51 research outputs found

    Visceral politics:a theoretical and empirical proof of concept

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    While the study of affect and emotion has a long history in psychological sciences and neuroscience, the very question of how visceral states have come to the forefront of politics remains poorly understood. The concept of visceral politics captures how the physiological nature of our engagement with the social world influences how we make decisions, just as socio-political forces recruit our physiology to influence our socio-political behaviour. This line of research attempts to bridge the psychophysiological mechanisms that are responsible for our affective states with the historical socio-cultural context in which such states are experienced. We review findings and hypotheses at the intersections of life sciences, social sciences and humanities to shed light on how and why people come to experience such emotions in politics and what if any are their behavioural consequences. To answer these questions, we provide insights from predictive coding accounts of interoception and emotion and a proof of concept experiment to highlight the role of visceral states in political behaviour

    MEG Multivariate Analysis Reveals Early Abstract Action Representations in the Lateral Occipitotemporal Cortex

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    Understanding other people's actions is a fundamental prerequisite for social interactions. Whether action understanding relies on simulating the actions of others in the observers' motor system or on the access to conceptual knowledge stored in nonmotor areas is strongly debated. It has been argued previously that areas that play a crucial role in action understanding should (1) distinguish between different actions, (2) generalize across the ways in which actions are performed (Dinstein et al., 2008; Oosterhof et al., 2013; Caramazza et al., 2014), and (3) have access to action information around the time of action recognition (Hauk et al., 2008). Whereas previous studies focused on the first two criteria, little is known about the dynamics underlying action understanding. We examined which human brain regions are able to distinguish between pointing and grasping, regardless of reach direction (left or right) and effector (left or right hand), using multivariate pattern analysis of magnetoencephalography data. We show that the lateral occipitotemporal cortex (LOTC) has the earliest access to abstract action representations, which coincides with the time point from which there was enough information to allow discriminating between the two actions. By contrast, precentral regions, though recruited early, have access to such abstract representations substantially later. Our results demonstrate that in contrast to the LOTC, the early recruitment of precentral regions does not contain the detailed information that is required to recognize an action. We discuss previous theoretical claims of motor theories and how they are incompatible with our data.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENTIt is debated whether our ability to understand other people's actions relies on the simulation of actions in the observers' motor system, or is based on access to conceptual knowledge stored in nonmotor areas. Here, using magnetoencephalography in combination with machine learning, we examined where in the brain and at which point in time it is possible to distinguish between pointing and grasping actions regardless of the way in which they are performed (effector, reach direction). We show that, in contrast to the predictions of motor theories of action understanding, the lateral occipitotemporal cortex has access to abstract action representations substantially earlier than precentral regions.</jats:p

    Reconstructing neural representations of tactile space

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    Psychophysical experiments have demonstrated large and highly systematic perceptual distortions of tactile space. Such a space can be referred to our experience of the spatial organisation of objects, at representational level, through touch, in analogy with the familiar concept of visual space. We investigated the neural basis of tactile space by analysing activity patterns induced by tactile stimulation of nine points on a 3 × 3 square grid on the hand dorsum using functional magnetic resonance imaging. We used a searchlight approach within pre-defined regions of interests to compute the pairwise Euclidean distances between the activity patterns elicited by tactile stimulation. Then, we used multidimensional scaling to reconstruct tactile space at the neural level and compare it with skin space at the perceptual level. Our reconstructions of the shape of skin space in contralateral primary somatosensory and motor cortices reveal that it is distorted in a way that matches the perceptual shape of skin space. This suggests that early sensorimotor areas critically contribute to the distorted internal representation of tactile space on the hand dorsum

    On the realness of people who do not exist: The social processing of artificial faces

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    Today more than ever, we are asked to evaluate the realness, truthfulness and trustworthiness of our social world. Here, we focus on how people evaluate realistic-looking faces of non-existing people generated by generative adversarial networks (GANs). GANs are increasingly used in marketing, journalism, social media, and political propaganda. In three studies, we investigated if and how participants can distinguish between GAN and REAL faces and the social consequences of their exposure to artificial faces. GAN faces were more likely to be perceived as real than REAL faces, a pattern partly explained by intrinsic stimulus characteristics. Moreover, participants’ realness judgments influenced their behavior because they displayed increased social conformity toward faces perceived as real, independently of their actual realness. Lastly, knowledge about the presence of GAN faces eroded social trust. Our findings point to potentially far-reaching consequences for the pervasive use of GAN faces in a culture powered by images at unprecedented levels

