199 research outputs found

    Impact of pesticides on indicator and pathogenic microorganism persistence under laboratory and field conditions

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    On s’intĂ©resse aux impacts des pesticides sur la microflore des plantes surtout dans le contexte des lĂ©gumes contaminĂ©s par des agents pathogĂšnes. Le but de cette Ă©tude est d'Ă©valuer l'impact de certains pesticides sur la persistance de micro-organismes indicateurs et pathogĂšnes. En laboratoire, la persistance d’E. coli et de Salmonella en prĂ©sence de quatre pesticides (Ripcord 400EC, Copper 53W, Bioprotec CAF, Serenade MAX) a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©e. Les plaques de PĂ©trifilm et le milieu sĂ©lectif XLD sont utilisĂ©s pour Ă©numĂ©rer les populations d’E. coli et de Salmonella. Il a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©montrĂ© que le Serenade MAX favorisait la croissance microbienne, le Bioprotec CAF et le Ripcord 400EC soutenaient la survie microbienne et le Copper 53W inhibait la croissance, Ă  la fois d’E. coli et de Salmonella. En conditions terrain, Ripcord 400EC, Copper 53W, Bioprotec CAF ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©s sur une culture de brocoli irriguĂ©e avec de l'eau expĂ©rimentalement contaminĂ©e par E. coli. Dans tous les traitements, un impact de l’irrigation a Ă©tĂ© observĂ© sur les populations de levures et de moisissures (diminution) et les bactĂ©ries aĂ©robies totales (augmentation). Une prĂ©valence supĂ©rieure d’E. coli a Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e dans les parcelles traitĂ©es avec le Bioprotec CAF comparativement aux traitements au Copper 53W, ce qui est en accord avec les rĂ©sultats observĂ©s lors de l'essai en laboratoire. Cependant, l'analyse statistique n'a montrĂ© aucune diffĂ©rence significative entre les traitements appliquĂ©s. Les effets directs des pesticides sur les micro-organismes sont confirmĂ©s dans des conditions de laboratoire mais demeurent mĂ©connus dans les conditions expĂ©rimentales au champ.There is a concern about the impact of pesticide on plant microflora, especially in the context of vegetables contaminated with pathogens. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of various pesticides on indicator and pathogenic microorganisms’ persistence. In laboratory, survival of E. coli and Salmonella in four pesticides (Ripcord 400EC, Copper 53W, Bioprotec CAF, Serenade MAX) was evaluated. Petrifilm count plates and XLD agar were used to enumerate E. coli and Salmonella counts. Results showed a direct effect of various pesticides on microorganisms: Serenade MAX promoted microbial growth; Bioprotec CAF and Ripcord 400EC supported microbial survival; and Copper 53W inhibited both E. coli and Salmonella growth. In field conditions, three pesticides (Ripcord 400EC, Copper 53W, Bioprotec CAF) were studied on broccoli irrigated with E. coli - contaminated water. Broccoli samples were analyzed to determine E. coli, mold and yeast, and total aerobic counts. Irrigation resulted in mold and yeast counts decline but aerobic bacteria populations increased slightly in all treatments. Higher E. coli prevalence in Bioprotec CAF treatments compared to Copper 53W treatments was consistent with results observed during the laboratory assay. However, statistical analysis showed no significant difference between treatments. The direct effect of pesticides on microorganisms under laboratory conditions was demonstrated but it is still unclear under experimental field conditions

