35 research outputs found

    La "Gaianada del 21" a la Riera del Gai脿

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    MIF/CXCR4 signaling axis contributes to survival, invasion, and drug resistance of metastatic neuroblastoma cells in the bone marrow microenvironment

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    Background: The bone marrow (BM) is the most common site of dissemination in patients with aggressive, metastatic neuroblastoma (NB). However, the molecular mechanisms underlying the aggressive behavior of NB cells in the BM niche are still greatly unknown. In the present study, we explored biological mechanisms that play a critical role in NB cell survival and progression in the BM and investigated potential therapeutic targets. Methods: Patient-derived bone marrow (BM) primary cultures were generated using fresh BM aspirates obtained from NB patients. NB cell lines were cultured in the presence of BM conditioned media containing cell-secreted factors, and under low oxygen levels (1% O2) to mimic specific features of the BM microenvironment of high-risk NB patients. The BM niche was explored using cytokine profiling assays, cell migration-invasion and viability assays, flow cytometry and analysis of RNA-sequencing data. Selective pharmacological inhibition of factors identified as potential mediators of NB progression within the BM niche was performed in vitro and in vivo. Results: We identified macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) as a key inflammatory cytokine involved in BM infiltration. Cytokine profiling and RNA-sequencing data analysis revealed NB cells as the main source of MIF in the BM, suggesting a potential role of MIF in tumor invasion. Exposure of NB cells to BM-conditions increased NB cell-surface expression of the MIF receptor CXCR4, which was associated with increased cell viability, enhanced migration-invasion, and activation of PI3K/AKT and MAPK/ERK signaling pathways. Moreover, subcutaneous co-injection of NB and BM cells enhanced tumor engraftment in mice. MIF inhibition with 4-IPP impaired in vitro NB aggressiveness, and improved drug response while delayed NB growth, improving survival of the NB xenograft model. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that BM infiltration by NB cells may be mediated, in part, by MIF-CXCR4 signaling. We demonstrate the antitumor efficacy of MIF targeting in vitro and in vivo that could represent a novel therapeutic target for patients with disseminated high-risk NB

    Factors associated with the clinical outcome of patients with relapsed/refractory CD19+acute lymphoblastic leukemia treated with ARI-0001 CART19-cell therapy

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    The prognosis of patients with relapsed/refractory (R/R) acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) remains poor, particularly for those relapsing after allogeneic hema-topoietic cell transplantation (alloHCT). Novel agents such as inotuzumab ozogamicin or blinatumomab achieve increased response rates, but these are generally transient unless followed by alloHCT. Chimeric antigen receptors (CAR) targeting CD19 have shown promising results in R/R ALL, and one of these products (tisagenlecleucel) has been approved for the treatment of patients with R/R ALL up to 25 years of age

    An Extensive Quality Control and Quality Assurance (QC/QA) Program Significantly Improves Inter-Laboratory Concordance Rates of Flow-Cytometric Minimal Residual Disease Assessment in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: An I-BFM-FLOW-Network Report

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    Monitoring of minimal residual disease (MRD) by flow cytometry (FCM) is a powerful prognostic tool for predicting outcomes in acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). To apply FCM-MRD in large, collaborative trials, dedicated laboratory staff must be educated to concordantly high levels of expertise and their performance quality should be continuously monitored. We sought to install a unique and comprehensive training and quality control (QC) program involving a large number of reference laboratories within the international Berlin-Frankfurt-M眉nster (I-BFM) consortium, in order to complement the standardization of the methodology with an educational component and persistent quality control measures. Our QC and quality assurance (QA) program is based on four major cornerstones: (i) a twinning maturation program, (ii) obligatory participation in external QA programs (spiked sample send around, United Kingdom National External Quality Assessment Service (UK NEQAS)), (iii) regular participation in list-mode-data (LMD) file ring trials (FCM data file send arounds), and (iv) surveys of independent data derived from trial results. We demonstrate that the training of laboratories using experienced twinning partners, along with continuous educational feedback significantly improves the performance of laboratories in detecting and quantifying MRD in pediatric ALL patients. Overall, our extensive education and quality control program improved inter-laboratory concordance rates of FCM-MRD assessments and ultimately led to a very high conformity of risk estimates in independent patient cohorts

    Fratricide-resistant CD1a-specific CAR T cells for the treatment of cortical T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia

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    Relapsed/refractory T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) has a dismal outcome, and no effective targeted immunotherapies for T-ALL exist. The extension of chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells (CARTs) to T-ALL remains challenging because the shared expression of target antigens between CARTs and T-ALL blasts leads to CART fratricide. CD1a is exclusively expressed in cortical T-ALL (coT-ALL), a major subset of T-ALL, and retained at relapse. This article reports that the expression of CD1a is mainly restricted to developing cortical thymocytes, and neither CD34+ progenitors nor T cells express CD1a during ontogeny, confining the risk of on-target/off-tumor toxicity. We thus developed and preclinically validated a CD1a-specific CAR with robust and specific cytotoxicity in vitro and antileukemic activity in vivo in xenograft models of coT-ALL, using both cell lines and coT-ALL patient鈥揹erived primary blasts. CD1a-CARTs are fratricide resistant, persist long term in vivo (retaining antileukemic activity in re-challenge experiments), and respond to viral antigens. Our data support the therapeutic and safe use of fratricide-resistant CD1a-CARTs for relapsed/refractory coT-ALL.This research was supported by the European Research Council (H2020) (CoG-2014-646903), the Agencia Estatal de Investigacion/European Re- 麓 gional Development Fund (SAF2016-80481-R and SAF2016-75442-R), and the Catalunya Government (SGR330 and PERIS 2017) (P.M.), as well as the Asociacion Espa帽ola Contra el C 麓 ancer, Beca FERO, and the 麓 ISCIII/FEDER (PI17/01028) (C.B.). P.M. also acknowledges institutional support from the Obra Social La Caixa-Fundacio Josep Carreras. J.G.P. ` holds a Miguel Servet contract (CP15/00014), and O.B.-L. is supported by an AGAUR-FI fellowship from the Catalan Government. P.M. is an investigator of the Spanish Cell Therapy cooperative network (TERCEL).Peer reviewe

    Pere Cavall茅 excursionista

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    An谩lisis del valor pron贸stico del perfil de expresi贸n g茅nica en la leucemia mielobl谩stica aguda de riesgo citogen茅tico intermedio seg煤n la opci贸n terap茅utica post-remisi贸n

