11 research outputs found

    Information Communication Technology (ICT) and Social Media Utilization in Reading Comprehension among Undergraduates: A Case Study of Ebonyi State University

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    This study examined the issue of information and communication technology (ICT) and social media utilization in reading comprehension of textual materials among undergraduates in Ebonyi State University. Four research questions were posed to guide the study.  The population of the study comprised all the 100 level English language students from the Faculty of Education and the Faculty of Arts in Ebonyi State University. The target population was 300 students. Due the smallness of the population, the whole 300 respondents constituted the sample size for the study. A structured questionnaire was the instrument for data collection. The instrument was validated by three experts in the English department and Science department in the university. The instrument was also subjected to a reliability test which yielded a reliability coefficient of 0.84 through the use of Cronbach Alpha. The statistical tool of simple percentages was used for analysis of data. Findings showed that majority of the students, (83.33%) use their mobile phones to access social media. The study also showed that majority of the students, 120 students, (40%) spend an average of 6-8 hours daily accessing social media while only 35, (11.66%) students spend less than an hour. Also, the study showed that most of the students, 95 constituting (31.66%) sample size use social media because it facilitates reading comprehension while the least 25 students, (8.33%) use it for entertainment purposes. Result also showed that the social media platform used by majority of the students, 150 students, (50%) was Whatsapp, followed by Facebook with 100 students, (33.33%), the least platform being Twitter and Telegram which only 5 students, (1.66%) use. Based on the findings, one of the recommendations was that the government should collaborate with the university community to organize constant training and workshops in computer and social media use for students so as to equip them to meet the demands of the computer age. Keywords: Whatsapp, Facebook, Social media, Utilization, Undergraduates, Reading, Comprehension DOI: 10.7176/JEP/14-24-02 Publication date:August 31st 202

    Growth comparison of microalgae in tubular photobioreactor and open pond for treating anaerobic digestion piggery effluent

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    The overwhelming interest in the use of microalgae to handle associated nutrient surge from anaerobic digestion technologies for the treatment of wastewater, is driven by the need for efficient nutrient recovery, greenhouse gas mitigation, wastewater treatment and biomass reuse. Here, the feasibility of growth and ammonium nitrogen removal rate of semi-continuous mixed microalgae culture in paddle wheel-driven raceway pond and helical tubular closed photobioreactor (Biocoil) for treating sand-filtered, undiluted anaerobic digestion piggery effluent (ADPE) was compared under outdoor climatic conditions between June and September 2015 austral winter season. Two Biocoils, (airlift and submersible centrifugal pump driven) were tested. Despite several attempts in using airlift-driven Biocoil (e.g. modification of the sparger design), no net microalgae growth was observed due to intense foaming and loss of culture. Initial ammonium nitrogen concentration in the Biocoil and pond was 893.03 ± 17.0 mg NH4 +-N L-1. Overall, similar average ammonium nitrogen removal rate in Biocoil (24.6 ± 7.18 mg NH4 +-N L-1 day-1) and raceway pond (25.9 ± 8.6 mg NH4 +-N L-1 day-1) was achieved. The average volumetric biomass productivity of microalgae grown in the Biocoil (25.03 ± 0.24 mg AFDW L-1 day-1) was 2.1 times higher than in raceway pond. While no significant differences were detected between the cultivation systems, the overall carbohydrate, lipid and protein contents of the consortium averaged 29.17 ± 3.22, 32.79 ± 3.26 and 23.29 ± 2.15% AFDW respectively, revealing its suitability as animal feed or potential biofuel feedstock. The consortium could be maintained in semi-continuous culture for more than three months without changes in the algal composition. Results indicated that microalgae consortium is suitable for simultaneous nutrient removal and biomass production from piggery effluent

    Macroalgae culture to treat anaerobic digestion piggery effluent (ADPE)

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    Environmental consequences of high productivity piggeries are significant and can result in negative environmental impacts, hence bioremediation techniques (in particular using macroalgae) are therefore of great interest. Here, the growth potential of several freshwater macroalgae in anaerobic digestion piggery effluent (ADPE), their nutrient removal rates and biochemical composition of the biomass were investigated under outdoor climatic conditions. A consortium of two macroalgae, Rhizoclonium sp. and Ulothrix sp. was isolated and could efficiently grow in the ADPE. Maximum ammonium removal rate (30.6 ± 6.50 mg NH4+-N L−1 d−1) was achieved at ADPE concentration equivalent to 248 mgNH4+-N L−1. Mean biomass productivity of 31.1 ± 1.14 g ash-free dry weight (AFDW) m-2 d-1 was achieved. Total carbohydrate and protein contents ranged between 42.8–54.8 and 43.4-45.0% AFDW, respectively, while total lipid content was very low. The study indicates the potential use of this macroalgal consortium for treating ADPE as well as source of animal feed production