    Optimization of Logistics Services in Vietnam Through LOGIVAN Application

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    Logistics is a type of service that plays an important role in promoting the country's economic growth. In addition, it is also of great significance to the transport sector in Vietnam in dealing with the challenges of traffic congestion in large cities. In Vietnam today, logistics services are growing. However, there is one major limitation that still exists, that is freight costs are still high. This does not meet the best requirements of customers. There are many reasons for this problem, one of the reasons is that trucks only carry one-way cargo, but there are no goods to ship backwards. The paper studies the application of LOGIVAN smart transport model in developing Logistics services in Vietnam today. Research results show that LOGIVAN transport model is the optimal model in solving the problem of empty cars in the transport of goods when they go back to the place of departure. This helps minimize Logistics costs for businesses, increases income for drivers and leads towards sustainable transport development. LOGIVAN develops two platform solutions for goods owners and vehicle owners. Accordingly, the author of the article confirms the quality of this model in developing Logistics services in Vietnam and guide the operation for users via applications on personal mobile devices at the same time. Keywords: Logistics; LOGIVAN; Vietnam. DOI: 10.7176/JESD/10-14-01 Publication date:July 31st 202

    An Empirical Study of Affective Commitment: the Case of Machinery Enterprises in Hochiminh City

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    The study aims to investigate the impact of participation in decision-making (PDM) and perceived organizational support (POS) on affective commitment in machinery enterprises. The study applies structural equation modeling (SEM) to test the research hypotheses. The authors surveyed 220 employees who work in machinery enterprises to collect data for the research. The study results indicate that both PDM and POS positively impact affective commitment. The findings provide empirical evidence to support the theoretical models that PDM and POS have a positive effect on affective commitment. The findings have implications for management theory: PDM and POS are the key antecedents of affective commitment. The findings also have implications for practical management in the machinery enterprises that managers should practice both PDM and POS to increase affective commitment

    Drought stress - related functional characterization of transcription factor GmNAC085 in soybean

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    Studies on soybean GmNAC085 transcription factor revealed that the gene expression in plants was induced by water shortage treatments and its overexpression in the model plant Arabidopsis displayed improved plant tolerance characteristics towards drought stress. In this study, we continued analyzing the biological functions of GmNAC085 using transgenic soybean system overexpressing GmNAC085 gene, by targeting at a number of plant physiological features and biochemical activities in response to limited water growing condition. Compared to the wild-type, the transgenic line demonstrated that it possessed stress tolerance characters, including enhanced elongation of taproot, minimized reduction of shoot growth, lower intracellular H2O2 content and stronger peroxidase enzyme activity under drought condition. The results of this study therefore suggest the transgenic plants had better drought tolerance and the GmNAC085 plays important role in aiding plants to cope with water deficit condition, probably via regulating the growth of roots and shoots, and activities of reactive-oxygen-species- scavenging enzymes

    Trends in, projections of, and inequalities in non-communicable disease management indicators in Vietnam 2010–2030 and progress toward universal health coverage : a Bayesian analysis at national and sub-national levels

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    Background: Movement towards Universal Health Coverage (UHC) can improve health services, risk factor management, and inequality in non-communicable diseases (NCD); conversely, prioritizing and monitoring NCD management can support pathways to UHC in resource-limited settings. We aimed to estimate trends in NCD management indicators in Vietnam from 2010, and projections to 2030 at national and sub-national levels; compute the probability of reaching UHC targets; and measure inequalities in NCD management indicators at demographic, geographic, and socio-economic levels. Methods: We included data of 37,595 households from four nationally representative surveys from 2010. We selected and estimated the coverage of NCD health service and risk management indicators nationally and by six sub-national groups. Using Bayesian models, we provided trends and projections and calculated the probability of reaching UHC targets of 80% coverage by 2030. We estimated multiple inequality indices including the relative index of inequality, slope index of inequality, and concentration index of inequality, and provided an assessment of improvement in inequalities over the study period. Findings: Nationally, all indicators showed a low probability of achieving 2030 targets except sufficient use of fruit and vegetables (SUFV) and non-use of tobacco (NUT). We observed declining trends in national coverage of non-harmful use of alcohol (NHUA), sufficient physical activity (SPA), non-overweight (NOW), and treatment of diabetes (TOD). Except for SPA, no indicator showed the likelihood of achieving 2030 targets at any regional level. Our model suggested a non-achievement of 2030 targets for all indicators in any wealth quintile and educational level, except for SUFV and NUT. There were diversities in tendency and magnitude of inequalities with widening gaps between genders (SPA, TOD), ethnic groups (SUFV), urban-rural areas (TOH), wealth quintiles, and educational levels (TOD, NUT, NHUA). Interpretation: Our study suggested slow progress in NCD management at the national level and among key sub-populations in Vietnam, together with existing and increasing inequalities between genders, ethnicities, geographic areas, and socioeconomic groups. We emphasised the necessity of continuously improving the healthcare system and facilities, distributing resources between geographic areas, and simultaneously integrating economic, education, and gender intervention and programs. Funding: None. © 2022 The Author(s