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    ANTECEDENTES DEL TEMA: La leucemia mieloide aguda de riesgo citogen茅tico intermedio (LMA-RI) constituye un grupo heterog茅neo desde el punto de vista biol贸gico y pron贸stico. La elecci贸n del tratamiento post-remisi贸n, basada en una estrategia terap茅utica adaptada al riesgo, es por tanto particularmente dif铆cil en esta categor铆a. HIP脫TESIS: El perfil de expresi贸n g茅nica (PEG) puede identificar nuevos genes con valor pron贸stico en pacientes con LMA de riesgo intermedio y contribuir a una elecci贸n m谩s racional del tratamiento post-remisi贸n en estos enfermos. OBJETIVOS: 1) Analizar el PEG al diagn贸stico de una serie de pacientes con LMA de riesgo citogen茅tico intermedio, en primera remisi贸n completa y sometidos a trasplante aut贸logo de progenitores hematopoy茅ticos (auto-TPH); 2) Comparar el PEG seg煤n la evoluci贸n de los pacientes (reca铆da vs remisi贸n completa duradera); 3) Validaci贸n del conjunto de genes predictivos de la evoluci贸n en una poblaci贸n independiente de pacientes de caracter铆sticas an谩logas; 4) An谩lisis multivariado del valor predictivo del PEG obtenido junto a otras variables cl铆nico-biol贸gicas con valor pron贸stico conocido. M脡TODOS: An谩lisis del PEG en 40 pacientes de LMA sometidos a autotrasplante mediante microarrays HU133A 2.0 plus (Affymetrix), con lectura y normalizaci贸n de la se帽al mediante la metodolog铆a RMA del paquete Affy (Bioconductor Project). An谩lisis de los datos mediante el software TM4 Microarrays Software Suite y Limma. En un subgrupo adicional de 49 enfermos se analiz贸 el nivel de expresi贸n, mediante RT-PCR cuantitativa a tiempo real, del conjunto de genes predictivos seleccionado en el an谩lisis previo. Adem谩s para la validaci贸n de nuestros hallazgos pron贸sticos, utilizamos datos de una cohorte independiente de 79 pacientes con LMA de cariotipo normal incluidos en el repositorio p煤blico del Leukemia Gene Atlas. RESULTADOS: En el estudio supervisado de los datos de expresi贸n de los 40 pacientes tratados con autoTPH se identificaron 75 genes diferencialmente expresados seg煤n el pron贸stico, con mayor expresi贸n de genes HOX (HOXA4, HOXB2, etc) en el grupo favorable. Mientras que los pacientes que presentaban una reca铆da temprana mostraron sobreexpresi贸n de determinados genes implicados en la proliferaci贸n y apoptosis. Para la validaci贸n de los resultados obtenidos se estudi贸 una serie adicional de 49 pacientes. Esta segunda parte del an谩lisis permiti贸 la identificaci贸n de 4 genes (BAALC, ALDH2, TP53INP1 y GPR44) asociados con la supervivencia global (SG). Dado el valor pron贸stico independiente mostrado por estos cuatro genes, dise帽amos un score con los niveles de expresi贸n de dichos genes, capaz de segregar grupos de pacientes con pron贸sticos marcadamente diferenciados. Cabe destacar que este score mostr贸 un fuerte impacto pron贸stico (HR=5.846, IC 95%: 2,157-15,841), independientemente de otras mutaciones con importante valor pron贸stico en LMA En una etapa posterior, se confirm贸 el valor pron贸stico de nuestro score en una serie de 79 pacientes con LMA-CN completamente independiente, cuyos datos se obtuvieron de una base de datos de expresi贸n g茅nica p煤blica (http://www.leukemiagene-atlas.org/LGAtlas) (p<0,001; HR=4,45, 95%CI: 1,86-10,6).Adem谩s en nuestra serie la sobreexpresi贸n de los genes BAALC, MN1, HOPX y SPARC se asoci贸 a refractariedad. CONCLUSIONES: Mediante el presente trabajo de tesis, hemos podido confirmar la capacidad de los estudios de expresi贸n g茅nica para identificar nuevos biomarcadores y a帽adir informaci贸n pron贸stica adicional al estudio mutacional en pacientes adultos con LMA y citogen茅tica de riesgo intermedio. El score resultante del nivel de expresi贸n de 4 genes (BAALC, ALDH2, TP53INP1 y GPR44) permite segregar a los pacientes de bajo riesgo de reca铆da de aquellos pacientes de alto riesgo de reca铆da y podr铆a usarse para refinar la evaluaci贸n pron贸stica y guiar el tratamiento posterior a la remisi贸n en los pacientes con LMA-RIIn intermediate-risk cytogenetic acute myeloid leukemia (IRC-AML) patients, novel biomarkers to guide post-remission therapy are needed. We analyzed with high-density arrays 40 IRC-AML patients who received a non-allogeneic hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation-based post-remission therapy, and identified a signature that correlated with early relapse. Subsequently, we analyzed by RT-PCR 187 selected genes in 49 additional IRC-AML patients. BAALC, MN1, SPARC and HOPX overexpression correlated to refractoriness. BAALC or ALDH2 overexpression correlated to shorter overall survival (OS) (5-year OS: 33卤8.6% vs. 73.7卤10.1%, p=0.006; 32卤9.3% vs. 66.4卤9.7%, p=0.016), whereas GPR44 or TP53INP1 overexpression correlated to longer survival (5-year OS: 66.7卤10.3% vs. 35.4卤9.1%, p=0.04; 58.3卤8.2% vs. 23.1卤11.7%, p=0.029). A risk-score combining these 4 genes expression distinguished low-risk and high-risk patients (5-year OS: 79卤9% vs. 30卤8%, respectively; p=0.001) in our cohort and in an independent set of patients from a public repository. Our 4-gene signature may add prognostic information and guide post-remission treatment in IRC-AML patients

    Centenari de la Secci贸:comen莽a el compte enrere

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    An谩lisis del valor pron贸stico del perfil de expresi贸n g茅nica en la leucemia mielobl谩stica aguda de riesgo citogen茅tico intermedio seg煤n la opci贸n terap茅utica post-remisi贸n