    Characterizing the population receptive fields of the hand dorsum and palm

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    Introduction: In an fMRI study, we explored the population receptive eld (pRF; Dumoulin & Wandell, 2008) properties of the voxels in the dorsum and palm area of the primary somatosensory region (area 3b). Behavioural studies adopting tactile discrimination tasks suggested that these two skin surfaces are represented differently, with the dorsum representation being more distorted than the palm representation (Longo & Haggard, 2011). Longo and Haggard (2011) explained these results by suggesting that the receptive elds of the dorsum surface are more elongated along the proximodistal hand axis than the ones of the palm – the pixel model. The authors based this idea mostly on animal studies (e.g. Alloway et al, 1989; Brooks et al, 1961; Brown et al, 1975). However, it is not clear if this is also the case for humans as, to the best of our knowledge, no study so far has investigated the pixel hypothesis systematically. Methods: The same participant was tested in two fMRI experiments (12 runs for experiment 1; 6 runs for experiment 2). In separate runs, the experimenter manually stimulated either the participant's dorsum or palm with an object (a circle covering 4 grid cells when centred at one intersection in experiment 1, a square covering one cell in experiment 2). A 4x4 grid (7 cm per side) was drawn on the participant's palm and dorsum (Figure 1). In experiment 1, the intersections of the grid lines were numbered from 1 to 25, whereas in experiment 2 each cell of the grid was numbered from 1 to 16. An acoustic cue instructed the experimenter on which skin region to stimulate and for how long. In experiment 1, we employed a random sequence in which each grid intersection was stimulated once per run interleaved with 7 randomly presented null trials. Each trial was 4 seconds and included the delivery of the touch on the instructed location plus small rotatory movements in anti-clockwise and clockwise directions. In experiment 2, we used an ordered sequence from 1 to 16 and back which was repeated 4 times in each run (2 null trials were presented every 4 trials). A tactile stimulation lasted for 2 seconds and consisted of 4 tactile events (~ 2Hz) in which the object gently touched the target skin location. We estimated the shape of the pRFs in anatomically and functionally predened regions of interests (see Figure 2A). To t the data, we used an oriented elliptical Gaussian with four parameters: the stimulated skin location (x and y); the long and short axes of the ellipse (σ1 and σ2), and the orientation (ϑ). We dened the anisotropy as the absolute value of the logarithm of the ratio between the horizontal and vertical axis. Orientations were transformed such that ellipses with the long axis running along the proximodistal orientation had an angle of 90 degrees. Results: Figure 2B shows the results for the voxel with the highest goodness of t for each of the skin surfaces stimulated in experiment 2. The green dot indicates the centre of the elliptical shape. The estimated pRF on the dorsum has a higher anisotropy than the one on the palm. Figure 2C shows the locations of all the estimated pRFs. In Figure 2D, we plotted each semi-major axis angle as an oriented line with the length proportional to the level of anisotropy. Ellipses oriented along the proximodistal axis of the hand appear vertical in the plot. The thick line indicates the resultant vector which gives an indication of the general orientation and anisotropy within the area. In both experiments, the dorsum showed higher anisotropy and both skin surfaces showed a slight deviation from the vertical orientation. Conclusions: In this study, we were able to estimate the pRF locations and shapes of the hand dorsum and palm. Our results suggest that many pRFs of the dorsum are oval-shaped and oriented along the proximodistal axis of the hand; the pRFs on the palm also show a similar characteristic, but less than dorsum. This provides some support for the pixel model (Longo & Haggard, 2011)

    Neural correlates of distorted body representations underlying tactile distance perception

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    Tactile distance perception is believed to require that immediate afferent signals be referenced to a stored representation of body size and shape (the body model). For this ability, recent studies have reported that the stored body representations involved are highly distorted, at least in the case of the hand, with the hand dorsum represented as wider and squatter than it actually is. Here, we aim to define the neural basis of this phenomenon. In a behavioural experiment participants estimated the distance between touches on two points by adjusting the length of a visually-presented line on the screen. The technique of multidensional scaling (MDS) was used to reconstruct a perceptual map of tactile space. Analysis of spatial distortion using Procrustes alignment showed that maps were stretched in the mediolateral hand axis. In order to determine the neural correlates of these body distortions, we performed an fMRI study. For each participant, we used a searchlight pattern classifier with Euclidean distance on pre-defined regions of interests (ROIs). In order to relate the representations between the different points and to computational models, we compare response-pattern dissimilarity matrices in these ROIs. Similar to the behavioural experiment, we used MDS to reconstruct maps of the neural representation of tactile space using the values from the dissimilarities matrices. We were able to reconstruct the perceptual map of tactile space in the contralateral primary somatosensory and motor cortices. This suggests that these areas are critical to generate the tactile representations of the dorsum of the hand

    Reconstruction of the neural representations of the tactile space

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    We examined the neural basis of tactile distance perception by analyzing activity patterns induced by tactile stimulation of nine points on a 3 x 3 square grid on the hand dorsum using functional magnetic resonance (fMRI). We used a searchlight approach within pre-defined regions of interests (ROIs) to compute the pairwise Euclidean distances between the activity patterns elicited by tactile stimulation. Then, we used multidimensional scaling (MDS) to reconstruct skin space at the neural level and compare it with skin space at the perceptual level. Our reconstructions of the shape of skin space in contralateral primary somatosensory (SI) and motor (M1) cortices reveal that it is distorted in a way that matches the perceptual shape of skin space. This suggests that early sensorimotor areas are critical to processing tactile distance perception

    Culture modulates face scanning during dyadic social interactions

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    Recent studies have revealed significant cultural modulations on face scanning strategies, thereby challenging the notion of universality in face perception. Current findings are based on screen-based paradigms, which offer high degrees of experimental control, but lack critical characteristics common to social interactions (e.g., social presence, dynamic visual saliency), and complementary approaches are required. The current study used head-mounted eye tracking techniques to investigate the visual strategies for face scanning in British/Irish (in the UK) and Japanese adults (in Japan) who were engaged in dyadic social interactions with a local research assistant. We developed novel computational data pre-processing tools and data-driven analysis techniques based on Monte Carlo permutation testing. The results revealed significant cultural differences in face scanning during social interactions for the first time, with British/Irish participants showing increased mouth scanning and the Japanese group engaging in greater eye and central face looking. Both cultural groups further showed more face orienting during periods of listening relative to speaking, and during the introduction task compared to a storytelling game, thereby replicating previous studies testing Western populations. Altogether, these findings point to the significant role of postnatal social experience in specialised face perception and highlight the adaptive nature of the face processing system
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