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    Abstract The research aims to assess the quantitative impact of the Vietnam-European Union Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) on Vietnam's export growth to the EU market. The study employs quantitative analysis using the SMART model with data on export turnover and scenarios of tariff reduction to 0% when EVFTA takes effect. Based on the export turnover data and necessary parameters, the analysis results show an increase in Vietnam's exports to the EU market when EVFTA becomes effective. As a result, the research proposes some implications to promote Vietnam's export activities to the EU in the future


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    Purpose of the study: The paper tries to model dynamic interactions of factors that contribute to the logistics center building. Conducting the desk review and expert consultation, the causality of the factors is systemized in a form of Causal Loop Diagram using the System Dynamics approach. Methodology: System Dynamics (SD) is an approach for studying interlinked behaviors within a system and reflects the interactions of feedback loops. Compared to other approaches, SD demonstrates the real world by using factors and stocks for components and feedback loops for inter-relationships among them. SD model qualitatively illustrates the causal relationship among factors that influence the building of the logistics center. Main Findings: A combination of four different sub-systems, using a questionnaire survey conducted with logistics service users and providers to sort out the high scored factors. Besides, the survey also helps to study the practical conditions and characteristics in showing the demand, the trend, and the development of logistics centers in Vietnam. Applications of this study: Logistics centers (LCs) can be considered as a depot for vehicles where drivers and managers of vehicles are supposed to maintain, repair vehicles, and adjust vehicle operation schedules. Novelty/Originality of this study: As defined by the scope of the project, the SD model provides a qualitative demonstration of the interaction among factors. The built model gives a systematic insight into how factors link to each other

    A comparison for donor-acceptor interactions between E(PH3)2 and NHEMe ligands (E = C to Pb) of W(CO)5 complexes using energy decomposition analysis method with natural orbitals for chemical valence theory

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    Quantum chemical calculations at the BP86/TZ2P+ level of theory are performed for a comparison of density functional theory (DFT) between tetrylones [(CO)5W-{E(PH3)2}] (W5-EP2) and tetrylenes [(CO)5W-{NHEMe}] (W5-NHEMe) when E = C to Pb. The EDA-NOCV results suggest that the W-E bond dissociation energies (BDEs) in tetrylone complexes increase from the lighter to the heavier homologues. The W-E bond dissociation energies (BDEs) trend in W5-EP2 comes from the increase in (CO)5W←E(PH3)2 donation and strong electrostatic attraction, and that the ligands E(PH3)2 (EP2) are strong s-donors and very weak π-donors. The W-E BDEs trend in tetrylene complexes W5-NHEMe is opposite to that of the W5-EP2 complexes which decrease from the lighter to the heavier homologues. The NHEMe ligands are strong s-donors and weak π-acceptors. NOCV pairs were used in a description of the chemical bond between the W(CO)5 fragment and the ligands in the transition-metal complexes and the results indicated that the NOCV pairs lead to very valuable description of the bonding situation of the fragment-ligand bond in complexes. Keywords. Density functional theory; Bond dissociation energies (BDEs); Energy decomposition analysis (EDA); Natural Orbitals for Chemical Valence (NOCV)