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    ANTECEDENTES DEL TEMA: La leucemia mieloide aguda de riesgo citogen茅tico intermedio (LMA-RI) constituye un grupo heterog茅neo desde el punto de vista biol贸gico y pron贸stico. La elecci贸n del tratamiento post-remisi贸n, basada en una estrategia terap茅utica adaptada al riesgo, es por tanto particularmente dif铆cil en esta categor铆a. HIP脫TESIS: El perfil de expresi贸n g茅nica (PEG) puede identificar nuevos genes con valor pron贸stico en pacientes con LMA de riesgo intermedio y contribuir a una elecci贸n m谩s racional del tratamiento post-remisi贸n en estos enfermos. OBJETIVOS: 1) Analizar el PEG al diagn贸stico de una serie de pacientes con LMA de riesgo citogen茅tico intermedio, en primera remisi贸n completa y sometidos a trasplante aut贸logo de progenitores hematopoy茅ticos (auto-TPH); 2) Comparar el PEG seg煤n la evoluci贸n de los pacientes (reca铆da vs remisi贸n completa duradera); 3) Validaci贸n del conjunto de genes predictivos de la evoluci贸n en una poblaci贸n independiente de pacientes de caracter铆sticas an谩logas; 4) An谩lisis multivariado del valor predictivo del PEG obtenido junto a otras variables cl铆nico-biol贸gicas con valor pron贸stico conocido. M脡TODOS: An谩lisis del PEG en 40 pacientes de LMA sometidos a autotrasplante mediante microarrays HU133A 2.0 plus (Affymetrix), con lectura y normalizaci贸n de la se帽al mediante la metodolog铆a RMA del paquete Affy (Bioconductor Project). An谩lisis de los datos mediante el software TM4 Microarrays Software Suite y Limma. En un subgrupo adicional de 49 enfermos se analiz贸 el nivel de expresi贸n, mediante RT-PCR cuantitativa a tiempo real, del conjunto de genes predictivos seleccionado en el an谩lisis previo. Adem谩s para la validaci贸n de nuestros hallazgos pron贸sticos, utilizamos datos de una cohorte independiente de 79 pacientes con LMA de cariotipo normal incluidos en el repositorio p煤blico del Leukemia Gene Atlas. RESULTADOS: En el estudio supervisado de los datos de expresi贸n de los 40 pacientes tratados con autoTPH se identificaron 75 genes diferencialmente expresados seg煤n el pron贸stico, con mayor expresi贸n de genes HOX (HOXA4, HOXB2, etc) en el grupo favorable. Mientras que los pacientes que presentaban una reca铆da temprana mostraron sobreexpresi贸n de determinados genes implicados en la proliferaci贸n y apoptosis. Para la validaci贸n de los resultados obtenidos se estudi贸 una serie adicional de 49 pacientes. Esta segunda parte del an谩lisis permiti贸 la identificaci贸n de 4 genes (BAALC, ALDH2, TP53INP1 y GPR44) asociados con la supervivencia global (SG). Dado el valor pron贸stico independiente mostrado por estos cuatro genes, dise帽amos un score con los niveles de expresi贸n de dichos genes, capaz de segregar grupos de pacientes con pron贸sticos marcadamente diferenciados. Cabe destacar que este score mostr贸 un fuerte impacto pron贸stico (HR=5.846, IC 95%: 2,157-15,841), independientemente de otras mutaciones con importante valor pron贸stico en LMA En una etapa posterior, se confirm贸 el valor pron贸stico de nuestro score en una serie de 79 pacientes con LMA-CN completamente independiente, cuyos datos se obtuvieron de una base de datos de expresi贸n g茅nica p煤blica (http://www.leukemiagene-atlas.org/LGAtlas) (p<0,001; HR=4,45, 95%CI: 1,86-10,6).Adem谩s en nuestra serie la sobreexpresi贸n de los genes BAALC, MN1, HOPX y SPARC se asoci贸 a refractariedad. CONCLUSIONES: Mediante el presente trabajo de tesis, hemos podido confirmar la capacidad de los estudios de expresi贸n g茅nica para identificar nuevos biomarcadores y a帽adir informaci贸n pron贸stica adicional al estudio mutacional en pacientes adultos con LMA y citogen茅tica de riesgo intermedio. El score resultante del nivel de expresi贸n de 4 genes (BAALC, ALDH2, TP53INP1 y GPR44) permite segregar a los pacientes de bajo riesgo de reca铆da de aquellos pacientes de alto riesgo de reca铆da y podr铆a usarse para refinar la evaluaci贸n pron贸stica y guiar el tratamiento posterior a la remisi贸n en los pacientes con LMA-RIIn intermediate-risk cytogenetic acute myeloid leukemia (IRC-AML) patients, novel biomarkers to guide post-remission therapy are needed. We analyzed with high-density arrays 40 IRC-AML patients who received a non-allogeneic hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation-based post-remission therapy, and identified a signature that correlated with early relapse. Subsequently, we analyzed by RT-PCR 187 selected genes in 49 additional IRC-AML patients. BAALC, MN1, SPARC and HOPX overexpression correlated to refractoriness. BAALC or ALDH2 overexpression correlated to shorter overall survival (OS) (5-year OS: 33卤8.6% vs. 73.7卤10.1%, p=0.006; 32卤9.3% vs. 66.4卤9.7%, p=0.016), whereas GPR44 or TP53INP1 overexpression correlated to longer survival (5-year OS: 66.7卤10.3% vs. 35.4卤9.1%, p=0.04; 58.3卤8.2% vs. 23.1卤11.7%, p=0.029). A risk-score combining these 4 genes expression distinguished low-risk and high-risk patients (5-year OS: 79卤9% vs. 30卤8%, respectively; p=0.001) in our cohort and in an independent set of patients from a public repository. Our 4-gene signature may add prognostic information and guide post-remission treatment in IRC-AML patients