germplasm base and a complex allotetraploid genome have made the discovery of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers difficult in cotton (Gossypiumhirsutum). To generate sequence for SNP discovery, we conducted a genome reduction experiment (EcoRI, BafI double digest, followed by adapter ligation, biotin–streptavidin purification, and agarose gel separation) on two accessions of G. hirsutum and two accessions of G. barbadense. From the genome reduction experiment, a total of 2.04 million genomic sequence reads were assembled into contigs with an N50 of 508 bp and analyzed for SNPs. A previously generated assembly of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) provided an additional source for SNP discovery. Using highly conservative parameters (minimum coverage of 8× at each SNP and 20% minor allele frequency), a total of 11,834 and 1,679 non-genic SNPs were identified between accessions of G. hirsutum and G. barbadense in genome reduction assemblies, respectively. An additional 4,327 genic SNPs were also identified between accessions of G. hirsutum in the EST assembly. KBioscience KASPar assays were designed for a portion of the intra-specific G. hirsutum SNPs. From 704 non-genic and 348 genic markers developed, a total of 367 (267 non-genic, 100 genic) mapped in a segregating F2 population (Acala Maxxa × TX2094) using the Fluidigm EP1 system. A G. hirsutum genetic linkage map of 1,688 cM was constructed based entirely on these new SNP markers. Of the genic-based SNPs, we were able to identify within which genome (‘A’ or ‘D’) each SNP resided using diploid species sequence data. Genetic maps generated by these newly identified markers are being used to locate quantitative, economically important regions within the cotton genome

    The Evolution of Spinnable Cotton Fiber Entailed Prolonged Development and a Novel Metabolism

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    A central question in evolutionary biology concerns the developmental processes by which new phenotypes arise. An exceptional example of evolutionary innovation is the single-celled seed trichome in Gossypium (“cotton fiber”). We have used fiber development in Gossypium as a system to understand how morphology can rapidly evolve. Fiber has undergone considerable morphological changes between the short, tightly adherent fibers of G. longicalyx and the derived long, spinnable fibers of its closest relative, G. herbaceum, which facilitated cotton domestication. We conducted comparative gene expression profiling across a developmental time-course of fibers from G. longicalyx and G. herbaceum using microarrays with ∼22,000 genes. Expression changes between stages were temporally protracted in G. herbaceum relative to G. longicalyx, reflecting a prolongation of the ancestral developmental program. Gene expression and GO analyses showed that many genes involved with stress responses were upregulated early in G. longicalyx fiber development. Several candidate genes upregulated in G. herbaceum have been implicated in regulating redox levels and cell elongation processes. Three genes previously shown to modulate hydrogen peroxide levels were consistently expressed in domesticated and wild cotton species with long fibers, but expression was not detected by quantitative real time-PCR in wild species with short fibers. Hydrogen peroxide is important for cell elongation, but at high concentrations it becomes toxic, activating stress processes that may lead to early onset of secondary cell wall synthesis and the end of cell elongation. These observations suggest that the evolution of long spinnable fibers in cotton was accompanied by novel expression of genes assisting in the regulation of reactive oxygen species levels. Our data suggest a model for the evolutionary origin of a novel morphology through differential gene regulation causing prolongation of an ancestral developmental program

    Development and characterization of InDel markers for Lupinus luteus L. (Fabaceae) and cross-species amplification in other Lupin species

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    Background: Strong artificial selection and/or natural bottle necks may limit genetic variation in domesticated species. Lupinus luteus, an orphan temperate crop, has suffered diversity reductions during its bitter/sweet alkaloid domestication history, limiting breeding efforts and making molecular marker development a difficult task. The main goal of this research was to generate new polymorphic insertion\u2013deletion (InDel) markers to aid yellow lupin genetics and breeding. By combining genomic reduction libraries and next generation sequencing, several polymorphic InDel markers were developed for L. luteus L. Results: A total of 118 InDel in silico polymorphic markers were identified. Eighteen InDel primer sets were evaluated in a diverse L. luteus core collection, where amplified between 2\u20133 alleles per locus. Observed heterozygosity (HO; 0.0648 to 0.5564) and polymorphic information content (PIC; 0.06 to 0.48) estimations revealed a moderate level of genetic variation across L. luteus accessions. In addition, ten and nine InDel loci amplified successfully Lupinus hispanicus Boiss & Reut, and Lupinus mutabilis Sweet, respectively, two L. luteus close relatives. PCA analysis identified two L. luteus clusters, most likely explained by the domestication species history. Conclusion: The development of InDel markers will facilitate the study of genetic diversity across L. luteus populations, as well as among closely related species

