300 research outputs found

    Variations in agronomic and grain quality traits of rice grown under irrigated lowland conditions in West Africa

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    Rice breeding in West Africa has been largely skewed toward yield enhancement and stress tolerance. This has led to the variable grain quality of locally produced rice in the region. This study sought to assess variations in the agronomic and grain quality traits of some rice varieties grown in this region, with a view to identifying sources of high grain yield and quality that could serve as potential donors in their breeding programs. Forty‐five varieties were grown under irrigated conditions in Benin and Senegal with two trials in each country. There were wide variations in agronomic and grain quality traits among the varieties across the trials. Cluster analysis using paddy yield, head rice yield, and chalkiness revealed that 68% of the total variation could be explained by five varietal groupings. One group comprising seven varieties (Afrihikari, BG90‐2, IR64, Sahel 108, WAT311‐WAS‐B‐B‐23‐7‐1, WAT339‐TGR‐5‐2, and WITA 10) had high head rice yield and low chalkiness. Of the varieties in this group, Sahel 108 had the highest paddy yield in three of the four trials. IR64 and Afrihikari had intermediate and low amylose content, respectively, with the rest being high‐amylose varieties. Another group of varieties consisting of B6144F‐MR‐6‐0‐0, C74, IR31851‐96‐2‐3‐2‐1, ITA222, Jaya, Sahel 305, WITA 1, and WITA 2 had high paddy yield but poor head rice yield and chalkiness. The use of materials from these two groups of varieties could accelerate breeding for high yielding rice varieties with better grain quality for local production in West Africa

    PrĂ©sentations de l’adĂ©nite tuberculeuse de la tĂȘte et du cou au CHU de Bobo- Dioulasso, Burkina Faso

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    Les ganglions de la tĂȘte et du cou sont parmi les localisations les plus frĂ©quentes de la tuberculose, un problĂšme de santĂ© publique dans le monde. Une Ă©tude rĂ©trospective conduite entre 2001 et 2010 rapporte les caractĂ©ristiques Ă©pidĂ©miologiques et cliniques de l'adĂ©nite tuberculeuse de la tĂȘte et du cou, au CHU Sanou Souro, au Burkina Faso. Au total, 115 patients ont Ă©tĂ© observĂ©s dont l'Ăąge Ă©tait compris entre 2 ans et 64 ans (moyenne 31,46 ans). Il y avait 53 patients de sexe masculin (46,1%) et 62 de sexe fĂ©minin (53,9%). Un pic de frĂ©quence de 39,8 % Ă©tait observĂ© entre 30 et 39 ans. Les adĂ©nopathies cervicales Ă©taient multiples chez 96,5% des patients et abcĂ©dĂ©es chez 30%. Elles Ă©taient associĂ©es Ă  des adĂ©nopathies extra cervicales chez 16,6% des patients. Chez 83,4% des patients, il a Ă©tĂ© notĂ© un ou plusieurs signes Ă  type d'asthĂ©nie et ou d'amaigrissement (70,8%), de fiĂšvre 25% ou de toux (20,8%). L'infection associĂ©e la plus frĂ©quente Ă©tait celle par le VIH, observĂ©e chez 43,3% des patients. Les rĂ©sultats de cette Ă©tude commandent la recherche systĂ©matique de l'infection par le VIH chez tout patient porteur d'adĂ©nite cervicale tuberculeuse dans un contexte de double endĂ©micitĂ© de la tuberculose et de l'infection Ă  VIH.Key words: AdĂ©nite, TĂȘte et cou, Tuberculose, VI

    Non-native perception of English tonicity : an experimental study involving Catalan learners of English

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    This paper consists of an experimental study that examined the non-native perception and interpretation of English tonicity, and the potential influence of the first language in terms of prosodic transfer. In order to elicit data, three experimental tests were designed and auditory stimuli were created. The tests were administered to forty-one Catalan learners of English. Twenty learners met the requirements for the study. The results revealed that the subjects found more difficulties in interpreting different tonicity patterns and less in perceiving and identifying the patterns. Also, the results suggestthat phonetic focus is used to a significant degree in Catalan.Aquest treball consisteix en un estudi experimental que es va dur a terme per tal d'examinar la percepciĂł no-nativa de la tonicitat anglesa i la influĂšncia potencial de la llengua materna en termes de transferĂšncia prosĂČdica. Per tal d'obtenir dades, es van dissenyar tres tests experimentals i es van crear estĂ­muls auditius. Els tests es van administrar a quaranta-un aprenents d'anglĂšs catalans, vint dels quals complien els requisits establerts per l'estudi. Els resultats van revelar que els participants trobaven mĂ©s dificultats en interpretar diferents patrons de tonicitat i menys en percebre'ls o identificar-los

    Feed the Future Mali: Scaling up technological and institutional livestock innovations

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    United States Agency for International Developmen

    Heavy metal removal from aqueous solutions by sorption using natural clays from Burkina Faso