    Algal cultivation for treating wastewater in African developing countries: A review

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    The tremendous increase in human population and rapid decline in freshwater resources have necessitated the development of innovative and sustainable wastewater treatment methods. Africa as a developing continent is currently backing on sustainable solutions to tackle impending water resource crisis brought forward by wastewater‐induced environmental pollution and climate change. Microalgae‐based wastewater treatment systems represent an emerging technology that is capable of meeting the new demand for improved wastewater treatment and climate change mitigation strategies in an environmentally friendly manner. This review critically looks at the opportunities of Africa in harnessing and exploiting the potential of microalgae for the treatment of various wastewaters based on their capacity to recycle nutrients and for concurrent production of valuable biomass and several useful metabolites. Wastewaters, if improperly/completely untreated and discharged, simultaneously pollute freshwater sources and present significant health and environmental risks. Nutrients in wastewater can be utilized and recovered in the form of marketable biomass and products when integrated with the cultivation of microalgae. Several valuable bioproducts can be generated from wastewater‐grown microalgal biomass including biofuels, biofertilizers, animal feed, and various bioactive compounds. This biorefinery approach would most certainly improve wastewater treatment process economics, enhancing the technical feasibility of algae‐based wastewater remediation in African countries

    Genetic structure of annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) populations estimated by RAPD Estrutura genética de populaçÔes de azevém anual (Lolium multiflorum) estimada por RAPD

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    Annual ryegrass is a temperate climate annual foraging grass, grown mostly in the South of Brazil, especially in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. Despite its importance, little is known about its genetic diversity, both within and among the populations cultivated. This knowledge is of fundamental importance for developing breeding and conservation strategies. The aim of this study was to characterize the genetic diversity and structure of four populations of annual ryegrass. Three of the populations were located in Rio Grande do Sul and the fourth in Uruguay. RAPD markers were used to study the genetic diversity and structure of these populations. Analysis of 375 individuals sampled from the populations, using six RAPD primers, generated a total of 82 amplified bands. They included 73 polymorphic bands (89,02%). The value of the total genetic diversity index obtained, <IMG SRC="/img/revistas/sa/v61n4/22157s1.gif">(0,71) was high, indicating the presence of wide genetic diversity in the four populations. Genetic structure analysis revealed that 98% of total diversity is intrapopulational, whereas interpopulational genetic diversity was only 2%. These results suggest that before these populations separated, they had gone through a period of gene exchange and, even after the separation event, gene frequency stayed at levels similar to the original levels, with no differential selection for these genes in the different cultivation areas.<br>O azevĂ©m anual Ă© a gramĂ­nea anual forrageira de clima temperado de maior utilização no sul do Brasil, particularmente no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Apesar de toda a importĂąncia que a espĂ©cie apresenta, pouco se conhece a respeito da diversidade genĂ©tica presente entre e dentro das populaçÔes cultivadas. Este conhecimento Ă© de fundamental importĂąncia para o estabelecimento das estratĂ©gias de melhoramento genĂ©tico e de conservação destes materiais. O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar a diversidade genĂ©tica e a estrutura genĂ©tica de quatro populaçÔes de azevĂ©m anual, sendo trĂȘs populaçÔes do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul e uma do Uruguai. O nĂ­vel de diversidade e a estrutura genĂ©tica destas populaçÔes foram estudados com marcadores RAPD. A anĂĄlise de 375 indivĂ­duos amostrados nas populaçÔes, com seis iniciadores, gerou um total de 82 bandas que foram utilizados nas anĂĄlises, dentre as quais 73 (89,02%) foram polimĂłrficas. O valor do Ă­ndice de diversidade genĂ©tica total obtido, <IMG SRC="/img/revistas/sa/v61n4/22157s1.gif">(0,71) foi elevado evidenciando a presença de uma grande diversidade genĂ©tica nas quatro populaçÔes. A anĂĄlise da estrutura genĂ©tica revelou que 98% da diversidade total esta contida dentro das populaçÔes, enquanto que a diversidade genĂ©tica entre as populaçÔes representou somente 2%. Sugere-se que antes da separação destas populaçÔes, as mesmas tenham passado por um perĂ­odo de troca de genes e que mesmo apĂłs o evento de separação elas mantiveram a freqĂŒĂȘncia destes em nĂ­veis semelhantes aos originais, nĂŁo tendo ocorrido uma seleção diferencial destes genes nos locais de cultivo

    Forage Crops

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