    Independent Domestication of Two Old World Cotton Species

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    Domesticated cotton species provide raw material for the majority of the world\u27s textile industry. Two independent domestication events have been identified in allopolyploid cotton, one in Upland cotton ( Gossypium hirsutum L.) and the other to Egyptian cotton ( Gossypium barbadense L.). However, two diploid cotton species, Gossypium arboreum L. and Gossypium herbaceum L., have been cultivated for several millennia, but their status as independent domesticates has long been in question. Using genome resequencing data, we estimated the global abundance of various repetitive DNAs. We demonstrate that, despite negligible divergence in genome size, the two domesticated diploid cotton species contain different, but compensatory, repeat content and have thus experienced cryptic alterations in repeat abundance despite equivalence in genome size. Evidence of independent origin is bolstered by estimates of divergence times based on molecular evolutionary analysis of f7,000 orthologous genes, for which synonymous substitution rates suggest that G. arboreum and G. herbaceum last shared a common ancestor approximately 0.4–2.5 Ma. These data are incompatible with a shared domestication history during the emergence of agriculture and lead to the conclusion that G. arboreum and G. herbaceum were each domesticated independently

    Genome-wide analysis of the omega-3 fatty acid desaturase gene family in Gossypium

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    Background The majority of commercial cotton varieties planted worldwide are derived from Gossypium hirsutum, which is a naturally occurring allotetraploid produced by interspecific hybridization of A- and D-genome diploid progenitor species. While most cotton species are adapted to warm, semi-arid tropical and subtropical regions, and thus perform well in these geographical areas, cotton seedlings are sensitive to cold temperature, which can significantly reduce crop yields. One of the common biochemical responses of plants to cold temperatures is an increase in omega-3 fatty acids, which protects cellular function by maintaining membrane integrity. The purpose of our study was to identify and characterize the omega-3 fatty acid desaturase (FAD) gene family in G. hirsutum, with an emphasis on identifying omega-3 FADs involved in cold temperature adaptation. Results Eleven omega-3 FAD genes were identified in G. hirsutum, and characterization of the gene family in extant A and D diploid species (G. herbaceum and G. raimondii, respectively) allowed for unambiguous genome assignment of all homoeologs in tetraploid G. hirsutum. The omega-3 FAD family of cotton includes five distinct genes, two of which encode endoplasmic reticulum-type enzymes (FAD3-1 and FAD3-2) and three that encode chloroplast-type enzymes (FAD7/8-1, FAD7/8-2, and FAD7/8-3). The FAD3-2 gene was duplicated in the A genome progenitor species after the evolutionary split from the D progenitor, but before the interspecific hybridization event that gave rise to modern tetraploid cotton. RNA-seq analysis revealed conserved, gene-specific expression patterns in various organs and cell types and semi-quantitative RT-PCR further revealed that FAD7/8-1 was specifically induced during cold temperature treatment of G. hirsutum seedlings. Conclusions The omega-3 FAD gene family in cotton was characterized at the genome-wide level in three species, showing relatively ancient establishment of the gene family prior to the split of A and D diploid progenitor species. The FAD genes are differentially expressed in various organs and cell types, including fiber, and expression of the FAD7/8-1 gene was induced by cold temperature. Collectively, these data define the genetic and functional genomic properties of this important gene family in cotton and provide a foundation for future efforts to improve cotton abiotic stress tolerance through molecular breeding approaches

    The Gossypium longicalyx genome as a resource for cotton breeding and evolution

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    Cotton is an important crop that has made significant gains in production over the last century. Emerging pests such as the reniform nematode have threatened cotton production. The rare African diploid specie