18 research outputs found


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    絵画療法は、手、指、脳の働きを適度に緊張・緩和させるので、血液循環が良くなり、特に脳の前頭葉の部分を刺激し、神経伝達物質(ドーパミン)が放出され、浄化作用(カタルシス)を促す。適度な集中をくり返すことは、身体や脳の機能回復にも役立つ。どんな作品にしようかと図案構成をすることが、脳の思考回路を活発にする。絵画制作を通して自己表現をし、充実感、達成感を味わうことで情緒の安定を図ることが出来る。また、お互いの作品を認め合うことで、コミュニケーションが深まり、信頼関係が生まれる。そこには、言語としてのコミュニケーションだけではなく、非言語コミュニケーションも含まれる。この様な個別支援は生きがい支援となり、生活の質(QOL=Quality of Life)の向上を促す。絵画療法が、具体的な身体的な変化を生み出していることを、唾液中のコルチゾールを測定することで、確認することが出来た

    Development of a cluster of LXC containers

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    The consensus algorithms were designed to reach agreements in distributed systems trying to maintain a certain tolerance to failures. An application derived from these algorithms is ETCD, a type of key-value storage that provides a safe and reliable way to save data shared in a network of servers, allowing the preser- vation of the information in spite of the possible fall of the involved nodes . My thesis shows the design and operation of these algorithms, and addresses the question of how to man- age the ETCD database and which features involves, as well as recommendations of configuration settings to achieve the best performance of the system. Finally, an academic practice is presented, aimed to network students that would want to have a deeper knowledge about consensus algorithms applications in a distributed system

    Pathophysiology and Imaging Findings of Bile Duct Necrosis: A Rare but Serious Complication of Transarterial Therapy for Liver Tumors

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    Bile duct necrosis (BDN) with biloma formation is a type of ischemic bile duct injury that is one of the serious complications associated with transarterial therapies, such as transcatheter chemoembolization therapy (TACE), and radioembolization for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and hepatic arterial infusion chemotherapy (HAIC) for metastatic liver cancer from colorectal carcinoma. In terms of the occurrence of BDN and subsequent biloma formation, ischemic injury to the peribiliary vascular plexus (PBP), the supporting vessel of bile duct epithelium, is thought to be intimately associated. In this paper, we first describe the anatomy, blood supply, and function of the intrahepatic bile duct, and then illustrate the pathophysiology of BDN, and finally present the imaging findings of BDN. Under the process of BDN formation, ischemia of the PBP induces the disruption of the bile duct epithelial protection mechanism that causes coagulation and fibrinoid necrosis of the surrounding tissue by the detergent action of exuded bile acids, and eventually a biloma forms. Once BDN occurs, persistent tissue damage to the surrounding bile duct is induced by imbibed bile acids, and portal vein thrombosis may also be observed. On pre-contrast and contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT), BDN shows similar findings to intrahepatic bile duct dilatation, and, therefore, it is sometimes misdiagnosed. Differentiation of imaging findings on CT and ultrasound (US)/magnetic resonance (MR) imaging/MR cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) is important for correct diagnosis of BDN