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    The acid-base properties of two raw and purified mixed clays from Burkina Faso were studied, as well as their potential to remove copper(II), lead(II) and chromium(III), and thereby their ability to be used to purify water from heavy metals. The purification procedure of the clays involved removal of carbonates, iron oxides and organic matter. A determination of the elemental composition of the mixed clays revealed the presence of aluminum, iron and silicon as main constituents. The high alkaline pH in one of the samples is attributable to the presence of carbonate in the raw clay. The point of zero charge (pHpzc) values of the clays, as determined by potentiometric titrations, were 6.79 and 9.52 for the raw clays, while after purification they were 6.87 and 6.76, respectively. Metal adsorption to the clay surfaces started at pH values below pHpzc, strongly indicating formation of inner-sphere complexes. With contact time of 48 h, complete removal of copper(II) was achieved at pH 8 for all samples. More than 90% of the lead(II) removal was attributed to adsorption while for chromium(III), it was 85%. Adsorption to organic matter and iron oxides, and precipitation of metal hydroxides gave significant contributions to the removal of metal ions in aqueous systems.Key words: Mixed clays, potentiometric titration, heavy metals, pHpzc

    DĂ©pistage du VIH en salle d’accouchement Ă  la maternitĂ© du Centre de SantĂ© de RĂ©fĂ©rence de la commune V Bamako

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    Objectifs : Evaluer l’impact du counseling pour le dĂ©pistage VIH en salle de travail chez les patientes n’ayant pas bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ© de cette activitĂ© lors des CPN. MĂ©thodes et matĂ©riels : L’étude s’est dĂ©roulĂ©e au CSRĂ©f de la commune v de Bamako du 1er janvier au 31dĂ©cembre 2014. L’échantillonnage Ă©tait systĂ©matique, portait sur toutes les parturientes admises en salle de travail avec une dilatation cervicale Ă  4cm ou plus et dans le post- partum immĂ©diat avec un Ăąge gestationnel ≄ 28SA ou un poids fƓtal ≄1000g. Le test par bandelette a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ© aprĂšs consentement Ă©clairĂ© des patientes .La confirmation a Ă©tĂ© faite avec l’immunocomb II VIH1 et 2 Bi spot. RĂ©sultats :L’étude a rapportĂ© que 4,34% (380) des parturientes n’ont pas fait le dĂ©pistage VIH lors du suivi prĂ©natal. En salle d’accouchement, ces 380 parturientes ont bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ© toutes d’un conseil dĂ©pistage volontaire au VIH. Nous avons enregistrĂ© 11 cas de refus. Sur les 369 parturientes ayant fait le test, 37 Ă©taient positifs au VIH soit 10%. L’ñge moyen Ă©tait de 27ans ±07 ; non instruite (58,9%) vivant dans un rĂ©gime polygamique (65,9) ; un suivi prĂ©natal fait (95,12%) ; 93% suivi dans les structures citĂ©es PTME. Les antirĂ©troviraux ont Ă©tĂ© administrĂ©s Ă  toutes les mĂšres et aux nouveau- nĂ©s vivants. Conclusion : Au regard de la frĂ©quence Ă©levĂ©e (10%) des cas positifs dans notre Ă©tude, il est nĂ©cessaire de poursuivre les activitĂ©s de Conseil et DĂ©pistage Volontaire en salle d’accouchement pour permettre Ă  l’ensemble des femmes enceintes qui accouchent dans nos structures sanitaires de bĂ©nĂ©ficier des interventions de la PTM

    Distribution of bovine Fasciola gigantica (Cobbold, 1885) in the district des Savanes, northern CĂŽte d'Ivoire

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    Fascioliasis, caused by an infection with liver flukes of the genus Fasciola, is an important disease of livestock in most parts of the world. However, little is known about the distribution of fascioliasis in sub-Saharan Africa. We report results of a cross-sectional study conducted in 2014 in the district des Savanes in the northern part of Cote d'Ivoire. We obtained 275 livers from bovine suspected with fascioliasis and 51 unsuspected livers from 24 slaughterhouses. Livers were dissected using a standard operating procedure and all Fasciola gigantica flukes were removed from the tissues of the liver and the biliary ducts. We found F. gigantica in 125 livers from bovines suspected with fascioliasis (45.5%) in 10 departments of the district des Savanes. Among the unsuspected livers, five were positive for F. gigantica (9.8%). The distribution of fascioliasis showed considerable spatial heterogeneity, both at regional (ranging from 18.0% to 52.3%) and departmental level (ranging from 14.3% to 64.0%). Poro region was the most affected (52.3%) with a relatively homogeneous distribution. The departments most affected by fascioliasis were M'Bengue (64.0%), Sinematiali (62.1%) and Ferkessedougou (52.9%). Our study confirms that fascioliasis is an important veterinary disease in the northern part of Cote d'Ivoire, and hence, high-risk areas need to be targeted for prevention and control measures
